"Who was it that forced Sasuke into a desperate situation? Who was it that instilled in him the idea of ​​gaining great power? Who is it?"

Uchiha Xiao's three consecutive questions left Itachi speechless. He did not dare to look directly into Uchiha Xiao's eyes. However, Uchiha Xiao did not let go and continued to torture him.

"It was you, Uchiha Itachi, who turned this positive boy into a humanoid monster filled with only revenge."

Uchiha Xiao's words were very calm, as if he was telling a ridiculous story.

"Am I wrong? Who turned Sasuke into a monster?"

Itachi felt hairy all over after hearing this. He stared blankly ahead with his eyes wide open, as if Sasuke's soul was standing in front of him.

Uchiha Xiao did not stop speaking. He continued to talk to Itachi:

"Admit it, Uchiha Itachi, you are such a selfish person, selfishly paving the way for Sasuke, selfishly wanting him to dedicate himself to Konoha, selfishly giving Sasuke your own love."

"It was your selfishness that destroyed Sasuke. You are not a qualified brother."Uchiha Xiao is telling the truth. This is his true thought about the relationship between Sasuke and Itachi.

At this time, Itachi no longer had the anger just now, his eyes were glassy, ​​and the entanglement in his mind became a mess. Every moment with Sasuke in the past came to mind.

Sasuke's smile, Sasuke's affectionate calling of brother 25, the disbelief in Sasuke's eyes, and Sasuke's almost crazy killing intent....

Uchiha Xiao looked at Itachi's appearance and knew that Itachi believed what he said. He slowly stood up and looked at the constantly moving tree roots and vines.

"It was not me who killed Sasuke with my own hands, but you, Uchiha Itachi!"After saying that, Uchiha Xiao ignored him. He looked at the changed sacred tree and walked towards the sacred tree.

Only Itachi was left alone, messy in the wind.

Uchiha Xiao walked to the sacred tree. Approaching, he stretched out his hand to touch the sacred tree, but the sacred tree did not react at all. Instead, it continued to absorb Sasuke's chakra.

Uchiha Xiao's eyes narrowed. It seemed that what the sacred tree wanted was The Chakra of the Ten-Tails, if he remembered correctly, the sacred tree absorbed the Chakra of the Ten-Tails......

Uchiha Xiao looked up at the top of the sacred tree. At this time, the silver moon was just above the top, and at the top of the sacred tree, a light blue ball was shining in the moonlight.

Soon, the light became brighter and brighter, and even everyone present and the ninja coalition noticed the strange changes in the sacred tree.

Obito, who was hiding in the dark and observing secretly, looked shocked. Could it be that Uchiha Xiao had other plans?

Most people thought the same as him, thinking that Uchiha Xiao had come up with something to enhance his strength.

However, Uchiha Xiao knew that this was not within the scope of his consideration, and he did not expect that without the intervention of Black Zetsu, the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki would still be swallowed by the sacred tree.


A smile appeared on Uchiha Xiao's face. There are no strong people in the ninja world now, and what is about to appear next can just fill Uchiha Xiao's boring heart.

Come out! Kaguya!

The moonlight seemed to be shining on the light blue ball on purpose. Soon, the light blue ball began to slowly descend and landed at the bottom of the sacred tree.

The next second, it suddenly became larger. If you look closely, you can see that the blue surface seems to be human hair!


The hair expanded rapidly, and a figure appeared from the thick hair.


Everyone was shocked. The birth of the fruit of the sacred tree was beyond their comprehension. How could a person be born from this sacred tree?

Everyone turned their attention to the person who came out.

From the delicate and cold facial features, it can be seen that this is a woman. At the same time, the skin is so pale that it is like a piece of white paper.

Moving his gaze upward, aren't those white pupils the Hyuga clan's unique pupil technique, Byakugan?!

The Hyuga clan watching the battle were also surprised. Isn't this battle between Uchiha and Senju? Why is there something about our Hyuga clan?!

Moving his gaze upwards, he saw a pair of eye-catching brown horns, and his light blue hair was scattered on the ground like a waterfall.

The large robe covered the woman's figure, and the style of the robe was also very simple, but the magatama pattern on it seemed to indicate her extraordinary status.

The Sharingan under Obito's mask kept trembling. Obito was afraid. To be precise, his Sharingan was afraid.

Obito covered his eyes and murmured:"This feeling...What exactly is going on?!"It seemed as if there was a suppression of blood coming from that woman.

The same feeling was felt by the two brothers Uchiha Itachi and Senju.

Tobirama frowned and looked at Kaguya:"This woman......"

As we all know, the Second Hokage likes to do research very much, and he has studied a deity called the"Goddess of Uma" before. Judging from the description, it seems to be the same as the woman in front of him!

Feeling the dense gazes around her, the woman couldn't help but frown. At this time, he noticed the man standing in front of him.

The woman's pupils shrank because he saw the man's Rinne Sharingan. At the same time, he also felt extremely powerful power from the man!

This power even surpasses the power of the Otsutsuki clan outside the earth.

Uchiha Xiao felt Kaguya's gaze, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:"Welcome to the world two thousand years later, Otsutsuki Kaguya."

Hearing Uchiha Xiao's words, everyone was surprised again. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Two thousand years later? Is this woman an ancient person from two thousand years ago? They remember that two thousand years ago was the era of the Six Paths Immortal. What is the relationship between this woman and the Six Paths Immortal?

Countless questions lingered in their minds.

Kaguya looked at Uchiha Xiao, and he felt a familiar feeling from Uchiha Xiao

"Are you the one who resurrected 560 Aijia?"Kaguya's voice was really nice, a little noble, a little cold.

Uchiha Xiao pondered for a moment, and then said:"Although there are some differences, it can be said that."

He had no intention of resurrecting Kaguya, but at this point, let's make a mistake.

And he can also use this to learn about the information about the Otsutsuki clan outside the earth.

Kaguya is also feeling strange in her heart. , why didn’t you feel the aura of Hei Jue? Has Hei Jue died? It seems that the entire world has undergone tremendous changes in the past two thousand years, and even Hei Jue has not been able to escape death.

"Ai Jia feels a very familiar aura from you."Kaguya said.

Uchiha Xiao didn't hide anything and said directly:"Oh! I am your filial son, a descendant of Otsutsuki Hagoromo, Uchiha Xiao"


Kaguya thought of the figures of Hagoromo and Hamura. These two children, who were supposed to love their mothers, sealed her biological mother on the moon for the sake of the so-called common people in the world.

A trace of resentment flashed between Kaguya's eyebrows. Although she was a goddess, she was also a woman. Her emotional psychology made her very sad for the betrayal of her two sons.

Furthermore, the look he looked at Uchiha Xiao was even more indifferent than before.

"Didn’t you expect that it’s already two thousand years later?...Descendants of Yuyi, tell me, what is your purpose of resurrecting the Ai family!".

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