Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 357: Turkish raid

"Everyone, now that we have temporarily resolved the threat from the west, at least for a long time to come, we will not face the dilemma of fighting on two fronts. Therefore, we now have enough time to resolve the threat from the east of the empire. It has been more than a year since the end of the last war, presumably our two friends have slowly recovered their strength, and are ready to move." Xiao Jie said with a smile at the enlarged cabinet meeting held after the settlement of Britain. He was very happy that the British issue was perfectly resolved.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Since two months ago, we have discovered that Austria and Russia have increasingly close secret exchanges. They may be secretly planning something that is not good for our country." Minister of State Security Sikes said.

"To strengthen intelligence collection, we must find out what the two countries are doing!" Xiao Jie said.

"I'll arrange for someone to do it."

"By the way, how is our infiltration of Austria going?" Xiao Jie asked suddenly. After the end of the last war, under Xiao Jie's order, the French Ministry of National Security, Military Intelligence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly started operations to infiltrate Austria. The Austrian Empire was made up of countless kingdoms and principalities. Among them, the largest ones are the Kingdom of Austria, the Kingdom of Hungary, the Principality of Bohemia, the Principality of Slovakia, the Principality of Slovenia and the Principality of Croatia. Among them, the Kingdom of Austria is the most powerful, and the king of the Kingdom of Austria is also the emperor of the Austrian Empire and the king of the Kingdom of Hungary. In order to collapse this powerful Central European empire, France began to secretly contact other kingdoms or principalities of the Austrian Empire, hoping to split Austria and completely resolve this threat.

"Your Majesty, the special envoys we sent have secretly contacted the leaders of other countries except the Kingdom of Austria. Among them, the Grand Duke of the Kingdom of Hungary clearly rejected us, and the Grand Duke of Bohemia showed a willingness to cooperate, but They asked us to agree to Bohemia becoming an independent country. The Grand Duke of the Principality of Slovakia is a little vacillating, but I believe that if Bohemia succeeds in independence, they will definitely agree to cooperate with us immediately. As for the Principality of Slovenia and The Principality of Croatia has not responded." Gregor replied.

"Intensify the infiltration of other countries, and make sure as many members of the Austrian Empire fall to us." Xiao Jie said. It is said that revolutionary fortresses are often breached from within. If Austria can be split like this, then France will save a lot of strength. Among the member states of the Austrian Empire, the Principality of Bohemia ranks third in strength. If the Principality of Bohemia can be separated from Austria, then Austria's strength will be greatly reduced. At that time, the French army will even be able to directly threaten the capital and hinterland of the Austrian Empire from Bohemia.

Undoubtedly, according to Xiao Jie's request, a large number of betrayals and betrayals were secretly carried out among the member states of the Austrian Empire. This move by France is fundamentally shaking the foundation of Austria.

"What about our preparations? How are you doing?" Xiao Jie asked. In any case, one's own strength is the most important thing, and infiltrating Austria is just to reduce the resistance that may be encountered in the future.

Under everyone's gaze, Eck stood up slowly. Of course, only he, the chief of the French army's general staff, could answer this question accurately. "Your Majesty, after the end of the war against Britain, we have already started to prepare war reserves. At present, except for the 89th Army, the French 1st Army, and the Marine Corps, all other troops are fully staffed and their combat effectiveness has also returned to full strength. At the peak, the morale of the soldiers was also very high. Among them, the legions on the front line have made some adjustments and can launch attacks on the enemy in a very short period of time. Among them, the Iberian 1st Army is still stationed in northern Italy, the Iberian The 3rd Army is stationed in southern Slovenia. As long as the war breaks out, the two armies can cross the Alps, cross the Sava River, and attack Austria from the south within a week. The 2nd Iberian Army is stationed in Bavaria. In general, the war against Austria will be mainly completed by the three Iberian legions. In addition, the 89th legion is also stationed on the Lorraine Plateau. Once the war changes, they can quickly join the war. The French 3rd legion They were deployed to Poland. After the war began, they will work with the French 2nd Army stationed in Pulis and the French 4th Army stationed in the Netherlands to prevent possible attacks by the Russian army. We also have 4 legions in reserve , Once the mobilization order is issued, they can form an army within a month. In addition, the strength of our slave states has also developed greatly. Among them, the Kingdom of Poland has formed a total of 3 legions with a total strength of 120,000 people. The Kingdom of Prussia Also formed two legions with a total of 100,000 troops. The Kingdom of Saxony formed 4 infantry divisions with a total of 60,000 troops. The Kingdom of Bavaria formed two legions with a total of 80,000 troops. The Kingdom of Thuringia formed 1 The legion has a total strength of 40,000 people. Since their troops are basically trained by instructors sent by us, and a large number of middle and senior generals are also served by French, these troops are also completely controlled by our country. That is to say, if When the war broke out, we were able to get at least 300,000 troops from the slave countries. Although their strength is not very good, they can still help us a lot, such as defending the occupied areas and fighting guerrillas."

After listening to Eck's report, Xiao Jie nodded. Compared with last year, although the French army has not achieved much development, its strength is undoubtedly the strongest in the whole of Europe and the world. "What about Austria and Russia? I believe that after a year of development, their military strength should have been greatly developed." Xiao Jie said with a smile, as if he didn't take these two countries seriously.

"In response to the pressure we have given, Austria and Russia have been developing their military power militaristically for more than a year. About half of the national GDP has been used on it. Now, Austria has an army of 700,000, which is divided into 15 Ordinary Corps and Guard Corps. In addition, the Austrian Air Force has also been greatly developed. They have now mastered the manufacturing technology of medium-sized airships, and are equipped with 100 medium-sized airships and 300 small airships. The total force is about 10 An air force of 10,000 people. Although Austria's current military strength is extremely large, its combat effectiveness is not as high as that of our slave countries. Except for the opponent's air force, we don't seem to have to worry too much. The Russian army remains at around 120 Among them, there are 200,000 cavalry units mainly composed of Cossack cavalry, and the air force has also been greatly developed with the help of Austria, equipped with about 200 medium-sized airships and small airships." Eck replied.

Everyone's face changed a little. They never expected that Austria and Russia would grow so powerful in just one year. Indeed, it is indeed very powerful in terms of military strength. The combined total military strength of the two countries is almost twice that of France. However, as the saying goes, soldiers are more valuable than many. Even if they have an absolute advantage in military strength, once a war breaks out, France will definitely have the upper hand.

"Restore the combat effectiveness of the 89th Army and the French 1st Army as soon as possible. Before the war begins, we must keep our military strength at its peak." Xiao Jie said seriously.

Next, the various French ministries began to actively prepare for the upcoming war. God knows when the war will break out. It is always good to prepare earlier. France's huge war machine began to work.

On the afternoon of August 12, Xiao Jie was processing some documents. At this time, Eke hurried into his office.

"My dear Chief of Staff, what made you panic? Could it be that **** Austria or Russia launched an attack on us?" Xiao Jie said with a smile.

"No, not Austria and Russia, but Turkey." Eck gasped.

"What? Turkey!" Xiao Jie called him in surprise. Could it be that this declining empire dared to attack the mighty France after eating the heart of a bear? Have they forgotten the fiasco 5 years ago?

"Yes, Your Majesty. Only Turkey. Yesterday morning, the Turkish Empire dispatched 180,000 troops to launch a surprise attack on the Jewish State. The Jewish Army was caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. At present, the defense lines of the Jewish State have been opened. The Turkish army is marching straight to Jerusalem." Eck calmed down and said.

"Damn it, the Jewish state has only 30,000 troops. How could it be Turkey's opponent? Jerusalem is in danger this time. Damn it, is it true that the Jewish state has not noticed Turkey's military intentions at all? If a large-scale military transfer is impossible You can hide it." Xiao Jie said angrily. On the one hand, it was because of Turkey's sudden attack, and on the other hand, it was because the Jewish state was so bad. The Jewish State is an ally of France, and Turkey is provoking France by doing so.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Eck asked.

"What else can we do? Of course we sent troops for help. It's just that the journey is too far. I hope the Jewish state can persist until our troops arrive." Xiao Jie said helplessly. If France wants to rescue the Jewish state, it needs to cross almost the entire Mediterranean Sea, plus military mobilization and the like, it will take at least a month. During this period, whether the Jewish state can hold on, only God knows.

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