"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Uchiha Xiao turned into afterimages, flashing left and right in front of Ishiki.

Ishiki's white eyes turned rapidly. Even so, his eyes could not keep up with Uchiha Xiao's speed.

Soon, Uchiha Xiao The figure suddenly rushed in front of Yishi's face



Yishi's head was tilted back, and he received a heavy punch in the face, and his whole body was blown away like a cannonball.


Yishi's whole body was lying on the collapsed ground.

"Cough, cough......"Yi Shi coughed, and drops of blood flew out with the cough. hateful...This damn ninja.

At this moment, Ishiki felt the coming danger. He picked up a stone on the ground and threw it forward.

Afterwards, Yi Shi directly cast Shaoming Vigana on the stone.


The original rubble instantly became the size of a ten-story building!

The huge stone gave Yishi a sense of security, and just when he wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

Across the huge stone, Yishi heard an explosive shout. Voice

"Day tiger!"

Although Hiruta 02 is a move that belongs to Metkai himself, Uchiha Xiao has also suffered several attacks. He is so talented that he quickly mastered Hiruta.


A series of ferocious cracks appeared on the huge boulder.


In an instant, the boulder shattered, and Uchiha Xiao's figure appeared in front of the boulder in one move.

The powerful air flow condensed into a huge tiger head, and the tiger head seemed to have a spirit. His piercing eyes stared at the one move, and Hirutora's The sound is more like its tiger roar!


The air shook with a huge roar, and I was horrified to find that the surrounding space had even begun to distort!

"How can it be......"


It was like a powerful thunder falling on the earth, shaking the air and the ground within a kilometer radius. The powerful impact stirred up smoke and dust into the sky, and the earth cracked crisscrossing ravines.

The smoke and dust were like a huge monster, Walking on the earth


Ishiki jumped out of the smoke screen dragging his scarred body. Ishiki's feet kept jumping back. He wanted to distance himself from Uchiha Xiao as soon as possible!


There was an air explosion, and a black shadow tore a hole in the smoke screen and rushed towards Yi Shi at high speed.

This person was Uchiha Xiao. He made a gesture with his hands, and in an instant, the powerful airflow gathered between his hands again.

"Day tiger!"

Another tiger head condensed on the fists!

There is actually a second shot?! He was shocked immediately after the move.

He thought that Uchiha Xiao would at least have to cool down with this move. Why is it such a powerful technique? It's actually instant?!

Ichiki was very annoyed with Uchiha Xiao's attack. This Uchiha Xiao seemed to know his power and didn't use ninjutsu to attack at all.

Except for Shaoning Vigana and Mahakala Tenzuki, Yishi In addition, there is also a secret technique of absorption, which can directly turn the enemy's ninjutsu into one's own, and even store it in the body.

However, this Uchiha Xiao didn't use ninjutsu, but was like a beast, only targeting him. Carry out the most realistic bites and critical strikes!

Ishiki frowned, and the wounds on his body made him feel pain.

Regarding this, Ishiki also knew that he could no longer hide his clumsiness, otherwise this body would definitely be killed by Uchiha Xiao!

"Wedge-Second form!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The black stripes on Yishi's face began to squirm, and then began to expand rapidly. The entire head was covered with black stripes. At the same time, the top of his head also A strange horn grew out.

Uchiha Xiao was also amused by Ishiki's appearance:"Did you carve a barcode on your face?"

There was no fluctuation in Uchiha Xiao's ridicule. In other words, from the moment he was hit, he had already sentenced Uchiha Xiao to death in his heart!

Since Uchiha Xiao is a dead person, then He won't be angry at Uchiha Xiao's ridicule.

Although Uchiha Xiao just made a mockery, in his heart he was still a little wary of the second form of Ichibo.

After all, in the performance of the plot, the first form In the first form, the strength can compete with Sasuke and Naruto. In the second form, the first form directly crushed Sasuke and Naruto!

So it can be seen that the second form of the first form is the strongest power that the first form can explode!

"Teng! Teng! Teng!"The speed and strength of the first move have also been greatly improved, and bursts of air explosions are aroused in the air when moving.

Uchiha Xiao's Sharingan rotates rapidly. The speed of the first move is certainly impressive, but in Uchiha Xiao's eyes , after all, it’s still a little bit worse.

"Day tiger!!!"

Uchiha Xiao turned into a white meteor and galloped towards Ishiki.

Ishiki frowned, and now he could finally see clearly the speed of Uchiha Xiao who opened the seventh gate.

Ishiki instantly activated his ability


A black cube suddenly appeared in front of me.


Zihu hit this strange cube. In an instant, a circular shock wave was stirred up, and the strong air flow even overturned the earth.

But even so, the cube was not affected by this blow. There were no ripples, and even The ashes did not fall out.

Yishi sneered and said:"This is a hard material from the sky. Do you think you can break it with just your physical body?!"

Hirutora's attack ended, Uchiha Xiao landed on the cube:"It's a good thing, I want it."

With that said, Uchiha Xiao touched the cube:"The Flying Thunder God's Technique!"

Uchiha Xiao directly sent the cube to his palace, and then Uchiha Xiao quickly rushed back

"Thank you for your gift, but it will not affect my determination to kill you."Uchiha Xiao looked at the stunned Ishiki and said calmly.

Ishiki was a little confused. This was the first time in his life that 887 people were snatching his things in front of his eyes.

"Okay, okay, you're fine, Uchiha Xiao......"

Although Yi Shi said this, his tone was extremely sinister.

With a big wave of his hand, in an instant, countless sounds of breaking through the sky resounded.

Uchiha Xiao looked up and saw countless black sticks falling to the ground like rain.

Ishiki looked at these black sticks and secretly activated Shaoming Vigana.

The black sticks instantly became huge!


The huge black rod was directly inserted into the ground.

For a time, the earth was broken and the ravines were deep. Naturally, Uchiha Xiao couldn't resist this attack. His body rolled rapidly, dodging the falling of countless huge black rods.

And Ichiki also He didn't think that such an offensive could kill Uchiha Xiao. He used this move just to buy time for himself. With a thought, the"wedge" mark on his body began to emit a burst of blue light.

The next second, a A black-red vortex appeared in front of him.

This was one of his"wedge" abilities, which led to different spaces everywhere.

Ishiki had no idea of ​​​​escape. First, he really wanted Uchiha Xiao to die. Second, He knew that no matter how hard he hid, the strict state machinery and powerful intelligence network of the Kingdom of Ming would still find him.

So instead of just surviving, it would be better to kill Uchiha Xiao directly.

Thinking like this, Ishiki's whole body Dive into the black and red vortex...

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