Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 461: Truly Ecstasy

Feng Yun pinched her cheeks, half-smiled.

"Xiao Man is beautiful like this."

The lady's action was too doting.

Xiao Man was stunned.

For a long while, her cheeks flushed.

"My lady is the most beautiful. No one can compare to my lady. The beauties in Huaxi can't compare to her. Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang can't compare to her. Otherwise, the king wouldn't be so fascinated..."

She said subconsciously, as if to cheer herself up.

"My lady, can you teach me how to be beautiful? Just like you, like Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang..."

The young lady was very sensitive. Although she was not sensible, she knew that the beauty of a woman was not only about her facial features and appearance, but also about other things mixed in...

She didn't understand and wanted to ask for advice.

Feng Yun smiled, "When you grow up a little more and get married, you will understand naturally."

Xiao Man was stunned.

Her simple mind could hardly digest this sentence.

But she understood the meaning of Zuo Zhong's marriage proposal.

If he married someone else, there would be no way out for her longing for him.


Xiaoman slowly bent her knees and slid down in front of Feng Yun.

Half-kneeling, she looked at her eagerly.

"Can you teach me..."

Feng Yun finally couldn't help laughing after holding back her laughter for so long.

"So our Xiaoman wants to marry the left guard?"

Xiaoman blushed, "I, I..."

"Don't want to?" Feng Yun teased her.

"...I want to, madam, I want to." Xiaoman nodded honestly, ashamed to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Because of nervousness, her voice was weak, powerless and helpless.

A smile inadvertently flashed across Feng Yun's eyes.

Looking at Xiaoman, she couldn't help but think of the young Feng Yun in her previous life.

At that time, a girl's heart was frivolous, willful, and bold and ignorant. She thought that she was sure to win as long as she had a marriage contract, and she was waiting to become the Princess of Jingling, and regarded Xiao Cheng as her heaven...

Now she has gone through a cycle of tiredness and vicissitudes.

Looking back at such innocence...

It is also worthy of respect.

She pulled Xiaoman over and looked down at her,

"I understand your intentions. You are my person, so I will naturally help you. Good things should not flow to outsiders. Since the king has entrusted this matter to me, you can rest assured..."

Thinking of Zuo Zhong being compared to "good things" by his wife, Xiaoman pursed her lips, wanting to laugh, but not laughing, and said with a little worry:

"I don't know what Brother Zuo thinks, whether there is a girl he likes..."

Loving someone makes her unconfident, and she dare not force it.

Feng Yun understood, glanced at her, and said:

"Wait until we set up camp tonight, I will help you find out."


The team traveled fast all the way, and did not stop to rest at noon. Feng Yun ate two breads with a water bag in the car, and was hungry before dusk.

Because they did not find a suitable camping site, the team walked for about half an hour until the sun set and the sky was dark, and then they stopped to make a fire and cook.

The camp was chosen at a narrow pass, in the hinterland of the mountains, flat and dry, with a high terrain and a wide view. There was a tributary of the Baihe River on the lower left, with running water flowing.

Feng Yun knew at a glance that this was a place that people who marched and fought would choose.

Xiaoman was a little curious, and she opened the curtain to look at the sky with stars and moons shining together.

"Are we going to stay here tonight?"

Feng Yun nodded, and asked Xiaoman to take out some of the dried meat she brought from Huaxi.

"This bag, send it to the eldest princess and Pingyuan County Lord."

"This bag, take it to His Majesty."

"This bag is for Sister Pei..."

She was well prepared when she traveled, and the food she brought was sufficient, but it couldn't withstand so many people eating.

So, when she was in Baihe, Feng Yun added some more food. There would be counties and towns along the way where she could purchase, so she didn't need to save.

Xiaoman responded, and asked Huan'er and Pei'er to send them, and she waited by Feng Yun's side.

That look, as if it was glued to her...

Feng Yun knew her intention.

"Give me another bag of dried meat. I'll go find the king..."

Zuo Zhong and Ji You followed Pei Jue most of the time.

At this time, Feng Yun had already made up her mind.

She dismounted with her things and looked around, looking for Pei Jue's figure.

The mountain wind whistled, the wilderness was silent, and there were voices from far and near.

After walking for so long, everyone was tired.

Some people came down to watch the night view, some talked and laughed around the lit bonfire, and some went to the distant dense forest in groups of three or five to "take a walk"...

Ye Chuang saw Feng Yun coming over and pointed.

"My wife, the king went over there to feed the horses."

Pei Jue loved Taxue very much.

He treated it as a brother who had been through life and death together.

Just like Feng Yun treated Aozai, although he had servants to serve him, he would take care of him personally whenever he had the chance...

Feng Yun looked in the direction of Ye Chuang's finger.

There was a bonfire in the camp, and stoves lit up the flat camp, lighting up the night...

But the riverbank and dense woods in the distance were immersed in the moonlight -

Only the outlines could be seen, and it was unclear.

Feng Yun nodded, "I'll go and see."

Ye Chuang said, "I'll go with my wife."

Feng Yun walked past the bonfire and walked out of the camp...

The trees were lush and there were paths.

Ye Chuang was about to light a torch when Feng Yun stopped him.

"You can see it."

There was a moon and starlight tonight, gray and looming.

Going further in, you could faintly hear the sound of water.

Feng Yun stopped and quietly found a flat rock on the slope and sat down.

"Let's wait here."

Bathed in the bright moonlight, the mountains and forests are quiet, and the leaves are rustled by the cold wind...

Ye Chuang actually didn't know why Feng Yun did this.

Look for the king, won’t you hear me if you shout?

It's not too far.

Why bother blowing cold wind here?

Ye Chuang had doubts, but he had stayed in Changmen for a long time and was used to having Feng Yun follow his lead...

Just after sitting down for a moment, I heard rustling footsteps coming from the forest.

Someone was talking and laughing, in a low voice.

"I heard that she was an orphan girl rescued by the princess in Baihe... her parents are dead..."

It's a strange voice.

Feng Yun frowned and remained silent.

"I have never seen twin sisters who look so similar... No matter how I look at them, I can't tell who is the older one and who is the younger one..."

"Are you embarrassed to stare at this little lady?"

"Don't say you didn't watch it... Haha, my brothers are almost gone..."

"Don't tell me, he has a seductive look... Looking at those eyes, I can't help but think about what kind of ecstasy it would be like to get them on the bed..."

"One is enough to kill you. If there are two... tsk tsk, then even the gods won't change their happiness..."

When the sons and daughters talk about obscene things, they are more generous than others, and each one is more explicit than the other.

Ye Chuang turned his face away, embarrassed.

Then someone said:

"Stop dreaming and calm down...look at the tone of those two girls, are they the ones who will sleep in our bed?"

"What's wrong with us? I'm handsome too."

"Yes, aren't our brothers handsome? Besides, if you can't sleep on our bed, then who else can you sleep on? Is it possible that we can still climb onto the king's bed..."

"Hey, if I were the king, I'd better have a princess."

"No matter how beautiful the princess is, she will still get tired of it. There is no man in the world who can't take a fresh bite..."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up your mouth. Do you want to die? Hurry up, drain the water and go back..."

When someone stopped them, the rising sons became quiet.

They also know that making harmless jokes in private is not a big deal, but some people can say...

Some people may die if they say something wrong.

A few people poured water and talked about returning to Beijing, and then slowly walked up the hillside——

Then, he was shocked to find a figure sitting quietly on the slope.

Under the moonlight, Feng Yun had a gentle smile on his face.

They were so frightened that their legs became weak.

When did the princess come?

Did she hear it?

Did the princess hear it?

Several men were beating drums in their hearts, half of their souls had flown away, and there was a buzzing in their ear sockets...

But I heard Feng Yun ask gently:

"Have you seen the king?"

Several people didn't hear any emotion in her words, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn’t hear it, the princess didn’t hear it.

They shook their heads, "No, I didn't see the king."

Feng Yun waved his hand, "Go ahead."

Several people were covered in cold sweat and dispersed.

Ye Chuang stood frozen, embarrassed.

Feng Yun asked: "Have you read it?"

Ye Chuang knew what she was asking...

Thinking of what those dogs had just said, his cheeks felt hot and his ears felt hot.

"No. Didn't look."

Feng Yun chuckled, "I didn't tell the truth."

Ye Chuang: "Look, I saw it..."

Feng Yun: "How?"

Ye Chuang was silent for a moment, "It's beautiful."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Let's go, let's walk over there."

She noticed when she came here that it was flat and close to the river bank, and the night grass would probably grow fatter.

Pei Madang would definitely choose that place to feed his horses.

Ye Chuang didn't say anything, but his heart was beating fast. He was disturbed by what he shouldn't have heard.

Feng Yun was very calm, walking calmly through the forest under the moonlight, with his skirt flying, his expression solemn and charming...

Ye Chuang held his breath.

I thought carefully in my mind, who were the subordinates of those cowards just now? I must take care of them later...

Suddenly, a charming voice came.

"Brother Ji, do you want some water?"

Ye Chuang was startled.

Feng Yun stopped, held his clothes with both hands, and stood quietly in the wind.

A torch loomed on the shore, and the flames stretched the two figures very long.

The person who spoke was Yin Shuang.

She was handing a water bag to Ji You, her voice full of gratitude.

"If it hadn't been for Brother Ji just now, I would have fallen down."

Ji You said: "It's a trivial matter. Don't take it to heart."

Yin Shuang whispered: "I'm too stupid. Something unexpected happened in my family. I'm so distracted all the time that I can't walk well..."

"It's my fault that I suddenly appeared and scared you." Ji You looked at this poor but strong little lady with distress, "You didn't do anything wrong, so you don't have to blame yourself all the time. If I were in this situation, Maybe not as good as you..."

Yin Shuang frowned quickly, showed a grateful expression, and handed over the water bag again.

This is her thanks.

Ji You took it and drank it, then handed it back to her.

"Thank you."

Yinshuang didn't say anything. He took the water bag and took a sip from the mouth of the pot.

Ji You was stunned when he saw her like this, and his mouth suddenly felt dry.

It's obviously winter, but my body is getting hot...

He raised his sleeve and wiped his forehead.

Seeing this, Yin Shuang took out the fragrant handkerchief in his arms and handed it over.

"Brother Ji, here you go."

The woman's cuffs were fragrant, and her eyes were charming and smiling, like crushed fallen flowers after the rain, giving off a faint fragrance that made people feel distressed and salivate, wishing to crush her in their arms...

Ji You was shocked by this horrible thought, and a dense layer of cold sweat broke out on his back. His whole body felt numb, as if he was thrown into a fire and roasted. He held his breath and took it hesitantly, but didn't know how to wipe it...

Yin Shuang tilted his head: "Brother Ji?"

Ji You suddenly woke up, came back to his senses, wiped his forehead hard, and his face flushed.

"Wait for me to wash it, and then I'll return it to you after I wash it."

Yin Shuang smiled, "No need, it's a handkerchief, I made it myself, it's not worth much."

Ji You's Adam's apple slid slightly, and he swallowed his saliva.

"Where's your sister?"

"My sister..." Yin Shuang lowered her head shyly, "My sister...she went to the bathroom. Otherwise, why would I stay here and talk so much nonsense to Brother Ji..."

"Going to the bathroom", she said shyly, and Ji You's heart, which had finally calmed down, floated again, and he was lost. His mind was full of the woman's autumn eyes...

"Then you wait a moment, go back early."

"Yeah, I know..."

Yin Shuang said, as if she heard something, she turned around suddenly and exclaimed.


Ji You's eyebrows jumped and turned around.

I saw Zuo Zhong walking towards the fire from the dark river bank...

He held a soft woman in his arms, as if she had no bones, and she was completely soft in his arms, looking unconscious.

But this picture was unexpectedly beautiful, the girl's willow waist was flexible, and the man was resolute and tall, and they looked like a perfect match.

Ji You's face changed and he was stunned.

Not far away, Xiao Man, who was beside Feng Yun, looked like she had seen a ghost. Her mind was buzzing and blank, and her legs were so weak that she could hardly stand...

Ye Chuang helped her.

Xiao Man covered her chest tightly, and felt her stomach surging and dizzy.

Ye Chuang frowned inadvertently, and had to let her lean on his arm and called Feng Yun:

"My wife..."

Feng Yun did not speak.

She walked slowly.

From the dark to the light, her steps were slow, but she shocked everyone.

Feng Yun's face was cold.

She did not look at Ji You who was in a daze, nor at Yin Shuang who was surprised, nor at Zuo Zhong who was holding Jin Shuang, but walked past the torch, behind Zuo Zhong, and walked to the farther river bank...

Until the halo of the torch could not illuminate her.

Only then did she hear a gentle smile.

"Where did the king go? It's easy for me to find him."

Ye Chuang: I almost became the male lead, I was scared to death.

Ji You: I was also in a cold sweat. Zuo Zhong, you are shameless.

Zuo Zhong: ... innocent.

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