Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 560: The Prison is Cold

When news of the Feng family's downfall reached Xijing, Feng Yun's mood was extremely delicate.

It is a universal happiness for people who have hurt themselves to live worse than themselves.

Feng Yun must also be happy.

But she felt it was not enough.

First, I didn't see the embarrassment of that group of people with my own eyes.

Second, downfall does not mean elimination.

The children of the Feng family can still live like a fish in water and enjoy the joy of life by relying on the family's century-old accumulation.

The Chen family also had family to rely on. Feng Ying was grounded because she injured Daman, but she just missed the chance to be the queen...

She is still a noble concubine and Xiao Cheng's woman.

Xiao Cheng reduced Feng's power in the court and retained his dignity.

Maybe one day, it will come back again, and the great revenge will still not be avenged.

Feng Yun thought about it again and again and asked the Taicheng messenger.

"Is Daman okay?"

In the past, Xiao Cheng used Daman to suppress Feng Ying and the Feng family by the way, but Daman was also the daughter of the Feng family.

What will happen once it is no longer useful to Xiao Cheng?

The messenger said: "Princess, don't worry, the imperial doctor has seen it. Mrs. Huaman's injury will be cured in a few days."

Feng Yun nodded, asked some trivial things, looked at the heavy reward, asked Ge Guang to send the person out, and then opened Daman's letter.

The person who sent the letter came with the envoy Qi. Daman was open and honest and let people send the letter to her, so he knew how to do something in the letter...

Feng Yun opened the second layer of letter paper and slowly roasted it on the fire to reveal the writing.

"Madam, please don't worry. The palace wall I bumped into was measured. Qi has no Feng family, and other aristocratic families are no match for Your Majesty. As long as Your Majesty doesn't let me die, I can live well."

"It's a pity that I can't see the fate of the Feng family. Your Majesty is really good at it. I beat him really happily this time..."

Feng Yun frowned slightly.

Great letter, no problem.

However, besides the joy of revenge, there is also the admiration for Xiao Cheng.

Xiao Cheng......

Feng Yun slowly sketched out the appearance of that person in his mind.

No matter how unhappy she was, she had to admit that Xiao San was capable, courageous, and a charming man.

Such a man has given birth to a good skin, which can attract her and all the ladies in Taicheng back then, and he can naturally attract Da Man now...

What's more, after getting along for many years, how could Daman not be moved?

Xiaoman looked over and asked, "Madam, is my sister okay?"

Feng Yun handed the letter to her and said, "Burn it after reading it."

Xiao Man took it and said, "Understood."

Feng Yun took one look at her happy look and smiled.

"Today the envoys are entering the city. It is inevitable that the king will have some entertainment. Please order the stove to cook some sobering soup."

Xiaoman felt relieved when he saw that Daman was fine. After burning the letter, he turned back to tease Feng Yun.

"My wife is more and more concerned about the king now..."

Feng Yun adjusted his sitting posture and smiled.

"Don't be poor and go. I want to rest for a while."

The lady often sits alone.

Only Ao Zai can accompany me.

Xiao Man obeyed the order and went down, closing the door.

Feng Yun lay lazily, beckoning the turtle to come over, stroking its back hair, and slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, she felt extremely comfortable.

This kind of happiness is hard to describe...

Step by step, he reverses the established nightmare, dominates his life, and turns endless ridicule and cold eyes on his enemies like blades, slowly sending them to a dead end.

What she defeated was not only the external enemies, but also the enemies in her heart - the cowardice, fear, and hesitancy accumulated in her previous life.


The whole of Xijing was discussing how the Qi Congress would react after Jin detained the Qi envoy and threatened to execute him.

There are even more rumors that a war is imminent.

The people of Xijing even began to prepare food and supplies for the coming war.

Feng Yun was resting peacefully without any worries.

At nightfall, Pei Ran came back.

What I brought back was unsurprising news.

Not only did Xiao Cheng not rebuke the Jin Dynasty for being rude, but instead sent envoys to deliver an apology and a letter of apology. He acted accordingly and showed weakness.

Feng Yun said with a smile: "What a cruel move to apologize and accuse. It directly cut off the Feng family's escape route and sentenced Feng Jingyao to death."

Pei Ran sat down next to her, rubbed his forehead lightly, and did not look at Feng Yun with his lowered eyes.

"First-class means."

Feng Yun said: "This man is far-reaching in his wisdom and skill in dancing. As long as he has enough time, he will definitely show off his ambitions, and the world may be captured by him..."

Pei Madang raised his eyes, his gaze deep.

"Yunniang likes him very much."

Seeing his calm face, Feng Yun didn't realize that the man's heart was scratching his heart like a hundred claws, so he just smiled faintly.

"This is called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy. It is also to remind you and me at all times that we must not underestimate you. Huh! Don't look at him showing weakness today and being magnanimous and tolerant. When we fight in the future, he will not be soft."

Pei Madang didn't speak for a while.

That look was very playful.

Feng Yun glanced at him sideways, "Your Majesty, did I say something wrong?"

Pei Madang said: "He has far-reaching wisdom and extraordinary strategies, but in the end he still didn't get what he wanted most."

Most wanted?

Feng Yun snorted with a wooden face.

She never thought that she was what Xiao Cheng wanted most.

Ambitious men aim at the country, what does a woman mean?

"There's no denying that he never gave up on you."

Pei Madang's cheeks tightened, and his tone was somewhat sour.

That's the truth.

What made Xiao Cheng miscalculate was Feng Yun's rebirth.

Otherwise, his wishful thinking would not have come to fruition. He would first coax the Feng family to help him, and then when the time is right to rule the world, he would then unseat the Feng family. By then, with his methods, Feng Yun would be nothing more than the one in his palm. things.

"It will be bad luck for him if he encounters me." Feng Yun glanced at him and said with a smile, "If God doesn't accept him, I will."

Pei Madang quietly approached and stared at her.

A handsome face, which flickers in and out of light in the swaying light and shadow, is particularly deep.

"Yunniang." He asked, "Who will win between me and Xiao Cheng in this life?"

Feng Yun glanced at him lightly, leaned over, wrapped his arms around his neck, raised his head and smiled, "Didn't the king already win?"

Pei Ran's eyelids sunk slightly and he touched her face.

"There are many people competing for a deer in this world, either alive or dead. There is only one winner."

Feng Yun raised his lips neither lightly nor seriously, speaking in a leisurely manner.

"If you win, I will see you dominate the world. If you lose, I will accompany you to make a comeback."

Pei Ran's pupils narrowed.

My heart tightened for no reason.

"What if... I die?"

Feng Yun's heart skipped a beat, and he slowly smiled as he looked at the two people's shadows stretched by the light.

"When you live, I will enjoy the prosperity with you; when you die, I will avenge you."

Pei Ran held his breath for a moment.

He stared at her with his eyes, and suddenly hugged her tightly, his heart beating uncontrollably, and his voice was hoarse.

"I always thought that I was also the person you wanted to take revenge on."

"Yes." Feng Yun looked up at him and smiled slightly, "I think I will take revenge on you for the rest of my life."


Pei Man clasped her tightly, breathing hard, trapping her in his arms, wrapping her with his tall body, just like holding a child, carefully.

The night is windy and silent.

The dim light of the fire reflected Feng Yun's face as he gently placed it on Pei Mad's shoulder.

Quietly, there was a shadow in his half-closed eyes, but he didn't smile.


Midnight watch.

A carriage broke through the night fog and drove into the Yushitai Prison in Xijing City.

Just after the defense was changed, the guard downstairs saw the person getting off the carriage. He was startled and quickly stepped forward to salute.

"Your Majesty."

Pei Ran hummed, took Feng Yun's hand and walked inside.

"Open the door."

The corridor leading to the prison was very windy and miserable. Even water could not get in the rammed earth prison and the iron gate.

The prisoners held here are extraordinary, and Feng Jingyao is also here.

It was quiet in the cell, with no sound at all.

Pei Ran asked: "Have you been interrogated in the past two days?"

The jailer whispered: "Without the king's order, the subordinates dare not make any arbitrary decisions."

Pei Madang pondered for a moment, then waved his hand, "You all go down."

"Take your orders." The guard went down.

Amidst the messy footsteps, Pei Madang glanced at Zuo Zhong and Ji You.

"No one is allowed to enter without my order."

"Here." Zuo Zhong and Ji You both cupped their hands, silently retreated, and guarded the entrance to the corridor.

There is only one criminal here, Feng Jingyao.

Under the dim lights, there was a musty smell in the air.

Feng Jingyao leaned his back against the wall and sat on the damp straw, his head lowered and he was awake.

These days, no one in the prison talked to him. The meals distributed once a day were like pig food. Most of the time, they were stale and disgusting.

He knew that by not letting him die, Pei Madang was trying to weaken his will.

But Pei Madang underestimated him.

How can I make him submit with this little trick?

"King Yonghuai, please come back." There was no trace of blood on Feng Jingyao's pale face. His voice was very slow, as if he was talking to himself. He did not look at Pei Ran and tried his best to retain the character of his family.

"There's no need to waste your energy on me. I didn't instruct Duan Wu to steal the defense plans, and there was no conspiracy. I was just an envoy from Qi who went to Xijing to bring peace between the two countries. If the Jin court has a trace of integrity, it shouldn't I am imprisoned here..."

Pei Ran didn't say anything, slowly approached, opened the door of the prison cell, and threw the credentials brought by the envoy from Qi State in front of Feng Jingyao.

"Feng Gong, let's take a look."

Feng Jingyao's feet were chained and his hands were free.

He looked up at Pei Ran and hesitated for a moment before picking it up.


He gritted his teeth and raised his head coldly.

But he didn't look at Pei Ran, but at Feng Yun.

"If I had known you were a disaster, I shouldn't have been so soft-hearted and allowed you to survive until now, only to bite back."

This was because Xiao Cheng wanted to kill him and was placed in Feng Yun's hands.

Feng Yun smiled, straightened his sleeves disapprovingly, and then casually told him about the Feng family bit by bit.

"Those who were dismissed from office were dismissed, those who were dismissed were dismissed, and those who were imprisoned were imprisoned. Even Feng Ying, the honor you value most, who can bring honor to the Feng family, has been relegated to the cold palace. Uncle, what do you think about the situation so far? Is there any hope for the Feng family to turn around? "

Feng Jingyao sneered, "So what? If I don't have a good death, you can live a good life, right?"

After a pause, he said coldly: "If Xiao San treats the Feng family like this, he will treat you the same way in the future. Or do you think that King Yonghuai alone can reverse the Jin Dynasty's decline in national power and chaos in the imperial court? Just wait, when Xiao San recovers, you will be defeated sooner or later, and you will have to die..."

Feng Yun suddenly smiled.

"It's already this time, why don't you forget to provoke and use your strength? I don't have to worry about the fate of Jin State, Mr. Feng. If I were you, what I have to do at this time is to tell the truth and pray for a good death."

Feng Jingyao's eyelids slightly closed, "I have nothing to say. You can kill me or chop me up, it's all up to you."

"No?" Feng Yun leaned forward slightly, his eyes like cold pond water, staring at him, "Mr. Feng, do you want to think carefully about how you teamed up with Xiao Jue to frame the entire Xie family, let the Xie family army be buried in Bingzhou, and then framed Prince Huairen in an unjust way, seized his throne, imprisoned Yuzhao Palace, and caused him to die of depression, and..."

She spoke each word with a pause, as if biting on iron.

"Why do you have to kill my mother?"

One chapter today... a long chapter...

One step closer to the end.

Chun Yuyan: Okay, kill a few people to sacrifice to the heaven?

Feng Yun: Mom... that's the guy! Kill him.

Chun Yuyan: I haven't appeared in so many chapters, and I die as soon as I appear? It's not so frustrating to be a supporting role. Too much.

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