Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 310: shocking victory (below)

(Chapter 1 arrives, there will be chapter 1 later)

"Go get the head of the intelligence department." Mike ordered the guards outside the door, and then came to the front of the map. He needed to know where Duke Charlie's army had arrived, and where to ambush Duke Charlie's army.

After a while, the head of the intelligence department of the 88th Army arrived at the headquarters. He was a very ordinary major general officer. "Your Excellency, General, I don't know why you are here?" the major general asked after paying a military salute to Mike and Thomas.

"Your Excellency, Major General, I want to know where Duke Charlie and his army are now?" Mike asked.

The major general walked to the side of the map, looked at it, pointed to a location on the map, and said: "The news came back at noon today that the vanguard of Grand Duke Charles has arrived at the bank of the Inn River 20 kilometers west of Poking. The main force should be Still in Poggin."

Mike frowned, because the terrain along the coast was not suitable for ambushes. "What should I do?" Mike thought deeply.

"Mike, Duke Charles's army only has 160,000 troops in 4 legions. I think we only need to send out 3 divisions, which is enough to injure them? If the terrain is not suitable, there is no need to lay an ambush." ​​Thomas suggested road.

"What about the enemies in Munich? Together with the Bavarian army, they have 200,000 people. Can one of our divisions or the troops directly under the regiment stop them? If we are attacked by them on both sides, then our situation will not be good. Wonderful." Mike quickly analyzed the situation, and then raised a question.

"While attacking Duke Charles' army, we can launch a fierce attack on Munich to attract the attention of the Munich army. As long as we can severely damage Duke Charles' army in a short period of time, there will be no problem ’ Thomas suggested with a smile.

"Did I hear you right? Before you said that you would use 3 divisions to attack Charlie's army. Do you think our 1 division can hold back Munich's 200,000 troops?" Mike said angrily. Said. He felt that Thomas was too whimsical. In his opinion, Thomas became the deputy commander of the 88th Army entirely because of his relationship with Xiao Jie, and he didn't have much strength. Of course, the two sides usually get along well, and there will be no such thing as the marshals during the Napilun period who would not save each other.

"One division may not work, but what about the Air Force's airship force? The Air Force has deployed 10 'fortress-type airships, 20 large airships, 40 medium-sized airships and 50 small airships in Bavaria. With their support, We can completely blow up Munich into ruins, then they will not have much strength to resist our attack, and at that time, I believe that the strength of one division is enough to hold back the opponent's 200,000 people." Thomas said with a smile on his face. It seems that he has no idea how many people will die under the bombing of the Air Force if his plan is implemented, including many innocent civilians.

Mike was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Thomas to propose such a 'vicious' plan. Too many people would die if he did so. However, there is no doubt that this is in the best interest of the French army. "Can the Air Force carry out the bombing according to our plan?" Although a little unbearable, Mike still agreed with Thomas' plan.

"If I ask them, there is no problem at all." Thomas replied confidently.

"Okay then, let's implement it according to your plan. But we need to discuss the specific details." Mike said. Afterwards, the two had an in-depth discussion on the plan, speculated on various possible outcomes, and finally came to the conclusion that if nothing unexpected happened, Thomas' plan had a high chance of success.

On April 1, April Fool's Day, the French army's military operations against Munich and the Grand Duke Charles also officially started. First of all, that morning, the air force airship unit that took off from Stuttgart dropped 1,500 tons of bombs in Munich, making the whole of Munich a sea of ​​flames, and a large number of houses were turned into ruins, including the Bavarian palace. During the bombing, he fled into the basement under the protection of the guards, otherwise he would have become the first king in history to be killed by bombing. Hillier's headquarters was also hit by a 100-kilogram bomb, killing several staff officers. At the same time, the various fortifications that Hillier worked so hard to arrange in Munich were also destroyed. In order to resist the attack of the 88th Army, he envisaged the possibility of street fighting, so he set up a large number of barricades on the streets of Munich, but these were all destroyed by the airship unit of the French Air Force. It made Hillier feel very angry and fearful. Because according to the French army's style of play, no country's army can stop the French army's attack.

After the Air Force's airship unit bombed, they immediately returned to the base to reload. Only one bombing was definitely not enough. At the same time, the 1st Division of the 88th Army also launched a fierce attack on Munich. The city walls of Munich were destroyed in the bombing, and the 1st Division quickly broke into the city, and fierce street fighting broke out between the two sides. Since both the Austrian and Bavarian troops suffered heavy losses in the bombing, they could not resist the fierce attack of the 1st Division at all. I had to keep looking at the West City of Munich (the area where the 1st Division attacked Munich) to send more troops in an attempt to use the bodies of the soldiers to block the advance of the French army. It has to be said that their strategy was still very successful. After the initial victory, it was impossible for the 1st Division to advance on a large scale, but the Munich army was completely held back by the 1st Division.

At this time, other units of the 88th Army also began to move. The 2nd and 3rd Divisions bypass Munich, their destination is a point 60 kilometers east of Munich, while the 4th Division's goal is the back road of Archduke Charles. After getting on fire with Grand Duke Charlie, he cut off the escape route of Grand Duke Charlie who fled eastward.

"Hurry up, all the troops speed up the march." At two o'clock in the afternoon on April 1, on the road from Munich to Poggin, the Austrian army lined up in a long queue was running forward. This is a new order issued by Grand Duke Charles, because he has just received the news from Hillier that Munich has been violently bombed by the French Air Force, and now it is almost unable to withstand the attack of the French army, and he needs to provide timely support. That's why Grand Duke Charles was in such a hurry to hurry.

Suddenly, there was a violent explosion in front of the team, and the team suddenly became agitated. "What's going on in front?" Grand Duke Charlie asked with a dark face.

"Grand Duke, we encountered the interception of the French army ahead. The two sides have already exchanged fire, but the firepower of the French army is very fierce. It may take a lot of time for us to break through their defense line." An officer said angrily. Panting, he reported to Grand Duke Charles.

"Bastard! It must be that the 88th Army doesn't want us to help Munich. General Hillier's situation must be very threatening now. At all costs, break through the blocking of the French army as soon as possible." Grand Duke Charles ordered. It's just that he got a problem completely wrong, that is, it is not Hillier who is in danger, but him.

While Grand Duke Charles was waiting anxiously. 1 hour passed quickly. "What's going on? Why isn't the battle over yet?" Grand Duke Charlie asked an officer.

The officer hurriedly ran to the front to inquire, and then replied: "My lord, there are a lot of French troops in front, it seems to be 30,000 to 40,000 people."

"30,000 to 40,000 people, we have 160,000 people. Tell the front, no matter what method is used, the team must move forward in half an hour." Grand Duke Charles roared. Under his order, the Austrian army launched fierce attacks on the French army again and again, but each time there was no other result except for dropping corpses on the ground.

Just when Grand Duke Charlie wanted to go to the front to have a look in person, the front team was quickly defeated. It turned out that at this time the 4th Division had secretly moved to the rear of Grand Duke Charlie's, the general offensive of the French army began.

Grand Duke Charles also quickly realized his mistake, but it was too late. This is probably what the so-called defeat like a mountain meant. The Austrian army under the onslaught of the French army was unable to organize a favorable counterattack at all, and was still flanked in front. Except for the Inn River in the south, the three divisions of the French army launched a fierce attack on Duke Charles' army from three other directions. The desire to survive stimulated everyone. When someone found that there was no French army in the south, they began to want to swim across the Inn River to save their lives. Driven by a small number of people, fleeing across the river became the general trend of Grand Duke Charlie's army. In the end, of the 160,000 people, only 50,000 to 60,000 people escaped. The rest were either not wiped out or surrendered, and some were drowned while crossing the river.

The reinforcements were completely defeated, and the fate of Munich was sealed. The 88th Army began its final attack on Munich, and Hillier, who knew that everything must be done, also issued an order to break through. In the end, only more than 20,000 people from the three Austrian legions stationed in Munich successfully broke through. Hillier is one of them.

After Munich was captured, the fighting in Bavaria was completely over. In the next stage, it is time to turn the flames of war to the Austrian mainland. In this battle, the 88th Army annihilated and captured more than 230,000 Austrian troops and more than 100,000 Bavarian troops, while its own casualties were less than 20,000. This record once again proves that the 88th Army is still the most powerful Legion.

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