Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 875 Questions and Demonstrations (Subscription Request)

Yuan Bin nodded and muttered a few words. The syllables were difficult to pronounce, and strange fluctuations came out. Then he saw dense insects crawling out from the hidden places on all sides of the hall. They had strange shapes and different shapes, and the number was about There are more than thirty species.

Some have multiple eyes, some have thousands of legs, some have sharp wings, and many more have strange phenomena. They are not ordinary insects, but have been carefully cultivated by humans.

The aura of these bugs is also very extraordinary, exuding a powerful aura, and the life energy is powerful, almost comparable to the acquired elites. Some bugs can even faintly put death pressure on innate warriors, which shows their threat.

Meng Zhao and Niu Dali looked puzzled. Both of them were puzzled. They didn't know what Yuan Bin's intention was in calling out these strange insects.

Is it possible that he still wants to use these insects to attack the two of them and plot to murder them?

This is of course a big joke. Let alone whether Meng Zhao has any remaining strength, it is not easy to calculate. A single person with great strength is enough to suppress Yuan Bin. If he has evil intentions, is it any different from seeking death?

Of course, Yuan Bin also noticed the doubts of the two of them, nodded at them, then raised the little finger of his right hand, put it close to his lips, and blew a whistle. The sharp sound seemed to contain some kind of instruction. With the instruction, these horrors could be seen. The insects flew or crawled towards Meng Zhao's direction, just like a warrior on the battlefield who looked forward to death.

Niu Dali's expression suddenly turned cold, and he slapped the desk at hand. His aura surged, and the energy in his body was overflowing. He almost wanted to take action, but he still thought that Yuan Bin was not that kind of fool, so he suppressed his instinct to take action. Stabilized.

The next moment, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something incredible.

It turned out that under Yuan Bin's special instructions, those strange insects rushed in the direction of Meng Zhao and were scattered in all directions, which was enough to make people feel chilling and frightened.

However, after reaching a certain distance limit, these insects stopped one after another, charging forward and retreating, forming a cycle, running around like headless flies without a plan.

What’s even more interesting is that there are many of these strange insects with different shapes and sizes. When they sway left and right and jump sideways, they seem to be dancing, creating a good visual effect.

"Well, Yuan Bin, what do you mean? Don't you have questions? Why are you doing this little show?"

Niu Dali was well aware of Yuan Bin's abilities. Although his martial arts skills were not as good as his, his method of controlling insects was so exquisite that there were no surprises.

For Yuan Bin, controlling bugs is just like his instinct to eat and sleep, and there is no way he can go wrong.

Then, one would naturally think that the abnormal behavior of these insects was the result of Yuan Bin's deliberate manipulation, thinking it was some kind of performance, and after all, it did look like that.

However, what Yuan Bin said next surprised Niu Dali,

"This is not a show. I want to control these insects to invade Mr. Meng and stop within a foot of him. This will not harm Mr. Meng, but can also serve as a test.

Sure enough, when they were only about ten feet away from Mr. Meng, they did not dare to move forward and violated my order.

That’s why, old cow, you can see these strange insects like me sometimes moving forward and sometimes retreating.

What I'm curious about is, Mr. Meng, how did you make the various strange insects I raise so silent and fearful of you? "

Yuan Bin possesses a secret technique, and although the strange insects he raises and controls are of different types and shapes, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are absolutely obedient to his control instructions. Even if these strange insects are allowed to die, there will be no trace of them. hinder.

However, he happened to meet Meng Zhao, and Meng Zhao exuded an extremely domineering and ferocious aura, causing the insects he raised to transcend the limitations of instinct and secret methods, and violated his control instructions.

Yuan Bin was really overly curious. Did the other party have any secret skills he had practiced or brought some treasures with him, so he had such great restraint on his secret skills?

Meng Zhao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that this was where Yuan Bin was confused.

But then I thought about it, the method of controlling insects is a very powerful method for Yuan Bin, but it is restrained by him, so I can't help but want to explore its secrets.

Anyone would think this way, it is human nature.

Meng Zhao knew very well what the secret was. After thinking for a long time, he finally said,

"When I was in Nan'an, I once harvested a dragon. I tamed it with a secret method and took it as a spiritual pet. I keep it with me. Mr. Yuan's strange insect must be afraid of the power of the dragon, so it doesn't dare to step forward."

As he spoke, the power of Meng Zhao's soul shone brightly, and Jiaolong Xiaojiu, who shrunk his body with the magical power of Big and Small Ruyi, received some kind of instructions and swooped out from his waist and fell to the floor of the reception hall.

Xiao Jiu's body, as slender as a black rope, swayed and instantly grew dozens of times in size. A fierce aura was born out of thin air, sweeping across all directions, and he himself transformed into a dragon's true body about four feet long with a strong and powerful body.

The head is like a cow, the eyes are like shrimps, the mouth is like a donkey, the belly is like a snake, and the scales are like a fish...

A pair of cold and ruthless eyes, as cold as ice, the dark dragon scales glowing with a metallic luster, with mysterious textures imprinted on them, as if explaining some kind of mystery, the four claws are as sharp as knives, and the feet are like lizards stepping on them. On the ground, the originally neat floor was scratched into a mess.

The most powerful thing is Xiao Jiu's ring-shaped fleshy neck and the thick dragon mane attached to it. It is elegant and smooth, which makes the original fierce and barbaric aura a little less, and adds a lot of grace and luxury.

For a moment, Niu Dali and Yuan Bin, two people who claimed to be well-informed and powerful, opened their mouths wide and looked at the arrogant Jiaolong Xiaojiu.

They have seen too many graphics about real dragons and dragons, and have heard too many words describing real dragons and dragons. They also know that true dragons are supreme and dragons are ferocious. The former is a god and demon when he matures, and the latter is a demon when he matures. Can be a master.

However, I have never seen a dragon so closely before, and today is the first time in history.

Meng Zhao's move was really to throw an explosive bomb into the hearts of two people, and they couldn't calm down for a long time.

Niu Dali looked at Jiaolong Xiaojiu and murmured infatuatedly,

"This is so beautiful. The dragon is already like this. What should a real dragon look like?"

Yuan Bin behaved in the same way, his eyes almost bulging out, like a crazy man who saw a top beauty and wanted to touch Jiaolong Xiaojiu.

It's a pity that even if he is innate and Jiaolong Xiaojiu has not yet entered the critical transformation and has entered this level, he still does not have the courage to put it into practice.

At the same time, Yuan Bin also understood why the various insects he controlled were so afraid of Meng Zhao.

What they were afraid of was not actually Meng Zhao, but the dragon on Meng Zhao's body!

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