Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 852 Pudu Religion (please subscribe)

Just when Meng Zhao was going to find a better inn with Niu Dali, clean up his body, get rid of the fatigue from the long journey, and reward himself with some good wine and food, the sound of gongs was heard from the corner of the street.

Immediately, amid the noisy sound of gongs and drums, the beggars who were lying on the street like dead corpses, as well as some pedestrians with sad faces and dead emotions, gathered towards the center of the gongs and drums, and in a very short period of time, Within a short period of time, an extremely dense surrounding circle was formed.

Meng Zhao and Niu Daliren were outside, and they could only see a crowd of people, pushing and shoving, and the scene seemed very chaotic for a while. However, after a very clear and moving voice appeared, the young men and women and the shambling old people gathered together. All of them had expressions of fanatical yearning on their faces, and they knelt down to someone in the center of the circle.

Some young children who are very young, naive and ignorant of the world are also forced by their parents or elders to salute someone.

Niu Dali was surprised. If these people in Yunhua County were just a pool of stagnant water, zombies one by one, now these people have exploded with amazing vitality and activity. However, it seems to be overkill. This strong activity, Even a little evil.

Of course, many people were so crazy that they almost lost their minds, and of course there were some who were calm. Meng Zhao and Niu Dali were on the outside, and they saw a scholar not far away who was neatly dressed and had a weak temperament. He was very dissatisfied with the people inside the circle. He murmured in his mouth,

"The witch, the witch, gathers people's hearts and has ulterior motives. The one who brings disaster to Dayong must be someone from this generation."

He murmured incessantly, and the volume was actually not much different from that of a mosquito. Especially in this noisy environment, there was no risk of being overheard.

However, this refers to a normal situation. Meng Zhao and Niu Dali have profound skills and amazing martial arts cultivation. They deliberately pay attention to him. Just listening to this scaly claw, it is clear that this scholar should know the people inside the encirclement circle very well.

Meng Zhao took a wrong step, swayed, and suddenly appeared next to the scholar like a ghost. As a stranger, he offered his hands to him and said curiously,

"Young Master is polite. He came here after studying in the lower reaches. He is very unfamiliar with Yunhua County. I wonder who the people there are, but they are so loved by the people. Could it be that the Lord of the County is traveling?"

Meng Zhao had already heard that the person who had just spoken to appease the fanatical people was a woman. He also heard what the scholar said about the witch, but in order to stir up the topic, he pretended to be ignorant.

When the scholar saw someone asking him a question, he trembled subconsciously, thinking that his muttering had been discovered by others. Fortunately, he saw that the person who asked him the question was a handsome young man, gentle and polite, although he looked very handsome. Tall and strong, but without any of the rude and exaggerated air of a warrior.

In particular, a pair of eyes, with a purple halo that was as bright as black pearls, shone with divine light, which made the scholar very fond of him. He quickly bowed in return and said cautiously,

"The young master is from out of town?"

Meng Zhao nodded,

"Yes, my hometown is Nan'an County in Jizhou. I went out to visit relatives and wanted to see more of the lakes and mountains on my way back, so I took a small road and came to Yunhua County. I just entered the city not long ago."

The scholar had met people from Jizhou, and there was no big problem with Meng Zhao's accent. He also saw Niu Dali, who looked like a guard, and his strong body like a bear gave people a strong sense of security. He pulled Meng Zhao and pulled him away. Go to a corner and whisper,

"Young Master, we are destined to be together. Let me tell you the truth. The person in the middle is not the county prince at all, but the enchantress from Pudu Sect. On the first and fifteenth day of every month, in the name of the sect's Baifu Banquet, Giving clothes, medicinal materials, and food to poor people, and at the same time using magic like holy water, sweet rain, etc. to cure people's illnesses and develop followers is a pure monster, and you'd better not mess with it.

If allowed, I'd better leave Yunhua County, a place of right and wrong, as soon as possible. I'm afraid there will be a big chaos here soon. "

Meng Zhao was startled, looked at Niu Dali, who was also a little surprised, and asked quickly,

"What kind of sect is Pudu Sect? Is it also a major sect in the martial arts world?"

The scholar shook his head, showing disdain and fear.

"It would be nice if they were pure martial artists, but unfortunately, they are not.

I don’t know when the Pudu Sect appeared or how powerful it is, but according to my observation, the Pudu Sect has at least tens of thousands of followers in Yunhua County, ranging from wealthy families to beggars on the streets. They are not only well-informed , and its influence is astonishing.

As long as the demon girl speaks a word, all those who believe in the Pudu religion will devote themselves to it regardless of life and death. "

After a pause, it seemed that he had been suppressing it for a long time, or maybe because he saw that Meng Zhao was reliable, he told him another secret.

"Six months ago, a serious epidemic occurred in Yunhua County. At that time, the Pudu Sect sent this holy girl to rescue the people of Li. She cured many people by pretending to be gods and ghosts, so she gained the trust and respect of a large number of people. , this is also an opportunity for Pudu to grow.

However, there are rumors that the source of the epidemic was actually created by the Pudu Sect themselves in order to recruit followers, take root in Yunhua County, and grow stronger. I think this rumor may be true. "

Meng Zhao was even more shocked. If what the scholar said was true, the Pudu Cult was so courageous that they could poke a hole in the sky. In order to recruit followers, they would do anything and commit heinous crimes.

One mistake may cause things to collapse, and then the whole county of Yunhua will not be affected.

From all the information provided by the scholar, Meng Zhao was almost certain that this Pudu Sect was definitely a rebellious sect similar to the White Lotus Sect. Of course, it was not as famous as the White Lotus Sect and was probably a newly established sect.

But it is undeniable that he has initially demonstrated his power. The large number of believers in Yunhua City alone is a wealth that cannot be underestimated.

If they were really pure-hearted people, they would not do anything to win people's hearts. If they want to do good deeds, they can be unsung heroes. Why should they reveal their identity or even show signs of such fanatical religion?

Of course, the rebellion is impossible to succeed. Even if there are masters in the Pudu Sect, it cannot change this fact. However, its existence can disgust people and even directly destroy Dayong's destiny.

Huanghuang Yanhan, known as the kingdom in the sky guarded by twenty-eight stars, was directly cut off by the Yellow Turban Army at the end of its life, causing great damage to its luck.

Although the person who finally succeeded in reaching the summit was not the Yellow Turban Army, it is undeniable that the Yellow Turban Army directly dealt a heavy blow to that powerful and ancient dynasty.

Meng Zhao is not sure now whether Pudu Church will be the next Yellow Turban Army.

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