Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 791 Story (Please subscribe)

Gu Simonan frowned, trying his best to remember something, and said in a slow tone,

"I don't know much about human body worms. I heard it by chance from my elder brother. There may be some omissions. Just listen. Whether it is true or not remains to be verified."

"To be specific, human bugs are a general term for a large category of bugs, but they don't just refer to a special case.

Because it often lives in the human body and exhibits various magical properties, it is called the human body bug.

The origin of this insect is mysterious and special. It is said that in ancient times, when gods and demons were alive, they were cultivated by great gods. They contain mysterious power and are often used to give followers of gods and demons to enhance their strength or certain abilities.

It is also said that this kind of bug is actually a kind of spirit of heaven and earth. It is born and raised by the earth. It is extremely rare. Every human bug gathers the essence of heaven and earth and has incredible mysterious power.

But no matter which legend it is, for human body worms to be effective, they must live in the human body. "

Meng Zhao listened with great interest, not mentioning this world. In his previous life, he knew that parasites would grow in the human body, so he would take anti-parasite medicine to get rid of the parasites in the body.

These so-called parasites are also bugs, and they also live in the human body, but they are obviously harmful rather than helpful.

In contrast, the human bugs in this world, whether they were cultivated and created by gods and demons, or spontaneously formed by the elves of heaven and earth, were in short a kind of beneficial and harmless bugs, which made him a little more interested in the fat white bugs on the chessboard. expect.

"Mr. Meng, have you ever heard of the wine bug?"

Meng Zhao shook his head. He had heard of heart-eating worms and gold-killing worms, but he had never heard of wine worms. No, that was not necessarily the case. He had read the story of wine worms in his previous life, but it should not be related to this life.

"I will tell you a story. Master Meng, listen to it and you will understand the secret.

Legend has it that during the Imperial Han Dynasty, there was a powerful man in a place who had a son who was talented, knowledgeable and memorized. He was also a unique martial arts wizard. He was deeply favored by him and regarded him as the future of the family. Pillar.

Therefore, he spent a lot of money and wealth to invite famous heroes to teach his son.

This son was diligent and intelligent by nature, and was loved by the hero, who taught him everything he could. There was only one thing that made people criticize him, and what the hero didn't like, was that he was addicted to alcohol at a young age. No wine or food every day, and I feel drunk all day long. The time when I am awake is not as long as half the time when I am in a coma.

For this reason, the son's father and the hero tried their best to stop him from drinking. They tried all kinds of methods and remedies, but they had no effect. Instead, they made the man even more addicted to wine. "

It was also the first time Yunfei heard this story. Hearing this, he sneered and was very disdainful of this person.

"It's a pity that my talents are so burdened by alcohol that I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve great things. 1"

Alcohol is a poison that penetrates the intestines, and it is also a steel knife that scrapes bones. Countless people have died due to alcoholism. Many people who are dedicated to martial arts have never drank alcohol for their entire lives in order to maintain their devotion to martial arts and keep themselves sober.

Although Yunfei is not so extreme, in his opinion, this is not something he can't control. It is clearly because this person is greedy, alcoholic by nature, and cannot control himself, so he uses various methods to deceive his father and master. , it’s really disappointing.

Not only did he fail to live up to the ardent expectations of his elders, but he also wasted his talents.

Meng Zhao nodded slightly. There was a reason why his father and master were so eager to help this man quit drinking.

He spends little time awake and long time in drowsiness. Even so, he is still a rare talent. He is advancing rapidly. If he can work hard, wouldn't he take off immediately?

Of course, if combined with the story of the wine bug he knew in his previous life, things would be much more complicated.

Gu Simonan laughed and shook his head at Yunfei,

"A Fei, you are wrong. Please listen to me and continue."

"Not only is this person's father and master trying their best to help him quit drinking, but this person himself is also trying every means to stay away from alcohol, but he is helpless. Even though he has a strong will and can overcome his alcohol addiction, his body can't help but move towards the place where the wine is. Then go and drink to your heart's content until you get drunk."

"Then one day, after this man had practiced spiritual practice, while he was drinking at home, a wandering Taoist priest came to his door and said that he had a way to help him get rid of his alcohol addiction.

The man was immediately overjoyed and regarded the Taoist priest as his honored guest. He also invited his father and master to check the situation together.

He wasn't stupid either. He knew that this person's identity was unknown and he came to the door rashly. He could be a well-intentioned person playing tricks on the world, or he could be a liar with evil intentions and deceitful people. "

"The Taoist priest used a simple method. He had his hands and feet tied and placed flat outside in the scorching sun. After feeding him a pill, he placed pure and strong wine next to him. Not long after, a green bug came out of its mouth. It was two inches long, with a pure green body and lively eyes. After looking at the tied man, it plunged into the wine. "

"Later, after the Taoist priest explained it, the family found out that the reason why this man was so addicted to alcohol was all because of the alcohol bug. Now that the alcohol bug is gone, he has returned to normal and will no longer be drunk and hazy. I don't know what age and what year. month."

Yun Fei nodded, wanting to say something, but thinking of Gu Sinan Cai's profound words, he didn't dare to say anything.

Meng Zhao had already guessed something and was waiting patiently for Gu Simonan's final decryption.

"The family wanted to reward the wandering Taoist priest heavily, but the man refused to accept it. He just took the wine bug away and then left in an air of a master."

Having said this, Gu Simonan's lips couldn't help but reveal a mocking arc,

"You probably don't know that this Taoist priest who seems to be an expert is actually a liar and a devil who deliberately tries to steal people's luck.

Just because the young man who was originally smart and extremely talented, although he no longer got drunk after getting rid of the alcohol bug, he also lost his powerful talent and became a mediocre person, never regaining his former spirituality and talent.

No matter how hard he practiced, he couldn't compare to the one and a half moves he had practiced casually.

In the end, his family and master suddenly understood that although the alcohol bug made him addicted to alcohol, it also gave him a supreme talent that surpassed ordinary people. Once the alcohol bug went away, although he no longer had the bad habit of drinking, but It also made him completely an ordinary person.

However, at this time, I knew that it was already too late. The Taoist was nowhere to be found and could not be traced. "

"The alcohol bug is actually a type of human body bug. It is addicted to alcohol, but it is actually an instinct to strengthen itself and grow continuously. The more you drink, the stronger your potential.

Although people sometimes get very drunk, they are actually in a state in prison where they seem drunk but not drunk, and seem awake but not awake, which is a special martial arts artistic conception.

It is of great benefit and help to those who practice martial arts. "

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