Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 374: black sea fleet

With the help of the navy, a sea line of transport from western France to northern Poland was soon established. Starting from the Le Havre Naval Base in western France, crossing the English Channel, the North Sea, bypassing the Jutland Peninsula, passing through the Kattegat Strait, entering the Baltic Sea, and finally reaching Gdynia, Vistula Bay in northern Poland, Cities such as Gdansk and Elblag. According to calculations, the entire voyage will take two months to go back and forth. The nearly 300 transport ships mobilized by the Ministry of the Navy can transport about 2 million tons of various materials to northern Poland at one time, and then transfer them from northern Poland to various places. Warehouses or frontline troops. In order to ensure the safety of the route, the navy specially dispatched a fleet of 22 warships including various warships from the Strait Fleet to **** the transport fleet. Of course, in the entire European waters, no country's navy is an opponent of the French navy, and it is even more impossible for the pirates active in Northern Europe to attack the French transport fleet unless they want to suffer strong retaliation from the French navy.

The opening of the French army's northern sea transport line caused panic in Russia. Because this means that the role of the guerrillas they spent a lot of energy on forming will be greatly reduced. Moreover, as long as the French army solves the problem of supplies, it will definitely prepare for a large-scale attack next, and now Russia is simply unable to resist the large-scale attack of the French army. Therefore, the Russian army must destroy the French army's sea transportation lines.

First of all, Russia secretly sent envoys to contact the pirates active in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, hoping that they could rob the French army's sea transport fleet. But when those pirate organizations heard that they were going to rob the French army's transport convoy escorted by a large number of warships, they immediately rejected Russia's request and believed that Russia was deliberately embarrassing them. Against the powerful French navy, isn't that courting death? Let's not talk about whether they can successfully rob under the **** of the French navy. Even if they succeed, the revenge of the French navy is not something they can bear.

In the end, Nicholas had no choice but to send the Russian Baltic Fleet to actively attack France's northern sea transportation line. The Baltic Sea is the largest fleet of the Russian Navy. The fleet was built during the period of Peter the Great and has always been the focus of the development of the Russian Navy. After nearly two hundred years of development, the Baltic Fleet has formed a fleet of more than 70 warships, including various warships, which is the largest fleet on the Baltic Sea coast. But compared with the French Navy, this seems a bit insignificant. The three major fleets of the French Navy can easily defeat the Russian Baltic Fleet. The Russian Baltic Fleet is mainly composed of 3 first-class battleships, 7 second-class battleships, 15 third-class battleships, 25 gunboats and 20 three-masted clippers. All are old-fashioned warships from the age of sail.

In order to destroy the French sea transport line, Nicholas dispatched most of the warships of the Baltic Fleet, including two first-class battleships, four second-class battleships, ten third-class battleships, 15 gunboats and 10 three-masted clippers. Including the huge fleet. Nicholas knew the power of the French navy well, so he had no delusion to defeat the French naval **** fleet. The orders he sent to the fleet were to try their best to destroy the French transport ships. Only by destroying these transport ships could they Completely destroy the French sea transportation line.

At the end of June, the French transport fleet arrived in northern Poland for the first time, while the Russian naval fleet was already waiting in Vistula Bay at this time. Fierce naval battles broke out immediately, and the French **** fleet mainly consisted of 1 "Pre-Dreadnought" class warship, 7 "Bonaparte" class warships and 14 "Iberia" class warships. In terms of the number of warships, they are at an absolute disadvantage. But in terms of combat effectiveness, the French **** fleet is in an absolute advantage. Not to mention that the performance of the warships of the French **** fleet is many times higher than that of the Russian Navy. Even in terms of the quality of naval soldiers, the Russian Navy is absolutely inferior. How can the French navy, which has experienced many battles, be comparable to the Russian navy huddled in the Baltic Sea.

The strategic purpose of the Russian navy was very clear. The battleships dragged out the French navy, while the gunboats and three-masted clippers attacked those transport ships that had no defense. But the wishful thinking of the Russian army was obviously wrong. In just the first three salvos, the Russian Navy was destroyed with one second-tier battleship and three third-tier battleships. The Russian gunboats and three-masted clippers that tried to hunt down the French transport fleet were stopped by 10 "Iberia"-class warships from the French **** fleet. The "Iberia" class battleship powered by steam engines is no slower than the three-masted clippers in speed, but its combat effectiveness is far beyond that of the three-masted clippers. Except for a few gunboats and three-masted clippers, all other warships were stopped. The one-sided killing quickly unfolded, and the Russian army was no match for the French **** fleet at all. In just half an hour, the Russian fleet lost most of its warships. After solving their opponents, a large number of Iberia-class warships began to chase those Russian warships that slipped through the net. At this time, one of the French naval transport ships had been sunk and one had been damaged. Fortunately, it was loaded with food and clothing, otherwise the loss would be great. Two hours later, except for the two three-masted clippers that fled first, the other warships of the Russian fleet were sent to the bottom of the sea. The French side only paid the price of two transport ships being sunk, three transport ships being damaged, and two "Iberia" class warships and one "Bonaparte" class warship being slightly injured. For this result, the French side is still acceptable.

However, on the Russian side, there are some tears. The last hope is also shattered. I believe that after these supplies arrive at the front line, the large-scale French offensive will soon begin. Nicholas also gave up hope in other aspects, and concentrated on training the army, hoping to drag the war on. You must know that it is almost July now, as long as the Russian army can last until November, when the cold winter comes, Russia will have a chance to win.

While Russia was trying every means to destroy France's northern sea transportation line, the French Mediterranean Fleet also began to gather in Istanbul. In order to completely destroy the Russian Black Sea Fleet and gain control of the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Fleet spent a lot of money this time. The only "Dreadnought" class battleship "Brave", two "Pre-Dreadnought" class battleships came, namely the "Grand Duke" and "Peninsula", and 6 "Bonaparte" class battleships came , 'Iberia' class warships also assembled 15 ships. The strength assembled in Istanbul is almost equivalent to more than 60% of the total strength of the Mediterranean Fleet.

And what about the Russian Black Sea Fleet? It is nothing more than a fleet of more than 40 warships. With such strength, it is okay to bully the weak Turkish navy, but against the French navy, it will be dead.

The news that the French navy was gathering in Istanbul made Russia very panicked. They guessed that France must want to get involved in the Black Sea. Therefore, Nikolai urgently ordered the Black Sea Fleet to prepare for battle and remain vigilant at all times. At the same time, a large army was deployed to deploy defenses in Crimea. However, due to the lack of troops, the 24th Army had to be transferred from the Southern Front Army to the Crimea Peninsula.

On June 12, the French fleet set sail from Istanbul, crossed the Bosporus Strait, and entered the Black Sea. As soon as the French fleet left the port, the news was immediately discovered by the Russian spies stationed in Istanbul, and they quickly passed the news back. Istanbul is not far from the Crimea Peninsula, about 600 nautical miles. For the French Navy, only two days of sailing is enough.

In the middle of the night of June 13, Admiral Sergey, commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, received news that the French Navy had left Istanbul. The admiral did not dare to delay, and immediately sent someone to find the deputy commander and chief of staff of the fleet, as well as the head of the 24th Army Corps, and discuss with them how to face the attack of the powerful French fleet.

"You two, just got the news that the French fleet left Istanbul on the morning of the 12th. According to the time, they will arrive at the Crimea Peninsula before noon tomorrow, and Sevastopol, which is a naval base, must belong to the French fleet. Focus on the target." Sergey said with a gloomy face. He knew that if he went to war with the French fleet, his Black Sea Fleet would undoubtedly lose.

As soon as Sergey finished speaking the other three were taken aback, and the head of the 24th Legion even exclaimed: "It came so fast!"

"Do you know how many troops are accompanying?" asked the head of the 24th Army Corps. This is what he cares about the most. The navy is naturally handed over to the navy to deal with. His opponent is the French landing force.

"It is said that they do not have a landing force accompanying them. They may want to be sent by the landing force after defeating our fleet," Sergey said.

Hearing this sentence, the head of the 24th Legion was overjoyed, but he didn't show it.

"Commander, what is the strength of the French Navy? Is our Black Sea Fleet capable of fighting?" asked the deputy commander of the Black Sea Fleet.

Sergey nodded, and then said: "You can fight the French fleet, but you will definitely lose."

The atmosphere suddenly seemed a little silent. Sergey smiled wryly and said: "It's not that I intend to attack you, but it's the fact. The incoming French fleet included 1 'Dreadnought' class battleship, two 'Pre-Dreadnought' class battleships, 6 'Bonaparte' ships Class warships and 15 'Iberia' class warships. Their strength is definitely not something our Black Sea Fleet can deal with."

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