Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 227 Wanting it so much

Daman frightened Feng Yun.

His head was lowered, not daring to take another look, and his voice was timid.

"My lady is kind."

Feng Yun took a leisurely sip of tea and looked at her slowly.

"I knew you had second thoughts, but I still keep you by my side just for Xiao Man's sake."

Xiaoman was beaten to death by Li Sangruo in his previous life to save her, and Daman was also beaten to death at that time. If she hadn't been strong enough to survive on her own, she would have died.

"Girl..." Daman's lips trembled twice, and he changed his name. His emotions became excited, but he couldn't squeeze out a single word from his throat.

Feng Yun looked at her and said, "Whatever you want to say, just say it."

Daman closed his eyes, "Mrs. Chen originally ordered Daman to follow the girl and monitor her. But for so long, Daman has never reported any of the girl's privacy to Mrs. Chen..."

Feng Yun asked: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Daman lowered his eyes and said, "Mrs. Chen originally hoped that after the girl entered the camp, she would commit suicide due to the humiliation. After the girl died, the Feng family and Mrs. Chen would be at peace. For this reason, Mrs. Chen told me to always encourage the girl to do it for her. For the sake of Feng's reputation, I will end it myself..."

Feng Yun glanced at her and said nothing.

Daman said: "The girl knows that Daman has never done this. He has been hoping that the girl will cheer up, hope that the girl will be favored by the general, and find another way out. In fact, Daman has already offended Mrs. Chen..."

"But you are not doing it for me." Feng Yun responded with a rude smile, "You are a smart person. You know very well that even if I die, Mrs. Chen will not let you go..."

Daman nodded helplessly.

"The girl is smart, Daman can't hide this idea from you. Whether it's for himself or for the girl, Daman wants to live, and he has never betrayed his wife..."

"If you betrayed me, you wouldn't stand in front of me and speak at this moment."

Feng Yun stared at her.

After a while, he chuckled.

"Guess why I have to show off with you today? If you guess correctly, I will spare you."

Daman thought for a while, "The girl either wants to deal with me and make me die. Or she wants me to do something for you..."

Feng Yun looked at her thoughtfully.

In this world, everyone regards women as nothing more than slaves and subordinates of men. However, women are so clever in their thinking. Which one is stupid? It's just that nature has played a trick on people, and they are born with fate and are bound to those worldly rules and regulations, and they will never be able to escape for the rest of their lives.

Feng Yun didn't want to use Daman anymore.

Those who have betrayed will always have a grudge in their hearts and will never trust them again.

But at this moment, she suddenly wanted to give her a chance.

Like Wen Hui and Ying Rong, like Nan Kui and Chai Ying, like Jiang Yin, and like Luo Yue.

They may not all be pure and kind, but they are all trying to find a way to survive in this troubled world...

"Planning for yourself is not a big mistake."

Feng Yun stared at Daman with cold eyes and a smile on his lips.

"I'm willing to give you another chance. You can weigh it yourself. Believe in Mrs. Chen or me. If you choose me, don't hide anything from now on, let alone play tricks in front of me. If you choose her, I won't want you. For the sake of my sister, I will let you go."

When I heard "Sisters", I burst into tears silently.

", do you know everything?"

Feng Yun picked up the tea cup on the table, looked at her with a smile, and filled up the hot tea without saying a word.

Daman bit his lower lip, his voice could not have been softer.

"The girl is kind enough to let me go, but the world is so big, where can I go as a humble servant? These days, following the girl, I have already understood that it is not easy for the girl to truly pity the girl, and to truly treat the girl. We have good intentions..."

She straightened her hands forward and kowtowed.

"Daman is willing to follow Madam and work like a cow or a horse. I only hope that Madam can make the decision for Daman one day."

"Get up."

As the saying goes, all the bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

The exchange of interests is sometimes more solid and practical than talking about feelings.

Feng Yun raised the corners of his lips, "I don't need your sincerity, and I won't make any promises to you. But if I, Feng Yun, become powerful one day, I will not treat my own people badly. I will give you the justice you want, and the justice your mother wants. Get it back for you."

Daman bit his lower lip and looked at her, crying and kneeling on the ground, sobbing.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door outside.

Feng Yun asked in a deep voice: "What's the matter?"

The person who came was Xiao Man, and his voice was so tight that he was a little scared.

"Girl, Brother Ge has something to report."

Feng Yun looked at Daman and said, "Go down and remember to write to Mrs. Chen often and be attentive."

Daman was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized, "Wait until the maid finishes writing and give it to Madam for review."

Feng Yun hummed and stretched out his hand to rub his forehead.

The door opened.

Xiaoman supported Daman's trembling shoulders and stepped back, wiping her tears from time to time and asking her what happened. Daman shook his head and said nothing.

Ge Guang took a look, closed the door, stepped forward and bowed.

"Girl, the Jin delegation has arrived in Xinzhou."

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, "How is Wei Zheng doing?"

Ge Guang lowered his head: "I saw Chief Wei, General, General Xie, General Ao, and all the garrison generals in Xinzhou waiting at the pier to welcome the Jin delegation. As soon as the Queen Mother's ship docked, I came back to report the news. Already..."

Li Sangruo finally came.

Feng Yun raised the corners of his lips, with a complicated smile on his face.

At this time, she didn't care about how Li Sangruo would meet Pei Jue, but was looking forward to what Li Sangruo's reaction would be when she saw Song Shouan was still alive and living such a miserable life...

She said, "Let's explore again."

Ge Guang responded, and turned back before leaving:

"Today, Chunchuyuan has added a lot of guards, and the guards are very strict inside and outside. Guard Ye said that it was the general's order, and he also said that the lady will go out recently, and the guard camp must accompany her..."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.

"I know. You are doing a better and better job, remember to collect the reward."

Ge Guang smiled and bowed: "Thank you, girl."


The fog on the riverside dissipated.

There was no sunshine, and the weather was gloomy.

The Xinzhou garrison, from top to bottom, braved the cold wind and waited at the dock.

But the ship had been docked for a long time, and Her Majesty the Queen Mother did not come down. Only Ao Zheng and other members of the delegation took their servants to get off the ship one after another, and stood in the same pier with them in the bitter cold wind to welcome the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother couldn't bear the shame about the Andu County incident.

But no matter how arrogant Li Sangruo was, she was very clear-headed and seldom lost her temper in major matters.

Who was she trying to intimidate by not coming out for a long time?

Cao Lang Luo Ding, the host and guest, said, "General, the Queen Mother summoned you twice but didn't come to greet her. Why don't you go on board to welcome the Queen Mother out of the cabin, so that the ministers can get out of the cold wind for a while?"

Pei Zhuo glanced at him.

"Are you complaining to the Queen Mother that you kept her waiting?"

"I was so reckless." Luo Ding was embarrassed and stopped laughing.

The ministers were waiting for the Queen Mother to come in the cold wind at the dock.

But Li Sangruo was vomiting on the boat.

She was already in a bad mood, and the shaking of the boat made her feel very uncomfortable. She vomited and messed up her manners and ruined her makeup.

After washing up, she looked at her haggard face in the bronze mirror. She didn't want to see Pei Jue in this state, so she had to ask the palace maid to open the neatly packed box, change her clothes and hair, wash and dress up, and put on rouge to make her look better.

They hadn't seen each other for more than a year.

She didn't want Pei Jue to see her embarrassment at first sight.

She had been thinking about appearing in front of him with grace and beauty for a long time, how could she fail?

So, thousands of people waited at the dock, and the queen mother was still dressing up.

It took half an hour for Li Sangruo to slowly come out of the cabin, with pearl rings adorning her, and the blue gem on her forehead flickering in the river breeze, shining brightly. A thick layer of powder was smeared on her snow-white skin, her hair was black and her makeup was neat, she looked rich and gorgeous, and with the help of two palace maids and the eunuch leading the way, it was a grand scene.

The ministers shouted.

"Welcome to the Queen Mother."

"Greetings to the Queen Mother."

"My dear ministers, please don't be polite." Li Sangruo looked down at the crowd, raised her hand, and her eyes were fixed on Pei Jue impatiently.

He was so conspicuous standing in the crowd.

You can see him at a glance without trying.

His cold and aloof face was as emotionless as ever. His extraordinary height made him look extraordinary among a group of tall generals. He was wearing armor and shining with cold light. He stood silently, like a god who saved the people from fire and water, exuding a compelling power...

She couldn't walk when she saw him, her legs were weak, and even her heartbeat seemed to disappear.

When she met his eyes, her cheeks were burning, and she wanted to fall into his arms, wanting him to hug her and kiss her...

She wanted him so much...

"My dear minister Pei."

A soft and gentle voice came suddenly with a terrifying power.

The eyes of the crowd fell on Pei Jue.

He disobeyed orders twice, which was extremely arrogant.

Now that the Queen Mother called him, it was bound to be bad news.

Some people were worried, while others were gloating.

Unexpectedly, Li Sangruo's tone was not only not blaming at all, but also not questioning. It even sounded like the joy of a long-lost reunion and hidden happiness.

"Come closer."

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