Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 798 Shock, Transition (Please subscribe)

"Brother Bi, if you have something on your mind, don't be shy. Just speak up. My senior fellow apprentices and brothers will consider it carefully."

"In fact, it's not that difficult. I just hope that the two bartenders can secretly escort this. After all, money is very attractive. If this business is really successful, I am afraid that it will attract a lot of people to covet it, and there will be people who want to take advantage of it. , this requires us to work together to maintain this business, what do you think?"

This request was not too high, and Su Can and Zheng Que agreed without any surprise.

Since Meng Zhao gave them 20% of the profits, they also had a share of this business. Someone was coveting it, and even if Meng Zhao didn't mention it, they wouldn't stand idly by.

As soon as the conversation started, the relationship between the two of them became a little closer, and they did not talk about the wine business in detail.

Su Can and Zheng Que didn't understand this aspect, and Niu Dali didn't know anything about it. Meng Zhao only supported the program and guided changes in the general direction. The specific implementation measures and various details had to be done by his capable people. This is also The value of those people.

Apart from business, what the few people talked about the most was actually the secrets of the martial arts world, strange things in the martial arts world, and martial arts.

Meng Zhao was very knowledgeable and knew many secrets. He was highly skilled in martial arts and had a lofty realm. When he talked about martial arts, he was often thought-provoking. Naturally, he dominated the entire conversation.

Niu Dali, Su Can, and Zheng Que all knew this, but they had no idea of ​​competing. First, they lacked ability. Their martial arts might be strong, but their knowledge was shallow. If they pretended to be doctors in front of Meng Zhao, they might be trying to do what they did best. , and secondly, it is closely related to Meng Zhao's in-depth and in-depth understanding of martial arts whip.

When three people travel together, there must be a teacher. Although Meng Zhaowu Dao may not be able to be the teacher of the other three people, he can still bring refreshing insights and even a sudden inspiration, which naturally attracts the three people to listen carefully.

This small gathering only took about half an hour. However, several people felt that they had gained a lot and were satisfied. Especially Meng Zhao. In addition to coming up with a good idea to make money, the other thing was that they had made new friends in the evil path. The new connections, not limited to the Demon Lord Palace, gave him more room for maneuver.

As time goes by, we are getting closer and closer to the Demonic Association, and more and more people are going up the mountain. A small number of them are from authentic demonic sects, and most of them are casual cultivators who have been lucky enough to achieve something. ,

Although the quality of these people varies greatly, their martial arts skills are not weak. Meng Zhao deliberately made friends with him, and with the help of Demon Lord Hall and Niu Dali, he was really prosperous and made a lot of connections. Not really friends, but a rough acquaintance and a basis for further contact.

However, as the number of people increases, the order here also faces extremely severe challenges.

The next morning after Meng Zhao arrived at the mountain, an extremely violent fight occurred. Two demonic warriors got into a fight because of a quarrel. Fortunately, they knew that the Lord of Bishui Immortal Palace had rules in mind, so he was relatively restrained and did not Making too much noise.

But at night, a small brawl broke out between more than a dozen people. On one side, there were mainly strong men from orthodox demonic sects, and on the other side, there was a small group formed by casual cultivators who joined together to keep warm.

No one knows the specific reason for the fight, but the battle directly affected the entire camping area. The starry sky was dim that night, the moonlight was dim, and only the light of fire shot into the sky, illuminating the mountain as if it was on fire.

The center of the battlefield was overflowing with vitality and vitality, surging like a sea tide, stirring the world. Only a dozen people took action, but it seemed like thousands of troops were fighting. Meng Zhaodu was so excited that he wanted to join in.

However, he, Gu Simonan, Niu Dali and others did not enter the venue after all. They just watched the battle from the sidelines and looked forward to the reaction of the people in the Immortal Palace.

It was obvious that this large-scale killing violated the rules of the Lord of the Immortal Palace, and those who broke the rules would have to pay the price.

Meng Zhao and others originally thought that the Lord of the Immortal Palace would personally take action to punish them and establish supreme majesty with the power of thunder.

Unexpectedly, they thought wrong after all. The Lord of the Immortal Palace did not take any action. He just randomly sent a young disciple to the place where the incident occurred. He made seals with his hands and activated the formation. Wherever his fingers pointed, he was invincible.

With the power of moving mountains and filling seas, these dozen tyrannical Xiantians were all suppressed, which made everyone feel chilly in their hearts.

In terms of martial arts, although this young disciple is also a genius, it is obvious that he has just stepped into this realm not long ago and has only opened one skill. Any genius in the field will be far more overpowered by him.

However, it was such a small character who only mastered a little power of the formation, but in the end he was able to overwhelm everyone, which really touched people too much.

At that time, Yunfei's face was ugly, because he was devoted to martial arts, and such behavior was undoubtedly a torture of his martial arts will.

After years of hard training, only to be defeated by a mere burst of power, the gap is so huge that it is inevitable to feel disheartened.

The final outcome was that these dozen people were escorted to the Immortal Palace one after another, and one person was whipped ten times and worked hard on the mountain for three hours as punishment, and then the matter was finally revealed.

This punishment is neither light nor severe, and the main reason is that there are no casualties. Otherwise, if someone is really dead, I am afraid it will not be able to be removed with such gentle handling.

Smart people can see that this is a typical example of killing a chicken to scare the monkeys and deter everyone.

After this incident, no matter how big the contradictions or how serious the conflicts were, these unruly guys tried their best to control their emotions and not get angry. In the end, they were dealt with by the master of the fairy palace, which not only lost face, but also did not get any benefits.

For a time, this place where people live had a sense of peace and tranquility.

Those who knew naturally knew the background and identity of these people. Those who didn't know thought that they came to a paradise and met a group of good people who lived in harmony with the world, which was also ironic.

Meng Zhao saw from this incident that, in fact, whether it was the righteous way or the evil way, although there were differences in their positions, in essence, they all followed the jungle law of the strong being respected. If there was no master of the fairy palace to suppress them, how could these guys who killed and set fires and did all kinds of evil be so obedient?

In addition to starting to pay attention to the information about the human body insects, he also planned to carefully look for opportunities in this magic meeting to strengthen his own strength.

As the relationship between the people eased, this group of innates also started a transaction similar to the magic meeting, which was an appetizer for the formal magic meeting.

Most of them were interactions between familiar people.

For example, Meng Zhao exchanged a refreshing incense from Su Can. Lighting this incense and running the spiritual secret method can greatly improve the spiritual power. When the refreshing incense is burned out, the spiritual power falls to the normal range, but the experience and the key points mastered are real.

It is a good material for assisting practice.

Correspondingly, Meng Zhao paid a good martial arts, but compared with the martial arts he mastered and deduced, it is nothing.

This is also one of the great wealth that Meng Zhao has, which is not worse than the general inheritance of a large sect.

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