Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2194 Letter from Danchi (Subscription Request)

But, after thinking about it, Nangong Yao still made a decision. The opportunity was rare, so why not ask Yu Nanfeng to give it a try.

This is a game process.

The game between him and Yu Nanfeng, the game between him and Meng Zhao, and the game between Meng Zhao and Yu Nanfeng, it all depends on who has the better means.

Nangong Yao has been famous for a long time, and his means are sinister and vicious. Although he recognizes Meng Zhao's peerless magic and his identity as the son of destiny favored by fate, he does not think that the other party can compare with him in conspiracy and trickery. In the end of the game, he may not be the last laugh.

"Okay, then go and try it according to your idea. It just so happens that Xie Wanzhi went to Lingwu City. Perhaps he also has the intention to deal with Meng Zhao. You can contact him in a subtle way and ask for some help."

Yu Nanfeng was so excited that she almost jumped up. In the past few years, she was accepted as a disciple by Nangong Yao and has been taught by his side. Learning martial arts is fine, but it is also difficult to be free in daily life. It is really not adapted.

Now that she has such an opportunity to leave Nangong Yao, she certainly has the impulse to cheer, not to mention that this is related to her future life.

"Master, don't worry, in a few months or two or three years, the Northern Meng Dragon King will definitely become my stepping stone, I said!"

Nangong Yao smiled slightly, but did not speak. Yu Nanfeng was just a chess piece and a tool. No matter how many ideas he had, it was not important, and he had no ability to go against his ideas. It was just that Meng Zhao was really curious.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to send Yu Nanfeng to Meng Zhao to test the depth of this Northern Meng Dragon King.

He had a big appetite. Gods and demons were not his ultimate dream, but the supreme transcendence was. Therefore, sooner or later, he would start with Meng Zhao and Shen Tianci. Now it was not bad to have an advance exploration.

Meng Zhao, who was far away in Lingwu City, did not know that he had become the target of many people. At this time, he was playing chess with Zhao Ruling.

An ordinary courtyard, a small tree covered with snow, a big dragon on the stone table, in the chessboard, it can be said that the chess is matched, and the general meets the talent.

At this time, Zhao Ruling, who was playing chess with Meng Zhao, turned into a masculine bearded man with a mighty appearance.

Beside the two, Han Lu was waiting, burning incense and making tea. A little further away, Ji Rushuang of the Danchi clan hugged her daughter, rocking her, smiling, and looking at Meng Zhao with gentle eyes, which was also very harmonious.

During this period, Meng Zhao stayed in Mengjiazhuang, Lingwu City, on the pretext of being injured, which was what the women wanted. Every day, he was happy and happy. Not only was he happy, but the women were also satisfied and radiant.

Ji Rushuang was actually the most inferior among the women, because she was a widow and pregnant with a posthumous child. Even though she was good-looking, she was just not inferior among the beauties, and she did not have any advantages at all.

She had a sweet time with Meng Zhao, but she was afraid that Meng Zhao would get tired of playing with her and abandon her.

Because of her inferiority complex, she was often in a panic, and treated Meng Zhao with a humble and flattering feeling. She did all kinds of tricks that other women were unwilling to do, but she let Meng Zhao do whatever he wanted.

Especially after giving birth to her daughter, she had symptoms of postpartum depression. She was afraid that Meng Zhao would not like her daughter, or even get tired of her. She once wanted to take her daughter away from the Meng family and wander around the world, even if she was an ordinary village girl, she would bring her up.

At that time, Meng Zhao happened to be in Yanzhou, but Liang Muchu stopped her.

After some earnest persuasion, she finally gave up the idea, but she was also worried.

During this period, Meng Zhao treated all the women equally, and never treated her harshly. He spent all kinds of natural materials and treasures to make up for her postpartum vitality, and gave her a crowning cultivation, using the double rest technique to help her break through the innate.

She saw everything. Meng Zhao was indeed a trustworthy person.

In particular, Meng Zhao loved this little daughter very much. Her full name was Meng Miao and her nickname was Jiaojiao. He treated her the same as his own daughter.

This naturally made Ji Rushuang, who was already full of love, inferiority and many other emotions, even more devoted.

If the women were ranked for their sincerity towards Meng Zhao, Ji Rushuang would definitely be among the top.

In fact, Meng Zhao was still a flesh-and-blood person after all. At the beginning, he wanted to use Ji Rushuang to establish a relationship with the Danchi tribe of millions in the future, so as to recruit soldiers and expand his power.

As time passed, Meng Zhao's idea of ​​using the Danchi tribe had not changed, but he also had true feelings for Ji Rushuang.

Of course, in the intersection of the two sides, Ji Rushuang must love him a hundred times more than he loves Ji Rushuang.

A long time ago, Ji Rushuang had been using the Meng family's information channels to communicate frequently with the Danchi Ji clan in Liangzhou.

Not long ago, Ji Zhenyun, Ji Rushuang's father and Meng Zhao's stepfather, brought good news. After a period of expansion and growth, their Ji clan has become one of the three most powerful tribes in the Danchi clan. As long as Meng Zhao wants, he can pull out 200,000 troops at any time.

The reason is also very simple. With Meng Zhao's continuous support behind him, the Ji clan is also a pure Danchi clan, a direct lineage.

With two-pronged approach, it is not surprising that Ji Zhenyun has achieved such results.

Clan, clan, it is difficult for outsiders to intervene in the internal disputes of the Danchi clan, but the Ji clan itself is a Danchi clan, so it is natural to expand quickly and steadily, and it is very simple to achieve the current level.

Of course, the Danchi clan's 200,000 troops are still a bit floating. They regard boys over ten years old and old people around sixty years old as combat forces. After a wave of attacks, it is estimated that there are about 150,000.

Moreover, these 150,000 are only of good quality, but their equipment and weapons are no different from those of primitive people. They still need the subordinate forces of the Meng family to rush day and night to build armor, swords, guns, arrows and other weapons.

In addition, there are people who are proficient in training soldiers and guiding the art of battle formations. After a few months of running-in, it can be considered a usable combat force.

As for reaching the level of elite soldiers, it requires real tempering of war and blood.

But no matter what, Ji Zhenyun's letter still gave Meng Zhao a big surprise, which was really a surprise, not a shock.

Originally, he had huge ambitions for the three states.

Jizhou and Yanzhou, he has huge advantages and deep foundations that others cannot match.

Jizhou is very simple. The Meng family alone is enough, not to mention now there is also the Lei family. It can be said that he has it under his control. Beitang Shu just took advantage of the name. If Meng Zhao gets serious, he can crush the Prince Fu's Mansion at any time without doing anything.

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