Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 299 Closed-door discussion

After the snow melted, the wind was as strong as a knife. The atmosphere in Xinzhou City was tense, waiting for the end of this storm to see how things would end. However, in the Chunchu Pavilion, the focus, there was a relaxed scene and a happy atmosphere.

In the courtyard, there was a tall snowman, holding a steel knife in his hand, with a big red ribbon on his waist, window grilles on the windows, and the heat from the stove formed water droplets on the windows. It was a cold world, but there was a unique tenderness and hope here.

Mrs. Ao said: "After entering the Chunchu Pavilion, I just remembered that the New Year is coming soon."

The New Year is a day for reunion.

This year, I don't know where and how to spend it.

Ao Zheng glanced at her, and his heart was heavy.

As he spoke, Pei Jue took Feng Yun's hand and walked out of the doorway. The two little ones, A Zuo and A You, saw them and cheered first.

"Uncle, aunt!"

The child's crisp voice naturally carried the joy of breaking the ice.

Before Pei Jue and Feng Yun could say anything, the child threw himself at them.

"Aunt, I finally see you."

A Zuo was as enthusiastic as a little sun. He called out "Uncle" and immediately turned around to compete with his sister for aunt, chattering non-stop.

A You had two buns and a snow hat. Her little face was hidden under the hat. She looked cute and sweet. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Feng Yun would have picked her up and pinched her hard.

Mrs. Ao coughed lightly, "You two, stop messing around and make your aunt laugh."

A Zuo turned around and stuck out his tongue at her, "Aunt won't laugh at us."

A You also said, "Aunt is so nice. There are many, many, many delicious foods at your aunt's house."

A Zuo shouted, "Mom, we are going to stay at your aunt's house today and we won't go back."

The child spoke childishly, and Mrs. Ao was neither happy nor angry.

"We just arrived, and you want to occupy the place before we even sit down. Go play on the side."

She also said to Feng Yun: "The child is naughty, and his father neglects to teach him, so he is very rude. Don't bother with them."

Feng Yun heard that her tone was quite kind, but her eyes looked at her from head to toe, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Sister, you are too polite. I am familiar with them, and we don't follow these rules when we talk."

She looked gentle, spoke softly, and touched Zuo's head, saying with a smile: "Stay as long as you want, until you get tired of it."

The two children cheered.

"We won't get tired of it, we are going to find Aozai."

Ao Qi's face darkened when he heard it, "Aozai needs to hibernate, don't mess with him."

Zuo and You didn't believe him, knowing that their brother loved Aozai, they stuck out their tongues mischievously.

Seeing Ao Qi's face fall, the two maids smiled and stepped forward, holding the young man and the little girl.

A group of people were polite, but their eyes were all on Feng Yun.

When the new daughter-in-law met her father-in-law, she bowed to them one by one, gracefully and elegantly. She was well-educated and could not be faulted. She was not the kind of woman who was said to be "a beauty that brings disaster" or "a fox spirit" by the outside world.

Madam Ao looked at her carefully for a moment, and felt a little disappointed.

She understood why her son was so fascinated. With such a proud demeanor and extreme beauty, which man would not be confused?

Madam Ao glanced at Ao Zheng.

"It's cold outside, let's go back to the house and sit down."

Ao Zheng quickly gave her a smile, stepped forward attentively, and supported Pei Chong's wheelchair. "Yes, yes, let's talk inside, let's talk inside, it's very cold outside."

Ao Qi took a deep look at Feng Yun, and Feng Yun happened to see it and smiled friendly.

His face suddenly turned red, and his ears were hot. He followed his parents in three or two steps, feeling very flustered.

Mrs. Ao noticed her son's quickened pace, and looked back at him, his breath was floating, and he looked flustered. She bit her teeth slightly, and a chill ran down her spine.

Pei Chong said nothing, but when he turned back to the house, he naturally lifted the hem of Feng Yun's skirt.

Mrs. Ao saw this little action, and then looked at Ao Zheng, and she became even more upset.

The heartless brother knew how to love his wife, but the censor who was soaked in ink didn't know how to be gentle with women? It was just that she was not the one he wanted to be gentle with.

The family entered the house, and the maids served tea and fruit. Feng Yun arranged everything in an orderly manner.

Pei Chong frowned and looked for a moment, and signaled Pei Chong to dismiss the servants.

Mrs. Ao said, "Zuo and You should go out and play too."

The adults wanted to talk and didn't let the children participate. Zuo and You wanted to object, but they were powerless to resist, so they had to pull Feng Yun.

"Aunt, come with us to play."

Feng Yun smiled slightly: "Okay."

She was a person who could read people's expressions. Their family had to talk behind closed doors, so it was naturally inconvenient for her, an "outsider", to be here.

"Let's go." She held Ah You's hand and bowed respectfully to Pei Chong. Just as she was about to turn around, her wrist was held by Pei Jue.

"You go and play by yourselves. Aunt has something to do."

He pursed his lips slightly, silently put his arm around Feng Yun's shoulders, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Feng Yun was slightly startled.

She didn't expect Pei Jue to keep her.

Others also looked over.

Silence at this time was better than sound.

Everyone knew what they were going to discuss.

This was a conversation about the fate of the Pei family. The fewer people knew about it, the better. If they were not his own people, it would be best if they didn't know.

With a small move, Pei Jue told the Pei family directly that this was his wife who would accompany him through life and death, and the woman who would share weal and woe with him.

There was a brief moment of silence in the room. The child looked at this and that, not daring to say anything anymore, and was led away obediently by the maid.

Pei Madang winked, and Zuo Zhong and Ji You led a group of guards to isolate the flower hall.

The Pei family is a general's family, and there are not so many rules. After sitting down again, Pei Chong said bluntly:

"The gift of Jiuxi is unacceptable."

Pei Madang had no expression, and Ao Zheng nodded slightly.

Mrs. Ao was very dissatisfied, "Why don't you accept it? I can't afford any gifts. If it weren't for our Pei family, I don't know who is sitting on the dragon throne..."

Ao Zheng saw that his father-in-law didn't look good, so he looked at her.

Mrs. Ao immediately glanced back, "Why are you staring at me?"

She was a strong-willed girl with a strong temperament, but Ao Zheng was from a noble family, and her words and deeds were more pliable. Hearing the sound, he turned his head, cupped his hands and said to Pei Madang:

"What Lao Taishan said is absolutely true. Jiuxi's destiny can be said to be under the melons and plums in the melon field, and Amang should avoid suspicion."

Mrs. Ao said: "Aren't they just betting that Ah Lang can't bear it? It's too much to bully others. The court gave it to us, so we want it. What are we afraid of?"

Ao Zheng: "A woman's perspective."

Mrs. Ao was dissatisfied, "There is more than one woman here, who are you scolding?"

Ao Zheng choked her and made her blush again.

Ao Qi looked at his parents and frowned.

"Father and mother, listen to what uncle has to say."

Everyone's eyes fell on Pei Ran, and Pei Chong also turned his head and looked at him with bright eyes.

"Li Zongxun is trying to put you on fire. Don't be fooled, my son."

Pei Ran asked: "Father, do you think your son can't bear it?"

Pei Chong: "You can bear it, but you can't. If you just go with the flow, that's what he wants."

Ao Zheng also spoke, sighing and admonishing: "Li Zongxun, the old fox, is forcing you. Once you accept Jiuxi's gift, they will have something to talk about in the future. And you? If you are not careful, you will be criticized. There is a suspicion of usurping power..."

Unless you really want to be a rebellious minister, for powerful ministers, "adding nine tins" is the touchstone.

"You must avoid the suspicion that should be avoided."

Pei Chong glanced at Pei Ran, his eyes stayed on Feng Yun's face for a moment, and he let out a long sigh.

"In these years when you were in the army, no matter what decisions you made, your father never interfered. Do you know why?"

Pei Ran didn't speak.

Ao Zheng twitched the corners of his lips and said with a smile: "Ah Lang does things in a measured way and never needs to be worried about."

After saying that, he glared at Ao Qi.

"On the contrary, this useless thing will only add fuel to the fire and cause chaos in major matters."

Ao Qi's eyelids twitched slightly, but he said nothing.

Mrs. Ao said: "Where did it add to the chaos? Even if Xiao Qi was a little impulsive, it was just to save people. What's wrong? The one who was embarrassed was obviously that crazy woman Li Sangruo! Unless everyone in the world is blind, who should be criticized? Isn’t it obvious? They are allowed to throw dirty water, but we are not allowed to spit. What’s the point?”

"Confused!" Ao Zheng was frightened after hearing her words.

His wife is more rebellious than Pei Ran.

It would be fine if she was allowed to blow up in front of Pei Ran.

"Who doesn't know what's happening on the table? It doesn't matter what the truth is. Unless the Pei family really wants to put their century-old reputation behind them, this slap will be there for the rest of their lives..."

"A little trick." Pei Madang said coldly, "He dares to give it, so why does it matter if I accept it?"

Several people's faces were filled with astonishment.

No matter Pei Chong, Ao Zheng, Mrs. Ao or even Ao Qi, privately they didn't think that Pei Man was determined to go against the imperial court.

They all know him well and have similar thoughts to Puyang Jiu.

Pei Mang was cold-tempered but warm-hearted. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Jin Dynasty and never slackened off. He could be said to be extremely loyal. How could he really start a rebellion over such a trivial matter?

The word rebellion did not even exist in the hearts of the Pei family.

Pei Ran's calm words were a big surprise.

This time, even Mrs. Ao's face fell.

"Brother, please don't be confused."

There is no turning back when the bow is drawn.

On this road, there are only a few people who have a narrow escape from death and enjoy the scenery at the end.

Seeing Pei Ran's cold expression, she reached out to give him a hand anxiously.

"Just give them a little power. After this lesson, that crazy woman won't dare to do anything else in the future. It's useless to ask for Jiuxi. Why don't we listen to my father..."

"Sister, I have no way out."

Pei Man suppressed his voice and said in a low voice: "Li Zongxun is narrow-minded and jealous. Once he gets jealous, he will never get rid of it. The old grudge has become a thing and it is not what I want."

After saying that, he lightly dusted the corners of his robe, his eyes dark and deep.

"Jiuxi's order. If he gives it, I will accept it."

The words were spoken in an understatement, but it was obviously a decision he made after thinking for a long time.

The pinnacle of a powerful minister is to receive the gift of Jiuxi.

After that, apart from the emperor's abdication, what else is allowed?

It needs to be updated, it needs to be updated, and it will be updated as usual during the Spring Festival. There are a lot of things at home, and there are too many people, which makes it very noisy. Then the writing time becomes longer and it is not easy to calm down. Please understand, there is one more thing More, may be later.

Well, I wish my sisters a happy New Year. All the holidays are off. You can relax, spend the New Year with your family, and have some fun.

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