Obito's expression remained unchanged. Before, he might have started to become sarcastic.

Obito stretched out his hand and interrupted the two elders' reminiscence:"You two don't need to say anything more. I came here just for the surrender letter."

Mito and Koharu showed awkward smiles

"Ahem..."Mito pretended to cough, and then said to Obito:"We didn't expect Mr. Obito to come so quickly. As for the surrender letter, we just drafted it, so...Ha ha......"

Obito said directly:"I can wait."

Obito's words were very cold and hard, which made the two elders who were used to being smooth a little uncomfortable.

The two elders had no choice but to laugh awkwardly, and then arranged a place for Obito to live.

The reason why Obito is so polite, besides the change in his personality, is that he really feels guilty towards Konoha.

Whether it was the Nine-Tails Rebellion or the death of the Fourth Generation, they had caused a lot of damage to Konoha directly or indirectly, so although he was a so-called messenger, he was not arrogant and domineering.

However, compared to Obito's politeness, Uchiha Xiao was much tougher.

His first stop was to Yunyin Village.

After all, Uchiha Xiao personally killed three Raikage 02, so he still has some special feelings for Kumogakure.

Uchiha Xiao didn't make any cover up and walked directly into Kumo Hidden Village.

In an instant, the alarm sounded, and the villagers who had been obsessed with Raikage's death ran in all directions.

A group of ninjas surrounded Uchiha Xiao, claiming to be surrounded, but the Kumogakure ninjas were unarmed and did not reveal their weapons to Uchiha Xiao.

A ninja stepped forward with courage:"Uchiha Xiao, it's not a war period now, please don't come any closer!"

Uchiha Xiao showed a sarcastic smile:"Since it's a non-war period, don't block my way. Get out!"

When the word"get out" was shouted, the surrounding ninjas felt as if their ears were struck by lightning, their ears were ringing and their eyes were dizzy, and some even fainted and fell to the ground.

However, the leading ninja remained strong. He opened his bloodshot eyes and refused to give in.

Seeing this, Uchiha Xiao's eyes became colder and colder. Too much entanglement would be annoying.

"enough! Let me talk to him."A pleasant female voice came from a distance.

The person who came was blond and blue-eyed, with a hot figure. Under her short hair was a delicate and charming face. A group of ninjas followed her behind her.

"I'm Samui, and I'm temporarily in charge of Raikage's affairs. If you have any questions, you can talk to me. Samyi said coldly, and the ninja finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground.

Uchiha Xiao glanced at the ninja and sneered:"The ninjas in your village are really conscientious in their duties. If they say they won't let in, they won't let in." ,Admirable."

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's cynicism, a big stone hung in Samyi's heart. After all, Uchiha Xiao's strength was really terrifying.

Samyi's cold face had to squeeze out a smile today:"I'm really sorry, Mr. Uchiha Xiao. Uchiha

Xiao showed an indifferent expression again:"Forget it, your Cloud Hidden Village will no longer exist in a short time, and I am too lazy to pursue you.""

Hearing Uchiha Xiao's words, Samyi's smiling face suddenly froze, and finally showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Thank you Mr. Xiao for not pursuing further. Let's go to the conference room to talk." Samyi said respectfully.

Anyone who knew Samyi couldn't believe that Samyi could act so flattering. After all, even in front of the Raikage, Samyi still kept his cold face.

But no Thinking of Uchiha Xiao's arrival, Samyi was like a puppy wagging its tail begging for mercy.

Uchiha Xiao suddenly stopped in his steps, then turned his head and looked at Samyi's face.

"Please, what can I do?......"

Samyi's cheeks were slightly red from being stared at. After all, if Uchiha Xiao said that he was second in appearance, no one would compete with him for first place.

Big bosses have always been popular in Kumoyin Village, and Samui didn't see many handsome men like Uchiha Xiao.

Uchiha Xiao showed a smile that moved Samyi's heart, and then said:"You'd better stop smiling, it's ugly."

Samyi was stunned for a moment. This was the first time someone said she was ugly in her growth.!

Although he wanted to be angry, Samui's anger disappeared when he thought that the other party was Uchiha Xiao.

She had no choice but to put away her smile and respectfully invited Uchiha Xiao into the conference room of the Raikage Building.

Entering the conference room, Uchiha Xiao was too lazy to be polite and said directly:"As for me, I only have two things to do. The first is to announce the surrender and issue a joint statement with the five major ninja villages in three days."

Samyi asked :"Excuse me, what is the content of the statement?"

Uchiha Xiao said loudly:"It is said that the five major ninja villages will disband themselves in three days, and the five major countries will merge with the territories of other countries to form a new country."

Although. I was already prepared for Uchiha Xiao's request, but the moment I heard it, my heart was still pounding.

Put all the countries in the world together?

Even if he is as strong as Uchiha Xiao, this sounds like too much of a dream.

For a moment, Samyi had a pessimistic attitude towards Uchiha Xiao's proposition in his heart, but there was no way, they were defeated now, and they had to accept it even if they didn't accept it.

Samyi nodded in humiliation:"We understand, does Mr. Xiao have any other requests?"......"

Uchiha Xiao said directly:"How do you know that I still have requests?"

Samyi's voice was choked. After all, it was just her polite words:"...Mr. Xiao just said it’s okay"

"You Yunyin Village also has a sealing scroll, so hand it over."Uchiha Xiao sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and stretched out his hand to Samyi very lazily.

"Mr. Xiao is so powerful, why do he still need these dispensable techniques?"Samyi struggled. This is the crystallization of the wisdom of Cloud Hidden Village over the years. Are you going to hand it over to Uchiha Xiao?

"Let me ask you a question."Uchiha Xiao said

"Why are most people in the land of ninja suffering?"Uchiha Xiao asked.

Samyi did not answer. She stared at Uchiha Xiao.

Uchiha 140 Xiao ignored it and continued:"In addition to the fundamental reason that people cannot understand each other, there is another reason. , that is, the identities of ninjas and common people are not equal."

"The disparity in status is due to the strength gap between ninjas and civilians."

Samyi nodded secretly, is there any problem?

Uchiha Xiao looked at Samyi:"Do you think this kind of asymmetry in status is reasonable? In other words, is it reasonable to put this kind of unreasonableness on the table?"

Samyi didn't answer because she didn't know how to answer. Whether it's reasonable or unreasonable, does it have anything to do with you taking away the seal scroll?

"No, this kind of thing is unreasonable, because the gap between civilians and ninjas is really too big."

Uchiha Xiao said repeatedly: (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"A house that has been in debt for thirty years may be destroyed by ninjas because of an accidental battle. A ranch that has been managed by herdsmen for decades may be burned down by ninjas because of a C-level mission."

Samyi is not a ruthless person. When she heard about the countless sufferings in the world, she felt a wave of hesitation in her heart.

In the end, she couldn't bear to ask:"But this has always been like this in the ninja world! Is it possible? Do you have a solution?!"

Listening to Samyi's gradually increasing volume, Uchiha Xiao was not angry, but stared at Samyi's eyes.

Samyi was so stared at that when she couldn't help but ask, Uchiha Xiao The voice appeared:

"It's always been like this, right?".

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