Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 146: Hard on the outside but soft on the inside

Don't you know how to curse?

Everyone around was curious and talking about the magic loudspeaker, but Feng Yun's eyes met those deep eyes and she smiled slightly.

She said: "Curse as harshly as you can, and curse wherever it hurts. The general said, Xiao Cheng is a turtle bastard, and I slept with your wife, so what's the big deal? Let Xiao San get out of Hengqu Pass and die under the gun!"

Pei Jue: "..."

There was a burst of laughter all around.

Most of the men in the camp have never been to school, and they speak coarse and dirty words at will, but such words learned by a girl with a soft and delicate voice, and she looks serious, are inexplicably exciting.

There was a roar on the city wall.

Pei Jue's eyes were dark, and he didn't say anything, but Feng Yun's voice just now was transmitted far away through the "loudspeaker", and the Qi army outside the city was so angry that they jumped up and down.

Shameless, that's all.

The one who came out to curse was actually a girl?

The Qi army was enraged by Feng Yun's words, and they shouted and yelled outside the city, insulting Pei Jue and the Beiyong army.

The soldiers on the top of the city were so anxious that they scrambled to use the magic tube to curse.

During the dispute, each word was louder than the other, and each one cursed more happily than the other. All the words that came out through the loudspeaker were so infuriating that they wanted to get back all the anger they had suffered in the past two days.

I don't know what's mysterious inside this loudspeaker, but the sound amplification effect is very strong, the sound quality is also good, and the scolding has an overwhelming advantage.

The Qi army was furious outside the city.

A few soldiers couldn't stand such insults, and suddenly walked out of the queue, stood in a row, lifted up the hem of their pants, opened their trousers and faced the direction of the city wall, while defecating and shouting "demonstration".

The words were dirty and the operation was ugly.

They didn't know that the girl on the tower was Feng Shier Niang, and she used the way men humiliate women...

Feng Yun didn't react much, anyway, he was far away.

She didn't care much about what the Qi army did, let alone their vulgar behavior in retaliation.

When the two armies confronted each other, there was no kindness on both sides...

Pei Jue spread his hands, "Bring the bow."

There was a long-arm bow on the tower, the bow was several times stronger than ordinary bows and arrows, with great tension and long range, and ordinary people couldn't pull it open at all.

Pei Jue took it from Zuo Zhong, put the arrow on it neatly, squinted his eyes slightly, raised his chin slightly, and pulled the bowstring into a full moon with a slight force. His movements were agile and graceful. In the blink of an eye, a sharp arrow shot out...


The arrow flew through the air.

A few soldiers who were showing off were so scared that they didn't have time to deal with the guys under their crotch, and turned around and ran away. The Qi army also subconsciously retreated and became a mess.

The arrow fell and just stuck in the man's leg.


A scream broke through the sky.

A cheer of victory rang out on the tower.

"General, you have divine power, you can shoot through a willow tree!"


"The general is mighty!"

The roar was deafening and pierced the sky.

Feng Yun was also surprised.

She did not cheer or scream like the soldiers, and she did not even have time to utter a word of praise, but the arrow actually hit her.

Feng Yun liked the way Pei Jue shot arrows on horseback, his waist swinging, the sound of the wind, the strong lines stretched out, and the power was clear.

She was reflecting on whether she was attracted by the grace of General Pei on horseback in her previous life and thus suffered a great misfortune...

Pei Jue silently put down his bow and arrow, walked over and grabbed her wrist.

"Let's go."

The crowd automatically separated from them.

Feng Yun was slightly startled.

She caught Wen Xingsu's gaze, frowning with concern and a little dissatisfaction.

Feng Yun was afraid that he would think too much and cause trouble, so she curled her lips and smiled.

"Brother, go and see the trumpet."

Wen Xingsu nodded without saying a word.

Her eyes followed the two figures away, then she retracted them and cast them at the big flag with the word "Pei" on the city wall.

Standing in silence.


Pei Jue was silent all the way.

When he returned to his residence, he did not let go of Feng Yun's hand, but pulled her to the inner room, with a sharp posture and cold eyes.

Daman and Xiaoman looked at each other, carefully went in with tea, and just as they lifted the curtain, Pei Jue suddenly looked sideways.

"Get out."

Xiaoman subconsciously took two steps back.

Daman's fingers trembled, and the tea spilled.

Everyone in the world knew that Pei Jue was violent and murderous, but they had been in the camp for so long, and they had never really seen what Pei Jue looked like when he was angry. He was just taciturn and expressionless, unlike now, as if the devil had descended, exuding a terrifying coldness all over his body.

Xiaoman looked at Feng Yun, who was petite and helpless compared to the height and physique of the general, and almost cried out.

"Girl, what's going on?"

"Go down." Feng Yun smiled slightly.

Daman and Xiaoman hesitated, "Yes."

The curtain was lowered in a hurry, and a slight breeze blew over, sweeping across the fluff on Feng Yun's face, itching, and goose bumps appeared.

She was not as afraid of Pei Jue as Daman and Xiaoman, but the power on her wrist still made her a little palpitating.

"General?" She stared at Pei Jue quietly, breathing relaxed.

Pei Jue didn't say anything, pulling Feng Yun's hand to help him take off the armor on his body, staring at her with his eyes, like staring at the prey that was about to enter his stomach.

Feng Yun was not good at this, and she lowered her eyes for a while before helping him take it off and put it aside, then turned around to get the kettle on the table, and just bent down...

Pei Jue hugged her from behind.

"General?" Feng Yun fell into his arms without struggling, and looked back at him: "Aren't you thirsty?"

The thick Adam's apple moved slightly.

He said: "Thirsty."

The wooden couch was behind the screen, with a low table with low legs. Feng Yun was caught off guard by him. When he fell, he touched his sword. He cursed him silently in pain. When he saw him looking at him coldly, he raised the corners of his lips. He smiled warmly.

"Is the general angry because I went to the city wall without binding my breasts? Or is it because my words in front of the battle line were wrong?"

Pei Man lowered his head, his jaw with clear bone lines tightening extremely tightly, much like the bow at the top of the city just now. It was graceful and delicate, containing infinite power, but it could kill someone at any time.

"Are you Xiao Cheng's wife, or my Pei Mang?"

Their eyes met, Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly.

"May I ask General, is the girl in front of you right now a subordinate of the General, or a concubine?"

Pei Ran looked at the smile between her brows.

"This is not a Chinese military tent."

"That makes sense to me. Private matter."

She thought for a while and said without changing her expression:

"I am not Xiao Cheng's wife. Of course, I am not the general's either."

The tone was neither light nor serious, it was a statement, without any intention to please or fear. This was Feng Yun's measure in front of him, neither taking a step forward nor taking a step back, a subtle distance.

"Very good." Pei Ran's eyes fell on her snow-white cheeks, "Then why did you identify yourself as Xiao Cheng's wife on the tower in front of everyone?"

The general who controls life and death is powerful without anger.

In his previous life, Feng Yun would probably have confessed his mistake and begged him for forgiveness.

But she knew that would be useless.

Men and women in the world are like yin and yang. Only by seeking a balance can we achieve harmony and beauty. Fear is the same as love. Once there is too much, you will suffer a lifetime of losses.

Feng Yun suddenly sighed, "Isn't it that I did this to anger Xiao San and help the general vent his anger?"

Pei Ran asked: "Is what Ji said true?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and almost laughed.

"General, you know that when Wang Lang and Zhuge Liang were scolding each other in front of the battle line, they accused him of being more powerful than Guan Zhongleyi, going against the laws of nature, and betraying human feelings. His speech was impassioned and well-founded. Why was he scolded to death by Zhuge Liang?"

Pei Ran was speechless.

Feng Yun said: "General, the purpose of scolding is to kill the heart, not to make sense, let alone whether it is true. As long as you can mess up the enemy in front of the formation, you will get the upper hand. Why not?"

Pei Ran: "If Xiao San is angered by this, then he is not worthy of being my enemy."

Feng Yun was silent.

It’s time to admit your mistake.

She admitted her mistake, "I did not consider the general's feelings and embarrassed the general. It is my fault."

He bowed his hands and bowed deeply.

Pei Man narrowed his eyes and looked at her.

He admits that he is wrong, but even his hair is covered with hair.

He took Feng Yun's hand.

There was a cold wind blowing at the top of the city, and my hands were ice-cold. The jade snow-like skin was glowing with a faint red color, and it was as soft as boneless when held in the palm of your hand.

Two hands entangled, like two people rubbing their ears and temples together,

His lower abdomen tightened inexplicably and his voice dropped.

"Aren't you afraid that fame will hinder you?"

Feng Yun noticed the subtle changes on his face when his fingers intertwined, and smiled without any scheming.

"How can I have a good reputation? Everyone in the world laughs at me, so what does it have to do with me?"

Pei Ran frowned and heard her continue: "Originally, I thought that the general was no longer afraid of the infamy and didn't care much about it... Besides, it is a fact that I was betrothed to Xiao San. The wedding date has been set. Halfway through the six ceremonies, I I have never shied away from anything, and I don’t know if the general would dislike it..."

"Really?" Pei Ran said coldly. Without waiting for her to scream, he picked her up and sat on her side in his arms.

Feng Yun only said half of what he said and shouted softly.

Pei Madang looked at her: "Isn't the old love unforgettable?"

He pulled open her light armor with force, trying to peel it off.

In Feng Yun's opinion, this behavior was extremely bad.

She couldn't twist him, and as soon as her light armor came off, she slid weakly onto his lower abdomen. She accidentally bumped into him, and the tight seams were slightly abraded, and both of them groaned.

"Take it away," Feng Yun said.

Pei Man's release was as slow as a slight friction. Her breathing was labored and her ears were red. She took advantage of the situation and was about to stand up, but the hand held her lower back and pushed her back hard.

Pei dog!

Feng Yun cursed in his heart, but suppressed his emotions very well, and his voice was a little smiley.

"General, why are you acting like this today?"

Pei Man pinched her red earlobe. His indifferent handsome face looked a bit colder than usual. Except for the disobedient thing that was shaking like a chicken pecking at rice, he could hardly find any emotion at all.

He stared at Feng Yun, patted her legs and said, "separate."

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