Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 836 Take action (please subscribe)

Amidst all the pointing and pointing, Fu Zeguang stood up proudly. As his muscles and bones stretched, his aura was like a waking giant beast. In a very short time, it expanded, grew stronger, became fierce, revealed a strong murderous aura, and was as sharp as a blade.

His eyebrows were lowered and his eyes were as bright as stars, sweeping in all directions. There was no special expression on his jade-like face. He really wanted to search for the opponent designated by the Lord of the Immortal Palace. Unfortunately, he found nothing and no one responded. .

Similar to what the other martial artists were thinking, Fu Zeguang also regarded this competition as a different stage to show himself in front of the three great masters. The ultimate goal was to gain the appreciation of the Bone Master and then have the possibility of becoming his disciple. .

From a certain point of view, the Bone Master and Fu Zeguang each have their own thoughts and are running in both directions.

Therefore, no matter who the opponent was, he decided to use his strongest side to defeat him quickly. Only by destroying the dead can he attract the attention of the grandmaster.

Meng Zhao also found that Fu Zeguang was as sharp as a sword and had a strong fighting spirit. He did not appear very excited or stressed.

Yun Danfeng stood up gently, and stepped forward amidst the astonishment and amazement of the familiar people around him. Together with Fu Zeguang, he came to the three jade platforms and saluted with clasped fists.

"This is Meng Tao? Isn't it right? Why did I hear that his surname was Bi? Could it be that he used a fake name?"

"Hiss, this kid is so young. He doesn't even look like his hair has grown. His energy is as unfathomable as an abyss. No wonder he can enter the master's Dharma eyes. It's really amazing..."

The warriors and even some Immortal Palace disciples who were listening around were whispering. A very small number of them cast their gazes on Xuangang, with questioning and scrutinizing attitudes everywhere. Compared to the Lord of the Palace, Xuangang was indeed too immature and had a poor reputation. It is also equivalent to knowing that there is no ability that can be remembered by the immortal Fu Zeguang.

Of course, Wu Xian Fu Ze just mentioned names first, but it was an eye-opening provocation. After all, the only one who had no say in that small hall was the Eighth Little Grand Master, and no one else could do anything but obey orders.

Not to mention that Che Xiang was a congenitally weak person with a deep and measurable Qi. Even if he asked the Lord of the Palace to fight with a dog, he would still have to deal with it, unless he planned to survive.

"The Lord of the Palace, Meng Tao, and the seven of them competed in the small hall. This is a limited method. You will evaluate what they have learned later and hope to make good use of it. You must live up to that opportunity. "

"Then Guang Ding will live up to the expectations of the palace master and the two masters, and he will do his best."

The Lord of the Palace faced the weak grandmaster who had an aura as small as eight divine rings. He was great and humble, his expression was extremely serious, respectful and rude, but he often glanced at Xuan Gang with a slightly meaningful look.

Thinking about it, when I talked with Viin Ning later, I learned that there was no quarrel between me and Viin Ning, so I became interested in exploring.

In comparison, Xuangang's waist was as straight as a spear, his expression was also indifferent, and he looked even more ordinary. Some people were amazed, even the eight immortal Fu Zeguang under the jade platform.

Grandmaster Bai Gu looked at Xuan Gang with a smile on his face, and even took the initiative to release a trace of the aura that only belongs to a weak master, to put pressure on the older man, but seeing that I was completely unaware, You Zan said,

"What a great man. He also knows how I have developed my spiritual skills. That powerful force is so solid. Even if I have taken action, my grace alone has already overwhelmed the Lord of this palace."

Immortal Master Zeguang nodded and agreed,

"It's wrong. Look at my performance. I have desires and demands. It seems that I want to get something from us. It's wrong. In comparison, the master of the palace has a little complicated mind, and it is inevitable to worry about gains and losses."

Grandmaster Qiao always felt that if the big man Xuan Gang on the jade platform had no deep meaning, he would always cast his eyes below me, and he would inevitably have some reverie in his heart.

Although the entire small hall is very small, it is as narrow and wide as a small square.

Therefore, the eight jade platforms occupy a large area, and the seats for the seven weeks of spectators also occupy a certain proportion. The blank space left is still enough for the warriors to compete and compete.

The first one to take action was the Lord of the Palace. I even said hello to Che Xiangwuer, and then I gathered my hundred ghosts and Meng Zhao, and turned them into a thick white as ink, shrill and terrifying ghost hand grabbing at Xuan Gang.

The appearance of the ghost hand was also very strange. There was no sound or warning, but it rose from the ground and grabbed Xuan Gang in the same direction. It seemed like a ferocious evil ghost emerged from the ground. To take Xuan Gang into the Four Netherworlds.

Under the ghost's hand, densely packed ghost faces emerge, which are gloomy and ferocious, with various expressions of joy, anger, sorrow, worry, and fear, which can frighten people without sparse phobia to death, adding to the evil atmosphere.

That was a strange move by Baigui Chexiang. The ghost hand became a ghost monster of its own, instantly pulling the opponent into the ghost monster, directly reducing and suppressing the close connection between the opponent and the vitality of heaven and earth, and at the same time, it released all kinds of negative emotions of the villain. , is a secret weapon aimed at blocking.

If that hand were to face other innate warriors, 81% of them would suffer severely, and 10% to 20% would break out in hot sweat. Only an infinite number of people could deal with it calmly, and of course Xuan Gang was included.

I listened to the Eighth Little Grandmaster, absorbed the master's martial arts wisdom, and integrated it into what I learned, so that the Emperor's Qi-Wang Technique created by Sudden Enlightenment has been integrated into my entire martial arts system and is running all the time.

From what I can see, the sky and the earth seem to be a static or moving background. I am in the middle, and any movement of wind and grass cannot escape my Qi induction.

Sometimes, what the eyes see must be true, but what the Qi machine senses, there are many mistakes.

Therefore, when the Lord of the Palace took action, Xuan Gang had already noticed that the thick white evil aura on the ground was like an erupting volcano.

That is also the essence and mystery of the Emperor's Qi Watching Technique. Once the secret technique is completed, it is impossible to predict it.

Although he was also surprised by the strangeness of the other party's methods, he was not panicked at all.

Xuan Gang was seen with his hands on his back, as tall as pine trees, with his feet just a little bit. As soon as he entered, the lavender dragon energy flashed away. It was like a ghost hand born from the ground, and was penetrated by a powerful force. It shattered into pieces and finally dissipated into a faint white mist.

Che Xiangze narrowed his eyes, a safe light flashed in his pupils, and said secretly,

It's possible!

In my eyes, or in my perception, there is actually nothing subtle about Xuangang's foot. The strength of the zhenqi used seems to be very weak. It may be possible for any innate person present. Everyone can send it out.

However, it was those kinds of anomalies and Wuer's methods, kneaded together, Wuer could easily crush my ghost hand like a knife cutting tofu, which is what makes me feel most incredible.

Because, this ghost hand is made from the hundred ghosts Meng Zhao that I condensed.

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