Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 463: Personal Promise

Zuo Zhong and Ji You came in.

One on the left and one on the right, standing in front of them, their expressions a little stiff.

Feng Yun wondered if the two men were fighting over grabbing a woman, why did they look so ugly?

"Ask." Pei Ran looked at Feng Yun with a deep look, and ate slowly.

Feng Yun looked at him and smiled: "I wanted to talk to the left guard alone, but in this case..."

She looked at Xiaoman.

"You go out and avoid it."

Xiaoman's heart was beating fast.

She knew what Feng Yun was going to say...


She was feeling complicated at the moment and was no longer what she was before.

Seeing Zuo Zhong carrying Jin Shuang out with her own eyes, and seeing his cloak wrapped around Jin Shuang's body, she was so heartbroken that she almost convulsed. At this time, she still couldn't put the pieces together...

She didn't make a sound and retreated silently.

Feng Yunping withdrew from Xiaoman because he was afraid that she would be embarrassed here.

As soon as Xiao Man left, he no longer had any worries and a smile appeared in his eyes.

"Guard Zuo, do you have your heart set on someone else?"

Her eyes were soft and she looked at Zuo Zhong without blinking.

Zuo Zhong's heart skipped a beat and he lowered his head subconsciously.

He didn't dare to look at Feng Yun, let alone Pei Mang. He was at a loss for a moment. He only felt that his hands and feet were stiff, and his back was chilly. It seemed like there was a big knife hanging above his head. If he said a wrong word, it would be chopped off...

"Princess." He slowly handed over his hand, "This subordinate is alone and has no one in his heart."

Feng Yun noticed that Zuo Zhong glanced at Pei Madang before answering.

So she glanced at Pei Ran subconsciously and smiled slightly.

"Originally, I wanted to wait until I returned to Xijing to arrange your marriage, but I saw that your handsome man and your beautiful wife were very eye-catching along the way. I was afraid of causing trouble... It's better to make plans in advance."

As soon as he said this, Zuo Zhong understood what was going on...

He raised his head suddenly and looked at Feng Yun.

Ji You was also inexplicably nervous.

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, I won't mess with the rules, it all depends on your wishes."

Zuo Zhong remained silent, his breath slightly confused.

Ji You asked: "Is the princess going to act as a matchmaker for Zuo Zhong...?"

Feng Yun looked at him with a smile, nodded and smiled.

"As you can see, I have recently acquired two beauties, the male is unmarried and the female is unmarried, so I was thinking..."

"No..." Ji You's expression immediately changed, and before Feng Yun finished speaking, he suddenly took a step forward and bowed deeply to Feng Yun.

"Princess, this must never happen..."

Feng Yun smiled faintly.

She hasn't finished speaking yet.

This guy couldn't keep his temper.

Sure enough, he was interested in the Jin Shuang sisters.

Feng Yun looked at Ji You with a peaceful smile.

"Young guard Zuo is at the right age for marriage. It's rare to find a suitable candidate. Why not?"

The blush on Ji You's face instantly spread to his ears.

He clenched his hands slightly, barely concealing the emotions rushing inside him.

"According to what my subordinates see, Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang's parents just passed away, so it's not a good time to get married..."

Feng Yun's smile remained unchanged, and he turned to ask Zuo Zhong unhurriedly.

"What do you think of the left guard?"

Zuo Zhong lowers his head slightly and leans his shoulders forward.

"I don't dare to covet the people around the princess..."

He is avoiding suspicion.

Maybe there was a misunderstanding.

Feng Yun raised the corners of his lips, "Don't be nervous, left guard. The king asked me to help you keep an eye on it and find a good marriage..."

Zuo Zhong lowered his eyes, "The king and the princess are interested."

Feng Yun said: "Look around me, there are young ladies with outstanding looks and hard-working hands and feet who are competing with each other. I am spoiled for choice, so why not follow your wishes..."

After a pause, she smiled and said:

"You can point to one. Your Majesty and I will make the decision for you."

Ji You was anxious again.

"What about me? Princess, I'm only one year younger than Zuo Zhong."

Feng Yun suddenly realized and smiled: "So Guard Ji is also eager to get married?"

Ji You blushed, "No, not in a hurry..."

"If you're not in a hurry, let your brother Zuo come first." Feng Yun smiled casually, interrupted him, and asked Zuo Zhong again.

"Does the left guard have no one you like, or do you not like the people around me?"

Zuo Zhong was slightly shocked.

"My subordinates dare not."

He looked at Pei Ran again.

Then, he slowly straightened his back, cupped his fists and said:

"I am willing to serve the king for the rest of my life, and I dare not have any second thoughts."

Feng Yun stared at him, pretending to be surprised, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Is it possible that the left guard is pretending to be..."

Is it the king?

She didn't say this directly.

In today's world, it is not uncommon to have a broken sleeve, and there are countless people who like Longyang...

In an instant, they realized what Feng Yun had not finished saying...

Pei Ran's face darkened.

Zuo Zhong was embarrassed and stunned.

Ji You seemed to have gleaned some secret from it, and said coldly:

"Princess, if Zuo Zhong doesn't choose, why not let me pick first? I see Xiao Man next to the princess..."

"Princess!" Zuo Zhong suddenly interrupted him and said with a sullen face: "Ji You is not a certain person. You must not marry Xiao Man."

Feng Yun pursed her lips and looked at him.

"Then who do you think is a good match for Xiaoman?"

Zuo Zhong was speechless.

Ji You laughed out loud.

"I haven't finished speaking yet. What I want to say is that Xiao Man next to the princess is very suitable for Zuo Zhong. How about the princess make the decision and marry Xiao Man to him?"

In matters of love between men and women, Ji You is more clever than Zuo Zhong.

He had long seen Xiaoman's feelings for Zuo Zhong. But Zuo Zhong would not say what he was thinking, and no one else could know.

Ji You wanted to scare him.

He actually reacted after being scared?

Feng Yun also saw Zuo Zhong's subtle emotions and smiled slightly.

"Xiaoman is the most capable person around me. She has been with me for so long, I must find a good husband for her. Guard Zuo..."

Zuo Zhong pursed his lips and looked at her.

Feng Yun asked slowly:

"Do you like Xiaoman?"

"I..." Zuo Zhong stared at her and didn't make a sound for a long time.

Xiaoman hid outside the tent, breathing anxiously and nervously.

However, there was silence in the tent for a long time.

Xiaoman's heart was about to jump out of his throat in silence, and then he heard Zuo Zhong say:

"I see Xiaoman as my sister."

Sister? Zuo Zhong's answer was like a sharp knife stabbing Xiaoman's heart.

If he sees her as a sister, then what does it mean to see Jin Shuang?

Is she the girl that will make his heart beat?

Xiaoman was stiff, her mind was blank for a moment...

Girls' feelings are always foolish.

How could a man who liked her so much allow him to have a little dislike for her and have to put up with her?

Brother Zuo didn't like her as much as she liked him.

If he had to marry her because of the princess, it would be unfair to him.

She didn't want to.

Xiaoman's body was numb and a little top-heavy.

After a long moment, Zuo Zhong's voice came again.

"With the king and the princess in charge, I... am willing to marry Xiaoman."

He said yes, in a very calm tone.

But he didn't care about her.

Xiaoman was struggling between being willing and caring, and finally turned her head and slowly left.

She was afraid that someone would find out that she was eavesdropping.

Then she would have no face to live anymore--

Jin Shuang saw Xiaoman coming out in a daze and hurried to meet her.

"What's wrong with Xiaoman? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Xiaoman didn't want to face Jin Shuang.

When Xiaoman saw her, he would think of her leaning softly in Zuo Zhong's arms...

"It's okay, I'm okay." Xiaoman hurriedly broke free from her hand, shook his head, and walked straight forward.

Jin Shuang held her, "Xiaoman?"

Xiaoman looked at the concern in her eyes and was very self-tortured.

Jin Shuang didn't know that she liked Zuo Zhong at all, how could she blame her?

What's more, Zuo Zhong didn't belong to her.

He was unmarried, so even if Jin Shuang liked him, it was right...

Xiaoman felt that it was wrong for her to avoid Jin Shuang, and she shouldn't blame her for it.

That was too petty...

The princess said that people should be generous, the more generous, the more blessed...

There were two of Xiaoman's minds tearing each other apart. After hesitating for a while, she smiled awkwardly in Jin Shuang's worried eyes.

"I'm really fine. But you... you and Brother Zuo, what happened just now?"

Jin Shuang was stunned.

She looked at Xiaoman for a moment and smiled bitterly.

"You misunderstood. There is nothing between me and Brother Zuo. I went to the toilet and encountered a wild beast... The beast attacked me and I fainted from fear. It was Brother Zuo who heard the sound and saved me..."

Xiaoman choked.

The big stone in her heart suddenly loosened.

"Are you serious?"

"Why would I lie to you?" Jin Shuang's eyes were full of smiles. He took Xiaoman's arm affectionately and teased in a low voice.

"So our Xiaoman likes Guard Zuo..."

"I, I..."

Xiaoman was shy and wanted to deny it, but felt it was unnecessary.

She bit her lower lip and said nothing.

Jin Shuang shook her arm and laughed happily, "Don't worry, Guard Zuo and I are innocent. If you have to say there is something... then he is my benefactor."

Xiaoman looked at her innocent and clear eyes, and her heart fell back into her stomach.

She pursed her lips.

"Jin Shuang, you are really beautiful and kind-hearted. You will definitely meet your ideal husband in the future..."

Jin Shuang curled her lips, "You are beautiful. Just like a bud about to bloom, I wonder how beautiful you will be in two more years..."

Xiao Man became shy.

Jin Shuang smiled and asked, "Yinshuang is going to help the kitchen staff wash dishes. I want to go too, are you going?"

Xiao Man shook her head, "I'm going to serve the princess."

Jin Shuang's eyes showed some envy.

"Yinshuang and I don't have the blessing to serve the princess. We can only find work to do ourselves. If only we could serve the princess like you..."

Xiao Man looked at her and said, "You don't have to work so hard. The princess is the kindest. As long as you treat her wholeheartedly, you will have a good life in the future..."

Jin Shuang smiled indifferently, "As it is now, Yinshuang and I are satisfied. I dare not imagine what a better life will be like..."

Xiao Man patted her comfortingly.

"Yes, there will be better. If I get the chance, I will also help you and Yinshuang say more good things in front of the princess..."

Jin Shuang was overjoyed, looked at her gratefully, and bowed.

"If you can serve the princess, it will be the blessing that Yinshuang and I have cultivated for eight lifetimes. In this case, I have to thank Xiaoman."

She bowed deeply.

Xiaoman blushed in embarrassment.

She just said it casually out of politeness...

Feng Yun: The days with some challenges seem to be more promising. As long as it's not robbing money, it's up to you to rob men...

Pei Jue: ...Is it too late to write a suicide note now?

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