Ichiki felt that Uchiha Xiao's strength was probably only around that of a genin.

This couldn't help but make Ichishi snort in his heart. Genin are just cannon fodder in the ninja world, let alone in front of a noble Otsutsuki like him?!

"These are all rumors from the outside world. The poor monk is just a walking monk and does not know the magic of immortality."Ishiki showed a warm smile. At first glance, he really looked like an accomplished monk.

Uchiha Xiao showed a regretful expression:"In this case, can I borrow the monk's hand?"

"The hands of a poor monk?"Yi Shi was a little confused.

"Master Cixian, can't you agree to such a small thing?"Uchiha Xiao looked regretful.

Although Ishiki was confused, what should he be afraid of as a mere genin?

It's like an ant trying to shake hands with you. Would you be afraid? I'm afraid you have to be careful not to The ant should be crushed to death in one fell swoop. Isshiki stretched out his hand without hesitation, and Uchiha Xiao held Isshiki's hand.

"Thanks, Otsutsuki Ishiki."Uchiha Xiao's almost flattering smile suddenly became fierce.

When he heard Uchiha Xiao's name, his expression suddenly changed:"You!"

At this moment, the chakra in Uchiha Xiao suddenly increased dramatically!

"!!!"Ichiki wanted to pull his hand out, but it was too late, Uchiha Xiao had already performed the spell.

"The art of flying thunder god!"

The surrounding environment changed rapidly, and Yi Shi discovered that he had arrived in a deserted wilderness.

Yi Shi was horrified. No one knew his identity except for the inner members of the Shell organization. However, the members of the Shell organization He thinks his loyalty is pretty good, why does this happen again?!

At the same time, Ichishiki was also very surprised by the amount of chakra on Uchiha Xiao, because since Uchiha Xiao chatted with him, he has never heard from Uchiha Xiao. Xiao felt too much chakra.

This is where Uchiha Xiao has an advantage in intelligence. He specially used the chakra masking technique to cover up part of his chakra, making his strength look like only Genin.

And the Ishiki will also be hampered by the crowds and complicated eyes, making it inconvenient to observe Uchiha Xiao with his eyes open.

This gives Uchiha Xiao an opportunity to get close to the Ishiki, and even use the Flying Thunder God Technique on the Ishiki.

Ishiki looked at Uchiha Xiao, and his warm expression became very cold, as if he was a different person.

"Who are you? Can you tell me how you got my name?"Yi Shi's eyes were stern, but his words still maintained the pretentiousness that belongs to those in power.

"You alien aesthetics are too crazy. With this hairstyle, did you learn to rap?"Uchiha Xiao looked at him and started to comment on Ishiki's hairstyle.

For high EQ, Yishi's hairstyle is like rap, but for low EQ, it is somewhat ugly.

Especially when paired with Ishiki's stinky face at the moment, It seems even more imbecile.

"Your Excellency has humiliated me several times, but I don’t know that even gods can be angry......."Yi Shi lowered his head, and in the shadow where the sun couldn't reach, a white light flickered between Yi Shi's eyes.

Uchiha Xiao knew that this was a kind of eye roll

"Do you know why I sent you to this place?"Uchiha Xiao showed a confident smile. Facing the gradually increasing momentum of Ishiki, he had no sense of crisis.

Ichiki was startled, and an idea appeared in his mind.


Uchiha Xiao waved his hand, and in an instant, the ground collapsed.

"call! call! call!"

The magenta flames rose up, and at the same time, the ground was covered with dense techniques.

In an instant, Yi Shi felt that his whole body was restricted.

He seemed to feel that his body was weighing a thousand kilograms, and at the same time, chakra was also He was further suppressed.

Yishi stared at the magenta flame, and his extremely cold face finally changed:"This red flame...who are you!"

In this anxious mood, Yi Shi's so-called etiquette was also abandoned by him.

"Ishiki, this is a great gift I prepared for you, you can't help but appreciate it~" Uchiha Xiao said as he tore off the human skin mask on his face. The human skin was torn off, and his handsome face was reflected in Ishiki's Eyes.

His pupils shrank, and then he became clear.

Is it true? With such majestic chakra, there is only Uchiha Xiao in this world.

"It is indeed you, the famous Lord Mingwang......"A burst of cold laughter burst out

"You have a good reputation, Otsutsuki Ishiki, the defeated dog under Kaguya!"Uchiha Xiao said the word"lost dog" emphatically.

Listening to Uchiha Xiao's words, Yishi's pupils shrank.

The most humiliating thing in his life is not that he is condescending to this weak planet now, but that he was a thousand years ago. For his maid and subordinate Kaguya, he was seriously injured!

This was the greatest humiliation in Yi Shi's life. He even dreamed of killing Kaguya! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And Uchiha Xiao said this matter, which undoubtedly stirred up the reverse scale!

0Flowers requested0

"hehe...Earthlings, you are playing with fire!"

"Wedge - state one!"

The straight black stripes were like curse marks, scattered regularly on Yishi's face. At the same time, an unparalleled momentum burst out from his body.

Uchiha Xiao frowned slightly. This was the first time he felt"Wedge""The power of"To be honest, this power surprised Uchiha Xiao.

You know, the current strength of One Style has been somewhat controlled by Uchiha Xiao using formations and Six Paths Immortal Fire, but he didn't expect that when Wedge came out, One Style exploded The power has exceeded Uchiha Xiao's psychological prediction.

And if Uchiha Xiao remembers correctly, there will be a second time in the form of wedge.

Uchiha Xiao couldn't help but frown, and then began to attack the first move.

"Fire escape-the art of dragon fire!"

A huge fire dragon appeared in the air. Under Uchiha Xiao's ultimate chakra control, the fire dragon blasted towards Ichiki at an extremely tricky angle.

Facing the torrential fire, Ishiki's expression was very dull, and he didn't even have any action, just keep your eyes fixed on the fire dragon

"My name is Vigana!"

The next second


The fire dragon suddenly"disappeared"!

Uchiha Xiao's eyesight is very good. He quickly saw that the fire dragon did not disappear, but was shrunk in one move! The small fire dragon was blown away by the breeze. , Ishiki looked at Uchiha Xiao with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

Are you stupid? This is our noble Otsutsuki ability!

However, Uchiha Xiao's expression was not very surprised, as if he had expected it.

Ishiki's face also Gradually he became gloomy:"It seems that that bitch Kaguya told you a lot of things......."

Uchiha Xiao sneered:"Haha, I know more than she knows!"

Even so, Uchiha Xiao still felt a little headache about Yi Shi's weird ability.

The young man named Vigana has the unique ability of Otsutsuki Ishiki.

Basically, it can make anything smaller, but it cannot shrink other living beings except itself. Of course, it only returns to its original size in an instant.

And what's even more deadly is that using Shaoming Vigana in one move is almost instantaneous.

In other words, unless Ishiki cannot see it, most of the ninjutsu are useless to Ishiki, because as long as you look at it, it will shrink directly.

This does feel quite tricky..

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