Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 794 New Friends (Please subscribe)

Before Meng Zhao could walk far, he saw the naked upper body Niu Dali, a tall and majestic man with gold rings in his ears, and two powerful masters walking towards him.

"Haha, Brother Bi, you just went to see the Lord of the Immortal Palace. Did you get things done?"

Niu Dali asked very familiarly. Although the two of them had known each other for less than an hour, there was no sense of incompatibility at all. It was probably because of his external image that he had this affinity, and there was a faint feeling of catering to Meng Zhao. .

Meng Zhao looked at Niu Dali and the two people beside him. It was true that someone would give him a pillow when he fell asleep. Just now he wanted to win over this guy, but he turned around and met him. He didn't know if it was a coincidence or if this murderer was deliberately doing this. Of.

Of course, no matter which one it is, Meng Zhao doesn't think there is any problem. Everyone gets what they need, especially Niu Dali, who has two powerful warriors around him at this time. This shows that he also has his own network of contacts. .

This is what Meng Zhao values ​​​​even more. If the Demon Sect is turned into a big talent market, then those who come from the Demon Sect's major sect will certainly be the mainstream, but the casual cultivators from the side sect are also a force that cannot be ignored, and they can often grow up. Everyone has extraordinary potential.

For example, the Xue Ying whom I met at the Chen family before, and this Niu Dali, were at least no worse than the Yang Cai whom Meng Zhao had conquered, and were even a point or two better.

"The matter has been settled, Brother Niu, who are these two?"

Niu Dali pinched the big gold ring on his earlobe and introduced Meng Zhao eagerly,

"I just want to introduce two friends to my brother, who are also Lao Niu's life and death friends. Su Can and Zheng Que are from the same sect. They are proficient in the secret technique of combined attack. Their martial arts are so high that I am willing to be inferior to Lao Niu. I consider myself inferior."

Meng Zhao smiled and nodded, but felt strange in his heart. Their last names were nothing, but their names were a bit bad. One was disabled and the other was missing. How could anyone have such an unlucky name?

"Brother Su, Brother Zheng, you are polite."

Su Can was dressed in yellow brocade clothes and had a forehead wiper on his head. His eyes were as clear as a deep pool. His figure was ordinary and he was nearly half a head shorter than Meng Zhao. The aura of a warrior, generally speaking, the appearance is not outstanding, but the temperament is special.

In contrast, although Zheng Que has a missing character in his name, his facial features are delicate, like a knife cutting an axe, with sharp edges and corners. His bright red clothes definitely don't have Gu Simonan's coquettish makeup look, but instead make him more handsome and elegant.

He is a truly handsome man, even compared to the handsome and heroic Meng Zhao, he is not inferior, and he has a faint evil charm that makes people impressed.

While Meng Zhao was looking at the two of them, Su Can and Zheng Que were also secretly observing Meng Zhao. They felt that this man looked like he was only sixteen or seventeen years old. He was full of heroic energy and aura, which gave people a vague sense of domineering and unparalleled oppression. He couldn't help but be secretly frightened. He didn't dare to be slighted or looked down upon, and he responded in a very polite manner.

This was also Meng Zhao's intention.

Since he entered Xiantian and fully awakened the Purple Yuan Dragon Body, he has become full of vitality and looks increasingly younger. He is over twenty, but only sixteen or seventeen, which is inevitable for people to look down upon.

He released some energy to intimidate the three of them in order to pave the way for future dealings. He is a strong person and ambitious, so he naturally wants to be the leader.

The three people exchanged greetings, and Niu Dali was working on the side, making the atmosphere very harmonious.

It just so happened that Zheng Que was a good drinker and had a jar of good wine in his hand, so he invited Meng Zhao to taste it. In fact, it was also a form of communication and a closer relationship.

Anyone who can drink together is considered a friend if you don't look into details.

Meng Zhao was confident and went happily without worrying about any conspiracy.

One, of course, is that he has excellent martial arts skills and strong strength. He is not afraid of ghosts and ghosts. He can fight or leave as he pleases.

Secondly, the environment here is special. Within the scope of Bishui Immortal Palace, the demon master is the master. Since the Lord of Immortal Palace has not allowed these evil demons to fight privately, few people dare to violate it.

When they came to the stone house, everyone took their seats. Zheng Que took out a set of wine utensils in a very ceremonial manner, and then took out a collection of fine wines, a few plates of side dishes to go with the wine, and then greeted a few people to start. Compared to the slightly taciturn Su Can, He treats people decently.

Meng Zhao didn't like drinking, but the color of this wine was blue, like the sea, and the breath was pure, with a faint spiritual energy. It was not just to satisfy the desire of the mouth and tongue. After taking a sip, he felt a cool air flow throughout his body after taking a sip. , the whole body is smooth, and the true energy is a little more active, I can't help but praise,

"It's really good wine. I wonder where Brother Zheng got it from. Is there any way to buy it?"

What a qualification he has and how strong his Qi is. This wine can activate his Qi and blood and speed up the flow of Qi. It is already amazing. As a commonly used drink, it is quite good, not to mention the taste is also very good. It was not as spicy or dry as ordinary drinks, but instead sweet and refreshing, which really piqued his interest.

Now Meng Zhao's family has a great business, boundless wealth, daily food and living expenses are top-notch. Although he may not be on the level of a relative of the emperor or a minister of the country, it can be considered luxurious. Seeing the hunter's heart, he wants to find a stable job. If you buy this wine through channels, you can drink it yourself or give it as a gift. It is very good.

Zheng Que showed an expression that was both proud and painful.

"This wine is not an ordinary product. It is called Sapphire. It was brewed by my next good friend, Mrs. Zang, using a secret method. It has not yet been released on the market. Therefore, a jar of Sapphire is worth a thousand taels, so I can only get it if I have a good relationship with him.

If Brother Bi is interested, I can get in touch and buy some for you. I wonder what your plan is? "

Zheng Que felt that Meng Zhao probably thought that this sapphire would be beneficial to martial arts, so he bought a few jars to satisfy his addiction.

Meng Zhao put down the wine glass that was obviously carefully maintained, picked up a clean silk handkerchief, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said,

"The more the better, and I want stable supply over a long period of time, so price is not an issue."

According to the drinks on the market now, top-notch Nuerhong, Zhuangyuan Red, Zhuyeqing, etc., only cost thirty to fifty taels per jar. Better ones are already secretly offered by major families and wealthy families, and cost one hundred taels per jar. It’s not unusual for those in the altar.

A thousand taels per altar, to be honest, the price is a bit high, and ordinary people, even those with innate power such as Zheng Que, simply cannot support such expenses.

After all, it is easy for a heavy drinker to drink a full jar of wine in a day. This is a consumption of one thousand taels. Who can afford it?

In fact, if there is no legitimate industry or career, making money is not a problem for Niu Dali, Zheng Que and others, but it is also very difficult to make big money.

Looting by violence is not that simple.

After all, it is still the heyday of the Great Yong Dynasty. Tianxing Hall is spread across the fourteen states of China, with nine surnames and thirteen families. It is a powerful sect. It suppresses ghosts and monsters. If you dare to commit any big case, you will be on the wanted list every minute. The hunter was in a state of ecstasy.

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