Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 258 Xiaoyang Hutong (please subscribe)

"Uncle Zhong, Ale, you two can go back home on your own first.

I have a more personal matter to deal with and need to go to another place. "

Lu Zhong and Lu Le did not speak or respond. Instead, they looked at Meng Zhao hesitantly, hoping that he would change his mind.

At least it would be better to take Lu Zhong with him.

This Nan'an County is not peaceful. Over the past few days, hundreds of people have died, mostly due to secret fights, fighting, and power struggles between large and small families. There are also some forces fishing in troubled waters and secretly instigating, which is very unsafe.

Meng Zhao acted like he was seriously injured and had yet to recover. Naturally, it was difficult to reassure the father and son.

However, facing Meng Zhao's eyes as deep as a pool and as cold as water, the two of them clearly understood that the young master had decided on this matter and would not change it, and they had to comply.

Lu Zhong nodded, saluted Meng Zhao, and was about to take Lu Le away. However, before leaving, he heard Meng Zhao's long and ethereal warning:

"Uncle Zhong, I know that you and Ale care about me and are even more worried about my safety. I am very grateful.

But this matter is very important, very important. I really don’t want you and A Le to deal with it face to face or follow me secretly.

If there are any clues I find out."

Meng Zhao didn't say another word, but his cold tone and cold murderous intent made Lu Zhong and Lu Le shudder.

The unspoken consequences must be unbearable for them.

"Don't worry, young master. I know the importance of this. It's just not as good as it is inside the house. You should be careful."

With that said, he and Lu Le jumped up, soared several feet, and disappeared into the quiet long street within a few jumps.

Occasionally passers-by saw him, and although they were surprised, they soon regained their composure. It was obvious that similar situations had not happened before.

Meng Zhao holds a lantern in his right hand in front of him to illuminate his whole body, while his left hand is held behind his back, showing signs of bandage.

Looking up at the direction Lu Zhong and Lu Le were leaving, he didn't relax at all.

He believed that Lu Zhong would not go against his will, but trust was one thing and caution was another.

With a flick of his wrist, the lantern was pulled by an invisible force and drifted down to the roof of a nearby shop. A strong wind blew, extinguishing the fireworks and returning to darkness. Meng Zhao had already disappeared without a trace the moment the lights were extinguished. .

On the way home, Lu Le's round face looked confused and more worried. He suddenly stopped and said,

"Father, what is it that the young master wants to hide from you and me? Is there any danger?"

Lu Le was really puzzled. Meng Zhao did many things without evading the two of them, including protecting Shi Jie and planning to massacre Xiu's treasure. This kind of trust could be said to be rare.

At the same time, both his father and son were absolutely loyal to Meng Zhao, and would rather sacrifice themselves to save Meng Zhao.

With such a relationship, such trust, and such dedication, Lu Le couldn't figure out what secrets Meng Zhao would not want them to know.

Lu Zhong also stopped and sighed, saying,

"This secret must involve the young master's privacy. You and I must not explore it too much.

Although I haven't been back for a long time, you should also understand our young master's temperament. Although I treat you generously and trust you, if we betray this trust and touch the young master's negative side, he will not hesitate to deal with it.

So, just go back to Meng's house honestly and don't think about anything else.

In addition, the whereabouts of the young master must be well covered. Later, you go to the mansion, call out the concierge, and tell Han Lu not to reveal anything. I will pretend to be guarding the young master and arrive later. "

Lu Le snorted and rushed towards the Meng Mansion without any further hesitation...

On the other side, Meng Zhao carefully walked around the nearby streets twice to make sure no one was following him.

Then he followed the various signs and passwords he had seen before.

A row of houses that have been eroded by wind and rain and damaged by external forces, with overgrown weeds and broken tiles, are quiet and dead, like a ruined temple independent of the wilderness.

During the day, the yang energy is strong and you don't even notice it, but at night, it is like a monster and a monster, making people avoid it.

Sometimes strong winds blow into the rooms, whimpering and roaring through the halls, which adds a strange and terrifying color to the place.

Kara, a pure black boot trampled the dead branches hidden among the weeds, revealing a tall man.

A purple glow flashed at the bottom of Meng Zhao's eyes. Even without lights or fire, he could still barely make out the origin of this dilapidated house in the dark night. His face looked a little ugly, even unlucky, and he thought to himself,

"Why is it Xiaoyang Alley? Even if you want to be hidden, there is no need to come here, right?"

Meng Zhao has been in the Meng family for such a long time. In addition to doing a series of great things, he has generally been studying and practicing martial arts to enrich himself.

Needless to say, practicing martial arts is the foundation for establishing oneself, and it is also the inevitable path to the extraordinary that Meng Zhao longs for.

And reading involves a wide range of topics, including secrets of the world, general explanations of martial arts, biographies, and geography.

Naturally, you won’t miss books written by people native to Nan’an County, including an introduction to Xiaoyang Hutong.

Xiaoyang Hutong is located on the southwest edge of the county. It is a small part of the civilian area. Beyond the alley, there is the cattle and horse market. The environment is not very good, and the smell of livestock manure wafts all year round.

Therefore, the people who live there are ordinary people with a relatively average living standard, but are not particularly poor.

About six years ago, 23 families living in Xiaoyang Hutong, a total of 103 people, men, women, old and young, were all murdered in one night.

The death conditions are suspicious, as they all died quietly in their sleep, with a smile on their face and a peaceful expression, as if they were immersed in a beautiful dream.

Later, autopsy revealed that there were no obvious injuries on any of the deceased, but there were traces of needle pricks on the backs of their heads. This was also the cause of death for all of them.

This case was quite a sensation, and the government vigorously pursued it, but there were too few clues and the case was too strange, so there was no progress. In addition, the people who died were all ordinary people in Guizhou and had no power. As time went by, the government was unwilling to pursue the case. , it became an unsolved case.

Xiaoyang Hutong, where all the residents died overnight, has become a dangerous, dangerous and desperate place that no one else knows about because of this incident.

Outsiders think that such a disaster happened because of the bad Feng Shui in Xiaoyang Hutong.

Otherwise, why would everyone around here be healthy and safe, but only the people in Xiaoyang Hutong were in trouble?

Therefore, even if the government took back the land deed and wanted to sell it, no one would dare or be willing to live there. As time went by, it became completely deserted and dilapidated.

The code mark seen on Meng Zhao Road eventually pointed to Xiaoyang Hutong.

To be honest, this place has been uninhabited for a long time, with wild grass and venomous snakes and wild insects running rampant.

He didn't really want to enter it if it wasn't necessary, but this time he had to do it.

A stream of hot air evaporated from the body, and the powerful Qi was released outwards, avoiding snakes, insects, rats, and ants. There was a swishing sound among the grass, and then he walked slowly towards Xiaoyang Alley.

Not long after, I walked into the house at the far end of the alley, and I could vaguely feel that there were strangers inside.

Meng Zhao didn't hesitate any longer. He raised his spirits and jumped over the half-collapsed courtyard wall.

I saw three people squatting in the darkness, eating hard steamed buns.

But one of them shocked him,

"How could it be you?"

I went to the dental hospital today to have a wisdom tooth removed, which was very uncomfortable.

Depending on the situation, I may take leave tomorrow, or I may update as normal. Let me tell you in advance.

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