Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 802 Collection, Atmosphere (Please subscribe)

There are several others who have similar guesses and ideas to this person. It is not that they are all so smart, but they give a result and work backwards. Many processes cannot withstand scrutiny.

Naturally, the personal image and evaluation created by He Liu in the past became a deliberate conspiracy.

People like this, even in the evil path, are despised by everyone. The ones pursued by the evil path are fierce enough, ruthless enough, and strong enough. The evil is upright and upright, and the viciousness will certainly make people fear it, but it is also difficult for people to have it. Closeness.

This is in great conflict with the personal style displayed by He Liu, and will of course make people disgusted.

"No wonder I always feel that the battle that day happened so strangely. If it was intentional, this man would be terrible. Brother Bi, why do you think he is so sure that the Lord of the Immortal Palace will only treat them lightly? Instead of being severely punished, is it possible that there is some connection between them? "

Zheng Que took a breath and looked at He Liushi on the round platform, his eyes full of vigilance and precaution. I am afraid that this person is not a heroic figure with a strong personality, but a complete conspirator.

Think about it again, this side hall temporarily used for gatherings was borrowed by He Liu from the Immortal Palace. So, does this once again confirm that he has some secret relationship with the Immortal Palace?

The more they thought about it, the more Zheng Que and even Su Can felt cold-hearted, and they felt that a huge conspiracy was coming towards everyone.

In fact, He Liu is nothing. If the big guys want to take advantage of him, they can take advantage of him. If they don't take advantage of him, it's just a piece of shit. However, the Lord of the Immortal Palace is not something they can compete with innately.

Not to mention anything else, a single extremely weak Xiantian disciple, in charge of the Immortal Palace Formation, using a little power, could sweep away the two groups of people who fought that day. If the Lord of the Immortal Palace personally took action, they might not even have the chance to kneel down and beg for mercy. nothing.

Meng Zhao shook his head, feeling heavy in his heart. Although he had been in contact with the Lord of the Immortal Palace, he did not have a truly accurate understanding and positioning of this person. The other party was like a mist, which he could see but could not figure out.

Such a person is undoubtedly dangerous.

The opponent's invincible martial arts is only one aspect. What really puts pressure on others lies in the person's mind and temperament.

Strong power is not necessarily dangerous, but strong power in the hands of dangerous people will threaten people.

"That's it. The soldiers will stop us, and the water will cover us. Let's not panic. Let's see what He Liu wants to do. Maybe I'm overthinking it."

As these words fell, Niu Dali and others stopped talking, and the eyes of several people at the next table also flickered, quietly watching He Liu's performance on the stage.

Next, He Liu followed what he said before and brought various treasures to the round platform for nearly a hundred people to watch and appreciate. This was an eye-opener for everyone, and their evaluation of He Liu rose again and again.

These treasures can best reflect a person's heritage, at least showing that they are not far behind in terms of financial relations and even blessings. He Liu took this opportunity to make his image more three-dimensional and win the favor of more people.

Among them, there were two treasures that even Meng Zhao was excited about and had an idea about.

The same treasure was the poison elixir of an unknown ferocious beast. It was highly toxic and would kill anyone who touched it. Even when it was brought up for display, it was blocked by a transparent glass. Apparently He Liu was worried about an accident and the spread of the poison, which showed how powerful it was.

However, although this treasure is precious, it is only aimed at a specific group of people, especially masters who use poison or practice poison techniques. Even if ordinary warriors get this treasure, they don't know how to use it.

The reason why Meng Zhao was interested in this poisonous pill was because the dragon Xiaojiu he raised needed this kind of poisonous treasure to support his growth.

Since swallowing the Green Frog Poison Salamander, Jiaolong Xiaojiu has begun a rapid growth stage. His strength has been rising again and again, and he has approached the innate stage. If he can get this pill and swallow it, it will help him take the final step.

Meng Zhao believed that Jiaolong Xiaojiu had a high probability of entering the innate gate and truly becoming a trump card in his hand.

The innate-level dragon, with its top-level ferocious beast overlord's natural bloodline alone, is enough to dominate this realm, and is rarely matched. Coupled with the magical power of Ruyi, the unexpected effect will have a huge boost to Meng Zhao's immediate combat power.

The second treasure is a tortoise shell. Although it is only the size of a palm, it is said that this tortoise lived for eight hundred years before being hunted. The texture on it is mysterious, and it seems to contain the secrets of heaven and earth. For those who are proficient in magic and Yi Dao, formations For Dao warriors, it has a huge auxiliary effect.

Similar to the poisonous elixir of the ferocious beast, this tortoise shell is also a treasure targeted at a specific group of people. However, after Meng Zhao suddenly realized and created a magical skill that explains the mysteries of heaven, earth and people, he also began to dabble in magic and Yi Dao, and then Be interested in this tortoise shell.

In addition, the other eight treasures are indeed precious to be honest, but to Meng Zhao and even some wealthy warriors, they are nothing. They are not unique or extremely scarce.

Of course, most of the people present were casual cultivators, and most of them were acquired warriors. When they saw such treasures, they all blushed with excitement, scratched their heads and scratched their heads. If it weren't for He Liu's martial arts and the large number of powerful people present, he would have said Maybe some brave people have tried to take it away by force.

It has to be said that He Liu's method of revealing his treasures was very clever. He heated up the originally dull atmosphere and aroused the interest of many warriors, including many innate experts in Meng Zhao's area. .

It's not that everyone was attracted and shocked by He Liu's collection, but the atmosphere on the field was naturally affected by the environment.

Human beings are the most vulnerable creatures to be influenced and changed by the external environment. Following the herd is also a very common psychology, which does not change based on the level of martial arts.

At the same time, Meng Zhao also understood why He Liu not only invited the innate casual cultivators of the evil path, but also invited some acquired warriors with little fighting ability.

In addition to having certain potential, these people's biggest role is probably to enhance the atmosphere.

The target of foil is, of course, the group of people in the East District where Meng Zhao lives.

Therefore, He Liu's ultimate target should still be these innate warriors in the East District.

After all, in terms of pure martial arts, over seventy acquired days, Meng Zhao alone could kill them all. It is self-evident who is more valuable.

After He Liu's ten collections were displayed one by one, people came on stage one after another to display their own collections and clearly marked their prices, which completely opened up the atmosphere of this small gathering.

Meng Zhao had no intention of participating and kept a low profile. He planned to wait until the meeting was over to ask He Liu how to trade the two treasures.

The same was true for a few people around him, but it opened a lot of horizons. Some acquired warriors even took out treasures that were innately excited, and with He Liu's help, several deals were made.

The whole process lasted about an hour.

It wasn't until there were no more people on stage to show off or trade that He Liufang came on stage again and attracted everyone's attention.

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