Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 498: Happy to meet again

That person is Tang Shaogong.

Li Sangruo's vision was blurred.

She couldn't see Tang Shaogong's face, but that blurry shadow and the calm voice without any emotion...

She felt like she had seen a savior.

"Uncle Shaogong..."

She called, but no sound came out, only a series of vague sobs rolled out of her throat...

Then, she heard Tang Shaogong say something.

"If she is alive, she can still restrain Pei Jue. If she dies, she will have to spend money to hold a funeral... Why doesn't the Prime Minister spare her life?"

Restrain Pei Jue...

Li Sangruo has heard this sentence countless times.

She used to believe it...

She heard it too much, and was blindly confident.

She thought that she was special to Pei Jue, and Pei Jue would definitely care about her, and there was an unbreakable fate between them...

Unfortunately, until she fled to Yecheng, she had never seen Pei Jue being influenced by her.


She really wanted to know what Tang Shaogong meant by "restraint".

I also want to know where Li Zongxun got the confidence to think that Pei Jue would care about her...

Li Zongxun finally let go and slowly let go.

He watched her body fall limply to the ground for a long time, and said coldly.

"Then keep it."

Tang Shaogong bent over and gently bowed.

"The Prime Minister is wise."

Li Zongxun slowly threw away his sleeves, put his hands behind his back, and glanced at Li Sangruo worriedly.

"Write a letter to warn Pei Jue that the day the Beiyong army steps on Yishui is the day for him to collect the body of his sister... "


Li Sangruo's confused mind was in a mess.

She seemed to have thought of something, but she didn't have the strength to think deeply. She leaned weakly on the ground without opening her eyes, letting the sweat seep down her back, almost fainting.

Tang Shaogong looked at her calmly, bowed and said, "I will do it immediately."


Since the Beiyong Army crossed the Tonghui River, good news has been coming in frequently, and Huaxi Village often celebrates like the New Year.

From April to September, Feng Yun was also busy "recruiting soldiers and repairing houses."

Hou Zhun and Xing Bing took away most of the troops, so she had to recruit a group of craftsmen again.

Tu Boxan and his wife learned the news and asked Cong Wentian to send a lot of people from Tujiawubao, so that several workshops could be operated.

The busy summer passed, autumn came, and winter was not far away.

The winter clothes of the garment workshop and the coal briquettes of Xiaojieqiu were all urgent supplies. Feng Yun was unwilling to use his people as two, so he added a lot of people.

At the same time, more and more houses were built in Xiaojieqiu, and the roads were getting wider and wider...

Since she had thought about it from the beginning, the buildings had a unified plan. After several years of construction, from the foot of the mountain, the mountainside, and then the top of the mountain, Xiaojieqiu has gradually taken shape as a defensive fortress...

And all of this was built unconsciously.

Since Xiaojieqiu is extremely well defended, people outside only know that a lot of laborers have been recruited and the workshops are constantly expanding, and they are completely unaware of the earth-shaking changes inside...

Feng Yun's business is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more capable people under him. Merchants from ten counties and eight counties all want to get in touch with Changmen and make some comfortable money with Princess Yonghuai.

Doing business is all about profit.

Feng Yun never hides her attitude of wanting to make money.

On the contrary, Chunyu Yan has become much more distant from Feng Yun since the account book incident. In the past few months, he has not been in Huaxi most of the time, and he has always asked Qu Ding to talk about business...

Feng Yun is happy to see it happen.

People can't have everything. If they choose a sense of propriety, then she and Chunyu Yan can only stop here.

Keeping distance is the longest-lasting relationship between partners.

Ambiguity will only accelerate death...

As October approaches, she begins to decorate the new house for Wen Xingsu.

The house built in Huaxi has been completed long ago, but Wen Xingsu was on the battlefield and missed the wedding date in May. Many things bought at that time have to be redone.

Last time, she felt that it was not perfect due to the rush of time. It was just right to take this opportunity to buy it well and satisfy her elder brother and Puyang Yi.

These days, she received the most letters from Puyang Yi from Xijing, far more than Pei Jue, who was frugal with words.

Compared with Pei Jue's simple and rough words, every word in Puyang Yi's letter was full of thoughts and sweet words, which made Feng Yun happier.

Because she talked a lot, Feng Yun was able to understand everything about Xijing from another perspective.

Even when Pei Cong was going to personally lead his troops to attack Yecheng, she first heard the news from Puyang Yi, and then received the exact news from Pei Cong.

Li Zongxun guarded the north bank of Yishui and controlled the key pass leading to Yecheng. The battle of Yishui was imminent.

He wanted to fight this battle himself.

No one likes to fight.

The king's appearance meant that the war was about to end. The people of Changmen were all overjoyed. They excitedly found firecrackers and set them off with crackling sounds...

Feng Yun heard the sound and looked over, and saw Amir rushing in with his head in his hands.


Amir was always straightforward. Feng Yun didn't need to ask her. She opened her eyes wide and smiled:

"Is my uncle coming?"

Feng Yun smiled and replied, "He hasn't set off yet. It's too early."

Amir smiled, "He will be here soon."

Feng Yun glanced at her flushed face and smiled, "Are you missing Ao Qi?"

Amir's face turned red immediately.

Glancing at Feng Yun, he burst into laughter again, and then nodded to her generously.

"I miss him. Ao Qi is handsome, isn't he?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "He is your husband. If you say he is handsome, then he is handsome."

Amir tilted his head and asked suddenly, "He is very handsome, don't you think so, aunt?"

Feng Yun's eyelids jumped.

Is he handsome?

The boy who stood by the pond with his back to her with his bare chest jumped into her mind at an inappropriate time.

Everyone has a love for beauty.

Feng Yun can't deceive herself.

She nodded, "Yes. My nephew's wife is so lucky."

Amir said, "But he likes you."

Feng Yun was slightly surprised, paused, and laughed, "Where did you hear these gossips? Don't take it to heart..."

"Ao Qi said." Amir raised his chin slightly, his eyes sparkling, with a smile.

"He and I are brothers. He doesn't hide it from me. I don't hide it from him either."

Feng Yun:...

Amir said, "I won't hide it from you either. My father wants to marry me to Xijing because I told him that I love my cousin..."


Feng Yun squinted at her.

"What a mess. Don't talk nonsense, people will hear it..."

Amir grinned and came up to hold Feng Yun's arm.

"That was in the past. I was young and troublesome, and my cousin always went along with me and helped me, so I thought that was love, but in fact it was completely different..."

The light in her eyes was even more blazing.

"It was only after meeting Ao Qi that I knew what it was like to truly love a man, how... Oh, my heart was full of joy, and the sky was clear."

Feng Yun:...

This word is used quite well.

Amir blinked at Feng Yun.

"It would be great if Ao Qi could be like me one day."

Feng Yun frowned, and for a moment the girl was speechless.

Amir found his own harmony.

"I'll wait for him to grow up. Wait until he understands that the love of admiring his aunt is not the same as the love of admiring his wife."

Feng Yun's lips curled up.

"You can't make me do it."

Amir laughed.

"When my uncle comes, I will go with my aunt to meet him."


In October, Pei Cong arrived in Andu from Xijing.

Feng Yun and He Qia, as well as a group of officials from Xinzhou, went to Andu and went out to meet him three miles away.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

"Alas, why haven't you come yet?"

Xiaoman stood beside Feng Yun, stretching her neck and looking forward from time to time. She was excited and nervous, and her eyes were red.

After parting in Xijing.

She and Zuo Zhong haven't seen each other for so long.

You can imagine her missing him after the newlyweds' separation.

Feng Yun glanced at her, her face was calm and smiling, but she knew that the spring water in her heart had already been blown up...

She hasn't seen Pei Cong for a long time.

At first, I thought we would see each other soon, but I didn't expect that I would be delayed by trivial matters and never go to Xijing again.

Pei Jue was the same.

There were wars abroad and court affairs at home. He was busy with all kinds of things and had no chance to come to An Du to reunite with her.

In half a year, his face seemed to fade in my heart...

Whenever I thought of this man in a trance, the first thing that jumped into my mind was his breath, body temperature, tight embrace, and his voice calling "Yun Niang"...

"Yong Huai Wang is here--"

A voice sang.

Feng Yun came back to her senses and looked up.

Pei Jue brought dozens of attendants, dusty and exhausted, like a rolling wave, rushing from far to near.

The wind in October was already cold, and the faces of the soldiers passed by in the cold wind, very blurry, but the appearance of wearing armor and sharp, and the neat appearance of the army was extremely shocking.

Everyone immediately closed their eyes, tidied their clothes, and bowed down together.

"Welcome to Prince Yonghuai!"


Dust flew up, Pei Cong pulled the reins, sat high on the horse, his eyes swept through the crowd and fixed on Feng Yun.

"No need to be polite."

Feng Yun looked up and met his eyes.

She smiled slightly.

Pei Cong moved his lips, holding the reins and slowly walked towards her.

Everyone looked at them.

The tall and mighty Prince Yonghuai and the delicate and beautiful Princess Yonghuai, they looked so dazzling that even the glow of the sky was outshined...

Feng Yun smiled.

"Your Majesty."

Pei Cong lowered his head and looked at her.

Everyone held their breath, Feng Yun also did not move, his heart was inexplicably tense, even his breathing felt tight.

He only raised his lips slightly, "Let's talk about it when we get back."

His voice was faint, warm, and extremely hoarse.

Everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

He Qia said: "Go back to the city."

The crowd separated.

Pei Cong took the lead and walked in front.

Then, the crowd followed him like a tide, slowly moving forward and pouring into the wide-open Andu City Gate.

Feng Yun sat in the carriage they came in.

Lifting a corner of the curtain, she could clearly see the man surrounded by the crowd in front...

At this moment, Pei Cong had an aura that was so strong that it could not be concealed. His back suppressed the brilliance of everyone.

Feng Yun looked at him like this and thought about him in his previous life.

At that time, Pei Cong was also majestic, but there were still many differences.

Perhaps it was the changes that power brought to men, the difference between a general and a general king, the difference between a powerful minister and a regent minister...

In the past, Pei Cong was a knife for killing, and he shed blood on the battlefield just for loyalty.

Now, the great general Wang, who also fought out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses, is more like the scorching sun in the sky, dazzling and shrouding the Jin Dynasty. Everyone has to take his will as their will...

His words and deeds determine the fate of this country and the honor and disgrace of the people.

He is not the emperor.

But he is only one chair away from the emperor...

Seeing him again after a few months of absence, the oppressive feeling on him is even stronger.

Even He Qia and Xinzhou officials went out of the city to greet him this time, which is different from the past. They are cautious and their attitude is more subtle...

Feng Yun even sensitively sensed that something has broken out of the cocoon, and everything will be settled as long as Pei Cong leads his troops to attack Yecheng...

"My wife." Xiaoman pulled Feng Yun and laughed jokingly, "Why do you keep staring at the king? Are your eyes tired?"

Feng Yun glanced at her, smiling.

"Who is the one who keeps looking at the left guard?"

Xiao Man smiled shyly, "I'm ignoring you."

Feng Yun smiled faintly, leaned against the wall calmly, and slowly lowered her eyelids.

She likes Xiao Man's temperament.

Not having wild thoughts, being content and grateful, not being hard on others, and not being hard on yourself, it's easy to be happy.

Unlike her...

It's hard to be calm in the turmoil of the world

Some inexplicable feelings arise in my heart for no reason...

In this life, she has changed.

Pei Jue has also changed.

What will be the final outcome?

She doesn't know.

Pei Jue: My wife has changed.

Chun Yu Yan: She is sick, very a fool.

Feng Yun: Are you looking for death?

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