With joy, Uchiha Xiao returned to the palace of Ming Ninja Village with a flying thunder god.

"elder brother! you are back!"

Seeing Uchiha Xiao coming back, Reina was the first to rush forward and hugged Uchiha Xiao. Uchiha Xiao touched Reina's head:"Reina misses me so quickly?"

Reina nodded.

In fact, what Uchiha Xiao didn't say, he also missed Rena very much, even if he only left Rena for an hour.

Uchiha Xiao had a gentle face, and he couldn't tell that he just pinched an alien alive. Die.

Tsunade hugged her chest and looked at her husband and daughter.

At this time, Kaguya's voice came over:"Xiao! What's going on with the aura on your body?!"

Uchiha Xiao looked over and saw Kaguya just coming in from the door.

Uchiha Xiao gave Kaguya a smile:"This is what I got today."

Kaguya"Zero Four Seven" felt a very familiar aura on Uchiha Xiao:"This feeling is Otsutsuki Ishiki!"

"You guessed it, he died and I gained his power."Uchiha Xiao told the matter without any concealment.

After all, Rena was also a person who came from the war period, and she had no reaction to the murder of her brother.

Tsunade's mood did not fluctuate much. In her heart, Uchiha Xiao is the strongest, Otsutsuki Ishiki? What a nobody?

And the most shocked one is Kaguya.

Surprise, gratitude, fear...All kinds of emotions were entangled in her heart

"Really, really?......"Kaguya couldn't control her expression, and tears streaked down her cheeks.

Uchiha Xiao stretched out his hand and wiped away the tears on Kaguya's face

"It's true, you don't have to worry or be afraid anymore, that guy can't die anymore."

Kaguya's body suddenly went limp, and then she knelt down on the ground, covering her face and crying bitterly.

Ever since she learned that Ichishi was not dead, Kaguya has been living in fear all day long, even though she is very close to Uchiha Xiao. I feel safe, but most of the time, I am still worried that Yi Shi will fight me.

Now that I know that Yi Shi is dead, I am finally relieved. At the same time, the humiliating scenes from the past also come to mind.

"Sister Kaguya!"Reina immediately ran over and helped Kaguya up.

"Thank you, thank you, Rena-chan."Kaguya wiped her tears and then said:"I'm going to calm down first, excuse me."

Uchiha Xiao didn't speak the whole time. He knew that Kaguya would get better after adjusting her mood.

At this moment, a ninja came to the palace to report

"Mr. Xiao! All the core personnel of the Shell organization have been arrested! There are still some peripheral members fleeing abroad!"

"Thanks for your hard work, the core personnel were all executed after interrogation! Peripheral members should be dealt with according to the law!"Uchiha Xiao said lightly


The current Shell Organization actually doesn't have much strength, otherwise it wouldn't have remained hidden until Boruto. In the plot of Shippuden, the only thing it did was to destroy Kirigakure Village during the Fourth War."Qing" was rescued.

And among the members of the Shell organization, Uchiha Xiao was most interested in Santu Amado.

However, this guy probably only joined the Shell after eight or nine years because of the death of his daughter. Organization.

The current Amado is just a scientist without a reputation.

However, although Amado has no reputation, he is actually a genius scientist whose talent is no less than that of Orochimaru. The scientific ninja tools popular in Boruto are from In the hands of Amado.

Moreover, Amado also cloned and created many clones and artificial people. Even the weakest among them had shadow-level strength. Uchiha Xiao did not want to let go of such a talent..

Thinking of this, Uchiha Xiao asked the ninja:"Is there any news about Santu Amado?"

"some! He joined the Scientific Research Department of Akenonin Village a month ago and is now Lord Orochimaru's right-hand man! Uchiha

Xiao raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, the person he had been thinking about for so long would run to the village and hook up with Orochimaru, another genius scientist.

Uchiha Xiao waved his hand:"Protect him secretly. Don't let him find out, and there's no need to do the rest."

Uchiha Xiao knew that the reason why Amado joined the Shell organization in the future was because his daughter Akabi died of an incurable disease. Amado cloned his daughter, but it was also a failure.

Afterwards, the frustrated Amado was killed Find and promise Amado once and for all. After the great cause is accomplished, he will resurrect his daughter Akado.

Now Uchiha Xiao's idea is to sell it at a price. Now to provide help to Amado, Amado probably won't How grateful I am.

And if Uchiha Xiao waits until Amado's daughter dies and Uchiha Xiao comes forward to resurrect his daughter with the Samsara Eye, then Amado will do his best for Uchiha Xiao. Uchiha Xiao has no regard for this method. Rather than feeling shameless, he felt that this was a supreme gift to Amado. After all, in the plot, his daughter was not resurrected. 0.....(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Amado, what a surprise you gave me."A hoarse voice sounded. Orochimaru was wearing a white coat and couldn't help but admire the uncle in front of him.

At this time, Amado was relatively cheerful because his daughter was alive:"Thank you, Orochimaru-sama, for the compliment. In fact, I also want to thank Uchi. Master Boxiao, without him, I don’t know how long it will take for my research to come out."

Orochimaru held something like a mechanical arm and looked at Amado with a little more appreciation in his eyes.

This mechanical arm is the prototype of a scientific ninja tool. It was Amado's idea for many years, but it suffered from funding and war. , he didn’t even have the chance to turn it into reality.

But now after arriving at the scientific research department of Mingren Village, in just one month, many years of research have been put into prototype. This makes Amado very excited, and at the same time he feels sad in his heart. I am grateful to Uchiha Xiao.

For a genius scientist like him, he doesn’t care much about politics or the country. The unified environment is the best for scientists like him.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Xiao As a ninja, he surprisingly pays great attention to the development of scientific research. In just one year, the science of the entire ninja world has developed explosively. The scientific development in just one year has surpassed the past sixty years!

Amado's face flashed After a moment of loneliness:"It's a pity, the ninja world is now at peace, and this thing is not of much use anymore.

Orochimaru chuckled and said,"Didn't Uchiha Xiao say that to balance the power of civilians and ninjas, this device of yours can weaken the power of ninjas and contribute more to the peace of the ninja world.""

Orochimaru also accepted his fate at this time. His body has been marked with the mark of Uchiha Xiao. Uchiha Xiao can use the flying thunder god to come over at any time, and Uchiha Xiao's strength is so powerful that it is despairing.

So Orochimaru's current thoughts It's very Buddhist. Since you can't struggle or escape, you might as well enjoy it with your eyes closed.

Anyway, there is no difference between him and eternal life now. When he kills Uchiha Xiao, that will be him Orochimaru The world!

Orochimaru thought of this and let out a burst of sinister laughter.

Amado shuddered when he heard this.

Orochimaru is a nice person, but he just feels a bit too gloomy........

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