Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 343 Conquer (please subscribe)

Shopkeeper Qian and Boss Chai were sweating profusely. Their spirits were frightened by the dragon's power. Their thoughts were scattered and distracting thoughts were flying. Their bodies were under the pressure of the vacuum wheel and were about to reach their limit.

The purple light in Meng Zhao's pupils became brighter, and when he saw that the two of them were still willing to resist, he took a step forward again.

After this step, it was as if the sun and the moon were turned upside down, and the world was turned upside down. The stretched out palm suddenly grasped, the vacuum wheel dissipated, and everything returned to the original state.

However, because the two of them were too nervous, their bodies were always tense. After the pressure disappeared, they staggered forward two steps as if rebounding, and they all knelt down in front of Meng Zhao, with their hands on the ground, their eyes full of humiliation and annoyance. , of course, there is also a slight sense of relief.

Meng Zhao kept playing with the jade beads, and his deerskin boots landed in front of their eyes, and his voice sounded like thunder.

"How? Are you willing to be loyal?\

,"Although it was a question, it was actually an ultimatum.

His family background, his potential, and his strength have been fully revealed. If these two people still hesitate and try to delay and deceive, Meng Zhao will not hesitate to kill.

They were just two warriors with limited potential, far less important to him than Zhu Guangxi.

Shopkeeper Qian and Boss Chai tilted their heads slightly towards each other. Their eyes met at the corner of their eyes, and they had already understood each other's thoughts. They had no choice but to accept their fate and surrender to Meng Zhao.

The facts have been put in front of them, and it is not difficult for Meng Zhao to kill them.

Therefore, either you show your loyalty to the other party or you die here, there is no third way.

These two people are not heroic dead soldiers who are generous and tragic. They cherish their lives very much, so naturally they will not choose a dead end.

Although Meng Zhao was happy in his heart, he would not believe the other party just by a few words. He threw out two brown pills in his backhand, exuding the aroma of grass and trees, and asked the two of them to take them, and said comfortingly,

"Don't think I'm pushing people too hard, but I have to. After all, I want to believe you, but you are not alone after all. There is also a commoner alliance behind you, so I have to be more cautious.

Don't worry, after the matter in Yunwu Mountain is over, I will detoxify you once you give me a satisfactory letter of nomination. "

Shopkeeper Qian and Boss Chai are full of bitterness and have no control over life and death, which is really too bitter.

However, people are like swordsmen, and I am like fish and meat. I am not as powerful as others, and my strength is not as good as others. What can I do?

After taking the pill that Meng Zhao threw out, the two of them waited patiently for a while. There was no obvious pain. They guessed that it might be some kind of invisible poison. While feeling relieved, they had no choice but to turn around and sell Meng Zhao's pill. idea.

As for the certificate of surrender, both of them are not unfamiliar with it. It is an act or guarantee to join a certain force or a certain person to prove loyalty.

For example, if someone falls into the trap of becoming a bandit, the general way to surrender is to lead a team to plunder, or kill officers and soldiers, thus eliminating the possibility of going down the mountain.

Their petitions were most likely related to the Commoners League, it just depended on what Meng Zhao planned to ask them to do.

"Okay, since you are one of our own, stop kneeling on the ground and get up."

The process of convincing the two of them was easier and easier than imagined, and Meng Zhao couldn't help but reveal a sunny smile on his face.

"Fourth Master, I dare to ask you, do you still want to take Zhu Guangxi as your subordinate?"

After Shopkeeper Qian stood up, the Fourth Master called him "Shunxinshunyi". His posture was not as low as before, but he was much more sincere.

The plump and plump face is no longer flattering, but more serious and solemn.

It can be seen that his role change is relatively fast, this is the so-called veteran.

Boss Chai followed closely,

“The two of us are just pawns in the Buyi League, used as hidden stakes to collect information, it’s nothing.

But Zhu Guangxi is an innate strong man that the Buyi Alliance relies on. He is very important and has even been personally summoned by the leader of the alliance. His loyalty is beyond our comparison. If the fourth master really wants to take him into his pocket, he must plan carefully and not be impatient. , let him notice. "

Han Pu was frightened when he heard this. He wanted to speak several times but held back, but the worry in his eyes became more intense.

He had long thought that the fat and the thin people looked familiar and suspicious. When they left the city, they had changed their appearance, shrank their bones, and changed their appearance. It was because Meng Zhao wanted him to do something, and he had sold these two guys to the government a long time ago. went.

However, he never expected that there would be Zhu Guangxi involved, the eunuch who had committed the Minghua Tower murder case and offended almost half of the Nan'an County family.

In this way, he understood that the fat one and the thin one, plus the master with innate martial arts in Shi Jie's face, weren't they the three wanted criminals in the county?

Maybe there are still portraits and wanted bounties of the three of them posted on the edge of Nan'an outer city. Who would have thought that they were with him.

What's even more frightening is that these three people seem to be related to some kind of civilian alliance, which is obviously a secret organization.

Han Pu really couldn't understand what Meng Zhao was thinking and why he was with the murderer who almost killed him. Didn't he know that once this matter was leaked, he would no longer have a foothold in Nan'an?

The same goes for the Meng family. After all, it was Zhu Guangxi who caused Meng Xi's Dantian to be damaged.

If Meng Jizu knew that he was colluding with Zhu Guangxi, he might even think that the whole thing was his conspiracy, with the purpose of deposing Meng Xi so that he could compete for the position of the head of the family and Nan Anbo in the future.

Even Han Pu now has this speculation. Otherwise, why would Meng Zhao risk the disapproval of the world to protect these three people?

Of course, there are some things that don't make sense. If it was really Meng Zhao's instigation, there would be no need for today's drama of forced subjugation. This fat and thin situation would not remind Meng Zhao that if he wanted to subdue Zhu Guangxi, he must plan carefully, otherwise he would alert the snake. , I’m afraid it will be difficult in the future.

In short, there are all kinds of doubts and incomprehensions in my heart, making Han Pu, a young hero, fall into endless entanglements.

But one thing is certain, he must keep this matter in his heart and not say a word to others.

Little did he know that Meng Zhao was helpless at first.

If he hadn't seen the mark of contact between the mysterious man Zhao Hun and him, and if the three people hadn't been related to Zhao Hun, he would have wished that these three people had died in that Xiaoyang Alley.

Of course, time has changed and everything is completely different.

Now, Meng Zhao did it intentionally. Winning these two people and even Zhu Guangxi under his control.

The rouge poison has been unlocked by him, and the mysterious man Zhao Hun can no longer control him, but Meng Zhao is still extremely afraid of this man.

The same day he was at the Meng family, Zhao Hun became a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh. He had to eradicate him to feel at ease.

The Commoner League was his starting point.

Shopkeeper Qian, Boss Chai, is originally from the Buyi League. Shopkeeper Qian is even somewhat involved with Zhao Hun. He will definitely be a useful chess piece in the future. It would be extremely stupid not to hold it in your hands. .

And Zhu Guangxi, although he is a rootless person, he is obviously not without desires. At least his desire to survive is very strong. Otherwise, how could he have the courage to run out of the palace in the first place?

If he could be brought under his sect, it would be a sharp sword piercing Zhao Hun's heart.

All kinds of considerations led him to take risks, and now it seems that he has mostly succeeded.

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