Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 724 Torture (please subscribe)

The bald man fell to the ground, with dust rising up and gravel flying. His whole body was invaded by the strong and strange energy of Gu Simonan and Yun Fei. His true energy collapsed and he vomited blood, completely losing the ability to protect himself.

The outcome of this confrontation was not unexpected.

In terms of pure strength, the bald man was not as good as either of Gu Siman and Yun Fei. He also suffered from internal injuries, his vitality was greatly damaged, and his combat power was not at its peak.

In addition, the two opponents attacked together, with great force and surprise, without giving him time to prepare or react.

The reason why the bald man survived was not because he withstood the two men's fierce offensive like thunder and fire, but because the two men were determined to save his life and wanted to get more information through him.

Failure is normal, and retreating unscathed is a strange thing.

Gu Sinan and Yun Fei, who defeated the bald man, fell to the ground one after another. Their faces suddenly changed color. Their cheekbones were so red that they were about to spurt blood. Their eyes were as red as fire and protruded. Under the skin, there was a faint layer of The air of smooth powder comes out.

The two of them used their kung fu to expel the alien energy from their bodies at the same time. When they opened their mouths at the same time, they saw two pink air masses spit out from their mouths and dispersed in the air. The abnormal shape disappeared.

"What a three-turn Shaoyin Cauldron Furnace Technique. It's not very powerful, but it does have some skills in disturbing people's souls."

Yunfei knew this bald man, and he also knew that the martial arts he practiced were one of the innate martial arts of the Demon Lord Palace. The third-level Shaoyin Cauldron Furnace Skill was derived from the incomplete mind method of the Six Desire Demon Dafa. The first-level acquired skills, and the second-level innate skills. , a third-level master.

It sounds very majestic, pointing directly to the master's way, almost comparable to the Meng family's Red Flag Order.

However, so far, there are countless people who practice this evil technique, and no one has ever used this martial arts to practice the third level of martial arts and become a master. This is not only because of their own lack of qualifications and talents.

The more important reason is that the final state described by the three-turn Shaoyin Cauldron Furnace Kung Fu is just a conception and deduction based on the advanced ideas of the Six Desires and Heavenly Demons, a martial art of gods and demons.

Maybe the direction is right, but in terms of details, there are too many differences, and it is almost impossible to succeed. Unless there is a person with extraordinary talent, or a great master of martial arts, starting from scratch and slowly enriching the details, can he truly advance to become a master.

Therefore, strictly speaking, this is just an innate martial art and cannot reach the level of a master's unique skills.

This three-turn Nachun Kung Fu uses the power of a woman's Yuan Yin to practice internal martial arts. As long as a woman's Yuan Yin is abundant, her progress will be extremely fast, and she can make rapid progress in the early stages of practice.

The internal strength increases so rapidly that ordinary sword-walking, deviating, and demonic martial arts cannot compare.

However, there are gains and losses. The internal strength created by this martial arts is inherently impure because the Yuan Qi originated from different women, and the true Qi is naturally chaotic, difficult to harmonize, and has an unreliable foundation.

When entering the first level of Xiantian, it is often difficult to achieve what one wishes. This bald man can be regarded as a talent if he can practice Xiantian martial arts.

Of course, this martial art is not all bad. Its nature is feminine and strange, which coincides with the martial arts principle of using softness to overcome strength. It is extremely tough. When used, it often has the power to disturb the mind and arouse the enemy's lust.

Then in the battle, it is possible for the opponent to become distracted and his true energy to go berserk, which belongs to the martial arts of the treacherous system.

In terms of the destructive power that can be seen with the naked eye, it may not be feasible, but if we talk about the effect, function, and even power of this martial arts, it is really impressive. Taking the example in front of us, this bald man can use his feminine energy in the moment of fighting, It can already be seen that it penetrated into Gu Simonan and Yunfei's bodies.

Moreover, the initial reaction of the two people also perfectly highlighted the difficulty of this skill. The lustful look should not be too obvious.

Gu Simon snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with Yun Fei's praise, and also extremely disgusted with the special state of mind that had just arisen, which was aroused by the true energy.

"It's just because there is a trace of the Six Desire Demon Dafa that it performs well. To be honest, between you and me, who can't kill this filthy person?"

Although Gu Siman is a master of the Demonic Way, the martial arts he practices are upright and majestic. He naturally looks down upon such crooked and evil martial arts.

While the two of them were talking, Meng Zhao had quietly come to the courtyard and advised,

"You two should interrogate this person quickly to prevent others from noticing the abnormality. If you are on guard, it would be bad to escape."

Only then did the two of them turn their attention to the bald man who was lying on the ground, covered in blood and as weak as a candle in the wind. If it wasn't to obtain more useful information, how could they have spared his life?

Anyone who betrays the Demon Lord Palace will die a good death and will never hold back.

"Zhao Baojian, you traitor, do you know me?"

Gu Sinan walked up to the bald man with a light step. He had charming features and charming eyes. Although he was a man, he had the beauty and charisma that even women would envy. With a snap of his fingers, he shot out a wisp of Qi, hitting the bald man's arm in one place. superior.

Then he saw the lifeless look the bald man had shown before, and immediately disappeared without a trace. He ignored the torn muscles and the blood-spattered body, which could not withstand further injuries. He covered his arm and twitched like an epileptic madman. , not long after, foam even came out of the corner of his mouth, his eyes were dull, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

After Gu Simonan fired another ray of true energy, which relieved the pain of the bald man, he regained his composure, gritted his teeth, and replied with both hatred and fear,

"The head of the Law Enforcement Hall, Gu Simonan, is also one of Ye Huan's brothers. You are famous, how could I not recognize you?"

As he spoke, the bald man Zhao Baojian clenched his bloody fists tightly, resisting the vicious look he cast on the other party, unwilling to provoke Gu Simonan any more.

He is no longer afraid of death, because it is inevitable. The Demon Lord Palace has always been merciless in dealing with traitors, and sometimes they even involve many people, and annihilation is not impossible.

However, in the hands of these beasts in the Law Enforcement Hall, death is even a relief, not a punishment.

The fear is that life would be worse than death and suffer all kinds of torture.

Those punishments and tortures were the result of careful consideration by a group of mentally perverted but imaginative people.

There is only one purpose, and that is to make people suffer.

The physical pain and the mental pain are all played out, and some even make people's hair stand on end and their hearts tremble with fear just by hearing the process.

After all, the twelve halls of the Demon Lord Hall and the Law Enforcement Hall have the worst reputation. They are so notorious in the evil path. There is no need to go into details about their own virtues.

Just like before, Gu Simonan had just tried his hand at stimulating the acupuncture points on the human body with his true energy, but he couldn't bear it anymore and he really didn't want to continue to suffer worse punishment and torture.

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