Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 271 Turning the Tide

First-rank lady?

Li Sangruo took a breath and wanted to spill the tea in front of her.

"You are pushing it too far! This slut has no shame..."

"Aunt." Puyang Yi signaled her to be careful and looked into the venue.

"Time is running out, aunt, make a decision quickly."

Li Sangruo snorted, "What if she can't do it?"

Puyang Yi said, "Feng Shier Niang said that aunt can refuse."

This is a threat.

A naked threat to her.

A slut dared to covet the title of first-rank lady...

Li Sangruo was so angry that her teeth itched.

Noticing that Tang Shaogong hadn't spoken for a long time, thinking of his resourcefulness, she turned around and asked, "What do you think, Uncle Shaogong?"

Tang Shaogong had a blank expression on his face, "Her Majesty the Queen Mother will make the decision."

Since she decided to let Xing Dalang play, she didn't let Tang Shaogong intervene, deliberately avoiding him, not wanting him to take the credit.

Obviously, Tang Shaogong didn't want to clean up her mess, and all the problems were returned to her.

Li Sangruo actually knew the priorities and knew how to weigh them, but she just couldn't swallow that breath.

"Shameless! Shameless!"

"What a shameless Feng Shier Niang!"

Puyang Yi suddenly exclaimed.

"Yan Buxi solved another problem!"

Li Sangruo loosened her clenched teeth and finally closed her eyes, "Yes! I will allow her!"

Puyang Yi was overjoyed.

So everyone saw a clenched servant go over and come back to Feng Yun.

Feng Yun carefully looked at the test questions written by Xing Dalang.

"During the Lantern Festival, Wang Erlang arranged lanterns for his father. There are nine lanterns, arranged in ten rows, and every three lanterns must be in a straight line. Please draw a diagram to show how Wang Erlang should arrange the lanterns?"

Xing Dalang is very good at calculations, and this kind of question is a bit difficult for him.

Feng Yun smiled, quickly took a pen and drew a five-star diagram, and handed it to the clenched servant.

The whole Zhongba was focused on the scene, and no one noticed Feng Yun.

At this time, Yan Buxi had already reached the seventeenth checkpoint. Seeing victory in sight, the Qi people held their breath and concentrated, and everyone's face was filled with joy, waiting for the decisive moment.

All the members of the Feng family were present.

Not only Feng Ying was there, but also the two little ones Feng Zhen and Feng Liang were there.

The child couldn't control his emotions. Seeing that Yan Buxi was about to win, he was so happy that he almost jumped up.

"Win! Win!"

"Qi will win!"

Madam Chen touched Feng Liang's head and taught the child.

"Aliang, you have to study hard with the teacher, you know? You see, Mr. Yan is very capable, and he is respected wherever he goes, and no one disrespects him..."

Feng Liang was spoiled by his family. He was small but bold.

He didn't follow his mother's will, and raised his face and shouted.

"My son thought that the servant was more powerful."

Madam Chen's face fell.

"Nonsense! How long has he been waiting at the fifteenth level? He's about to lose."

"But he's only fourteen, and Mr. Yan is so old. Who can't bully a child?"

Feng Liang didn't know how to restrain himself when he spoke, and his roar was so loud that everyone around him could hear it.

Mrs. Chen was so embarrassed that she wanted to block his mouth.

Feng Jingting coughed lightly and suddenly said, "Come to think of it, when Twelve Niang was younger than him, she knew how to calculate..."

Mrs. Chen's face darkened and snorted.

"She is so capable, why doesn't she go on stage to compete with Mr. Yan herself, but find a yellow-haired kid to come on stage?"

Feng Jingting felt pain in his eyebrows and pressed them gently.

"Madam is right."

Mrs. Chen snorted, glanced at Feng Ying, who was silent under the veil, and raised her face with a motherly smile again.

"Speaking of mathematics, wasn't our Aying often praised by the teacher when she was young, saying that when she became the mistress of the family, no one could deceive her..."

How could what the mistress learned to be the mistress of the family be compared with the test questions on the field?

Feng Jingting's eyebrows jumped and he smiled.

"That's right, that's right, who can compare with Aying?"

Mrs. Chen's face relaxed and said in confusion: "But then again, although Twelve Niang is not as good as Aying, she was taught by the family of Feng in Xuzhou, so she is much better than a servant. It seems that she is still not on the same page with Jin Ting..."

"Mother!" Feng Zhen suddenly pulled Mrs. Chen's dress and motioned her to look.

"Azhou, the servant of Jin, has passed the eighteenth level."

Mrs. Chen's words were suddenly interrupted, and her eyes followed.

Yan Buxi was still at the seventeenth level.

Xing Dalang also rushed to the gate of the seventeenth level.

He seemed to be stumped again, lowering his head and writing something.

Then, the writing boy came back, not looking for anyone else, but went to Feng Yun alone.

Feng Yun lowered his head and put the paper back into the writing boy's tray after a while...

Xing Dalang, who got the answer, passed the seventeenth level that stumped Yan Buxi, and continued to set off for the eighteenth level.

"How can this be!"

The two envoys from Qi walked to Chunyu Yan's desk, picked up the small bronze gong and knocked it.

Drawing the attention of the whole audience, they shouted:

"Jin Fang cheated."

"The person who helped solve the problem was Feng Shier Niang!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

However -

After listening to the Qi envoy's explanation, the Jin envoys looked at each other and laughed.

Ao Zheng stroked his beard lightly, bowed and smiled:

"May I ask your Excellency, who is competing today, Mr. Yan and Azhou, or Jin and Qi?"

The Qi envoy sneered, "Of course it is Jin and Qi."

Ao Zheng added: "Since it is a competition between Jin and Qi, and it was not stated in advance, only one person can go on the field, and no one outside the field can give advice. How can it be called cheating?"

This Yushi Zhongcheng can speak eloquently in the court and fight against the ministers, so his mouth is naturally very sharp.

In a few words, he picked out the loopholes in the competition rules and found a reason for his side.

"It's a specious argument!"

"You are just a specious argument!"

The two Qi envoys were so angry that their faces turned red.

Ao Zheng smiled slightly, "If you are not convinced, you can ask Mr. Yan to write the questions for Qi people to discuss. One is not enough for two, even if all of you discuss together, we will not accuse you of cheating."

It makes sense when you say it.

If you think about it carefully, it's unreasonable everywhere.

Seeing that several Qi envoys were about to step forward to argue, Xiao Cheng spoke up.

"No need to say more. Continue."

Ao Zheng bowed to Xiao Cheng from a distance.

"Mr. Qi has a great capacity."

Xiao Cheng's eyes were dark, and his sight passed over the crowd and fell on Feng Yun.

She sat in a corner, surrounded by tall guards, and was almost surrounded by people, blocking all views. If you don't pay special attention, you can't find her.

Xiao Cheng slightly gathered the corner of his robe and called Jixiang.

"Ask Mr. Yan, what is the question of the seventeenth level?"

Jixiang was stunned for a moment, "Yes."

Yan Buxi has always been conceited and would not easily ask for help.

He didn't pass the seventeenth level, not because the question was too difficult, but because the question type was complicated, with a mixture of various calculations, and it took a long time to draw a conclusion.

Therefore, when he heard Xiao Cheng ask if he needed help, he immediately waved his hand to refuse.

"Don't come to disturb me when I calculate, it is the best help."

After saying that, he buried his head and worked hard on the paper.

Yan Buxi was immersed in the complicated calculations and completely forgot about time.

Until the cheers soared into the sky and the Jin people shouted for victory, he came back to his senses.

"What are they talking about?"

The servant holding the pen lowered his head, "Sir, they said that the servant Azhou has passed 20 levels and got the golden abacus."

"What? What did you say?"

"Sir, Jin Fang won."

"All 20 levels?"


Yan Buxi fell down, staring with a pair of confused old eyes, desperately writing and calculating on the paper...

"Sir Yan, no need to calculate anymore."

The servant reminded him again, "Jin Fang has already won."

"Impossible!" Yan Buxi interrupted, repeated impossible again, shook his head, and continued to write and calculate.

"Such a complex question, even the most powerful math master will take some time to get the answer, how can he, a young boy,..."

He stopped suddenly.

As if he thought of something, he suddenly dropped the pen and walked out angrily.

"Someone must have leaked the question."

This old gentleman was stubborn and highly respected by the world. He could not accept failure at all, and he was unwilling to believe that he would lose to a 14-year-old boy.

He strode to Chunyu Yan, bowed, and then showed a face full of anger and disdain.

"I dare to ask Prince Chunyu, has anyone leaked the questions to Jin Fang in advance?"

This question made the whole audience silent.

His doubts were actually the doubts of many people.

Chunyu Yan smiled lazily.

"Mr. Yan, this prince is personally supervising, and such a thing will not happen."

"Prince, these questions are not something that can be done with a little cleverness. If no one leaks the questions, he will never win."

Yan Buxi was very stubborn, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and finally his angry eyes fell on Xing Dalang.

The skinny young man had a bad background and had no family background.

There were no poor families in the upper class, and no noble families in the lower class. In such a clear-cut era, it was a miracle that he could recognize a few words and know a little mathematics. How could he beat him?

Yan Buxi gritted his teeth, "This servant must have known the answer in advance."

Before he finished speaking, he turned to face Xiao Cheng and bowed deeply.

"I have failed your majesty, but I refuse to admit defeat. Your majesty, please investigate the fraud and make the decision for me. Otherwise..."

He looked around and gritted his teeth.

"I can only crash into the doorpost of the meeting hall and die to show my determination."

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