Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 231: Unromantic

The long wind passed through the curtains, blowing the lingering fragrance, making it difficult to breathe.

Wei Zheng felt that the heating in the Queen Mother's room was too hot, and the pressure was a bit low. His steps became heavy, and it seemed that he had used up enough strength to step into the threshold.

He stood in front of Li Sangruo.

He lowered his head, as he had done in the past.

Li Sangruo walked over from the dressing table and leaned lazily on the wooden couch, his body undulating gracefully. Wei Zheng was excited at the sight.

"I wonder what your Highness...has to give you?"

He asked a second time.

Li Sangruo frowned dissatisfiedly, and seeing how nervous he looked, he chuckled.

"I heard that Wei Qing's inner house is full of flowers and beautiful people. How can you be so confused about the style?"

Wei Zheng felt suffocated.

He didn't dare to raise his head, let alone look at Li Sangruo's face that became ambiguous under the glazed light.

"Your Highness is joking." He said: "There are only two concubines at the moment..."

Li Sangruo frowned, "Are they the two we brought back from Andu last time?"

After that, he gave another sarcastic smile.

"I thought Wei Qing was just a newbie, but I didn't expect that he has been in love for a long time."

Wei Zheng coughed awkwardly.

"After all, it is a reward from the general. I dare not give it away lightly."

Li Sangruo thought about it and said with a smile: "Then the Ai family will reward Wei Qing with some young and beautiful concubines next time."

Wei Zheng was not sure what was going on in this woman's mind. When Leng Buding heard this, he guessed it was a temptation and panicked and surrendered.

"You should be ashamed of me. Now I just want to worry about state affairs and be loyal to Your Majesty and the Queen Mother. I have no interest in other affairs."

"Are you no longer interested?" Li Sangruo looked at him with a half-smile, put down the stove, lay down on the wooden couch, pulled up his clothes, and said with blurred eyes:

"Xinzhou is near the water and is very humid. Aijia's neck is sore. Ai Qing, please come and help Aijia squeeze it."

Wei Zheng hesitated, "I don't dare to offend His Highness."

"Ai Qing doesn't want to?"

This thought caused a sudden chill to appear on Li Sangruo's face, the cold air rushed straight to his heart, and his temper was ignited almost instantly.

This Wei Zheng!

Didn't he always want to be her servant, her guest? Now that she gave him a chance, she still pushed back and forth. It was a habit she had.

She is so beautiful, does she still feel wronged to him?

Li Sangruo sat up and looked at him coldly.

"Ai Qing, do you still remember the bird you gave to the Aijia when you came back from Qingzhou?"

Wei Zheng felt hot in his heart, "Remember."

How much did he like Li Sanruo at that time?

Wherever I go, I want to bring back the best things and give them to her. I just want her to smile and I feel satisfied.

I heard that she liked to raise birds, so she searched the bird markets and people in Qingzhou, and then she got such a red-billed parrot, and brought it back to Zhongjing eagerly.

When Wei Zheng went to see it for the first time, it was still hanging under the eaves and jumping around. He followed the palace maid to learn how to talk and beg for food, and he was very happy.

The next time he entered the palace, he disappeared.

"Does Wei Qing know how it died?"

Wei Zheng frowned slightly, "Wei Chen doesn't know."

Li Sangruo sighed, sat up lazily, and looked directly at him, "Such a good-looking bird is a lovable one, but it is a naughty, untamed, flat-haired beast. Learn a few words from a human being." If you say that, you really treat yourself like a human being. As soon as the cage door is opened, it rushes out. It has no idea that there are chains on its feet. Where can it fly? Ai Jia thought, since it yearns for freedom like this, then Ai Jia Just fulfill it and kill it..."

She had a smile on her face when she said this.

Just looking at Wei Zheng so lightly made his spine run cold and his blood run cold.

"Wei Qing, why don't you say anything?" Li Sangruo smiled, "But the Complaint family is not happy about how you dealt with your bird?"

Wei Zheng lowered his head, his voice slightly hoarse.

"That beast doesn't know how to praise, so he can't blame His Highness."

Li Sangruo slightly raised the corners of his lips.

"Then why don't you come here and give Ai Jia a squeeze on your shoulders?"

Wei Zheng's throat was slightly lumpy, but he took two steps and said: "I have come back from Andu, and I am so tired. I didn't have time to bathe and change clothes. I'm afraid that your highness's jade body will be dirty..."

Li Sangruo chuckled.

"There is hot water in the clean room, go and wash up. Once you're clean, come out and serve the Ai family."


The heating in the room is stronger and there is no wind at all.

Li Sangruo loosened his already light clothes and lay on the couch restlessly thinking of the man bathing in the inner room.

The supreme power brings her the ability to do whatever she wants and have whatever she wants.

She once thought she would be satisfied with this, but standing at the top and having all this, she was not so happy...

Desire is hard to fill.

The higher the point of desire, the harder it is to reach it. The power is maximal, money is useless, and the threshold of pleasure is infinitely raised. At this point, the slightest dissatisfaction will tear the heart apart crazily.

The more you get, the harder it is to get...

If it weren't for the evil seed in her belly, the person she wanted to see today should be Pei Mad.

He doesn't have to do anything.

It would be good to just talk to her.

Thinking of Pei Madang, Li Sangruo couldn't help but feel miserable again.

Unfortunately, he is not a bird in her cage, but a soaring eagle.

I don’t know when I will be able to pluck his feathers...


She couldn't help but retched again, and her mouth felt bitter as if she had eaten coptis. She drank water, but the astringency could not be washed away, and she could not spit it out.

Her internal organs were full of annoyance, and her heart was convulsing with vomiting.

"Pei Lang..."

"Do you know that I miss you so much..."

She lay down and stroked her chest, and then she felt better.

Come to think of it, Wei Zheng is also very handsome.

Otherwise, he would not have won her favor and come before the emperor.

It's a pity that he looks a little restrained today.

How can he achieve the purpose of abortion if he can't move his hands and feet?

He has to be made crazy.

Seeing that Wei Zheng hadn't come out of the clean room yet, Li Sangruo sat up again and took out a fragrant pill from the box.

This incense is called "Hezhi", which is the treasured recipe of Emperor Xifeng in those days. At that time, Li Sangruo was still young and suffered a lot in front of it.

Thinking of the late emperor, she smiled coldly, knelt up, picked up a "Hezhi" and put it in the incense burner, and placed it elegantly, as if she was serving a treasure.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid..."

"You're still a novice? Don't be afraid. You'll know the benefits after you've trained me a few more times..."

"I didn't do well. Your Majesty will punish me."

"Go, light the incense."

The dead emperor's voice and smile were still in front of her eyes. The past scenes emerged in her mind, gradually becoming hideous.

Such a powerful man, a great emperor, died just like that, didn't he?

But he was right about one thing.

People should enjoy themselves while they can.

Li Sangruo laughed out loud.


It was late at night.

When Xiaoman came to call her with the lights on, Feng Yun had already fallen asleep.

She had a dream.

The Queen Mother summoned her, and a sedan chair came to carry her to the villa in Andu County. The servant led her in and waited outside the Queen Mother's door...

The wind was strong and the weather was cold. There were faint moans coming from the house, broken and trembling. Even though the tone was off, it was still clear that it was Li Sangruo, screaming wantonly, as if she was extremely comfortable...

"Pei Jue!"

Feng Yun opened her eyes suddenly as if stimulated by something, and frightened Xiao Man so much that she screamed and almost dropped the lamp in her hand.

"Girl! Did you have a nightmare?"

Feng Yun looked at her approaching and asked her with a frown.

"Why are you here?"

Xiao Man swallowed her saliva, walked closer and put the lamp on the small wooden cabinet, and bent down to put a cloak on Feng Yun.

"Brother Ge said that there are scouts from the Tiqi Division looking for the girl, and there is something important..."

Tiqi Division?

Could it be that Wei Zheng got the news that Pei Jue went to Cuiyu and sent someone to tell her?

This dream...

Feng Yun's heart was pounding and her head was extremely headache.

"What time is it?"

"It's past midnight."

Feng Yun pulled at her clothes, "Where are the people from the Tiqi Division?"

Xiao Man said, "Brother Ge, take them to the back hall and wait."

Feng Yun nodded, "Change my clothes for me."

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