Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 824 Poison Smoke (Please subscribe)

On the ring, when Niu Dali was hesitating, his eyes suddenly moved, his mouth opened wide, and he saw a wisp of green smoke coming out of Ji Chang who was far away from him, as if rising from his back.

The strands of green smoke are like clouds in the sky, magnificent and magical under the sun.

However, as soon as it attached to Ji Chang's body, it immediately made a sizzling sound, like the sound of sulfuric acid corrosion.

The clothes made of fine materials were burned, and the skin that looked elastic and energetic fell off in large swaths, revealing blood-red patches, and even bright red blood burst out.

Ji Chang didn't even have time to cry out in pain. His whole body seemed to have experienced Lingchi's torture. Hundreds of pieces of meat fell out, and he died immediately. During the rest time, it melts into blood.

The only thing left undamaged was the soft sword that was wrapped around his waist.

Yes, he is dead, an innate-level master, a strong man who has practiced the Tianyin Divine Thunder, and even not long ago, he was very high-spirited, operating the divine thunder of heaven and earth, controlling the divine thunder of heaven and earth, and competing with Niu Dali's martial arts like a thunder god. That's it. Died silently.

Niu Dali was dumbfounded and could hardly believe it. He even thought that this was an illusion or trick used by the other party to make him lower his vigilance.

However, no matter how you feel or observe, there is still the same result.

The aura belonging to Ji Chang really disappeared completely, and the only thing left was a pool of blood and a soft sword.

Not only him, but also the crowd of people watching the battle in the square, regardless of their nature or nurture, were not prepared at all. They were shocked by this horrifying scene and were speechless, not knowing what to say.

For a moment, there was silence inside and outside the ring, as if it was a dead place, strange and eerie.

However, when the wisp of green smoke spread, Niu Dali just thought of what Ji Chang said to him, and only three words remained in his mind, Baisuiyan,

This is a poison made by Wei Ning, used to die with him.

He didn't know how Ji Chang, who had no strength in his head, resorted to this method of self-destruction before he expressed his position, but he knew that if he was contaminated by the poisonous smoke, even if his body was much stronger than Ji Chang's, it would be difficult for him to do so. To escape the bad luck of being poisoned.

Therefore, after shouting loudly, he moved the round and pure Qi in his meridians, which was as round and pure as jade beads, and waved his hands, turning into strong winds that were almost substantial and swept towards the direction where the poisonous smoke drifted.

Every strong wind is enough to set off hurricane-like waves.

The scary thing is that this poisonous smoke is not affected by anything. The strong wind is enough to roll up a hundred kilograms of rocks into the sky, but it can't blow away a single bit. It still floats towards Niu Dali at a slow but constant speed.

This smoke seems to be a living creature, with spirituality, specifically looking for living creatures.

This is not green smoke at all, but the smoke of death. If it falls on him, he may be the next Ji Chang.

Niu Dali didn't care about anything else at this time and roared,

‘Ji Chang is dead, Lao Niu won this battle. ’

Then, he walked away without caring, jumped out of the ring, and landed next to Meng Zhao and Zheng Que. Their slightly pale faces were filled with shock. They watched the poisonous smoke fail to break through the formation and spread to Outside the ring, the force of the formation slowly dissipated, and he finally let out a breath of turbid air and relaxed.

This series of changes is dizzying, and most people have no idea what is happening.

What was the green smoke spreading on Ji Chang's body, why did he die suddenly, and why did Niu Dali shout out that he had won and then hurriedly stepped off the stage, as if he was avoiding something...

All kinds of doubts made many people realize that there might be something hidden inside, but they just didn't know it.

Of course, there are also people with sharp eyesight and careful thinking who can see that although Ji Chang died, it was not because of Niu Dali's method, but because some kind of poisonous smoke on his body leaked to Yin's death.

The reason why Niu Dali shouted those words was just to conclude the fierce battle, and his performance of running away quickly after that was enough to explain everything.

At least, the dangerous-looking and terrifying poisonous smoke had little to do with him.

Meng Zhao had been standing under the ring with his arms folded, watching the fight. He had seen the whole process and scene in front of his eyes. Coupled with his understanding of the inside story, he had some guesses.

Such violent and terrifying poisonous smoke could only have come from Wei Ning, who was close friends with Ji Chang. But for some reason, Wei Ning seemed to have other intentions and used the poisonous smoke to plot against Ji Chang. This led to an innate strong man. 's fall.

It sounds incredible, but Meng Zhao feels that the truth should be like this.

Wei Ning is like a cold and heartless poisonous snake. It is unrealistic to talk about feelings with him. Cooperating with him is equivalent to seeking the skin of a tiger. Ji Chang's death should be unexpected and reasonable.

When he searched for traces of Wei Ning, he could not find him, which further confirmed his idea.

However, at this time, because an innate warrior died, and the death process seemed too weird, the onlookers became emotional. Many people shouted that there was a conspiracy, and Niu Dali won the victory without force. Some people beat their chests because they had bet on the wrong person. , causing him to lose all his money...

Things like this made Meng Zhao and the others very irritable, and this place was not the place to talk. After saying hello to the people from the Immortal Palace who were guarding the arena, the group hurriedly left the place.

Although the onlookers were excited and even hated Niu Dali for defeating him with force, they were all innately strong men with great momentum. When they got together, no one dared to stop them, and they left smoothly...

Halfway up the mountain, a spacious room was temporarily rented in a hall used by Bishui Immortal Palace to entertain foreign guests.

They also found people from the Immortal Palace and bought some medicine, wine and food. Meng Zhao and others gathered in the house.

While applying medicine vigorously to the cow, they drank and discussed the battle.

Although Gu Simonan, Yun Fei, Wei Qi, Niu Dali, Zheng Que, Su Can and others are clearly different from each other, under Meng Zhao's mediation, they can barely be regarded as companions, and the atmosphere is soothing.

The injuries on Niu Dali's body were actually not serious. The main reason was that he resisted the two sky thunders, causing two areas of his skin to be burned and scalded by the high-temperature thunder energy. The surface skin had turned into dead skin and was charred black.

For an average person, the injury would not be considered minor, and would even affect future daily life, remove dead skin cells, and even lead to disability.

But Niu vigorously practiced the horizontal training method, and his physical body was astonishingly active. After the blood energy was stimulated, the dead skin on the two injured areas was stimulated to fall off, and the vitality was volatilized. Then he applied the ointment bought from the Immortal Palace, and after ten and a half months, he was healed. Can be restored as before.

As for the loss of true energy and lack of physical strength and mental energy, it can be replenished quickly with a little rest.

Therefore, when Zheng Que was applying medicine to him, Niu Dali was still greedy and drank the amber wine brewed by Xiangong. He felt like a tough guy like Guan Gong scraping bones to cure poison.

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