Napoleon II Reborn

Chapter 452: the way out

Chapter 452: The Way Out

After occupying Reykjavik, Davis sent troops to pursue the remnants of the French army on the one hand, and organized personnel to repair the port on the other hand. After all, only when the port is reopened can a large amount of supplies be transported to Iceland as quickly as possible. The US military's construction of Iceland can also be launched.

Two days after the US captured Reykjavik, the Canadian fleet also arrived in Iceland. Accompanying them were 5 thousand marines. However, Davis did not let them land in Reykjavik, but let them continue to sail southeast after replenishing supplies. To occupy the second support point in the entire active defense plan.

One day later, that is, on May 20, the Canadian fleet finally arrived in the Faroe Islands. Although this is an autonomous region of Denmark, there is no military garrison on the islands. There are only less than two hundred police officers to maintain the daily law and order of the islands. The arrival of the Canadian army caused panic among the residents of the Faroe Islands.

In the afternoon, the Canadian fleet bombarded Tórshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands. The Faroese immediately and wisely surrendered. In this way, the Canadians only paid a few shells and took the entire Faroe Islands into their pockets.

Subsequently, the United States and Canada began to continuously send troops to Iceland, the Faroe Islands and the island of Ireland. In the end, the force on Iceland reached 150,000, the force on the Faroe Islands reached 50,000, and the force on Ireland reached 200,000. Moreover, a large amount of strategic materials have also begun to be transported to these places. The United States and Canada are determined to build these three places into the strongest bridgeheads against France this time.

Similarly, in order to enhance the power in these areas, the US and Canadian navies have also sent fleets to station in these areas. Among them, the US 7th and 9th Fleets are stationed in Iceland. The Canadian 2nd Fleet is stationed in Torres Harbour. The U.S. 10th Fleet is based in Cork, Ireland.

Since then, the United States and Canada have formed a defense chain in the eastern part of the North Atlantic with Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and the island of Ireland as strongholds, and it is also a solid line of defense that prevents the French navy from entering the North Atlantic.

Although it knew that this would seriously damage the interests of France, France still did not take any measures against it. It just strengthened the defense of the coastal areas. Another point is that under Xiao Jie's strict order, the French army launched large-scale offensives in Eastern Europe and Northern Europe. The intention is to end the war in Europe as soon as possible.

In Northern Europe, Field Marshal Monty, following the orders of the General Staff, divided the army in his hands into two parts. Attack Oslo northwestward with the 2nd Marine Corps Division and many slave countries with a total of about 300,000 troops. The main force of the 89th Army moved east to attack Stockholm. Eliminate Sweden, the leader of the Kalmar Alliance.

Moreover, the French 3rd Army of Marshal Lanz is also actively preparing for the war, ready to cross the South Kvarken Strait with the help of the French Baltic Fleet at any time, and land directly in eastern Sweden, threatening the Swedish capital Stockholm.

However, despite the preparations made by the French army, Sweden and Norway still have certain combat effectiveness. It may take some time to completely end the Nordic War.

Compared with the war in Northern Europe, in Eastern Europe, the French army has an absolute advantage. The French army has achieved very good records on all fronts, and the armies of the three Eastern European countries were almost beaten without the power to fight back.

In the Russian Democratic Republic in the north, the French 4th Army, the Polish Army, and the French Marine Corps formed a coalition of three divisions to attack St. Petersburg from the north and east. Nearly 300,000 Russian Democratic Republic troops were compressed around St. Peter. Although the Russian Democratic Republic has certain advantages in terms of military strength, they lack equipment, especially the more than 100,000 newly recruited troops, many of whom do not even have a rifle. Often two or three people share a rifle. When fighting, they often went to the battlefield with a spear, and then waited beside their comrades. After his comrades are killed, they continue to fight after taking over the rifles from their comrades. It is precisely because of this that although the Russian Democratic Republic has been exposed, it is still able to withstand the French army's attack.

Compared with the Russian Democratic Republic, the situation of the Russian Federation is much worse. Although their national strength is much stronger than that of the Russian Democratic Republic, and after the outbreak of the war, they frantically expanded their strength to 500,000. But after nearly two months of fierce fighting, only half of that number remained. And the elite troops were basically lost. What they faced was two elite French troops. French 2nd Army and Iberian 2nd Army. Now, the French 2nd Army has approached the city of Moscow, and the Iberian 2nd Army has also conquered Smolensk, an important town west of Moscow. Now, only Moscow and a few cities around it remain under the control of the Federal Republic of Russia.

As the kingdom of Russia with the weakest Chinese power in the three Eastern European countries, it also suffered heavy losses in the face of the attack of the Iberian 3rd Army. Now, there are less than 80,000 troops left in the entire country to guard the capital Orenburg. And under their city, there are more than 100,000 troops of the Iberian 3rd Army.

It can be said that the war has progressed to this point, and it has reached the last moment of the war in Eastern Europe. The goddess of victory has already set off her skirts against France.

Under such circumstances, the three Eastern European countries held urgent consultations. Representatives of the three countries held an emergency meeting in the basement of an inconspicuous residential building in Yaroslavl, north of Moscow, with the meaning of their respective countries. In order to be able to exchange views with the country in a timely manner, they even set up 6 radio stations around the residential area, so that the three representatives can quickly negotiate according to the meaning of the country. The three countries know very well that only by uniting can they have a chance of survival. If you act alone, it will only give France a chance to defeat each, so that the death will be faster.

The representative of the Republic of the Russian Federation is a middle-aged Alexei, the head of the intelligence service of the Republic of the Russian Federation. A very insidious character. Igor of the Russian Democratic Republic, he is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Democratic Republic, a wily old man. The representative of the Kingdom of Russia is a charming young woman named Xenia, who is one of the directors of the intelligence department of the Kingdom of Russia. According to legend, she has another identity, that is, the lover of the king of the Russian Kingdom, otherwise she would never be able to hold a high position in the Eastern European countries dominated by men.

"Everyone is here, so let's start." Alexey, who was the host, said. Although the strength of the Federal Republic of Russia is not as good as before, Alexei still habitually believes that the Federal Republic of Russia is the leader of the three Eastern European countries.

Igor and Xenia didn't pay too much attention, and they came to their seats and sat down.

"The current situation is very critical for our three countries. Our army may be defeated by the French at any time. Therefore, our three countries must abandon all prejudices and unite closely so that we can A chance to get a chance to survive," Alexey said.

Igor and Xenia nodded, seeking the closest cooperation among the three countries, which was also their goal.

"Then, Mr. Alexei, the enemy is very strong now, and our three countries have reached the end of their ropes. How do you think we can resist the French attack?" Xenia asked. Compared with the other two countries, the current situation of the Kingdom of Russia is undoubtedly the worst.

"Yes, although in terms of military strength, there is almost no difference between us and the French, but the real combat effectiveness is very different." Igor said with emotion. At the beginning of the outbreak of the war, the total strength of the three countries exceeded 1 million after crazy military expansion. However, in less than two months, half of it has been lost. The losses of the French army were minimal.

Alek said that Xenia and the two also looked silent. "I have begun to doubt now, was our decision to oppose France really right?" Xenia said helplessly.

"In any case, we are all for the independence of the country. Even now, I still have no regrets." Alexey said firmly.

"Then what do you think we should do? Our Alliance is now overwhelmed, and it is impossible to rescue us. And the Americans, in my opinion, forget it. Even if they have this It is absolutely impossible to do it. Therefore, we can only rely on ourselves." Igor said.

"I believe that we can only unite, and it is not hopeless. I just got the news that the United States and Canada have started a large-scale attack on France. They have already occupied Iceland and have vigorously increased their troops on the island of Ireland. France and Canada The decisive battle between the United States and Canada is coming, as long as we can persist until that moment, then we still have hope of winning." Alexey said.

"I don't think so. According to the news we got, the Americans captured Iceland just to build a bridgehead against France. And the final decisive battle between France, the United States and Canada is not something we can wait for." Igor retorted.

Alexei blushed instantly. The reason why he said that was just to boost everyone's morale. Just about to explode, Kseniya interjected: "You two, we don't need to argue on this issue. Our main purpose today is to discuss a way out for our three countries in the future, rather than focusing on the recent actions taken by the United States. Action. After all, it is too far away for us, and there is not much time left for us."

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