Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 359: The ruthless King Yong

The people of Huaxi Village didn't know that King Yonghuai had returned yet. Before dawn the next day, some people were inspecting the crops in the fields and starting a day's work.

On the roofs of every household, smoke rose, children cried, chickens crowed, and dogs barked, and a new day began.

The people in Changmen Village were silent and walked carefully.

The king came back late last night and had not yet gotten up, so no one dared to disturb him.

Yuan Shangyi came here after breakfast.

The little emperor's daily life was the same as in the palace. He got up very early, half-closed his eyes, and asked people to help him wash, then read and eat.

Except for the time when he was sick, he did this every day.

Feng Yun was always busy in the mines these days. Yuan Shangyi hadn't seen her for two or three days. Last night, he specially doubled his homework and gave it to the teacher. Today, he was able to find her after breakfast.

The village was heavily guarded, which seemed a little different from usual.

Yuan Shangyi asked Alou.

"Madam, have you gotten up yet?"

Xiao Man came out with dark circles under her eyes, yawned and saw the emperor, and answered with a smile before A Lou.

"Your Majesty, Madam needs to sleep for a while, or the maid will take you to see the lotus, or the turtle in the stone trough?"

Yuan Shangyi was a little disappointed and shook his head.

"I only have half an hour, and I have to go back to study."

Xiao Man said "oh".

The king came back with Zuo Zhong last night, and did not bring anyone else. Xiao Man did not know whether he could tell others about their whereabouts, so he hesitated and coaxed Yuan Shangyi.

"Then your majesty, please sit in the study for a while. The maid will go and inform the lady..."

"No need." Yuan Shangyi didn't want to disturb the lady's sleep because of himself. He said, "I will go to the study to read. I will talk to her when she wakes up."

Xiaoman usually follows Feng Yun and is familiar with Yuan Shangyi. She likes this sensible and decent little emperor very much. After listening, she hummed and led him into the study, brought fruits and drinks, and went to see Feng Yun.

The king is back, but she doesn't dare to call him.

Looking outside, she lowered her voice and asked Huan'er who was on duty.

"Is the lady awake?"

Huan'er shook her head, her face flushed.

"I asked for water twice last night and went to bed late. I think it will be noon..."

Xiaoman's heart moved.

"When did the left guard leave?"

Huan'er said, "After the king and the lady went to bed."

He is really conscientious and responsible, afraid that the king will call him for something.

Xiaoman's mind clearly showed Zuo Zhong's serious and upright face under the moonlight. In fact, he was not a very handsome man, but he had thick eyebrows, big eyes, regular features, and was tall and straight. Every time she saw him, Xiaoman felt at ease...

"Sister Xiaoman." Huan'er asked, "Do you want to call me madam?"

Xiaoman came back to her senses, "No, no, no, wait a moment."

She was reluctant to let the little emperor wait for a long time, but she didn't dare to offend Pei Jue, so she was in a dilemma...

"Xiaoman, what's the matter?"

Feng Yun vaguely heard Xiaoman's voice, raised her head and asked, just as she was about to get up, she fell down again.

Her body was so sore that her waist felt like it was going to break.

Xiaoman said outside: "Your Majesty is here, looking for madam to play with. The maid asked him to read in the study and wait for madam to get up..."

"Well, I'll be right there."

Feng Yun tilted her head and looked at Pei Jue who was lying quietly beside her.

The ruthless man who destroyed the flower was still sleeping soundly.

Pei Jue usually gets up very early. In her two lives, she rarely opens her eyes to see Pei Jue's sleeping face in the morning.

Perhaps because he was too tired from traveling, he slept very deeply today, and was not as well-behaved as usual. One arm was placed sideways on her waist, his face was full of fatigue, and the dark stubble on his jaw looked like it had not been trimmed for many days...

Sleeping outside in the open air, I am afraid he has never had a complete sleep, and Feng Yun is very particular about life. The items on the couch are all exquisite and gorgeous, soft and comfortable. If a man lies on it, I am afraid he will not wake up for a long time...

Feng Yun gently pulled his arm and tried to move him away.

Unexpectedly, the man was very alert. As soon as she moved, he retracted his arm and crossed his legs to hold her tightly in his arms.

Feng Yun was about to speak, but Pei Jue lowered his head and kissed her, breathing rapidly, not knowing how to be satisfied, not like a man who had just released madly last night.

"Pei dog!" Feng Yun gritted her teeth.

Her body was sore that she couldn't help but speak without thinking. She pinched the man's neck and pulled him hard.

"You are going to torture me to death."

She complained, but the man heard it as a coquettish voice.

In his arms was a soft and fragrant wife. He had been thinking about her day and night for several months. Now that he had lost her and found her again, Pei Jue was thirsty and the fire in his belly made him thirsty.

"I'll give you the antidote."

Feng Yun's cheeks became hot when she thought of what happened last night.

After the first time, she was actually exhausted.

She had been tired all day in the mine and was exhausted. How could she withstand such an intense experience?

But Pei Jue rushed back day and night. How could he be satisfied in one go? Having tasted the sweetness, he couldn't stop. He pinched her wrist tightly, stared at her, and forced a lot of antidote into her mouth, almost suffocating her...

The body's reaction was faster than her thoughts. Hearing this, Feng Yun almost subconsciously trembled and wanted to hide away.

Pei Jue seemed to laugh softly and stared at her.

"I mean, I'll apply medicine to you..."

Feng Yun looked at the teasing in the man's eyes and found that Pei Gou had become even more hateful.

He asked: "Do you have any more Zhu Mei Yu Hu? You should ask Puyang Jiu to make some more."

Feng Yun asked: "Aren't you going back to Xijing?"

This means that since you are leaving anyway, it won't take two times, so there is no need to go through so much trouble.

Pei Jue glanced at her indifferently.

"I am leaving, you seem very happy?"

Feng Yun suppressed her laughter, "No."

Pei Jue said, "You will go with me."

"Ah?" Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously refused, "Did the governor tell the king about the locust plague? After I leave, if locusts come, what will happen to the crops?"

Pei Jue asked word by word with a gloomy face:

"Why? Do you eat locusts?"

Feng Yun laughed.

"The king is humorous and funny."

Pei Jue lowered his eyes and examined her.

Before the wedding, she said that she would not enter the harem and would not have children.

Yonghuai Palace in Xijing was newly granted by Emperor Tianshou. Now, in addition to Pei Chong living there, there is Pei Yuan, who has been "staying" at her mother's house with Zuo and You after divorcing Ao Zheng.

She refused to go.

She said a lot with a smile, and her soft voice was all reasons.

Pei Jue knew that she just didn't want to be the mistress of his house.

"Well. It's up to you."

He was always serious, and Feng Yun couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry. Her heartstrings relaxed, and she supported herself to get up. Unexpectedly, Pei Jue didn't mean to end it. He gently brushed her hair, slid his fingers down along her collarbone, and strangled her, and pressed down in an instant.

Feng Yun's heart tightened, "No more."

Pei Jue didn't say anything, easily restrained her, and silently stripped her clothes.

Feng Yun moaned softly, her voice broken.

"His Majesty is waiting for me..."

"Let him wait." Pei Jue said lightly.

Obviously, the little emperor didn't have any weight in his eyes.

Between the powerful ministers and the emperor, the power imbalance will lead to a tilt in status.

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Jue's cold eyebrows, and thought of Yuan Shangyi's well-behaved and docile appearance, and her heart suddenly felt heavy...

"What are you thinking about?" Pei Jue asked.

Feng Yun met his eyes, shook her head and chuckled.

"It's okay."

"I'll leave later." Pei Jue lowered his head and looked at the light red on the cold white skin, the cold light in his eyes was burning again, "Let me do it again."

The army returned to the capital, and the commander ran away in the middle of the journey. If it were the past, Pei Jue would not only not do it, but also would not believe that he would do it.

He is actually a rigid and conservative person. All his bad reputations are because he is too rule-abiding and not smooth in officialdom. Only then will he become a person with bad reputation under the pen and spit of scholars.

He is now...

There is nothing to say.

Such absurd things have been done, and it is no wonder that others say that he is more powerful than the master and arrogant...

The hand on her waist did evil without stopping.

Feng Yun looked at his handsome profile, and she was not in a good mood. She was slightly moved in her heart and reached out to untie his clothes.

His tall body was slender and strong, with a few pieces of solid muscles, slightly raised, exuding an indescribable masculine tension, strong and sexy...

Unfortunately, such an attractive body has a lot of new injuries.

Some of them have not even healed completely, and look particularly hideous.

Feng Yun didn't see it last night, and was shocked when she saw it now.

Her fingers retracted suddenly, and she asked softly:

"Why didn't you tell me you were injured?"

Pei Jue took a look, "It's a minor injury, it's okay."

Feng Yun didn't know what to say.

Touch it gently.

"Does it hurt?"


He downplayed it, afraid that Feng Yun would not believe it, so he pinched her hand and poked the wound, frightening Feng Yun to scream, and then he hugged her tightly and kissed her hard.

Because of her worry, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"It won't matter if it happens ten more times."

I'm dying!

Feng Yun blushed and asked in a low voice:

"Should you tell His Majesty that you have been here?"

Pei Jue paused, "No."

Once you say it, there will be a lot of etiquette.

He came back just to see her, he didn't like being bound, didn't like trouble.


Feng Yun frowned, and felt that he lifted the hem of her skirt, and his rough palms rubbed and brushed up, and her body trembled slightly.

"But there is no wall that is impermeable, and people will always know."

Pei Jue: "No problem."

What if they know?

As long as it's not exposed.

Pei Jue said: "You don't have to pay attention."

Feng Yun guessed his concerns, hummed, and didn't have the energy to pay attention.

In the room full of beauty, the clothes had already spread out, and when the man was talking, he was already a giant dragon exploring the canal, grinding slowly...

"Slow down, slow down..." She collapsed there, almost suffocating.

Every time it was so difficult, how could he dare to rush around? He immediately stopped and sighed, tasted it for a while, and then slowly entered.

"Hmm." Feng Yun hummed, her body was itchy as if bitten by insects.

He always had a way to make her unable to suppress her passion and forget everything...

"Yun Niang..." In fact, he was also uncomfortable.

Such a beautiful and charming girl, soft and entangled, closing his eyes seemed to be able to remember the unreserved fusion of the two in the previous life, what a heavenly bliss, just thinking about it, it was enough to make his blood boil and lose his mind.

But now, he had to restrain and endure, for fear of hurting her, afraid of hurting her, every time he was hasty to withdraw, never fully entered the paradise-like wonderland...

"General, General."

She became squeamish again, and it was really unbearable to come several times in a row.

She scratched him with her nails, "Hurry up, come out quickly."

Sometimes faster, sometimes slower.

Pei Man lowered his head and nuzzled her ear, slowly reached out to the connecting point, massaged her little by little, and said in a low voice: "Look, they match so well..."

How could Feng Yun have the nerve to see it?

She raised her neck, almost driven crazy by him.

"The antidote." Her eyes flickered, and she wrapped her arms around his waist and twisted slightly, "Give me the antidote."

Pei Ran couldn't help but groan.

This woman was about to be drained of her soul.

I wish I could turn it into ashes on her body.

He picked up Feng Yun's sweaty body and gave her dozens of blows, leaving nothing but fireworks in her mind.

"Bear it."

The young and brave body was full of strength. The impulse was as strong as a wolf and a tiger. It was so strong that it could not be dissipated. The fire was blazing. He attacked the city without hesitation and used everything he had to savor her as if he were on the battlefield. The ecstasy brought by it also gave her the top of the endless wave...


It was half an hour after Yuan Shangyi saw Feng Yun.

He was about to leave the study and return to Yangxinzhai, when he saw Feng Yun rushing over.

Seeing the little emperor, Feng Yun looked slightly apologetic.

"I overslept, Your Majesty, please forgive me."

Yuan Shangyi's eyes were gentle, "Did you sleep well, madam?"

Feng Yun's cheeks felt inexplicably hot, and he hummed, "Your Majesty, come here, otherwise I would get up earlier..."

Yuan Shangyi frowned, "Madam, you don't usually call me Your Majesty. There are no outsiders here."

What he likes is the closeness with Feng Yun.

It's not Princess Yonghuai and Emperor Tianshou, it's the lady and A Yuan.

Feng Yun chuckled and rubbed his head hard.

"Okay. Ah Yuan, go back to study. I'll come find you later and bring you something delicious."

Only then did Yuan Shangyi become happy.

"It's a deal."

"It's a deal."

"Pull the hook."

The little emperor stretched out his fingers and looked up at her.

This is what Feng Yun taught.

Feng Yun was stunned, then smiled and hooked his finger.

Yuan Shangyi was brought back to Yangxinzhai by Dong Bai and two attendants. Feng Yun took a look at the books he put on the wooden table. She had picked out all the books for the little emperor to read.

What a good kid.

When Feng Yun returned, Pei Madang had already stood up and was getting dressed. He didn't ask anyone to come in to wait on him. He found an old piece of clothes from the house, and his expression was much softer than before.

He has nothing personal here.

But Feng Yun washed his clothes and put them away properly.

This is the treatment of the male host.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

Pei Ran usually didn't like maids to be close to him, so Feng Yun walked over and naturally helped him straighten his clothes.

"Didn't you say we would leave later?"

Pei Ran hummed, hugged her whole body, lowered his head and said:

"I'll go to the camp later and see He Qia."

Feng Yun said "Oh" without saying much.

He said: "You come with me."

Feng Yun was startled and raised his head in surprise.

After thinking for a moment, he slowly smiled and said, "Take orders." (End of this chapter)

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