Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 301 A sudden change on a snowy night

It was late at night and the wind was heavy. Layers of snowflakes were like rolling white waves, whistling and roaring, covering Xinzhou City frantically.

The lights of Chunchuyuan reflected on the woman's fair cheeks, and the night was dim and hazy.

Feng Yun sat in front of the wooden table. The charcoal fire in the small stove next to her was bright red, warming a pot of hot wine. Wen Xingsu sat in front of her. In the middle were piled all over the account books. The yellow paper with wet ink was messily filled with numbers, and there were copper coins, gold and silver and jewelry scattered all over the floor.

Wen Xingsu looked at her and laughed a little, sighing softly.

"It's late at night, are you preparing for the New Year? You may not be too anxious."

"It's better to be prepared." Feng Yun pulled the abacus and looked up at him, "There are still years and months in the future. So many people eat and drink. If you have a plan in mind, you won't panic when something happens."

Wen Xingsu's face became solemn, "What is Pei Jue going to do? What are you going to do?"

Feng Yun did not hide it from him and responded with a smile.

"What can I do? He grazes for the emperor, so I graze for him."

Pei Jue left half an hour ago, changed into the clothes of a guard, and only took Zuo Zhong with him. He left secretly from the corner gate without alarming anyone.

After the Pei family came today, the court will soon take the next step.

In their prediction, whether the court compromises and adds the Nine Gifts, or uses tougher means to directly send generals to take over the Beiyong Army and deprive Pei Jue of his military power, the storm will come.

They must be fully prepared to change, respond to major changes, and respond to all changes.

Feng Yun smiled and sent Pei Jue out, calm and composed.

He walked a few steps, came back, and handed Feng Yun a slender Miao Dao.

The knife was suitable for Feng Yun's physique. It was sharp, but slender, and lighter than the ring-handled knife.

Pei Jue said that the knife was three feet and eight inches long, and it would be smoother when it entered the flesh.

He didn't like Feng Yun to touch knives and guns before. Feng Yun often felt that he was a big man in some aspects, so he liked weak and fragile young ladies who were not even full in his hand, so that he could easily grasp them and satisfy his hobbies.

Feng Yun liked this Miao Dao, which was much more powerful than Jianshui. When she wore it, she felt a bit like a girl in the army.

Very cool.

She named this Miao Dao Gongmei.

The eyebrows were as thin, long and beautiful as Gongmei.

She said that she was looking forward to the day when Gongmei would see blood.

Pei Jue's eyebrows became gloomy, and he took the knife from her hand and put it deep into the sheath.

"It's best not to see blood in your life."

His voice was very cold, his eyes met hers for a moment, and he turned away, his heroic figure getting farther and farther away.

Feng Yun couldn't tell his emotions at that moment, but the attachment in his eyes was like that Miao Dao, sharp and flexible, piercing straight into her heart.

As soon as Pei Jue left, Feng Yun closed the door and checked the accounts.

Over the years, Pei Jue was completely unaware of his own finances. He gave all the money he had to his soldiers and had no intention of accumulating wealth. It can be said that this great general was really clean-handed and had no financial resources that a first-class official should have...

However, none of this mattered.

What mattered was the territory.

Occupy the land and become the king, occupy the land and become the king. Only by occupying the land can you be the king and seek development. Andu Wucheng and Xinzhou are both fertile and fertile places. The wars in recent years have ruined people's livelihood, but they are enough for the Beiyong Army to eat on the spot.

Pulling tiger skin, raising big flags, cultivating land, in two or three years, just the two words of Pei Cong are enough to compete with the north and the south.

Although the Jin court claims "strong soldiers and strong horses" every day, the strength lies in the Beiyong Army.

In this era when tens of thousands of troops can be used to fight a national war, many of the numbers of troops claimed to the outside world are bluffs. The hundreds of thousands of imperial troops claimed by Li Sangruo are all water. The combined number of the Hu Ben and Long Ji armies is equal to the number of Beiyong Army, but the combat effectiveness is very different.

"Brother." Feng Yun asked: "How much surplus grain is there in the Xinzhou treasury, and where are the population books and account books?"

Wen Xingsu was the garrison commander of Xinzhou at the time, and he knew the affairs of Xinzhou best.

He said, "The booklet and account book were handed over to the general on the same day, and should be in the hands of the current defense officer."

Feng Yun asked, "Is it okay to collect 100,000 shi of military rations?"

Wen Xingsu was shocked, "What are you going to do?"

Feng Yun smiled, "We have to prepare for the worst. What if the Tiger Guards and Dragon Horses make a move and trap us to death in Xinzhou?"

Wen Xingsu said, "The Queen Mother and the envoys are also in Xinzhou."

Feng Yun said, "They dare not act rashly at the moment, but once they return to the court..."

The two looked at each other, and Wen Xingsu said gently, "The general must have already made a suggestion. You don't have to worry too much about what to do."

"I understand." Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu are close, and they never avoid doing things, let alone speaking.

The two looked at each other, and she said, "It's me who forced him to this point. Now there is no retreat, and we can only succeed..."

How could Wen Xingsu not understand her thoughts?

He was ruthless in words and cruel in actions, but that was just an appearance.

A person's soft heart will never change.

She thought she was the one who forced Pei Jue to submit, fearing that if Pei Jue took this step, he would be doomed.

Pei Chong and Ao Zheng came today, and the matter was more involved. It was not only Pei Jue, or the two of them, but also the entire Pei family and Ao family...

Wen Xingsu knew that Feng Yun was under great pressure.

Maybe it was greater than Pei Jue himself.

Wen Xingsu smiled slightly, his eyes were gentle.

"If he was ruthless and unrighteous, Yao Yao might be more calm?"

Feng Yun looked at him in silence, and she smiled as they looked at each other.

"He is affectionate and righteous, so I am calm too."

At the beginning of her rebirth, she regarded Wen Xingsu as her only relative. She didn't care about the lives of others. She used Pei Jue, and he was no different from other people. But Pei Jue's current behavior and protection of her have exceeded her expectations...

She still said it stubbornly.

But she could also deceive herself.

She couldn't completely ignore the efforts of others.

Besides, husband and wife are one. From the moment she put on her wedding dress and walked towards Pei Jue in Bingzhou, her fate with Pei Jue was closely linked, and it was difficult to cut them apart.

"You only have a mouth left." Wen Xingsu said lightly, raised his sleeves and drank the wine in the cup.

The throat was burning.

In the hearty pleasure, there was an inseparable bitterness and boundless emptiness.

Wen Xingsu sat until the early morning before leaving.

He knew that Feng Yun was restless and wanted to accompany her. Feng Yun also knew his worries, pretended to be sleepy and wanted to sleep. After he left, she got up again and looked at the heavy snow outside the window in a trance.

Xiaoman put on her clothes and yawned as she approached.

"Madam, I'll give you another hot water bottle."

"No need." Feng Yun said.

Xiaoman poked her head out and took a look. "I don't know when the snow will stop. Will the general come back tonight?"

Feng Yun was silent.

Pei Jue was a king on the battlefield and understood the principle of preemptive strike. Before leaving, he only said that he was going to the camp and had some urgent things to do. He didn't say when he would be back.

But Feng Yun knew that what he was going to do was difficult.

In the wind and snow of this night, what he wanted to pry might be the pillar of the Great Jin State. He couldn't come back for a while, so he looked at her with such eyes and told her to be careful.

"You go to sleep." Feng Yun told Xiaoman, "Just leave the night light in front of the corridor on."

With the night light, Pei Jue wouldn't be afraid of not seeing the road when he came back.

Xiaoman responded, but didn't go to sleep. Instead, he stubbornly yawned to accompany Feng Yun.

The night light was dim and the heavy snow was blurry.

The two of them didn't talk for a long time. Feng Yun couldn't help but look at the night sky in the northwest. I don't know what she was thinking. Xiaoman also looked out along her line of sight.

The white snow glowed with a faint yellow color under the night light. I don't know what infected her, but her eyes suddenly turned red.

"I don't know how my sister is now..."

Feng Yun noticed the low tone of her voice and looked back.

"Do you blame me?"

Xiaoman shook her head, "This is my sister's choice, how can I blame the lady..."

She lowered her eyes, her eyes were wet.

The two grew up together, and she knew Daman's personality best.

"My sister is strong, proud, and generous. This time she got what she wanted."

Feng Yun smiled slightly and reached out to tuck Xiaoman's collar.

"What about you?"

"Me?" Xiaoman was stunned, her ears suddenly blushed, "I don't have anything, as long as I can accompany the madam, it's good."

Feng Yun asked: "Is it better to accompany the madam, or to stay with the madam so that I can often see Brother Zuo?"

Xiaoman's face flushed with shame, her eyelids kept blinking, and she was extremely nervous, "No, madam, don't say anything, let Brother Zuo know... I'm so embarrassed."

"Men should get married when they are old enough, and women should get married when they are old enough. What's there to be ashamed of?"

Feng Yun lowered his head and stared into her eyes seriously.

"Or do you not like Brother Zuo, but Brother Ji?"

Xiaoman was even more flustered now, not knowing where to put her eyes. She covered her ears with her hands and said angrily:

"Madam only knows how to embarrass me, and I am innocent, and I have never had those thoughts..."

Feng Yun chuckled.

"Zuo Zhong and Ji You are both good boys. It doesn't matter which one you like. I'll go and find out for you tomorrow. Is there any marriage in your family? Do you have a crush on someone..."

Xiao Man couldn't stand it anymore and hugged her with both hands, trying to cover her mouth.


The two of them laughed and joked. This was the first time that the master and servant joked so freely after Da Man left.

On this stormy night, it seemed as if there were no dark clouds above our heads, and there would be no upcoming shocks.

The second update may be late because it has not been finished yet (covering my face), and my family may ask me to practice my Guoyu Mahjong skills...

I'm trying to refuse...

Finally, I love you. Er Jin wishes all the sisters to get rid of the old and welcome the new, and have good weather and happiness from now on.

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