Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 361: Affectionate

Pei Jue still went to see the little emperor, at the dike of Huaxi.

There was a large flat bluestone there, which had been washed by the water flowing in the bend for a long time, and the stone surface was particularly smooth. Yuan Shangyi usually liked to sit there, quietly, and listen to Feng Yun talk.

Feng Yun chose this place because he thought he could relax a little.

However, when the person opposite him turned into the legendary general Pei Jue who ate raw meat and drank blood, Yuan Shangyi still found it difficult to relax.

He was still young, and he didn't know why.

It seemed that there was an invisible pressure emanating from the tall man. Pei Jue didn't force him to return to Beijing, and even breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he didn't want to go back.

He also said, "I understand."

Yuan Shangyi was still afraid of him.

Natural fear.

The queen mother said that when he saw his father when he was a child, he was also like this. His father spoke to him very gently, but he was scared and cried loudly, causing his father to dislike him.

But Yuan Shangyi didn't remember his father at all.

Don't babies in swaddling clothes love to cry?

Because of what his mother said, he was a very timid child since he was young.

Fortunately, King Yonghuai did not stay too long.

He bowed to Yuan Shangyi, left the big bluestone, and entered the manor.

Feng Yun led Yuan Shangyi down.

Yuan Shangyi relaxed a little after holding his wife's hand.

"Madam, are you afraid of King Yonghuai?"

Feng Yun smiled, with a warm light on her face.

"No. He will treat your majesty very well."

Yuan Shangyi pursed his lips.

Only the wife said that King Yonghuai would treat him very well.

Others did not say so.

Yuan Shangyi suddenly felt a little sad. The wife was his wife. They would have their own children soon. The wife would love the child as much as she loved him. In the future, he would no longer receive such love.

Feng Yun saw that the child was worried, not knowing what he was thinking, and smiled slightly, "Your Majesty, do you really not want to go back to Beijing?"

Yuan Shangyi was silent for a while: "I want to stay here."

Feng Yun said calmly, "You can study here, but one day, you have to go back."

Yuan Shangyi: "Why?"

Feng Yun: "Be an emperor, the people of the world will rely on you."

Yuan Shangyi: "Then why can't I be the emperor here?"

Feng Yun looked down at him.

Yuan Shangyi tilted his head, "No?"

Of course, being an emperor is fine wherever you are.

Just as she could get the emperor to Huaxi Village, in the face of absolute power, any rules can be broken.

But no one would do that.

The emperor is too young, and no one would listen to his wild ideas.

Feng Yun curled her lips, and for this innocent heart, she did not refute or deny him, but smiled and responded with a curved eyebrow, "Wait until A Yuan grows up. By then, you can be the emperor wherever you want."

Yuan Shangyi's pale face added a trace of blood color.

He began to look forward to growing up.


It was hot in the afternoon, so the two did not go out. Feng Yun personally went to the stove to mix sour plum drink, and used lotus leaves as ingredients to cook a lot of heat-relief soup, and asked Xiaoman to put it in a water bag and give it to Pei Cong and Zuo Zhong to drink on the road.

Feng Yun brought the sour plum soup in, and Pei Cong was reading a book.

It was the one she had read, and it was placed on the table. It was all about making coal balls. She also drew some pictures and spread them there.

Pei Cong looked up at her, put down the drawings, and took a sip in the girl's smiling eyes.

The sour and sweet pressed on the tip of the tongue, which was very heat-relief.

"Is it delicious?" Feng Yun asked expectantly.

"Yeah." Pei Cong pulled her over, sat on his lap, and lowered his head to kiss her, "Try it."

Feng Yun whimpered softly, and the whole person fell into Pei Cong's iron-hard chest. In the sweaty midsummer season, it seemed like knocking over a stove.

"Yun Niang..." Tasting the fragrance of her lips, Pei Jue's mind kept showing the scenes of their lovemaking. He couldn't help himself, hooking her tongue and kissing her deeply, eager for it.

"Don't..." Feng Yun's voice was timid, she was really a little afraid of him.

It's been so short since I came back, so many times, who can stand this kind of torture?

Pei Jue didn't say anything, panted a few times, and kissed her more deeply.

Feng Yun's eyes were wet, and she beat him like a little beast.

Pei Jue was satisfied, so he let go.

Feng Yun stared at him breathlessly, "Pei Gou, you are unreasonable..."

Pei Jue's mouth was slightly curved, "Call me something nice, and I'll forgive you."

"My husband..." Feng Yun surrendered quickly, biting his ear affectionately, "Let me rest for a while, okay?"

Pei Jue didn't say anything.

He gently held her little hand...

Feng Yun lowered her head and blushed instantly.

She was not young and ignorant, she didn't need a man to teach her to understand.

Their eyes met, she leaned over silently, Pei Jue sighed, leaned over and held her.

Caressing gently, tenderly, in this summer afternoon, listening to the cicadas, in the silence, they were like ordinary couples, embracing each other, and loving each other.

"Yun Niang."



"What do you want to say?"


"Your Majesty, please take care of yourself when you go to Xijing."


Pei Jue stroked Feng Yun's belly, his movements became more and more gentle, and every time he stroked, he could arouse waves of tremors in her body, but he never spoke.


Pei Jue set out at dusk.

After a quick dinner, he was ready to set off.

Setting off at this hour, it’s not as sunny as during the day. When it gets hot tomorrow, you can find a cool foot shop or inn, take a nap, and then continue on your way.

Feng Yun still felt that they were working too hard.

She packed Pei Ran's luggage with clothes, a water bag, and dry food. Among them, the bag of dried beef was Pei Ran's favorite.

He said that beef was durable and easy to handle, so Feng Yun put in more.

Xiaoman secretly stuffed a bag of food into Zuo Zhong's horse bag.

It was said to be for the king, but how could Pei Ran eat so much on his own?

Feng Yun looked at it, feeling a little sad.

This girl's thoughts were all on her face. Zuo Zhong didn't know what he was thinking, but he never responded.

Now they are leaving again, and I don’t know when they will see each other again. As the distance between them increases, the emotions will change, and it is difficult to give up.

Emotionally, she is naturally the kind of person who is discouraged. Although she talks about good things, the desolation in her heart is the imprint of her previous life.

It cannot be changed.

Yuan Shangyi also came to see Pei Mang off.

This was taught by Lin Nu Shi, who told him to be more respectful to King Yonghuai, because he was his minister who cared about his fate.

Just put it bluntly, his country and his life are all in the palm of this man's hand.

Yuan Shangyi was coming.

When you come, you can spend some time with the lady.

He is very obedient and frequently expresses kindness to Pei Ran and wishes him a safe journey.

Pei Madang maintained the courtesy of a courtier from beginning to end, as well as a touch of alienation and boundaries...

Unexpectedly, before leaving, he seemed to have thought of something and took out a wind chime from the bag he was traveling with.

"Does your Majesty like this?"

Yuan Shangyi had never seen such a wind chime. He nodded subconsciously. When he noticed that Feng Yun was silent, he raised his head and glanced at Feng Yun.


Feng Yun smiled and touched his head, his face full of tenderness.

Pei Madang's eyes fell on Feng Yun's motherly smile for a long time, then he knelt down and put the wind chime into Yuan Shangyi's hand.

"I came back in a hurry and did not prepare any gifts for Your Majesty. This small wind chime was a gift from my wife and has been kept privately for a long time to express my sincerity."

Feng Yun felt a little sour in his heart.

She never thought that Pei Madang would treasure the wind chime he brought to Bingzhou to this day...

This is probably a mysterious blood connection, right?

His son loved it very much, and his father also loved it.

If Qu'er had a spirit in heaven and knew that his father had the same preferences as him, wouldn't he be very happy?

"Madam, can I take it?" Yuan Shangyi raised his head and asked Feng Yun.

Feng Yun smiled and rolled his eyes, "I will naturally take what King Yonghuai wants."

Yuan Shangyi was flattered.

How could such a cold-hearted general give him such a lovely wind chime?

The little emperor, who had been tense all day, relaxed completely, his face regained the innocence of a child, and he bowed his head long towards Pei Man.

"Thank you, King Yonghuai. I like it very much."

Pei Madang took the horse's rope and said goodbye to the little emperor.

"My farewell."

He got on the horse, glanced back at Feng Yun, turned the horse's head, and left Juechen.

Zuo Zhong lowered his eyes and saluted everyone with fists in his hands. There was no expression on his face, and he followed closely and left the villa.

The sound of horse hooves quickly disappeared on the village road of Huaxi.

Xiaoman's eyes suddenly turned red and he couldn't take his eyes back for a long time.

Feng Yun held Yuan Shangyi in silence for a moment and smiled slightly.

"Go back, let's make a cold cake for A Yuan to eat tonight, okay?"

Yuan Shangyi was very excited.

Pei Madang's departure made him completely relaxed.

"Okay, Ayuan wants to eat cold cake."

Xiao Man sighed and said, "The general didn't even eat the cold cake. It would have been better if he had made it earlier and cooled it."

Feng Yun glanced at her and said, "Yes, the left guard didn't eat it either."

Xiaoman realized what Feng Yun was saying, and her cheeks turned red, "What nonsense are you talking about, madam?"

Feng Yun groaned, "Did the left guard eat it? Did you secretly give it to him?"

Xiaoman was so embarrassed that she wanted to hide in the cracks in the ground, "No, no, brother Zuo didn't eat it either. I don't know how hard it is to keep the king here. He comes and goes in a hurry."

This little girl, it's her fault again.

Feng Yun smiled and said: "The king has his own rules for doing things. Do you think you can stay if I stay?"

The army returns to court. Such a big thing cannot be ignored. The responsibility is all on his shoulders, and it's a heavy weight. Isn't Pei Man the kind of dim-witted person who lives and sleeps in the gentle land without caring?

She couldn't stay.

You can't keep him either.

Xiaoman felt that if the lady wanted to stay, the king would stay for two more days. (End of chapter)

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