Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 229 You Come With Me

The palace maid left in response, and Wei Zheng calmly helped her to the bedroom.

She lived in the south courtyard, facing the sun over there, and the house was extremely warm. When the two of them entered, Li Sangruo sat down with a gloomy look on his face, unconscious.

"Kill him, I don't want to see him again."

Wei Zheng frowned when he saw that her eyes were all red and full of exhaustion.

"Your Highness, Fang Fucai's case..."

"Kill the Ai family if they say so." Li Sangruo suddenly became angry and stared at Wei Zheng, "You have to keep him because you want to see the Ai family make a fool of yourself? Wei Zheng, what are you thinking about?"

Her temper was getting worse and worse, and she would get angry if she was not careful, and she would beat or kill her. All the maids and eunuchs around her lowered their heads, showing timid expressions on their faces.

Wei Zheng silently handed over his hands, "Yes."


The imperial doctor ordered Puyang to pay homage and hurried over with a medicine box.

"Wei minister, please pay homage to Her Majesty the Queen Mother."

"No courtesy." Li Sangruo raised his hand weakly, indicating that he was welcome.

But Puyang Li was a slow-tempered person, always observing etiquette, so he insisted on making a false courtesy, and then he half-knelt down to check Li Sangruo's pulse.

There was no breeze in the room, it was dull and quiet.

Li Sangruo's face looked very ugly.

The pale lips looked like they had no color at all.

Puyang Li lowered his eyes for a moment, and looked up from time to time to look at her face, which seemed to be hesitant...

Li Sangruo hated the way he hesitated the most.

"The old doctor has something to say, but it doesn't hurt to say it."

"Yes. Yes." Puyang Li murmured, slowly took two steps back, knelt down and saluted.

"Your Highness, please withdraw from the palace. Only I dare to say so."

Li Sangruo narrowed his eyes and looked at him for a moment.

"You all get down."

Then he looked at Wei Zheng coldly: "You go down too."

"Here." Everyone responded in unison and filed away.

Wei Zheng silently closed the door.

Puyang Li's face was still tense, "Your Highness, please forgive me for my innocence..."

Li Sangruo felt so uncomfortable that he almost fainted. He couldn't bear Puyang Li's temper.

"If you hesitate any longer, the Aijia will want your head."

Puyang Li lowered his head even further. He did not dare to look at Li Sangruo's expression and said in a suppressed voice:

"Back to Your Highness, according to my diagnosis, Your Highness is... unhappy."

"What?" Li Sangruo straightened up almost immediately and stared at Puyang Li for a moment.

"Imperial Physician Ling, are you desperate for your life? How dare you talk nonsense in front of the Ai family?"

"Your Highness, the Weichen family has been practicing medicine for generations and we dare not make false claims." Puyang Li kowtowed again, his shoulders straightening slightly.

"Your Highness is indeed pregnant, and has been pregnant for more than three months."


Li Sangruo's ears were ringing, his whole body was soft, and he didn't make a sound for a long time...

how come?

She doesn't allow that bitch slave to get in there every time, so why does she still have an upper body?

It was his intention.

That bitch slave has no ability, but is greedy by nature. She is still unwilling to sit on the position of head of Tiqisi. Do you think that by having a child, you can tie her up and do whatever you want?

"Bastard thing! Bastard!"

What a coward and greedy idiot!

He should be killed a thousand times, ten thousand times, and cut into pieces.


She touched her belly, her eyes froze, and she suddenly flicked the tea cup on the table to the ground.

When he stared at Puyang Li again, his eyes clearly showed murderous intent.

"If even a word of what happened today spreads out, I will kill the nine Puyang clans of your family! Do you understand?"

Puyang salutes his forehead to the ground, "Your Highness does not need to explain. The Puyang family has ancestral teachings that doctors should not talk too much about the patient's illness. Your Highness can rest assured."

Li Sangruo hummed heavily and then sat back down, looking at him as if he had breathed his last.

"The imperial doctor ordered you to come and think of a solution for the Ai family. How to get rid of this bastard?"


Feng Yun didn't know what happened in Cuiyu, so he took people to the meeting hall in the afternoon.

Wen Xingsu is responsible for the security of the parliament hall. He, Shen Tujiong, Yang Qi and others have been living in the parliament hall these days. Feng Yun was afraid that he would not have good food and lodging, so he specially brought food from Xinzhou City.

The Jin delegation and her entourage arrived at the parliament building almost immediately behind her.

Except for the empress dowager, Ruan Pu and other high-ranking officials who stayed in Xinzhou, the rest of the officials responsible for the peace talks came over in advance and were placed in the north courtyard of the parliament hall.

They have to do some errands related to the peace negotiation, and there are many people accompanying them.

As soon as people arrived, the store outside Feng Yun Yiguan became lively.

Although there must be a large canteen in the parliament hall, the taste of the big pot dishes is far inferior to the cooking skills of Chef Yutangchun.

When Feng Yun went, Nan Kui, Chai Ying and the other guys were already busy.

Maybe they saw something, and several restaurants and restaurants in the city ran to Mingquan Town sniffing business opportunities.

Some people are asking around and want to buy land near the parliament building.

Some people were more eager for quick success and approached Xing Dalang directly to rent their remaining store.

Feng Yun couldn't run so many shops, so it was natural for him to be a housekeeper.

So, this place, which no one had even looked at earlier, was rented out by her at a price no less than that of a store in Xinzhou City.

"Ma'am, you have such a good eye."

From no one paying attention to being crowded, everyone was so excited that their eyes lit up.

But Nan Kui couldn't help but worry.

"When the peace talks are over, will there be no business?"

She and Chai Ying had just tasted the sweetness of doing business.

Calculating profits and looking at revenue every day, I feel so wonderful. They don't want to have to serve men again if they can't do business.

Feng Yun knew their worries and smiled slightly.

"No. Do you think why the peace talks were held in Mingquan Town? Because it is a transportation hub from Xinzhou to Bingzhou and then to Hengquguan, it is convenient for both land and water. After the peace talks, it will be the border port of Jin and Qi."

He laughed again, "Our store is in a prime location. Isn't it being scrambled to rent now? These people are all smart. I made a mistake, and they won't make a mistake either."

"No matter how smart you are, you are not as smart as your wife. No matter how smart you are, you are still one step slower than your wife." Xing Dalang smiled, "If your wife hadn't seized the business opportunity early, how could we have such a good business."

Several people praised Feng Yun in turn.

Feng Yun smiled and glanced at the crowd.

"Why don't you see Jiang Ji?"

Nan Kui smiled and said, "She was there in the morning. She said she was going to the town at noon. She hasn't come back yet."

Jiang Yin is different from the waiter. Nan Kui can't control her, so it's not convenient for her to ask about her itinerary.

Feng Yun nodded.

Suddenly, it occurred to me that Chunyu Yan hadn't appeared for two days?

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, and when the number of diners in the restaurant gradually decreased, he took people out to see other stores and imagine the future prosperity of this small street.

Unexpectedly, when he walked out of the restaurant, he saw Ao Qi and Ao Zheng coming over.

After looking at each other, Feng Yun bowed and said hello to each other, and then left.

Unexpectedly, Ao Qi came to the door just after returning to the store.

In front of so many people, he stared at Feng Yun eagerly, his eyes were red, and he was so aggrieved that people couldn't help but think of a puppy abandoned by its owner.

"General Ao." Xing Dalang reminded him, "Do you have something to do with your wife?"

Ao Qi didn't speak and walked to Feng Yun.

"Aunt, can I talk to you for a moment."

Feng Yun noticed that his expression was different, and took him to the back of the store without saying a word.

Behind was the residence, and then there was a small courtyard, where food and kitchen utensils were piled.

Feng Yun felt cold, folded his arms, and looked at him.

"Go on."

But Ao Qi was silent.

He looked at her for a long time with red eyes.

"Girl." He called Feng Yun by her old name, his voice low and sad.

"My family has arranged a marriage for me. My father said that when the peace talks are over and I return to Zhongjing, he will arrange it for me."

"Is it Miss Cui Si?" Feng Yun said, "Congratulations."

"I don't want to hear this." Ao Qi's eyes were red, and his eyes were flashing with wolfish light. "I came here today to ask you a question."

Feng Yun met his sharp eyes and frowned slightly.

"Do I really have no chance?" Ao Qi said hoarsely, like an innocent child.

Feng Yun was startled, "No."

Ao Qi's tall body stiffened instantly, and his straight back seemed to bend down, but there was still a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He looked at the gloomy courtyard and Feng Yun's cold face.

"If, when you just entered the camp, I rushed before my uncle and asked you to come, would you agree?"

"No." Feng Yun looked straight into his eyes and said calmly and indifferently.

"Xiao Qi, you are still young. In my eyes, even if you are not a junior, you are still a younger brother who has never had any romantic feelings for Ao Zai. Therefore, I will be very grateful for your kindness to Ao Zai, but I will not have such thoughts."

"I am not only a person who likes Ao Zai, but also a person who likes you."

Ao Qi blurted out, his eyes shining.

"I have liked you since the first day I saw you."

Feng Yun pursed her lips and said nothing.

The air seemed to suddenly become low pressure.

Feng Yun said: "When you grow up, you will understand that this little bit of love is insignificant..."

"Are you very old?" Ao Qi suddenly became a little annoyed, "Feng Yun, you are only one year older than me."

Calling her by her name.

This is the first time.

Feng Yun made him laugh.

"What did you call me?"

"Feng Yun. Ah Yun." Ao Qi stared at her fiercely, unable to look away from her face, his eyes red with sadness, "Tell me, what should I do?"

Feng Yun didn't know what to say.

Marriages arranged by parents are the norm.

She couldn't resist before.

If Feng Jingting wasn't cruel, she wouldn't have gotten to this point.

But she couldn't instigate Ao Qi to resist.

Because the road that is not tolerated by the world is too difficult.

"Girl." Ao Qi suddenly came up to her, took her hand, and said anxiously:

"Will you come with me? Come with me!"

Sorry, sorry, I was delayed today by something, and I will be an hour late...

Wait for the next chapter. (Hug)

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