Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 820 Super Speed ​​(Please subscribe)

And the fact is just as Gu Sinan said, after avoiding Niu Dali's exquisite palm technique, Ji Chang transformed his entire body into a black lightning, the electric light flashed in the air, and others were already close to Niu Dali's side.

When he raised his hand, there were three consecutive fingers, popping and popping, piercing the air, and the electric light was like a needle. However, because the speed was too fast, the afterimage and the fingers were closed together, making it difficult to separate from each other. Most people could not see the secret at all, thinking that He only made one move.

Only innate people, or even some people with extraordinary talents, can see that one finger actually contains the stacked power of three fingers. Whether it is the strength or the momentum, it can be said to be extremely powerful.

Even though they were on the hostile side, Meng Zhao, Su Can and others were all sweating for Niu Dali, just because the three consecutive fingers were not poking anywhere else, but Niu Dali's eyes.

It is true that Niu Dali has an amazing physique, a body that is as powerful as a ferocious beast, and a strong and tough body-protecting aura. With the double blessing, even if this finger is very powerful, it may not be able to do anything to him.

However, the eyes are the weakest point in the human body. They are the place in the world that cannot be tempered by any horizontal training method throughout the ages. The only thing that can be truly trained to be like a diamond is the eyelids, that is, the eyelids.

When Meng Zhao was in Nan'an, he met such a warrior who, by some strange combination of circumstances, had developed the indestructible eyelids of the Vajra.

However, such a person is rare in ten thousand. It is possible to appear by chance and with the blessing of luck.

Fortunately, Niu Dali is Niu Dali after all. How could a person who has made a great name in the evil world be defeated so easily?

I saw that his thick and powerful palms were held in front of my eyes in advance as if predicting the future. His fingers were spread out, and the gray-white palms were glowing with a metallic luster, and they were grabbing in the direction of the force of the fingers.

There was a sound like a blazing electric light, and Ji Chang's three-finger combination that was as fast as a ghost was immediately broken.

Ji Chang was not willing to fight. At the moment when his finger force was crushed, his body swayed and when he reappeared, he was already on the other side of the ring, more than three feet away from Niu Dali, with gloomy eyebrows and twinkling eyes.

"Huh, it's so dangerous, so dangerous. Ji Chang really has some tricks up his sleeve. If Lao Niu hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been in trouble immediately."

Zheng Que wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead, and his pounding heart gradually returned to normal. He thought that if it were him, he might not be able to neutralize the opponent's offensive so lightly.

The main reason was Ji Chang's movement, his shooting speed was so fast that it was difficult for the naked eye to detect his movements.

It is easy to be plotted by someone who has the first head start. In addition, Ji Chang targets the weakest eyes in the body, making it even more difficult to prevent.

Once the eyes are injured, it will be a huge blow to the warrior's strength.

The most obvious example is the decisive battle between Zuo Lengchan and Yue Buqun in Swordsman.

At that time, although Yue Buqun had already practiced evil-fighting swordsmanship in the palace, his strength had improved by leaps and bounds, and his swordsmanship was extremely high.

However, compared to Zuo Lengchan, his strength is still insufficient.

Therefore, he first used a trick to force Zuo Lengchan to give up the Songshan sword technique that he was good at, and fought with him with a fake evil-proofing sword technique. Then he plotted against the opponent and stabbed him blind. Only then did he truly establish his victory.

In the end, the righteous master who created the Ice True Qi and the Ice Divine Palm and edited and promoted Songshan Martial Arts was defeated in one fell swoop.

In this victory, martial arts is actually secondary, while tactics and conspiracy occupy the mainstream.

Even if Ji Chang couldn't blind Niu Dali's eyes just now, just inflicting slight trauma and temporarily affecting his vision, it would be enough to lead the trend of this fierce fight in another direction.

Meng Zhao nodded secretly in his heart. Niu Dali was indeed very sophisticated. His movement skills were not as good as his opponent's, and even his shooting speed was at a disadvantage. The reason why he could easily resolve the attack was mainly due to his good prediction.

As long as you predict accurately and take precautions in advance, it is not difficult to neutralize the opponent's quick attack moves.

It's like knowing the answer in advance. After the test paper is distributed, you can pick it up at your fingertips without any hesitation.

However, this seems simple, but it is extremely demanding. Not only does it require rich practical experience and exquisite control of Qi, but it also requires a sense of self-confidence, an undoubted belief in one's own courage.

A little hesitation may lead to another outcome.

At this time, although the two people in the ring could only exchange two moves, they had already aroused the emotions of the people watching the battle around them, and the atmosphere became more and more heated. Some talented warriors were still talking and gesticulating with their hands, obviously they had something to say. The harvest is only in the clouds and fog, and it is difficult to see clearly.

Niu shook his neck vigorously, making a crackling sound, which sounded very charming.

Looking at Ji Chang who missed the hit and then ran away, he grinned, showing his white teeth, and commented,

"This move is not bad, it's very fast, but it's a pity that it's not strong enough."

As he spoke, he started to use the magic power, and his naked chest instantly bulged out with dense muscles. The knots looked like pine nut balls. With a slight sway, it was as if a big mountain was shaking. During the tremor, it stirred up the surrounding airflow, forming a tidal wave that swept outward. .

Vaguely, a figure stepped on the earth and roared up to the sky, as if the shadow of a demonic cow that could swallow the sun and eat the moon appeared behind him. This was his martial arts form, which really matched his surname.

As Niu Dali's movements increased and his energy and blood circulated violently, his whole body turned into a blazing furnace, scorching the space and distorting the airflow, making even the onlookers under the surrounding ring miserable. After saying that, they all retreated and stayed away from the ring.

Just now, Niu Dali only used his true energy and palm skills. Now, he uses extremely powerful physical power. The pressure brought by it is naturally increasing exponentially.

As the first opponent to bear the brunt, Ji Chang felt even more uncomfortable.

In fact, the high temperature and heat caused by the transpiration of Qi and blood have little effect on him. After all, this is just a passive appearance. The power of Qi and blood has not been exerted through special secret techniques, so its power is limited.

However, his terrifying physical power, combined with his incomparable trembling skills, squeezed the air, forming a wave of waves that spread outwards and gradually formed a spiral circle, trapping him in the position where he stood at this time.

A temporary field was formed to suppress his rapid performance.

Even if it can't really imprison him, as long as it can affect him and slow him down, it will be enough to reverse the situation.

When masters compete and the strong fight, any detail may become the key to victory or defeat.

For Ji Chang, whose hard power is not as strong as Niu Dali and can only rely on speed to create miracles, this is absolutely intolerable.

At this time, he could not care about anything else, with a gloomy face, Tianyin God's thunder energy burst out, forming chain-like arcs outside his body, surrounding his body, forcing away the continuous squeezing waves. .

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