Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2172 Questioning (Subscription Request)

Even in the past few days when the Eight-Armed Crocodile Dragon went out to inquire about the news, some people had already packed their luggage and were preparing to leave the Meng family and go out to find other masters, seek help, and seek revenge.

Of course, because everyone has a common enemy, the whole group is relatively united, and there is no phenomenon of saying goodbye without saying goodbye. However, when the Eight-Armed Crocodile Dragon returned and brought back the exact news, it did make some people feel discouraged. The person's life is about to have an accident.

"Mr. Wang, King Menglong injured the Master of the Heavenly Demon Palace who was behind the scenes, which can be considered as helping us to get rid of the bad temper. It is a pity that we were not able to kill the murderer who actually committed the murder. I am very grateful.

However, now that King Menglong is seriously injured and cannot use force for the time being, what should we do with our blood feud? "

After a pause, he seemed to feel that his statement might cause some trouble and be regarded as a ungrateful fool, and then said,

"We are not arrogant people. After all, King Menglong's injury this time is inseparable from us. Therefore, if the Meng family has a destiny in the future, we will definitely go through fire and water without hesitation. However, we are all a group of people who have lost their families. , a lonely ghost who has lost his family, has nothing but revenge in this life, so "

Before the next words were spoken, Mr. Wang glared angrily.

"So, you have to leave, right?

Humph, what is not a wolf-hearted thing, what is not about going through fire and water without hesitation, you said this, don't you still think that if you stay in the Meng family, there is no possibility of revenge?

If I had known that this would be the outcome, I should not have brought you to the Meng family and asked King Meng Long for help with an old face.

It's just ungrateful. "

In fact, these words are not serious at all. After all, from an outsider's perspective, the whole matter has nothing to do with Meng Zhao. They came to ask for Meng Zhao's help, and they really couldn't come up with anything good to thank Meng Zhao. What he relied on and what he expected was nothing more than Meng Zhao's sense of justice.

Now, as soon as something happens to Meng Zhao and he is unable to avenge them, he will disperse in a hurry. No one will say anything bad about Meng Zhao, but at the same time, they will not say a good word about them.

Poor people must be hateful. This sentence seems to reflect reality at this time.

Some people also looked guilty because of Mr. Wang's words.

"Everyone, please be patient first. We have a blood feud. The real murderer is also inseparable from the master behind the scenes, the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace. There may be someone who can deal with the former. The latter, in the whole world, except King Menglong, Who can rival it?

Therefore, since King Menglong has intervened in this matter, and even harmed both sides of the Demon Palace Master that day, he will never sit idly by and do nothing. There will definitely be action in the follow-up, and we must hold back the anxiety and impatience in our hearts. "

Mr. Wang is a person who is inclined to Meng Zhao and the Meng family. The eight-armed crocodile dragon represents the entire Avengers. He is humble and weak, but like a spark, he can start a prairie fire.

Although their personal power is shallow, the meaning they represent is completely different.

Just like in modern society, some people on hot searches on the Internet seem to be powerless and even more vulnerable than ordinary people, but they are more likely to resonate, attract help from public opinion, and are more likely to sign up for support.

The Eight-Armed Crocodile Dragon is, to a certain extent, even more useful and more prestigious than Mr. Wang.

When he said this, he had been noisy in Mr. Wang's ears. People who wanted to leave the Meng family also buried their thoughts and made no move for the time being.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Mr. Wang said again,

"Everyone is here today, and Xiaofang (Eight-Armed Crocodile Dragon) is also back. Let me tell you some news.

King Menglong and the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace had a fierce battle, and both sides suffered losses. The Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace disappeared without a trace. King Menglong was also retreating in a secret place to heal his wounds. At the same time, a message was sent back to Mengjiazhuang. Not long ago, Mrs. Liang also sent King Menglong to Convey your message to me. "

After the words fell, the eyes of more than twenty people in the room, including the eight-armed crocodile dragon, all focused on Mr. Wang.

"Mr. Wang, speak out if you have anything to say. We are not unreasonable people. King Menglong is injured. No matter what decision he makes, we will accept it."

These are the words of the Eight-Armed Crocodile Dragon, and they also represent the aspirations of many people. The matter has come to this, and no matter where it goes, they can only accept it.

This is also the helplessness of the weak. They have no choice but the right to passively endure, and they can only go with the flow forever.

Mr. Wang looked serious and said,

"Mrs. Liang told me that King Menglong was seriously injured this time and could not use force for a short time. Although the Lord of the Demon Palace was also injured that day, the murderer who committed numerous murders was not injured at all.

Therefore, he will send people to Liangzhou to find Grand Master Xie Wanzhi and come to eradicate the murderers. This will not only clear the air in the rivers and lakes, sweep away the evil spirits, but also help you avenge your hatred. "

As soon as these words came out, many people looked happy, and of course some people had worried eyes.

"This is a good idea to find Grandmaster Xie Wanzhi to deal with the murderer. However, there is one thing we cannot confirm.

Can Grandmaster Xie Wanzhi really be able to deal with that murderer? "

This was said by a woman in mourning clothes with a cold face. It was not that she looked down on Xie Wanzhi, but that she was worried that not only would this not be done, but it would lead to serious consequences.

The murderer's martial arts were unparalleled, his killing power was astonishing, and his great master's fighting power was beyond doubt.

Of course, Xie Wanzhi is also a powerful grandmaster who is famous in the world today, and he comes from the Xie family, one of the nine surnames. Logically speaking, he should have the trust and respect of everyone present.

However, he lost to the Barbarian Tong Lie in his first battle, which was indeed a big loss, making many people doubt his ability.

They all know about warriors, just take the lowest level of acquired warriors as an example.

Even if they are both in the acquired realm, the difference in combat power can be as huge as the sky and the earth, and the gap is so big that it makes people dumbfounded.

By the same token, there must be different levels in the Grandmaster realm.

They can't tell who has strong combat power and who has weak combat power.

But at least, the thug did not lose, but Xie Wanzhi was defeated by the Barbarian Tong Lie in the memory of countless people in the martial arts world.

In this way, the two sides have a comparison and a gap.

"Although it may not be the case, it is indeed a very serious problem.

If King Meng Long takes action, it will definitely be a sure win, but he is injured. Can Grandmaster Xie Wanzhi really kill the murderer?"

This is what the Eight-armed Crocodile Dragon said. After he went to the place where the spirit was extinct and witnessed the legacy of Meng Zhao's peerless magic skills, he truly understood the terrifying nature of that kind of warrior.

Because of the contact and understanding, he is more cautious and careful.

He doesn't know whether Xie Wanzhi can win, but he thinks it is best to have a foolproof plan to ensure that the murderer can be killed.

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