Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 423: Couple's Night Talk

Puyang Jiu thought of him living in Huaxi recently, and he narrowed his eyes and smiled with a mean expression, "I have already prepared it for you, waiting."

He went to Yangxinzhai's residence and came back with a green silk bag in his hand. He stuffed it into Pei Man's hand and smiled weirdly.

"Use it slowly. If you don't have enough, come back to me."

Pei Madang opened the tie of the bag and found two bottles of Zhumei Yuhu inside, and nothing else.

He frowned slightly, not angry.

"Where's the medicine I took?"

Puyang Jiuyi didn't react for a moment, and frowned, looking him up and down.

"What medicine do you want to use? Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Pei Ran glanced at him expressionlessly, and Puyang Jiu realized at the burning look in his eyes - he was referring to the medicine for treating yang dryness.

Puyang Jiu was very surprised.

"You stopped taking medicine a while ago, so why are you still taking medicine? The medicine is three-thirds poisonous. If there are ready-made medicines, you don't need them. What do you do to me?"

Puyang Jiu had told him about this problem a long time ago. The best way was to find more women, and all problems would be solved. However, he was reluctant to let Feng Twelve suffer hardship, and would still take medicine occasionally, but the medicine The dosage has been slowly reduced, and I stopped taking it until now...

"Stop talking nonsense." Pei Ran was impatient and stretched out his hand, "Here comes the medicine."

Puyang Jiuzong was there, "I thought you no longer need to take medicine, and I haven't had time to prepare it yet. You wait for me for two days...or should I prescribe you a prescription now and take it first?"

Pei Ran said: "No need. Give it to me in two days."

He nodded, said goodbye, turned around and left.

Pu Yangjiu looked at the tall and straight back, and the doubts in his mind were suddenly solved.

Feng Twelve’s wife sprained her foot. Does this mean she feels sorry for her?

He shook his head and laughed, "Pei Wangzhi, Pei Wangzhi, you too have today. Humph!"


When Pei Man returned to the house, Feng Yun was sitting on the couch wiping the ointment on his face, Huan'er was holding a bronze mirror, and Pei'er was holding a tray. Xiao Man was supervising them not to hurt the lady's feet, while praising her for her beauty. , the eyebrows are pretty, the mouth is pretty, the nose and ears are pretty everywhere...

Feng Yun made her laugh so hard with her praise.

"No wonder people like to hear good things. I suddenly felt that since you are so talkative, it's time to find your in-laws..."

Huan'er and Pei'er both laughed softly, and the ointment box on the tray kept shaking.

Xiaoman's face was even red.

Several people in the room would often make fun of her, and she was the most prolific and never cared about it, so she got used to it...

However, after Feng Yun squinted his eyes and patted his forehead, he opened his eyes and saw Pei Ran standing there.

She was startled, motioned to Xiaoman and others to go down first, and then said to Pei Ran with a smile:

"Your Majesty, go wash up and go to bed early."

Pei Madang sat down beside the wooden couch and held her ankle with his hand. He noticed that she pulled back nervously and made a slight sigh.

"Don't be afraid, I'll rub it for you."

Feng Yun was not afraid, but his body was subconsciously protecting the painful area.

She stopped moving and just looked at Pei Madang, squeezing her ankle lightly.

Surprisingly, it was very comfortable.

Feng Yun's skin was broken, and his toes and ankles were only twisted. They were blue, red, and swollen. Someone gently rubbed and squeezed them slowly. It felt a little painful, but it was also very comfortable, which made people want to stop.

"I didn't expect that the king would do this..."

She leaned back, leaning her back on the cushion, relaxing her body and letting him squeeze her.

Pei Ran said nothing.

She asked jokingly: "Where did you learn the secret technique of boudoir?"

Pei Ran raised his eyelids and his eyes fell on her face.

"On the battlefield, there are not always medical officers. You have to deal with dislocations and broken bones yourself. After being in the army for a long time and seeing too much, you will naturally get it."

Feng Yun stopped smiling and looked a little more serious.

"You joined the army when you were a teenager?"

Pei Madang said: "Earlier. It should be said that I was born in the army and grew up in the army..."

Feng Yun whispered softly, with a tone of chatting about family matters, "Old General Pei is really willing to do it. Such an older child will have to endure a lot of hardships in the camp, right?"

Pei Ran raised his eyes again and looked at her, "Yunniang should be called another girl."

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I'm just used to it. I don't mean any disrespect. Your Majesty, don't get me wrong. In front of the old general, I will abide by etiquette and act thoughtfully. I will not embarrass you. Don't worry."

Pei Ran moved away without trace, lowered his eyes, and continued to massage her.

"Okay. I feel better." Feng Yun put his feet back and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you are also tired. Go and wash up and sleep."

Pei Ran hummed and went to clean the room.

Feng Yun is very particular about the place where he lives. The clean room is clean and tidy, and you can smell the faint fragrance when you walk in.

The maid prepared hot water and bathing supplies, and Pei Madang took a brief look at it. Not counting towels, there were at least five or six things on the tray that he couldn't figure out.

He picked out a sweet-scented osmanthus paste, leaving the others untouched.

When Pei Ran came out, Feng Yun was lying quietly, reading a book carefully.

Pei Ran: "Didn't you say you rested earlier?"

Feng Yun said: "My feet hurt and it's not easy to sleep. Besides, I won't be able to go anywhere tomorrow. Anyway, I have to lie down in bed to rest, which is just a good way to catch up on my sleep."

Pei Ran didn't say anything.

Get on the bed and lie next to her, behaving properly.

Feng Yun glanced at him secretly.

There really is something wrong with this person, right?

Before she went out, she was still anxious to reconcile her yin and yang. How come in just a short time, he turned into a monk who has no desire to live in the world?

Angry, jealous?

Feng Yun felt that with Pei Madang's temperament, it would not happen.

She pursed her lips, put down the book, undressed and lay down.

Pei Jue did not move, and continued to close his eyes.

Feng Yun looked at the tent and was silent for a moment: "Turn off the lights."

Pei Jue nodded, waved his hand, turned off the lights and closed the tent in one go.

Except for not saying anything, it was almost the same as usual.

Feng Yun thought about what happened just now, slowly turned sideways, and because she moved and touched the wound, she hissed softly.

"My king, help me turn around."

Pei Jue stretched out his arm, "Where do you want to turn?"

Feng Yun smiled softly, "Turn to your arms."

Pei Jue: ...

He hugged Feng Yun's waist and lifted her up. Feng Yun took the opportunity to push herself over, resting her head on his shoulders, turning her long legs up to clamp his waist, and sighed comfortably.

"I still like this season, it's not too hot, nor too cold, and the warmth is real..."

She hugged him like a heater.

Pei Jue patted her on the back.

"Go to sleep, it won't hurt when you sleep."

Feng Yun shook her head, her head rubbing slowly against his chest, "I can't sleep. The king suddenly treated me coldly, and wanted to stay three feet away from me. I couldn't help thinking, did I do something wrong to displease the king, how could I sleep..."

Pei He lowered his head.

In the dark light, he couldn't see Feng Yun clearly.

But in his mind, she smiled secretly and complained.

Pei He lowered his eyes, "I'm not three feet away from you, am I still a beast who won't let go of my wife when she is injured?"

Feng Yun pouted, amused by him, and her body shook with laughter in Pei He's arms.

"Actually... it's not impossible."

Pei He's body stiffened slightly, like a dying prisoner who was suddenly pardoned, and he hugged her with a deep breath...

The curtain swayed lightly.

Feng Yun's soft pajamas hung down from the curtain and slowly slid to the ground.

A misty-colored bellyband lightly covered his clothes...

Across the wooden couch, Aozai stood up, shook off his fur, walked silently to the corner, changed his position, and continued to lie down to sleep...

The injury on Feng Yun's foot did not have much impact, but occasionally he would hiss when touched, and Pei Jue would slow down his movements, and more often than usual, he was more immersed and devoted to the waves of love.

She clutched the corner of the quilt tightly with both hands and moaned softly.

Pei Jue stared at her in the darkness, and like a beast before biting off its prey's neck, he kissed her lips lightly and asked in a hoarse voice:



Thanks to the hidden poison in her body, Feng Yun's consciousness was always a little confused at this time, like a fairy who had cultivated immortal arts, she would gather the feelings of past and present lives together, crush them, and blur them, so her feelings for Pei Jue were floating, and she was even more desperate and shameless when she was tossing...

"Yun Niang." Pei Jue's back was soaked with sweat, and he grabbed Feng Yun's arm and said in a low voice, "Watch your feet."

Feng Yun shook her head, sweating profusely, and what appeared in her mind was Pei Jue's previous life when he walked in with a Biyong sword and an expressionless face and asked her to go back to Andu.

"You have such a cruel heart. You are such a cruel person." She gritted her teeth and said, and the whole person was a little crazy. She didn't care about the injury at all, and clung to him tightly, even forgetting to be afraid...

"Uh..." She subconsciously wanted to hide, but Pei Zhuo held her waist and pushed her back.

"If I were cruel, would I still tolerate you?"

Feng Yun took a long breath and almost lost half her life. She carefully tasted his words, as if he said it with gritted teeth...

She half-closed her eyes in confusion.

However, she couldn't understand the man's expression.

Amid the ups and downs of the heat wave, she had no time to care about him and couldn't think carefully...(End of this chapter)

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