Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 177: Forgetting righteousness for the sake of beauty

The rain came suddenly and went away quickly.

When Pei Madang carried Feng Yun out, the heavy rain had stopped.

A group of guards waiting outside the cave were soaked in water and were also lighting a fire to dry their clothes.

No one said anything. They all looked away as they watched the general wrap the girl tightly and come out.

Only Ao Qi stepped forward, looking worried.

The girl's black hair hangs down from her arms, and only half of her face is exposed. It is so white that it is hard to see clearly, as if she is fast asleep.

"Uncle..." Ao Qi said, "Are you okay?"

Pei Ran: "Slightly injured."

Ao Qi observed his brows and eyes, trying to find any clues, but Pei Ran's face was expressionless and he couldn't see anything. He couldn't guess what happened to the two of them in the cave for so long...

The mud on the mountainous ground is deep and slippery.

There were three teams going down the mountain to search, and they met another team on the mountain road.

Everyone went down the mountain on foot, and no vehicles could pass through such mountains and roads.

Ao Qi looked at Pei Ran several times and mustered up his courage.

"Are you tired, uncle? How about I come..."

Pei Ran: "Lead the way."

Ao Qi's throat was slightly choked, and he responded with an inaudible sound. He walked in front with a ring knife and cut down all the branches and weeds blocking the road, as if he was using them to vent his anger...

After the rain, there are birdsong in the mountains.

When Feng Yun regained consciousness slightly, her body was light and her head was very dizzy, as if a stove had trapped her, unable to move, and she was sweating all over.

She wanted to open her eyes and take a look, but her eyelids were also extremely heavy...

"Keep it up." A familiar voice came from above.

"It's time to reach Shinshu."

A little gentle.

Feng Yun rolled his eyelids and said nothing.

Pei Madang's emotions have always been contradictory.

She doesn't understand.

I don’t have the strength to understand either.

My body slowly relaxed, and my head felt as if it weighed twice. I felt as uncomfortable as if I had died, but I no longer felt the same thirst as in the cave.

As the carriage rocked, she fell asleep again.

"Poor." Puyang Jiu sat cross-legged on the side of the carriage, looked at the girl in Pei Madang's arms, and shook his head.

"It seems that he didn't trust me and didn't take the medicine I prescribed properly."

Pei Ran lowered his head and glanced at the rosy face in his arms.

"is it serious?"

Puyang Jiu pondered and raised his eyelids after a long while.

"Hard to say……"

Seeing the cold light in Pei Ran's eyes, he sighed again, "It's no use glaring at me. When she was poisoned, I said that the effect of the medicine was extremely strong and it would take a long time to adjust before she could recover. Obviously, They didn't take it seriously and didn't take the medicine I prescribed..."

Puyang Jiu was a little unhappy.

He believed that Feng Yun did not recognize his medical skills.

Who knew that Feng Yun didn't want to experience the pain of childbirth and the pain of losing a child in this life, and he didn't want to take care of himself at all...

"Will the drug remain for so long? It's not abnormal normally." Pei Ran said, not knowing what he thought of, he suddenly frowned.

Yun Niang has indeed been provoking him again and again these days. Could it be related to the residual poison on her body? Therefore, there are no exceptions.

"Of course." Pu Yangjiu squinted at him with the expression of an expert looking at an outsider. He sat down and moved closer to him. As soon as he touched Feng Yun's feet, Pei Madang kicked him over.

Puyang Jiu hissed and spat.

"You forget your true love. That's all, just don't say anything."

Pei Ran: "Say."

Puyang Jiu rolled his eyes, thought carefully, and asked in a hissing voice, "You said she had pimples all over her body first, and then she reacted erratically?"

Pei Ran hummed.

Listening to Puyang Jiu's words, what he was thinking about was not those pimples, but the firm and soft pink Zhu Kou waiting to bloom...

"That's ridiculous." Pu Yangjiu interrupted his thoughts and stroked his non-existent beard. He didn't know what he was thinking about. He frowned and thought for a long time before nodding.

"She jumped into a long river last time due to the drug's effects. This time she fell into a cold pool. Perhaps she was stimulated by the cold water and awakened familiar memories?"

Pei Ran:......

What kind of poison is so powerful and yet has such a long memory?


Puyang Jiubai couldn't think of the answer, so he just said: "There is some residual poison that has not been cleared away, and it was induced by something. I can't determine it at the moment, but it does not affect the result..."

Pei Ran: "What's the result?"

Puyang Jiu glanced at him and said, "Your little wife will probably coexist with this poison for a long time in the future. You must be lucky. You will be by your side when she gets the poison. If you are lucky, Almost, she happened to meet someone else next to her..."

"Is this poison incurable?"

He asked seriously, so Puyang Jiu's attitude became more correct and he said seriously:

"When I arrived in Shinshu, I wrote to my father and asked him for advice. Judging from the current situation, it has caused residual poison again after so long, and it is not even worse than the first time. It is very unexpected..."

After saying that, when Pei Ran remained silent, he suddenly felt a little discouraged.

"You two are truly a match made in heaven. From now on, you will be locked together. You won't have to worry about anyone getting sick or going crazy, let alone trouble me, a quack doctor..."

When he heard the word "lock", Pei Madang almost subconsciously thought of what happened in the cave.

There was a book confiscated in the former army, the content of which was extremely obscene. It was called the Atlas of Utensils. The most rare one was called the Jade Lock. The description said: "It is as clear as jade and can be broken by blowing a bullet. When the utensil is placed in it, the powder spring will produce fluid, and the greedy It's so smooth that it's hard to extricate yourself from it... It's a peerless weapon, one of which is hard to find among thousands of women."

He suddenly sighed.

She is really delicate. Once she bites, she won't let go.

"Wangzhi?" Puyang Jiu saw him staring at Feng Yun without saying a word. His eyes were like a wolf, as if he wanted to eat her alive in front of him. He shuddered and waved his hand in front of his eyes.

"Brother, don't scare me."

Pei Cong raised his eyes suddenly, "Heal her."

Puyang Jiu: ...

He looked strange and said what was in his heart.

"Brother, I can't cure her as well as you can..."

Pei Cong put his hand on the cloak wrapped around Feng Yun, "I mean, the loss of qi and blood."

Puyang Jiu was really scared this time.

This is incredible...

Pei Cong meant to cure Feng's daughter's difficulty in getting pregnant. Does he want to have a child with her? When did Pei Wangzhi want a child?

Puyang Jiu looked at her with squinted eyes, and the more he looked, the more uncomfortable he felt...

"You have changed, brother Wangzhi."

Pei Cong did not answer.

The two men stared at each other.

Puyang Jiu suddenly winked, half-smiled.

"Tell me what you feel? I didn't lie to you, did I? There is no better medicine in the world than this."

Pei Cong did not answer.

He has always been proud of being able to control his desires, but in front of Feng Yun, his self-control completely collapsed. He can control his mind, but not his body. In the cave, it was just that Yu Hu Chunqian poked her head out for the first time, and she couldn't help but come out once, but she didn't notice it, otherwise it would be a big embarrassment.

Of course, he would not tell Puyang Jiu, a pervert, about these things.

Although he kept saying that this was for his treatment and the doctor needed to know the details, how could he believe his lies?

Puyang Jiu was really curious...

First, he wanted to know the effect of Zhu Mei's medicine, and second, he really had a bit of voyeurism, like a pervert, he wanted to hide behind his tent and take a closer look at such a magnificent spectacle...

The two of them had their own ulterior motives.

You look at me.

I look at you.

Puyang Jiu was chattering, and Pei Cong just listened.

The sound of raindrops.

Feng Yun had no idea what was happening. She curled up in Pei Jue's arms, eyes closed, face flushed from fever. A few strands of black hair fell down softly from the general's strong arms. Her narrow waist was in Pei Jue's palm, not even a hand could hold...

Puyang Jiu was jealous.

She was sitting very politely, but he seemed to have read a hundred thousand volumes of spring paintings. His mind was full of the cave he had not seen with his own eyes, the scene of the delicate woman and the rough general shaking together in the sound of heavy rain.

He was going to have a nosebleed.

Puyang Jiu covered his nose.

"What a lie."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Pei Jue gave him a cold look.

Puyang Jiu pursed his lips in grievance.

He was half a matchmaker, wasn't he?

He didn't make it to the bridal chamber, and he was still disliked for the consultation?

"Okay, if you don't want to say, I'll guess it myself."

He had just inquired with hidden thoughts. Pei Jue said it in an obscure way, but he probably understood it. It was true that they had camped in the cave, but it was not a perfect marriage.

It was indeed an awkward match...

Puyang Jiu thought that when he wrote to his father this time, he would definitely ask him to look through a few more palace secret recipes to see if he could improve the Zhu Mei Yu Hu, and maybe it would be perfect next time.

Come to think of it, he was really worried.

He even wanted to drag his old father into the water...

Thinking about it again, it was a little regretful.

What did he do in his life as a doctor?

When he was buried, it would be inconvenient for his descendants to write books for him, right?

The carriage was silent.

And even quieter and more awkward than this place was Bingzhou City, the camp of the former Bingzhou Jiedushi...

Xiao Cheng was standing in Feng Yun and Pei Jue's new house at the moment.

There were traces of Feng Yun's life here.

Of course, there were also traces of Pei Jue's.

On the table, there was a gift list for the wedding day. For Xiao Cheng, an emperor, it could be considered shabby, not even one-tenth of what he got when he married Feng Yun in his previous life, but it was so dazzling...

Behind the screen was a small stove, the charcoal fire inside had long been extinguished, leaving only a pile of ashes, and there was still a lingering fragrance in the room...

Xiao Cheng lowered his head, pinched a handful of incense ash on his fingertips, slowly ground it, and slowly sat on the edge of the bed covered with the wedding quilt.

He thought of his wedding with Feng Yun.

In the bridal chamber after the wedding banquet that year, her face was as white as snow and her cheeks were as rosy as peaches.

She said: "I hope to grow old with you, my dear, and live together for the rest of our lives."

The warm and soft voice was like sweet spring water, and he didn't know it would be so lingering at the time. When he recalled it again, the faint fragrance became a knife, as if it penetrated the obstacles of two lives and stabbed into his heart...

He was like a thirsty traveler.

Looking for her breath in this space.

"Xiao Lang." She was very shy on the wedding night. When he held her hand, she trembled. She tried to struggle but also tried to endure the tension, which made him hate her.

She had been with Pei Jue for a long time, so she was not a virgin...

Why did she still pretend?

Was she pretending to be innocent to seduce him and want him to pity her?

He thought she was very ridiculous, but he was the one who was ridiculous.

She was cautious, just to beg him, "Dr. Peng said that if the fetus is less than three months old, there is a possibility of miscarriage..."

Xiao Cheng threw the cup in his hand, and it broke into two pieces when it fell to the ground, just like their marriage.

He originally just wanted to drink a cup of wedding wine with her and then do the marital affairs, but she not only refused to sleep with him, but even refused to drink the wedding wine on the wedding night because of the little bastard in her belly...

Feng Yun: When I wake up, I will work hard on my career. I can’t let my sisters see me being obsessed with men, or they will call me love-brained…

Ao Qi: I agree!

Puyang Jiu: I don’t agree! If you work hard on your career, your man will fuck me.

Pei Jue: …

Chun Yu Yan: I will still commit suicide by the Daming Lake today.

Reader: How many days have you been dead? Are you still not dead?

Xiao Cheng: I would rather be by the Daming Lake than in my new house in Bingzhou.

Reader: Then die.

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