Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 349 Black Hand (Please subscribe)

Han Pu's sword technique is from the Tiansha Sword Sutra specially selected by Meng Zhao, which is broad and profound.

He has excellent aptitude and high understanding. After acquiring this innate sword technique, he practiced hard and received guidance from experts.

Although the time is short, I have already understood the three flavors.

At this time, Meng Zhao still wields the long sword as simple and simple as when he first met him. He can use one point of force but never two points. His keen sense of smell and transcendent insight are also better than before.

In addition, the Tiansha Sword Manual is also an excellent sword technique, which makes him even more powerful.

The guard who was born in Chengyi's Mansion is absolutely extraordinary in skill, but with only five blows, Han Pu has already found a flaw. With one strike, his head flew up, and blood spattered for more than three feet.

In contrast, Lu Le's martial arts has always been a bit unfathomable. The Wuxiang Hunyuan Gong is more exquisite than the Tiansha Sword Sutra. It combines hardness and softness, and the interplay of yin and yang. With the blessing of the whip method, it is even more exquisite. Dazzling.

Before Han Pu killed the guard, Lu Le had already dealt with his opponent in advance, wielding the long whip with force and directly piercing the guard's throat bone with the tail of the whip.

In the end, although the two guards of the uncle's house saw the mastermind behind the scenes, they were unable to pass on the news.

Speaking of which, Han Pu and Lu Le were just trying their best, not even a warm-up.

This is the difference between true martial arts elites, geniuses, and ordinary warriors.

Tofu and stones of the same size, how can we generalize them?

Seeing that the two masters who had been chasing him all the way to show off their power were eliminated like this, Chang Lin's originally drooped head dropped a little lower, wishing to stuff it directly into his chest, and his breathing became rapid. many.

Meng Zhao put away the beads, strung them on his wrist, looked at him with interest and said,

"I already know what happened. You did a great job. You are a talented person, bold and careful, and you still have the courage to hold Yang Hong hostage. It is really beyond my expectation."

Young Master Bo, who is more noble than him in terms of status, was almost wiped out on the neck by a mere thief. This shows how bold this man is.

Chang Lin was even more frightened. You must know that he climbed over the wall without saying a word. Meng Zhao was able to find out what he did in the wine shop. He obviously had an spy and came back to report before him. This method can be Really awesome.

Chang Lin was even more frightened when he thought that there might have been a lot of fighting and fighting in the wine shop, and this was just the beginning. It might not be long before the entire Yunwu Mountain was plunged into chaos.

"The villain always acts according to the fourth master's instructions and does not dare to take credit for his work."

He is just a thief in the county. How can he have the kind of strategy and calculation to dare to do such a big thing?

All because of Meng Zhao’s instructions and support.

Of course, a scholar dies for his confidant, and Meng Zhao's trust and importance in him is another important reason why Chang Lin is grateful and goes all out.

Meng Zhao smiled and waved his hand, indicating for him to get up first, and then said,

"Don't worry, I am not a mean and ungrateful person. Since you have successfully completed the task, I will not treat you badly.

Soon, there will be big changes under the Yunwu Mountain. If you stay in this market town, it will be difficult for you to survive safely.

Let's do this. Do one more thing for me. After it is completed, I will send you back to the county. Go to Meng Mansion to find my old steward Lu Zhong and ask him to make arrangements for you. From now on, you will be under my command. Bar. "

Chang Lin was overjoyed and quickly knelt down and kowtowed several times in front of Meng Zhao. Being able to enter the Meng family was his dream, not to mention that he was from a humble background and was a thief, so it was even more rare.

After letting Chang Lin go down, Lu Le was a little confused and said with a round face,

"Young Master, this person is just a little thief. Even if he is a little brave, there is no need to accept him as a disciple. If he spreads the word, he will stain our Meng family. I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain to the head of the family."

Han Pu remained silent. Compared to Lu Le, he was more in favor of Meng Zhao's approach.

Meng Zhao was particularly tolerant and valued Lu Le, and his trust was unique. He explained,

"Although he is a thief, he is still useful. Just like this, without his skillful hands, how could Yang Hong be put into the urn so smoothly?

Also, if I don’t place him properly, this person will have a bad end. If word spreads, who will do anything for me in the future?

As for his reputation, don't worry. Chang Lin's name is not good. When he returns to the county, he can ask Uncle Zhong to change his name so that he won't have to steal again in the future. It will probably be fine. "

Cocks, dogs, and thieves are all useful, but Chang Lin is still a master. Although his combat power is limited, his light skills are very strong, which is also an advantage. In the future, he will be able to use it whether he is delivering messages or spying on intelligence.

Lu Le nodded. In fact, he was not questioning Meng Zhao's decision. He was just considering Meng Zhao wholeheartedly, for fear that the young master's reputation would be damaged.

In fact, this was because Lu Le didn't know the details of the Meng family. You must know that Yang Jiu, one of the four great housekeepers, was the leader of the killer organization Meteor. He was notorious and made countless dignitaries and heroes have trouble sleeping and eating.

The Meng family can even hold meteors in their hands and use them for their own purposes. What does a mere thief mean?

Of course, Meng Zhao cannot reveal this to Han Pu and Lu Le.

"Master, what should we do next? Although Yang Hong and Xing Zhuo are not on good terms, they are not the leaders of both sides and may not go to war."

Han Pu was a little worried. Not everyone was greedy for profit. The leaders of the big forces would never fight each other to the death regardless of the overall situation just because of a mere dragon scale and false news.

Meng Zhao's plan of dividing and provoking seemed to be a good start, but it may not be fully implemented.

Meng Zhao put his hands behind his back and looked up at the sun hanging high in the sky. The bright sunlight was shining down, but it brought only coldness and a bit more murderous intent in his heart.

"Yes, there are stupid people, and of course there are smart people, but Ale, Apu, you two need to know that many things cannot be measured and controlled by reason alone.

You say, if Yang Hong finally wins the dragon scale, but dies in the process, and if after Yang Hong dies, the dragon scale falls into Xing Zhuo's hands, then the people in the Chengyi Mansion still care about the so-called overall situation, the so-called A conspiracy? "

As soon as these words came out, Lu Le and Han Pu's expressions suddenly changed. If this is true, it is indeed possible to achieve Meng Zhao's wish.

But if it leaks out, it will inevitably put Meng Zhao under great pressure and danger.

Sincerity is not as good as Nan Amber, but after the death of his son, the white-haired man will give the black-haired man, no matter how weak he is, he must be strong.

Of course, the best outcome would be that everything goes as planned by Meng Zhao, and those forces that attempt to unite to oppress the Meng family form a group, losing their manpower and greatly reducing their strength.

And Meng Zhao effortlessly disintegrated and weakened the alliance's power.

This is not impossible, but highly likely.

Take the two of them as an example. If Meng Zhao has any shortcomings or suspects, whether it is true or false, it may be difficult to verify rationally. It is more likely that he will directly come to seek revenge.

No matter how rational a person is, he still has feelings and will be swayed by his emotions, not to mention the worldly wisdom and so on.

But will Yang Hong really die?

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