Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 557: A strange arrival

It was also on Pei Jue's birthday.

At that time, Feng Yun had just entered the general's mansion not long ago, and she was still afraid and curious about everything. Everyone said that the general only had her by his side, and he must be extremely doted on. She also subconsciously imitated the appearance of a good wife, doing housework for him, making soup and making clothes.

Usually, Pei Jue would not necessarily have much emotion for her kindness, but he would accept it, and sometimes even give gifts in return.

She would make a bowl of soup.

He would send someone to send a piece of green jade.

She would embroider a sachet.

He would ask someone to make a set of clothes for her.

When the two were together, there was no love between the man and the woman, and no sweet words, but in daily life, Pei Jue was also obedient to her and let him do what he wanted.

But that time, when Pei Jue saw the new clothes she sewed by hand, he was far less happy than today...

He seemed to have a grudge against birthdays, almost hating them.

Feng Yun spent a long time making that dress. She mustered up her courage to bring it to him, and said "Congratulations, General!" like offering a treasure. But he just looked at her coldly, didn't even touch it, and walked away.

Maybe it was because it had been too long.

Or maybe it was because she had suffered too much in her previous life, and she had forgotten such trivial matters.

Now recalling that cold eye with an ice knife, her heart still felt a tearing pain.

Feng Yun smiled softly, "At that time, I originally wanted to please the general, but I didn't expect that I would flatter the horse's leg. It's embarrassing."

"I'm sorry." Pei Jue choked up a little, looked down at her, stood still for a moment, and gave a belated explanation, "This day is not my birthday, but the day my father picked me up... At the same time, it is also the death anniversary of my biological mother."

It was also the day he saw his mother being abused to death with his own eyes.

"I was in great grief at that time, but I shouldn't have let Yunniang down."

Feng Yun slowly reached out and clasped his fingertips.

In her previous life, she didn't know that Pei Jue had such an experience.

Now she understood it.

Pei Jue suspected that the Feng family was related to Xie Xian's death, so she was the daughter of the enemy who killed his parents and Xie's army. On the anniversary of her mother's death, she received a gift from the daughter of her enemy, and she was angry, but she couldn't tell anyone.

Her grievance was on her face, but Pei Jue's torment was in his heart.

Feng Yun was relieved when she thought about it.

After all, he hated her to the extreme at that time, but he just walked away and didn't take it out on her.

She raised her head and whispered, "I made the same mistake for the second time."

She pulled her lips slightly, her eyes full of apology, "Today, I took the initiative again and celebrated your birthday so grandly. You... don't be angry with me, okay?"

Pei Jue shook his head, a strange light shrouded his black eyes, and his tone was relaxed, like a joke.

"Thank God, I'm wearing the new dress made by Yunniang again."

The word "again" carries the vicissitudes of two lives.

Feng Yun's eyes curved slightly, and she breathed a sigh of relief imperceptibly.

"I later locked that dress in a box."

"I know." Pei Jue held her face, breathed a little with throbbing, and kissed her slowly, "Later, I wore it to chase you."

Feng Yun's throat moved.

She wanted to ask something, but the man held the back of her head, and all her questions were swallowed by his hot breath.

The moonlight was bright that day, and the flowers and leaves in the courtyard were dancing.

Feng Yun came out of the mist, and Pei Jue was not there.

When he returned to the room, he held a few crabapple branches in his hand.


On the night after being imprisoned, Duan Wu confessed slickly.

Nothing more than that, everything he did was instructed by Feng Jingyao. But how did he steal the defense map, how did he break into the side room of Pei's mansion, and why did he have bad intentions towards Feng Ya, but he was a little confused.

Sometimes he said that someone had framed him and he was completely unaware of it. Sometimes he said that he had long coveted Feng Ya's beauty and had drunk a few more cups at that time. When he saw the beautiful lady enter the room, he couldn't control himself.

But no matter what he thought, he was convicted of stealing the defense map.

Of course, Feng Jingyao refused to admit it.

He flatly denied Duan Wu's testimony and said that he was unaware of it. At the same time, he came as an envoy of Qi and asked Jin to notify Qi.

At the same time, the court of Jin was also full of such voices.

It was believed that Jin's private treatment of Feng Jingyao would cause dissatisfaction in Qi, trigger disputes between Jin and Qi again, and reignite the war.

Ruan Pu said bluntly, "Not to mention that stealing the defense map was Duan Wu's one-sided statement, even if it was really done by Feng Jingyao, he should have informed Qi before making a decision."

Ao Zheng disagreed with his opinion and refuted it immediately.

"Duan Wu was Feng Jingyao's subordinate, and Feng Jingyao was on a diplomatic mission to represent Qi. What Duan Wu did was what Qi did. Minister Ruan, Qi dared to take the hair from the tiger's mouth, and my Great Jin should be a turtle with its head down?"

Ruan Pu scolded Ao Zheng angrily, saying that Ao Zheng was reckless.

Ao Zheng sneered, laughing at Ruan Pu for being a softie.

The two argued back and forth several times, but in the end, no one won or lost.

This matter should have been decided by the emperor.

However, on the night when Emperor Wenzhi returned from the banquet at Pei's Mansion, he said that he was unwell and had not attended court for three days.

The ministers took turns to visit him in Chongzheng Hall, and the imperial physicians came and went to diagnose his pulse countless times, but they could not tell the reason.

The emperor was ill in a strange way.

The imperial doctors could not figure out what was wrong with him, but he just didn't have the energy to get up or go to court.

What could he do?

The emperor was away, so Pei Cong made all the decisions, big or small.

Pei Cong went to Chongzheng Hall and met Emperor Wenzhi.

The sick Emperor Wenzhi was very weak and waved his hand feebly without hearing the whole story.

"Every matter in the court, big or small, is entirely up to Pei Qing. With Pei Qing here, there is no need to ask for my opinion in the future."

Pei Ran was not the only one who heard this.

Ruan Pu, Ao Zheng, and several princes and ministers were all present.

Everyone felt as if a big stone was weighing down their hearts.

I had a vague feeling that something was wrong, but I was unable to reverse it.


Pei Madang summoned the courtiers to the Zhenghe Hall the next day to discuss matters, and made a final decision on the envoys from Qi State stealing the defense plans.

"Send Duan Wu's confession to Taicheng together. He said that the evidence of the crime was conclusive, and in order to consolidate the foundation of the Jin state, it was decided to behead the envoys at Xuanhua Gate on April 15th to serve as a warning and highlight the National prestige.”


The credential of Jin Dynasty galloped to Taicheng of Qi State.

It was impossible to predict what Xiao Cheng would do after receiving the news. Pei Madang waited for the messenger to leave the city, and then summoned Wen Xingsu and Helianqian to have a secret discussion in the study.

The next day, one after another military orders flew out of Xijing and were conveyed to the border areas of Jin and Xinyi and other places bordering Qi. The Northern Yong Army was even more heavily prepared to prevent Qi from raising troops.

March of the first year of the Wenzhi reign of the Jin Dynasty passed just like that.

In early April, Yao Ru arrived in Xijing along with the herald of the Beiyong Army.

It was a pity that Dr. Yao, who was originally scheduled to treat the young Emperor Tianshou, postponed his arrival in Beijing for so long and ended up treating Emperor Wenzhi instead.

These days, there were a lot of discussions in the court, all because of Emperor Wenzhi's strange illness.

After coming back from Pei's Mansion, I couldn't help but get sick. The illness came on inexplicably. Famous doctors from Qitai Hospital and Xijing looked at it, but no one could tell the cause of the illness.

The young emperor who had just died was born with a disease, but before Emperor Wenzhi succeeded to the throne, he was in good health. How could he fall ill just because he was ill?

As a result, some bad rumors gradually began to spread throughout the government and the public.

Some people say that there is something wrong with the banquet in Pei Mansion.

Some people say that the feng shui of Chongzheng Hall is not good...

In the end, it was the eldest princess who made the decision to move Emperor Wenzhi's sleeping quarters from Chongzheng Hall to Mingguang Hall, in order to use "the light in the middle of the day to drive away evil and avoid evil" to protect the emperor's health.

However, the emperor is already the emperor, and he is righteous, so what should he be afraid of?

I don’t know if others believe this kind of self-deception, but Feng Yun doesn’t believe it.

She also felt that Emperor Wenzhi was a little strangely ill, so the eldest princess wanted to invite Yao Ru over, but she had no objection.

Before Yao Ru entered the palace, he paid a special visit to Feng Yun.

Treating the emperor is never an easy job.

Yao Ru was a cautious person and felt uneasy, so he asked Feng Yun.

"Should the king's illness be viewed with sincerity, or should it be viewed with emptiness?"

Feng Yun replied with a smile, "Doctor Yao usually sits in the hall, how do you treat patients?"

Yao Ru said: "Diagnose diseases with sincerity."

Feng Yun said: "Dr. Yao is a doctor. He has this and the only status. He boldly treats patients."

After receiving her promise, Yao Ru breathed a sigh of relief, got on the carriage that came to pick him up from the palace, and went to the palace to inquire about the illness.

Feng Yun sent Ge Guang to accompany Yao Ru to take care of him.

Unexpectedly, after waiting at home for a long time, Yao Ru did not come back. Only Ge Guang came back to report, "Doctor Yao was picked up by the eldest princess as soon as he left the palace."

Feng Yun thought for a moment and nodded, "Go and wait outside the eldest princess's mansion. Make sure to bring Doctor Yao back safely."

Ge Guang clasped his fists and said, "Yes."


Yao Ru is certainly safe.

He was just a doctor, and he had cured Puyang Zong's finger, so the eldest princess had absolutely no reason to embarrass him.

Picking him up was nothing more than asking about the emperor's condition.

Her younger brother has been ill for so long and the root cause of the illness cannot be found. The eldest princess is more anxious than anyone else.

She greets people with tea and is very sincere.

"There are no outsiders here. Please tell me, sir, what disease is your Majesty suffering from?"

Yao Ru pondered for a moment, "I wonder how Tai Hospital diagnoses it?"

The eldest princess looked at him, feeling a little flustered for no reason.

She probably knew Yao Ru's concerns, so she shook her head and sighed, "Those quack doctors didn't see the root cause of the disease at all. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come all the way to summon you sir."

Yao Ru generally understood.

"I see, Your not sick."

What? The eldest princess's heart skipped a beat. Looking at Yao Ru's expression, she calmed down after a while.

"I trust Dr. Yao's medical skills, but I don't understand why, if Your Majesty is not sick, he stays in bed every day and is unable to get up."

Yao Ru thought for a while, stroking the beard on his chin, and sighed: "In this world, if we remove the diseases of external evils, only the diseases of the heart are left."

Heart disease?

Everything is fine, what can the emperor have on his mind?

The eldest princess thought thoughtfully about his situation in the Pei Mansion before he fell ill... (End of Chapter)

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