Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 360 Qu0026A (Please subscribe)

The Lei family of Beining Hou is not very powerful in Nan'an County, and most of the people who came here are strangers. Especially as one of the three great innates, Lei Tian lives in seclusion and is rarely known to anyone. If Meng Zhao can recognize him, he must have done something. A lot of preparation and investigation.

Only then did Cao Zhan realize that it was indeed the case, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why Meng Zhao knew Lei Cheng.

More importantly, the Meng family has this strength.

At the same time, vigilance rose in my heart. I wonder what role the Meng family played in this melee?

He didn't believe that the Meng family was unprepared for this wide-reaching war.

Meng Zhao did not deny this. He smiled and turned his clear eyes into a crescent moon and said directly,

"What Old Master Cao said is true. In Nan'an City, my uncle has formed a temporary alliance with the Fire Dragon Cave and the Spear King Zhao family. They will advance and retreat together. In a few days, they will come to Yunwu Mountain together to search for dragon eggs.

If you send me as a pioneer, you will naturally have to make some preparations in advance, so it is also appropriate to do some research.

When I came to the Cao family today, I also found out that the Cao family knows no one about Yunwu Mountain. Therefore, I hope that Mr. Cao can help my uncle find a secret way up the mountain. I, the Meng family, would be very grateful. "

As soon as these words came out, Cao Yan and Cao Zhan's ancestors and grandsons were stunned. Their hearts were pounding. They looked at Meng Zhao who was sitting peacefully with hot and amazed eyes, as if they saw the powerful clan behind him that had stood for more than a hundred years. So dazzling and eye-catching.

Now it seems that the noble families such as Beining Hou Chengyibo seem to be powerful and have a strong style, but in fact they are a tree without roots and water without a source. They have been internally divided for a long time and cannot be a great weapon.

In comparison, Nan Anbo, who is a local snake, is really cunning. Before anyone else could react, he had already joined forces with Huolongdong, one of the thirteen families today, and also roped in the Zhao family, the king of guns. The three families had joined forces, and there were Which force dares to compete with it?

Especially the Fire Dragon Cave, as a member of the Nine Surnames and Thirteen Families, is a well-deserved holy land of martial arts. The Jiuyuan Gate and the Twelve Chain Fortresses are simply vulnerable to the Fire Dragon Cave.

However, Cao Yan and Cao Zhan felt very strange and incredible.

Because the Meng family has always been on good terms with the Kong family, the second of the nine surnames, and has advanced and retreated with Baektu Mountain, one of the thirteen families, this is known to the world. Therefore, the potential energy of the Meng family is higher than that of the ordinary Hou family. The government, and even the government, must be tyrannical, and cannot be compared to ordinary forces.

However, Baektu Mountain and Fire Dragon Cave are feuding. The two families cannot be said to be fighting to the death. They are also tit-for-tat. They will have to fight in a few years. The disciples and elders of the two families also dislike each other, and they are also known to the world.

Then, the Meng family and Huolongdong should be enemies rather than friends. How could they be united? Is there any secret in it?

Even if Fire Dragon Cave really wants to find allies, wouldn't it be nice to have nobles such as the Lei family of Beining lords and the Qin family of Julu lords who are not involved in other big forces? Isn't the Meng family afraid that the relationship with Paektusan will be broken due to this?

Therefore, the first reaction of the grandfather and grandson was to marvel at the power of the Meng family for doing such a big thing quietly, and then they began to wonder whether Meng Zhao was telling lies and deliberately deceiving them.

There is no shortage of people in this world with bright tongues who confuse people's hearts and sell them for money.

Meng Zhao is also a towering figure, a stranger and a stranger, so he has to be careful to prevent the Cao family from making the wrong choice.

Although Cao Zhan was older than Meng Zhao, his status was completely different at this time, so even though he was suspicious, he did not dare to ask.

Cao Yan didn't hide it at all, he stared directly into his bright eyes and asked,

"Oh? Is what Fourth Young Master Meng said true?

But I heard that Huolongdong has always been at odds with Baektu Mountain, and the relationship between the two families is very bad.

The Meng family, on the other hand, is deeply involved with Mount Paektu and has collaborated many times in recent years. Aren't the nobles afraid of offending Mount Paektu? "

Meng Zhaoying's straight nose trembled slightly. She didn't know when she had taken the Buddhist beads from her wrist into her hand, and slowly fiddled with them. Her expression was calm and dignified, and she said with a smile,

“When I first heard my uncle talk about this, I was also doubtful, but then my uncle said something that made me enlightened and I suddenly realized it.

The uncle said, my Meng family is the Meng family, and Paektu Mountain is Paektu Mountain. The two can help each other, but they cannot be confused.

Now that the opportunity to revitalize the family is just around the corner, how could our Meng family miss this opportunity because of Mount Paektu? "

If pure-blooded dragons grow up, they will eventually become masters, have long lifespans, and are extremely powerful in battle, enough to protect an endless family and develop prosperously. They can only be encountered but not sought. Taking a gamble and winning once are not driven by the desire for profit, but It is the courage to seize opportunities.

In fact, of course there is a certain problem with this sentence. At least in Cao Yan's view, the Meng family's confidence is not ordinary.

It is generally believed by the outside world that the Meng family is a vine attached to two big trees, one is the Confucius family and the other is Paektu Mountain. The tree is the main one, and the vines are secondary. The priority is clear, and naturally there is lightness and weight.

And the words of Meng Jizu brought by Meng Zhao obviously elevated the Meng family to a status no different from Mount Paektu. The two parties were cooperation, alliance, and assistance, but they were by no means a vassal of the other party.

This had to make him refresh his understanding of the Meng family again. It seemed that Nan Anbo was much stronger than he thought, but he didn't know if it could really compare with the thirteen families.

Of course, Cao Yan is not the kind of guy who has never seen the world. He will give up after being fooled by a few words. Instead, he continued to ask,

"Even so, why does your family think that this time must be a good opportunity?

You must know that the masters who want to capture dragon eggs are as countless as the crucian carp crossing the river. There are definitely many forces that are as powerful as yours, the Meng family. Can you guarantee that they will succeed?

If he returns empty-handed in the end and offends Mount Paektu, wouldn't he lose his wife and lose his troops? "

Meng Zhao nodded. This old man is indeed a powerful person. He may not have great wisdom, but he must have a vision that is far beyond ordinary people, and he can see far further than ordinary people.

Some things are not bound to appear or happen as you think. The Meng family may not necessarily capture the dragon eggs, and even if they do, how to profit from the Fire Dragon Cave is still a test.

Therefore, Cao Yan questioned the Meng family's decision.

He does not blindly worship and believe in the power of the Meng family. This is the necessary reason and vision for being the leader of a clan.

Meng Zhao also understood that the reason why Cao Yan asked one question after another and never responded whether he wanted to help the Meng family was because he was constantly weighing and weighing.

If the Meng family is worth helping, the final result will definitely satisfy him.

If the Meng family is not worth helping, then Cao Yan would rather let the clan move to Yunwu Mountain than seek refuge with the Meng family.

It was precisely after understanding this that Meng Zhao decided to reveal some secrets to the Cao family so that they could make the best choice.

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