Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 130 Easy to get

Feng Yun did not struggle, but pressed his face against Wen Xingsu's chest, listening to his strong heartbeat and smelling the smell of osmanthus cake on his body. His eyelids drooped softly and he asked him:

"What's wrong?"

Wen Xingsu said in a low voice: "Don't look back."

On the river behind Feng Yun, a tented boat painted with tung oil and green paint loomed in the thin mist. The people on the boat, like them, did not wear military armor and were dressed like ordinary servants of the noble family.

A handsome man in blue robes and wide robes sat among the servants.

Seeing their ship, the young man took a curious look...

In broad daylight, the men and women on the rocking boat were hugging each other tightly. The petite girl lay prone in front of the tall man. The man lowered his head and covered it with his big sleeves, as if he was kissing her...

Young Master Qingjun blushed and retreated.

Feng Yun heard the sound and subconsciously raised his head.

Wen Xingsu pressed the back of her head and said, "Don't move."

Feng Yun calmed down and asked, "Who is it?"

Wen Xingsu: "Xiao Rong."

Feng Yun was stunned and laughed softly.

"You can't find anything after wearing iron shoes, but it takes no effort to get there."

In this life, God was really kind to her.

Very lucky too.

"Guard Ye!"

She looked sideways at Wen Xingsu's chest and said in a low voice.

"I want to keep the people on that ship, no matter the cost."

Ye Chuang looked at her lying in Wen Xingsu's arms, his eyelids twitched, and he turned to look at the ship going away.

"Take orders!"

This was the first time that the girl had given him an order directly. Ye Chuang felt a surge of blood in his heart for no reason. It was not because of the general's instructions, nor because of Ao Qi's entrustment, but simply because he wanted to show her and let the girl know that they It's much better than her song.

Feng Yun was completely unaware of the sons' desire to win.

In order to avoid disturbing the situation, she let Wen Xingsu hug her gently until the boat was far away, then she let go.

The two didn't speak for a while.

Feng Yun straightened out his messy hair.

Wen Xingsu looked at her in silence for a moment and said, "Xiao Rong is still young and has no ability to distinguish right from wrong. There is no need to embarrass her..."

Feng Yun looked at him with a smile and spoke slowly but seriously.

"Am I not teaching her? If she doesn't have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, then she has to learn."


Xiao Rong was lying in the cabin dressed in men's clothes. He could no longer see other ships, and he was relieved.

"I thought I encountered enemy troops, but it turned out to be a pair of wild mandarin ducks..."

She has two maids, one named Mingzhu and the other Ruixue, who are waiting on her at the moment.

Hearing the sound, Ruixue said: "Looking at their appearance, they look like Kun Shijia Kun who came out to escape. The boat is full of belongings..."

Xiao Rong nodded, feeling lazy, a little weak and tired, and a little excited, "Brother, will you go crazy if you find out that I'm missing?"

Mingzhu pouted, dissatisfied with the narrow boat.

"Shouldn't Your Highness leave the capital privately and come to a place like this to suffer?"

"Yes, Baoyun Palace is so comfortable. When you come out, you will eat pig food and sleep in a doghouse. If this continues, the eldest princess will become a short princess."

Both girls grew up by Xiao Rong's side, and were spoiled by her. They often hung out together, as close as sisters, and Xiao Rong was tolerant of them, letting those two mouths talk nonsense.

"His Majesty sent an escort to take you back to the capital. When you arrived, you ran away on the way. When you returned to the palace, the maids were going to suffer again..."

"Mrs. Feng uses His Highness as a shield every time, asking His Highness to say unpleasant things and do difficult things for her. It would be better for her to be a good person in front of His Majesty, and leave all the blame to you, hum..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Xiao Rong waved her hands nonchalantly, "Aying is timid and has a gentle temperament. The emperor treats her so coldly. If I don't protect her, wouldn't she be pitiful?"

Then he said: "This matter has nothing to do with A Ying. I did it myself..."

"Your Highness!" Mingzhu's nose wrinkled in anger, "Your Majesty clearly doesn't like Mrs. Feng, but you insist on bringing her together..."

"Then I don't like Feng Twelfth Mother either."

Xiao Rong rolled her eyes and took another vicious bite of the fruit.

"I don't want the Emperor's brother to take her back to the palace again. I just think about her coming back, having to get along with her all the time in the future, and having to call her the Emperor's Wife. I feel very uncomfortable..."

Mingzhu curled her lips, "Wouldn't it be uncomfortable for His Highness to ask Mrs. Feng to be the emperor's sister-in-law?"

"That's different. Aying is my best friend."

Seeing that Mingzhu was about to talk back, Ruixue gave her a wink and coaxed Xiao Rong with a smile.

"Then your Highness should go back and tell His Majesty properly, why should you run out..."

Xiao Rong sighed, rolled his eyes and shook his head: "You don't understand. Brother Huang is determined to win over Feng Twelve Niang, and he won't listen to me... This time, he is definitely going to force Pei Man to kill him when he besieges the state with troops." Hand it over, I must do this to make Brother Huang give up..."

With that said, she called the guards outside.

"Miao Jing, how long will it take to arrive?"

The muscular man outside the door lowered his head and looked over.

"Back to Your Highness, this river is very weird. The terrain on both sides is exactly the same. The river turns around and it's hard to distinguish. My subordinates are also a little dizzy... Wait a moment, I'll ask Xiaowei to explore again..."

Xiao Rong was impatient.

"If you can't handle even small things, find a place to dock first. I want convenience..."

If you take the wrong path, just take the wrong path and solve the big things first.

Anyway, Bingzhou is under siege and Qi troops are everywhere. It doesn’t matter how she walks sideways...

Xiao Rong thought about it and sat up straight again.

"Ruixue, get a pen and paper."

Ruixue was stunned, "What does Your Highness want to do?"

Xiao Rong smiled with crooked eyebrows, "I want to give the emperor a surprise."

Mingzhu set the table for Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, Ruixue put down the paper and pen, knelt down and studied ink.

Xiao Rong was seen kneeling down and writing in handwriting.

She has a petite and willful temperament, but she received good enlightenment from the Xiao family since she was a child. She is not very good at reading, but she is good at writing and has great character.

"Your Majesty, my dear brother: My sister left the team and escaped unintentionally. She accidentally fell into Feng Twelve's tricks and was captured by her... This girl has no shame and actually used her position as the Queen of Da Qi to threaten the emperor's brother to marry her through a matchmaker. Xu She is the queen, so she is willing to spare my life...Brother, it is not a pity for my sister to die, brother must not be at his mercy..."

She wrote a lot.

It felt inappropriate, so I deleted the last part and replaced it.

"Brother, my sister and Feng Twelve have sworn to be incompatible. In this life, she will be without me, and I will be without her."

Read it again, nodded with satisfaction, and handed the letter to Ruixue.

"Put it away, and when we get to the hiding place, we will have people send it to Hengqu Pass. Let's see whether the emperor wants me or that Feng Twelfth Mother..."

Ruixue sighed, feeling that His Highness was really stupid.

No matter how wronged Mrs. Feng is, does she need to come forward?

How can a sister interfere with who the emperor wants to marry?

Now Mrs. Feng is enjoying the good life and is waiting to enjoy the blessings, but her master has to hide in some place where no birds poop, waiting for His Majesty and Feng Twelve Niang to fall out...

What is this fight for?

Whoever becomes the queen can't shake her position in His Majesty's heart?

The two maids sighed together, "Here."


Within a moment, the green boat docked at the shore.

Xiao Rong was helped ashore by two maids.

There is no one living here, and the deserted mountains and trails are covered with grass and trees. As night approaches, mist fills the air from the river...

The jackdaws were crowing at night, and Xiao Rong was a little nervous.

As the eldest princess, she couldn't bear to be in such a convenient place.

"You are not allowed to look back."

She ordered the guards worriedly and walked behind a row of lush grass. When she saw the damp and rotting ground, she almost vomited on the spot. She wished she could go back to her Baoyun Palace right away...


She firmly rejected the idea.

As long as you endure it for three to five days, and ten days at most, you can put an end to the emperor's brother's thoughts.


Xiao Rong covered her nose and let the maid help her undress...

As soon as he squatted down, there was a rustling sound in his ears.

Immediately after, several people jumped out of the grass, slashing at them with lightning speed...

"Do not move."

These people were so fast that in the blink of an eye, the knife was on their neck.

The two maids belatedly screamed.


Xiao Rong's bodyguard turned around in panic...

Unfortunately, it's too late.

To avoid offending the eldest princess, they stayed far away.

But these people just looked at their noble eldest princess, her clothes were disheveled, without any respect, their eyes were sinister, and they were very arrogant.

"Are you done peeing? If you're done peeing, stand up and follow us."

Xiao Rong's face was red all the way to her ears.

She had never experienced such humiliation since she was a child.

The few people in front of me have strange faces, look powerful, and have weapons in their hands. They are not dressed as Jin soldiers, but they are the people on the ships just now...

As you can imagine, when she was taking off her clothes, they just stared at her...

Xiao Rong wanted to die.

"Whose private soldier are you?"

No one answered.

"What are you going to do? Go out and rob me without even looking at who I am?"

Xiao Rong tried to build up his momentum, but every word he spoke became weaker and weaker...

The other party didn't answer her.

Mingzhu suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Your Highness, look quickly..."

Mingzhu's voice was filled with fear.

Xiao Rong followed her gaze and turned around, eyes widening as if seeing a ghost.

"Feng, Feng Twelve Niang?"

Feng Yun stood in the mountain breeze, his skirts flying, half smiling.

"Princess Hanzhang...oh no, now is Her Royal Highness the eldest princess."

Feng Yun bent down slightly and saluted her thoughtfully.

"Your Highness, Princess, it's been a long time."

Wen Xingsu: Come, let me hug you...

Pei Ran: Let me out! ! !

Readers: Zoom in on the general. We want to see the Shura Field.

Erjin: It will be out tomorrow, don’t panic, there is also a large Shura field...

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