Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 890 Martial Arts Luck, Red Emperor and White Emperor (Please subscribe)

Meng Zhao felt a little dumbfounded at this time. He was not as loyal to Dayong as he imagined, and he did not have much ill will towards Pudu Sect.

It can be said that after rescuing Yuan Bin, if Pudujiao did not provoke him, then he would not continue to be entangled and involved with this terrifying force. This would not do him any good.

But now that the other party regards him as someone to kill quickly, he can never keep it.

Just as Pudujiao said, when he returns to Lingwu City this time, if he has the opportunity, the first thing he will do is contact the Meng family, report the existence of Pudujiao to the court, and see the reaction of the princes in the court.

Although snitching is shameless, it is useful.

However, the top priority is to get through the immediate crisis first.

At this time, the short, ugly monk in a red lotus cassock put his hands together, took a step forward with a calm face, and said,

"Amitabha, Benefactor Meng, you are actually a true pride of heaven, a genius given by heaven, rare in the world, and you can be said to be a very important pillar in the destiny of martial arts.

If it is not necessary, we are not willing to kill a person like you, let alone our luck in martial arts. "

His voice was calm and gentle, making people feel like they were breathing spring breeze. For a moment, they didn't even care about the flaws in his appearance and body. He really had the demeanor of a well-educated monk.

The content of the words also spoke highly of Meng Zhao. It seemed that if Meng Zhao died, his luck in martial arts would be greatly damaged, and then he would return to the ancient times, and the hope of a prosperous martial arts era in the Middle Ages would also die prematurely.

Meng Zhao had no reaction to this, but Niu Dali and Yuan Bin looked at each other, unable to tell whether they were surprised or worried.

Niu Dali roared even louder and took a step forward, saying to the great monk in red lotus cassock,

"Master monk, you said that if my brothers were killed, my martial arts luck would be greatly damaged. Then if I, Old Niu, were killed by you, wouldn't it also affect my martial arts luck? According to you, everyone who practices martial arts in this world, Can't they all be killed, otherwise it will affect the fortune of martial arts? "

Niu Dali was pragmatic at heart and was a little confused about Meng Zhaoshenshennaotao's behavior, let alone Pudujiao? He doesn't believe in luck, he only believes in his own fists.

However, I could hear some conciliation from the great monk's mouth, so while choking, he was also testing the other party to see if he could make peace with it.

The great monk shook his head and was polite to Niu Dali.

"Although the donor also has the resources of a thousand people, compared with this donor Meng, he is no better than a phoenix or a horse compared to a unicorn. Not to mention the donor, even I, the old monk, am far behind compared to donor Meng. It's like a firefly competing against a bright sun.

The so-called Nanshen Beimeng, also known as the Dragon King, is known all over the world. This kind of fame and blessing has destined the great fortune of other martial arts to be deeply implicated, and few people can compare with it.

In addition, Benefactor Meng has a special physique and a divine bloodline. There are no more than ten young people in the world who can compare with him, and those who can beat Benefactor Meng are even rarer. "

What he said was actually quite polite, and even he admitted that he was not as good as Meng Zhao, which made Niu Dali feel a little better. After all, he was a genius in every age. Did he get the title of Murderer for nothing?

However, before the Honglian monk could finish his words, he continued without waiting for Niu Dali to interrupt, saying,

"What I said about luck is not nonsense.

You should know that in the ancient world of gods and demons, hundreds of tribes contended, and in the Middle Ages when Emperor Yu started the dynasty, martial arts had always been prosperous, gods and demons emerged in endlessly, and the most powerful were not uncommon. It can be called the golden age of martial arts.

However, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty founded by Emperor Hongwu, a generation of gods, collapsed and died. The destiny of the world's martial arts was ruined. The gods and demons did not appear, and the gods and humans were hidden. Today, the grandmaster is already at the top of the world. How sad!

This is all because of one person, who cut off the great fortune of martial arts in China, just like during the Imperial Han Dynasty, the White Dragon King Mang cut the fate of the Han Dynasty into two parts. Later, Guangwu revived, and the prosperity of the two Han Dynasties was restored. "

Meng Zhao, Yuan Bin, and Niu Dali were a little confused. Aren't they here to kill people?

How come opening and closing your mouth is luck, and opening and closing your mouth is the god and devil. Isn't it too high-level?

But not to mention, these few words made everyone present feel itchy. Not only Meng Zhao and the others, but also the two young men from the Pudu Sect and the vicious monk were also fascinated by what they heard.

This scene is quite like an academically brilliant professor lecturing on a course, and people like Meng Zhao are the students who are observing, and they are also students who are quite accomplished and interested in this subject and academics.

Niu Dali, a man who was rough on the outside and delicate on the inside, couldn't hold back at this moment. He didn't even care about Monk Honglian's previous accusation that he was a bastard and a bastard. He blurted out and asked,

"Who is so great that he can even cut off the luck of martial arts? Is this possible?"

To be honest, there are doubts about whether Wang Mang really cut the fate of the Han Dynasty into two parts.

According to ancient legends, before Liu Bang got into trouble, he once encountered a white python coiled in front of the road. Liu Bang was drunk at that time, and his strength surged up. He went up and cut the white python in two with a sword.

Later, Liu Bang dreamed that the white python transformed into a young man and cursed him,

"You are the son of the Red Emperor, and I am the son of the White Emperor. We originally had no conflicts with each other, but when you met me, you cut me in two without saying a word, and a great feud was formed. I swear that I will kill everything you do in the future. The dynasty created was also divided into two."

At that time, Liu Bang didn't take it seriously. It was just a dream, and he just killed a big snake. Could it be that he was really the White Emperor's son?

However, the development of things is often beyond people's expectations.

Although the Han Dynasty founded by Liu Bang was far longer than the Qin Kingdom founded by the First Emperor, Wang Mang did appear with the body of a white dragon, corresponding to Liu Bang's red dragon body. He founded a new dynasty and destroyed the Han Dynasty. .

If things ended there, it would be nothing special.

But the key is that there was a Wang Mang, but there was also a Liu Xiu.

Finally, a generation of Emperor Ziwei, Liu Xiu, who brought great blessings to the sky, was born. He brought the twenty-eight stars to rebuild the world, rebuild the Han Dynasty, and continue the national destiny of the Han Dynasty for nearly two thousand years.

But no matter what, the fate of the Han Dynasty was indeed interrupted by people, and it was difficult to always be consistent.

Later, Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu also seemed to be afraid of Wang Mang, who was suspected to be the reincarnation of the White Emperor's son. He placed his head in the Han royal arsenal and used it to kill the White Snake with the Red Sky Divine Sword. The ancestor of the Confucius family, Confucius' clogs suppressed Wang Mang's head. Until the fall of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wang Mang's head, Chixiao Divine Sword, and Confucius' clogs were all gone, and no news spread.

Although this folk tale is somewhat legendary, it is not impossible to happen in this world where gods and demons are born.

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