Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2164: Calming Down (Subscription Request)

In fact, Eight-Armed Crocodile Dragon and others don't care whether they do the case or not. What they are afraid of is that the murderer who has committed numerous murders will disappear from sight. When the time comes, even if Meng Zhao is willing to take action, no one can be found, and there will be no hope. /

Therefore, it's not that they can't calm down and have to respond, but they have no choice but to be anxious and not anxious. There is a lot of uncertainty in the matter of revenge, and if they can't get revenge, they have been in a hurry these days. What do you do?

Of course, there is another crucial point here.

Regardless of whether it was the Eight-Armed Crocodile Dragon or anyone else, they actually had a kind of confidence in Meng Zhao in their hearts. This Beimeng Dragon King had unparalleled magical skills and martial arts that were unparalleled in the world, and he definitely had the ability to avenge them.

Having the strength but being pushy may ultimately lead to failure in revenge, which is one of the reasons why they have always been impatient.

Although Mr. Wang cannot empathize with everyone's hatred, he has extraordinary experience and a certain ability to empathize. He said,

"Actually, have you ever thought about it, if the Meng family didn't want to get involved in this matter, make decisions for you, help you avenge, apprehend or even kill the murderer, why would they let you live here and provide you with good food and drink every day? , wouldn’t it be better to send you out directly and let you find another way?”

"Humph, Mr. Wang, maybe this is the cunning point of the Meng family. They don't want to help, and they don't want to bear a bad reputation, so they deliberately delay the time and comfort us here. After waiting for a long time, what will happen to us? No one cares. When the time comes, isn’t it also a way to find an excuse to kick us out?”

What this person said actually made some sense, but Mr. Wang didn’t agree with it.

"What you said seems to make sense, but you have overlooked that Meng Zhao is by no means a person who is coerced by others and burdened by reputation.

You should also know about Meng Zhao's past behavior, which was quite heroic. If he didn't want to do something, he would never do it.

Because once he does what you said and implements the delaying strategy and then dismisses you casually, this will definitely be a big blow to his reputation.

If he is burdened by fame, there are too many hidden dangers in doing so. If, as I said, he is not burdened by fame, there is really no need to do this kind of drama. "

When Mr. Wang said this, some people actually believed it, but of course some people sneered and turned their attention to the eight-armed crocodile dragon.

Among these Avengers, this person is second only to Mr. Wang in terms of status and influence. Many people are even closer to him than Mr. Wang because of their common enemy and hatred.

The Eight-Armed Crocodile Dragon had previously expressed dissatisfaction with Meng Zhao and the Meng family. Now, some people also want to see how this man refutes Mr. Wang.

However, contrary to some people's expectations, the Eight-Armed Crocodile Dragon seemed to have heard Mr. Wang's words in his heart. He pondered for a long time, and the blazing flames of revenge in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he regained his clarity and said,

"What Mr. Wang said is reasonable. Maybe the Meng family really wants to help us, but we are too impatient!"

Mr. Wang nodded and continued,

"You should also have discovered that the location where the murderer committed the crime is at the intersection of the three states, where the border is, or more closely, at the outward expansion of Lingwu City, the gateway of the three states.

And here, to put it bluntly, it is actually the territory of the Meng family and King Menglong.

This person is committing evil and lawlessness in the Meng family's territory. Doesn't it mean that King Meng Long is not in his eyes, and he is even targeting King Meng Long?

How could King Menglong let it go?

So you can rest assured that even without your intervention, King Menglong will most likely take action.

Everyone just needs to wait patiently, there will definitely be good news.

If you really can't bear the anxiety and want to find other directions for help, you must think carefully. "

While everyone was talking, they suddenly saw a teenage boy coming in from the door. He had a pale face, a big head and a small body, and said,

"Mr. Wang, Mrs. Liang is here!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole room immediately became excited, and of course there was also concern.

They had been here in Mengjiazhuang for a few days. After getting to know each other and making contact, they all knew that the current leader of Mengjiazhuang was actually Liang Muchiu.

This Meng Zhao's confidante is not only highly skilled in martial arts and has become a master in martial arts, but also holds a high position of authority. She and other talented people are in charge of everything in the Meng family, both inside and outside.

The person they had been interacting with in the past few days had always been Liang Muchiu.

At this time, Liang Muchiu came to visit. Could it be that the whole matter has been concluded?

Of course, this conclusion may be good or bad for them, no one can say for sure.

The eight-armed crocodile dragon also felt nervous. He just clenched his sandbag-sized fists and kept recalling the appearance of his sister in his mind, with endless hatred in his eyes.

Soon, Liang Muchiu came to the room with several pretty maids. He was not surprised that these Avengers gathered together.

After entering the room, he immediately saluted Mr. Wang. Although Liang Muchiu could kill the opponent with one strike, killing and force cannot dominate everything in the land of China, and people's hearts cannot be controlled by force alone. .

In addition, he also exchanged pleasantries with the Eight-Armed Crocodile Dragon and more than 20 other men, women, old and young, which was soothing and silent, making people feel like spring breeze.

Many people were originally apprehensive, but Liang Muchiu was so knowledgeable and affable, which actually dispelled many people's hesitations.

"Mr. Wang, everyone, my Meng family has been quite rude these days, so please bear with me.

However, this is also due to some reasons.

Firstly, my husband likes to go out and explore, and he is not at home, so I can make decisions on many things, but I cannot make decisions on some things. I have to contact him and ask him for instructions.

Secondly, I also have the idea of ​​knowing myself and the enemy to win every battle, so I sent people to collect some information and investigate the whereabouts of the murderer, which took some time. "

Liang Muchu spoke calmly and made a lot of sense, instantly dispelling the dissatisfaction of many people.

The eight-armed crocodile dragon didn't think Liang Muchu was lying, after all, there was no need, so he hurriedly asked,

"Now that the lady is here, has she contacted King Meng Long?"

This is very crucial.

Don't look at Liang Muchu's cultivation to become a master, as if he is a big shot, but everyone present knows that the murderer is not something a master can deal with. Maybe Meng Zhao, who is at the master level, can do it, but you can't expect everyone to be Meng Zhao.

Therefore, they all know that no matter how powerful the Meng family is, they are helpless in the face of such a person, and only Meng Zhao can help.

And once Meng Zhao is gone, the Meng family may not be able to do much more than them.

Also, in fact, the eight-armed crocodile dragon really wants to find out what Liang Muchu has found out, and whether there is the specific whereabouts of the murderer.

However, after all, he still has reservations and didn't ask.

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