Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 154 Taking advantage of a loophole

Feng Yun readily agreed.

I also feel a little mysterious in my heart.

Maybe this is God's will.

In my previous life, I played chess with Pei Ran, betting on when I would sleep.

When playing chess in this life, the bet is still on when they will sleep...

No, to be more precise, it is a bet on whether to use the "big wedding plan".

Feng Yun had long since stopped looking forward to any wedding ceremony. For her, she didn't want to get married and didn't value it, but if she could drive Xiao Cheng crazy, there was nothing wrong with it.

It's a trick anyway, and Pei Madang won't take it seriously.

The chess scales were set up, and Pei Ran did not rush to play chess, but continued from beginning to end, helping her tidy up her half-dried hair.

The lights are dim.

Feng Yun was lying on the soft couch, letting Pei Man comb her hair, enjoying the pleasure of the boudoir with her eyes half-closed. The red charcoal fire shone on her face, and she was as lazy as a delicate and beautiful hibiscus, with her cheeks stained with clouds. Eyes with light mist bloomed in front of Pei Ran...

Her gentle voice and tender body are the ultimate temptation.

Pei Ran's expression was well controlled.

If Feng Yun had eyes on the back of his head, he would be able to see his deliberate calmness, forbearing restraint, and crazy desires all revealed in those dark eyes...

"Okay." Pei Ran threw away the comb and fixed his eyes on Feng Yun's face.

From a top-down perspective, the inspection sight is extremely powerful.

Feng Yun stroked his hair lightly and felt that playing chess was a waste of time. Such a good man could do something else.

"It's time to start."


Behind the screen, there was a charcoal stove and a soft couch, two people sitting opposite each other, and a chessboard on the wooden table in the middle, which looked extremely elegant.

But those who understand chess can tell at just one glance that the situation in the game is extremely unfavorable for the general. The girl's skill in chess is so exquisite that she kills the general in disgrace, which greatly damages his majesty.

Pei Madang became more and more cautious in his chess moves, thinking for a long time on every move.

"General, it's your turn."

Feng Yun yawned.

Looking at the man's dull eyebrows, his posture was lazy and relaxed.

She wore a wide-sleeved shirt, with a silk belt that stretched out her slender waist. Her chest was plump and bulging, rising and falling with her breathing. The long skirt covered a pair of jade feet, and her collarbone to neck was covered with snow-white gelatin. It was very beautiful. It’s easy to get distracted…

Seeing that he didn't move for a long time, he urged again.

"The night is too short, why don't you surrender as soon as possible, general?"

Pei Ran didn't answer, looking at the chessboard with dark eyes.

Feng Yun laughed: "The general's ability in marching troops and formations is obvious to all, but he is weak in chess. It's incredible..."

Pei Madang raised his eyes, "How do you see that this general is weak?"

Feng Yun looked at the chessboard, "To watch chess is to observe the situation. The situation has been established. The strong and the weak are divided. You can see it at a glance..."

"Oh?" Pei Ran walked slowly for a while.

Feng Yun responded with a smile.

Rather than saying that she is playing chess, it is better to say that she is admiring beauty.

Pei Madang, who had taken off his armor, was sitting upright and talking with his hands. Although he didn't have the air of a celebrity, he had a unique kind of beauty...

The tiger sniffs the rose, this situation, this scene and this sentence fit perfectly.

"How was Xiao Cheng's game?" Pei Madang suddenly asked.

This stumped Feng Yun.

The first celebrity in Southern Qi Dynasty, his chess skills are naturally superb.

But speaking out may hurt General Pei's self-esteem.

She was half serious and half smiling: "I've never played against him, so it's hard to make a conclusion."

Pei Madang didn't even raise his eyelids, "Have you heard about the singing tunes outside the city?"

Feng Yun hummed expressionlessly. Her attention was not on the chess game, but on Pei Ran's face. She wanted to find the slightest hint of emotion on General Pei's face...

Unfortunately, no.

Pei Madang looked at the chessboard, thinking without saying a word.

He was too slow and too cautious. Feng Yun was getting hungry from waiting.

"I'll ask the maid to bring some food. General, you don't mind."

Pei Ran hummed.

So Feng Yun shouted outside the curtain.

Da Man and Xiao Man quickly brought preserved fruits and snacks, which Feng Yun brought from Andu.

Xiao Man knelt down beside Pei Man and wiped Feng Yun's hands. Da Man poured tea for Feng Yun first, and finally knelt down beside Pei Man to add water to him.

As soon as he leaned forward, Pei Madang raised his eyes to watch the chess game.

The fragrant breeze filled his face, and he frowned slightly, "No need."

Da Man responded, lowering his eyes and stepping aside.

Feng Yun glanced at her and said, "Step back."

Da Man promised, his eyes were red with a sense of grievance, he bit his lower lip and opened the curtain and went out.

Xiaoman was careless and didn't notice anything strange. He looked at the chessboard in surprise and asked:

"Girl, who is more powerful, you or the general?"

Feng Yun said: "What do you think?"

Xiaoman: "Girl!"

Feng Yun chuckled, "You don't know how to play chess..."

Xiaoman's eyes were full of light, "But I believe in girls."

Feng Yun looked at Pei Mang's face with satisfaction. Seeing that his forehead was tense and his lips were pursed, he knew that he had not underestimated him and had been dealing with it very carefully.

But with a record of ten victories in ten battles in his previous life, Feng Yun was very relieved. He felt that the general looked like he was facing a formidable enemy, which was very gratifying.

She was waited on by Xiao Man and slowly ate, her face becoming more and more beautiful and satisfied.

In the blink of an eye, you come and I go back and forth for dozens of rounds.

Feng Yun suddenly realized something was wrong...

Pei Madang is pretending to her!

He very cunningly pretended to be weak and took advantage of her underestimating the enemy. He always stood still, wandered around the plate, gradually responded, and unknowingly ate a big dragon of hers...

Feng Yun quickly cheered up and stopped eating. His eyes were bright and he was drooling, and sweat was pouring from the back of his neck.

"Xiao Man, put the charcoal stove farther away."

Xiaoman couldn't understand the situation at all and moved the charcoal stove away obediently. Seeing the girl's cheeks flushed and her eyebrows furrowed, she felt faintly nervous.

Did she praise and kill the girl?

Can the girl not defeat the general?

Pei Ran's eyes fell from Feng Yun's plump forehead, and when he saw a few beads of sweat emerging from the tip of her nose, the corners of his lips pursed slightly.

"It's your turn--"

Every time Feng Yun gets nervous, his nose will sweat, and his normally white skin becomes even more white and rosy, as delicate and attractive as jade...

Pei Ran's eyes grew hot and he said again.

"Yunniang, do you want to surrender?"

Feng Yun took one look at him, no longer underestimated the enemy, and went all out.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

He regained the lost ground and drove straight in. He only waited for the little beast that fell into the trap to make a death struggle, and then waited obediently to be eaten...

Feng Yun made a move and then took it back.

Pei Ran's eyelids twitched and he said nothing.

"I lost." Feng Yun said.

Besieged on all sides, she unknowingly fell into the trap set by Pei Madang. When she realized that the trap had nowhere to escape...

Feng Yun didn't want to give up, but he had lost all his city. If he continued to play chess, it would only make him more arrogant and proud.

Pei Gou was clearly playing with her!

Feng Yun refused to accept: "One more round."

Pei Ran: "Who said just now that one game will determine the outcome?"

Feng Yun took a breath of cold air.

She looked into Pei Madang's dark eyes and smiled.

"General, has he been digging a trap for me since then?"

Pei Madang said: "If you rely on strength and underestimate the enemy, your arrogant army will be defeated."

Feng Yun snorted: "General, do you dare to try again?"

Pei Madang pushed the chess pieces away directly, "I don't dare."

If he hadn't used her to underestimate the enemy just now, how could he have won such happiness?

One more game...


Pei Madang's expression remained unchanged, "The quality of chess is like the quality of one's character. Ji cannot break her promise."

Feng Yun stood up with an angry cry.

She didn't care about any plans to get married or not, she simply refused to accept her defeat and lost to Pei Mad... She was so angry that her hair was about to explode with this defeated general who had lost ten times in ten battles.

"Come again! I will definitely win you."

Pei Madang also stood up, casually took the cloak and put it on, and glanced at her.

"I still have military affairs, Ji needs to rest early. Within three days, you and I will wait for Xiao Cheng."

"I don't..." Feng Yun looked at his face and felt something bad, "How can a marriage be a trivial matter? The general used chess to trick me, which is not what a gentleman would do."

"I'm not a gentleman." Pei Ran's expression was cold, with no emotion on his face.

"First, I have won the battle with dignity. Second, Bingzhou is under siege, and it is still unclear whether I can get out of Bingzhou City alive. In the face of life and death, what does marriage mean? Third, I have no intention of marrying a concubine. This is a temporary measure."

The man strode away.

It was rare for him to say so many words at one time. Feng Yun felt that it made sense, but she lost the game for no apparent reason. She was not in a very good mood. His face turned white and blue for a while, and he was furious. Looking at the defeated ending, his whole body was depressed.

Xiaoman pursed his lips and spread his palms in front of her.

"Girl, take it out on Xiaoman."

Feng Yun looked down at her hands, smiled helplessly, and sat down cross-legged again.

"I'll just wait."

She has nothing to lose.

Isn't it just a ploy to deceive Xiao Cheng? According to him.

Asking Xiao Man to step back, Feng Yun took a rest. She couldn't sleep for a long time. Her mind was filled with the chess game just now. She reviewed the game several times, but she still felt that she lost due to carelessness. It was not that Pei Man was good at chess, but that he was cunning and cunning. It's about scheming, not chess.

She refused to admit that she was not as good as Pei Mad.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is probably the ending of "Wentian".

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