Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 532: Great Righteousness and Small Righteousness

After all, Mrs. Chen still didn’t drink the mistress’ tea.

When the person fainted, he was taken away by Feng Ying and went to the doctor.

But this did not delay this less grand but very lively wedding banquet.

Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang put on their wedding clothes, served tea to Feng Jingting, and changed their titles in front of everyone.

Feng Jingting was over forty years old and still a groom. He was in high spirits during happy events. After the wedding banquet, he took his two concubines back to Huaxi.

The carriage was prepared by Feng Yun.

She stood at the door and watched them leave.

Just as he was about to turn around, Wen Xingsu came out with Puyang Yi.

He stood in front of Feng Yun and sighed unconsciously.

"Ayun and I will have a few words alone."

Pu Yangyi guessed that it was about Feng Jingting taking a concubine, so she winked at Feng Yun and said, "I'll wait for you in the car."

"Okay." Wen Xingsu nodded, but his eyes were fixed on Feng Yun, sharp and sharp.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Want to sit in the room?"

Wen Xingsu said, "No need. I'll just say a few words and leave."

Feng Yun smiled, "Brother, please speak."

Wen Xingsu's tone was calm and gentle, but it could be heard that he was very unhappy about this matter.

"Why do Ayun insist on doing this? It won't do you any good."

"I don't want any benefits." Feng Yun thought for a while and did not tell him about his suspicions about Jin Shuang and Yin Shuang. Instead, he laughed lightly.

"My enemies will suffer, and I will be happy. It's as simple as that."

Wen Xingsu pondered, "Are you hiding something from me?"

The two of them were so familiar that he could see through even the slightest hesitation in their eyes.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "It's not a big deal. I have no intention of hiding it from brother... It's just that there are some things that I just did. If brother knew about it, it would only cause trouble."

Wen Xingsu looked at her and hesitated for a moment.

"Still can't let go?"

"Where's the eldest brother?" Feng Yun asked him, "Has the eldest brother let it go?"

They had experienced the cold shoulder and injustice they had suffered in the Feng family when they were young, and the almost cruel bullying that Feng Yun had suffered in his previous life was something that Wen Xingsu did not know at this moment and would never know.

Without experience, the elder brother cannot empathize.

Feng Yun looked at him without saying a word and chuckled.

"Even if Mrs. Chen treats you coldly, how can you, as a son of a human being, hold grudges against your biological mother? I think eldest brother should let it go."

"Ayun..." Wen Xingsu's eyes fell on Feng Yun, like the water of an ancient well, deep and quiet, "I don't blame you, I feel sorry for you..."

"I know." Feng Yun smiled.

Wen Xingsu sighed, "I don't want you to be so persistent. How can you be happy if you have hatred in your heart? Ayun, you should be happier."

Feng Yun laughed when he heard the sound.

"Then you have to congratulate me too. I'm very happy."

She could take revenge with her own hands and pay back bit by bit the pain that the Chen mother and daughter had inflicted on her in her previous life. There would be nothing happier than now...

And she would not tell Wen Xingsu that these were not enough.

"Brother, please come back quickly, your new wife is waiting for you."

She smiled and turned her head towards the carriage.

Puyangyi quickly put down the hand that was holding the curtain to peek.

Wen Xingsu pursed his lips and nodded, "I'm leaving."


In Yutang Chunli, they were still cleaning up the mess after the banquet.

Pei Madang was talking to He Qia and his son, but Feng Yun did not disturb him. Instead, he quietly went to the room on the second floor alone, closed the door, and sat quietly alone.

She likes to go over the whole thing from beginning to end after one thing is over, and check for flaws.

About a quarter of an hour later, He Xia and his son also said goodbye.

Pei Ran came up to her, looked into her cold eyes, and frowned slightly.

Feng Yun looked at him and said, "Your Majesty, do you think I did the right thing? Is it a bad idea to take a concubine for my biological father?"

Pei Ran came over, took off her cloak from the wooden rafters, wrapped her tightly, and said in a calm voice, "Asshole. But I like it."

Feng Yunhan looked at him with a smile, and a thin layer of uneasiness in his heart immediately dissipated.

"Are we going to say goodbye to our eldest sister?"

"No need." Pei Ran said with deep eyes, "Go back early and rest early."

Feng Yun:......

Last night, because she was afraid that the wall had ears, she didn't let him succeed, and he didn't say anything. Who would have thought that she would still be thinking about her now? It wasn't dark yet, so he could say it out loud.


As the carriage entered the long gate, the concubines came to greet it.

They were respectful, fearful and alienated towards Pei Ran, but they were indifferent to Feng Yun, warm and close.

Pei Ran was accustomed to this. He looked at Feng Yun, then returned to the house with a cold face without saying a word.

Feng Yun knew the meaning of that glance, which was to tell her to go back early.

She smiled and didn't respond.

Looking back at the group of beauties in front of him, he said calmly:

"It's cold outside, please go back inside..."

The concubines all responded, "Yes."

Today, everyone is quieter than before.

Feng Yun knew it was because Awan was gone.

They dispersed and Feng Yun went to the study.

After drinking a cup of hot tea, Ah Lou came over, followed by the housekeeper of Wen House.

That house is full of Feng Yun's people inside and outside. Whenever there is any trouble, they will report it truthfully.

"Madam." The butler saluted.

Feng Yun smiled gently, "Just tell me."

The butler handed over his hand and said, "Qijun's courtyard is attended by palace servants. He even prepares the food himself. We are not allowed to interfere. He only watches the imperial doctor coming in and out. He thinks he is seriously ill..."

After a pause, he continued: "Concubine Feng went to pay her respects every day, but she was stopped by Eunuch Jixiang. The villain looked at me, and Mrs. Huaman was very favored. Concubine Feng was not very popular with Mr. Qi..."

Feng Yun lowered his head and smiled, without saying much, and motioned for him to continue.

"Mrs. Chen cried in the house when she came back from Andu. However, the prince got a new beauty and was busy with the bridal chamber. He only went to the madam's room to sit for a while, and left in less than a quarter of an hour."

"Then what?"

"I broke something and cried even harder..."

Feng Yun snorted coldly.

"Keep the accounts in mind and make full compensation."

The housekeeper responded with a smile, "Don't worry, madam, it's indispensable."

Feng Yun glanced at him and said, "How about those two beauties?"

The housekeeper said: "The little man looked at it and behaved himself. After returning to the house, he didn't come out again. I think he was afraid that Mrs. Chen would cause trouble..."

Feng Yun thought about it and said: "Keep an eye on them. Pay special attention to them. Are there any... private meetings with Mr. Qi?"

A private meeting with Qi Jun?

The housekeeper was startled and everyone stuttered.

"No, it can't be right? This, isn't this going to be a mess?"

The private meeting he understood was obviously different from what Feng Yun said.

But Feng Yun did not explain.

Ordinary people will be more interested in the emperor's erotic affairs, and they will follow them harder...

The housekeeper reported all the various things that happened in Wen's house to Feng Yun, but these were all superficial and there were no particularly valuable clues.

After the housekeeper left, Feng Yun visited Yao Ru.

She hasn't been here for a while, and the Yao family has undergone many changes.

Sister-in-law Wang is a good steward of a household. Her family is in good order and her days are getting better and better...

Yao Ru was preparing medicine in the study, while his two young apprentices were helping him.

Sister-in-law Wang led Feng Yun over with a smile and brought another cup of pheasant soup.

"Have a try, ma'am. I added ginseng to stew it together. It's very nourishing."

There is no shortage of food and drink in Huaxi, but they are used to living a hard life. Most people in the village are frugal, but no matter who they are, they are not stingy with Feng Yun. Whenever she comes to the house, they all want to give her the best food.

Feng Yun knew what he meant and didn't refuse. He took a sip and praised it.

"My sister-in-law's skills are getting better and better. She's better than Nagato's cook."

Sister-in-law Wang smiled so hard that her eyes closed, she said a few polite words and then left.

"You guys talk, I'll go wait on my parents..."

She was a knowledgeable person, so she called her two apprentices away as well.

Feng Yun came to see Yao Ru. He must have something serious to say.

Yao Ru smiled and said, "Madam, do you want to ask about Wen Zhai?"

This is not difficult to guess, and there is no need to beat around the bush.

Feng Yun nodded, "Isn't it convenient?"

Yao Ru is a doctor, not a member of the Nagato family, so Feng Yun will not take it for granted like he treats his own family members.

But in Yao Ru's view, Feng Yun is the head of the Huaxi people and also his.

"Doctors shouldn't talk too much about patients' hidden illnesses, but... I am not an outsider, and I happen to want to discuss it with you."

He smiled slightly and said, "That Mr. Qi's illness is very strange."

Feng Yun shouted, "How weird?"

"It often comes suddenly, without warning, but the pain is unbearable, and the sweat flows down the back, just like a danger... When the mind is calm, it will be as before, and the pulse will be steady, just like ordinary people."

"What do you think, Doctor Yao?"

Yao Ru pondered for a moment, "Yao believes that this is caused by a heart disease. Trapped in the heart, the disease arises from emotion, and if the heart knot cannot be found, I'm afraid it will be difficult to cure."

That day someone said that Xiao Cheng was seriously ill and bedridden. Feng Yun actually suspected that he was faking it and had some shady conspiracy in private...

At this moment, she still had doubts.

"Doctor Yao, are you sure he's not faking it?"

Yao Ru was startled.

He didn't expect Feng Yun to ask such a question, so he smiled and shook his head, "No one can pretend to be sick in front of the doctor."

Feng Yun nodded, "Is it getting better now?"

Yao Ru replied: "No different from ordinary people."

Feng Yun asked again: "Have they ever said when they will leave Huaxi?"

Yao Ru glanced at her and said, "The imperial doctor in the palace said that Qi Jun's illness will actually heal faster if he leaves Huaxi... But Qi Jun loves the water and soil of Huaxi. He rarely comes here, so he wants to rest for a few more days."

He spoke tactfully, but his meaning was clear.

The imperial doctor's suggestion that Xiao Cheng stay to recuperate was false.

The one who really didn’t want to leave was Xiao Cheng.

As for why...

He didn't need to explain it clearly, because the news had already spread in Huaxi.

The relationship between Feng Yun and Xiao Cheng has never been a secret.

Yao Ru looked at Feng Yun's calm face and said with a smile: "I think Mr. Qi is as handsome as jade, gentle and lustrous, and his gentlemanly demeanor is rare in the world... It's a pity."

"Let's not worry about the emperor." Feng Yun smiled and did not pick up Yao Ru's topic, but asked: "Where is Feng Ying? How is her face?"

The smile on Yao Ru's face faded slightly.

He looked at Feng Yun with a scrutinizing gaze.

"There is something I don't know whether to say or not..."

Feng Yun felt like a mirror in his heart and smiled slightly, "I would like to hear the details."

Yao Ru paused for a moment and lowered his voice.

"My wife doesn't want her to recover, right?"

Feng Yun smiled and did not answer.

Yao Ru took out a small porcelain bottle from the drawer and handed it to Feng Yun.

"Concubine Feng gave it to me. Is this the lady's hand?"

"Yes." Feng Yun did not deny it. "I originally wanted to make some ointment according to the ancient recipe left by my mother. Who would have expected that a traitor was discovered. Not only the medicine was thrown away, but also the prescription was gone..."

She smiled slightly and looked at Yao Ru.

"Doctor Yao, tell me, who can we rely on for this matter?"

Yao Ru understood what she meant.

"Don't worry, madam, Yao Ru has his own rules when it comes to practicing medicine to help the world. He only helps good people, not villains..."

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Doctor Yao is a righteous man!"

Pei Ran: Wait until the dead of night, the lady still hasn’t come back...

Chun Yuyan: I'm waiting too... The CPU is almost burned out.

Xiao Cheng: Brother, which way is easier to listen to the corner and send a location to share.

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