There is no problem with Jin Shiki's doubts. After all, this is a ruin created by Kaguya. Without Otsutsuki's bloodline, it is impossible to enter.

Madara didn't speak, but still crossed his arms, exuding a domineering aura.

He looked at Jin Shi and thought of what Uchiha Xiao had told him before.

Jinshiki is the weakest among the Otsutsuki trio. In the plot, he was even suppressed by the Five Kages, which shows that Jinshiki's strength is almost at the peak of the Kage level.

Madara, on the other hand, has already surpassed the Kage level, and now that he has obtained the Samsara Eye, his strength has reached a higher level.

So for Jin Shiki, Madara had no fear in his eyes, but only a touch of disdain.

Jinshi was not a fool. He saw the disdain in Madara's eyes and couldn't help but get angry.

Only the Otsutsuki clan has always looked down upon others. How dare you, an earthling, have such eyes?!

Jin Shi's face became gloomy, and a burst of red rings appeared behind him.

"God of Waves!"

Kinshiki stretched his hands back, and then pulled them out. Two weapons with red light appeared in his hands.

Jinshiki looked at Madara and shouted:"I am Otsutsuki Jinshiki, up!"

After saying that, Jin Shi's figure appeared high in the sky in an instant.


The ground was instantly smashed into a small 953 pit. Madara's figure appeared on the side. He held a kunai in his hand and stabbed Jinshi hard.


The ax transformed into red light blocked Madara's attack. With an ax in one hand and a sword in the other, Jinshiki launched a torrential attack on Madara. Madara held a kunai and calmly dodged and blocked Jinshiki's attack.

Don't Jin Shi is physically strong, but his speed is surprisingly good, so he has always been proud of his speed.

But the guy in front of him wearing simple armor is not any slower than him, which makes him lose face..After all, the owner Momoshiki is still watching from above!

"Don't you have any other weapons?"Looking at Madara's small kunai, dissatisfaction flashed in Jinshi's eyes. Madara said lightly:"I'm sorry, I really can't find a smaller weapon than this."

Although Madara's expression was calm, his heart was already filled with joy. At that time, he was ridiculed by Uchiha Xiao like this, and now that he is mocking others with this trick, he felt even more happy!

And Jinshi was not as expected. Enraged, he roared, and purple electricity emitted from his body.

Madara's brows jumped, and he felt a dangerous aura.


Jin Shi's figure suddenly disappeared. No, it should be said that it did not disappear, but the speed reached the extreme!

"God chases!"

Jinshi turned into a purple stream of light and galloped towards Madara.

Knowing that he couldn't dodge this attack, Madara crossed his arms in front of him.


Madara's figure hit the wall hard like a cannonball.

Jinshi pursued the victory, and the purple electric light on his body flashed again.

"God chases!"Jinshi used this move again and rushed towards Madara.

However, this time Jinshi failed. His fist seemed to have touched something very hard.

When the smoke cleared, only Madara's body was flashing blue. The light, wrapped in blue light, two huge ribs protected in front of Madara

"oh?"A trace of surprise flashed in Jin Shi's eyes. He had never seen such a strange technique before.

"Got you!"Madara's Sharingan eyes glowed red, and the chakra on his body began to mobilize rapidly.


A skeletal hand with blue light suddenly appeared from Madara's body and directly grabbed Jin Shiki.


Feeling the intense power on his body, Jinshiki's face turned ugly.

Jinshiki knew that he could no longer underestimate the earthling in front of him!

Just when Madara thought he had a chance to win, he discovered that Susanoo's The skeleton hand was shaking continuously.

In Madara's suspicious eyes, cracks appeared in the hand bones.

Madara's eyes turned from suspicion to horror. He did not feel the fluctuation of chakra, which meant that Jinshi was simply With brute force, he cracked the skeleton's hand!

This strength is so terrifying!

Madara remembered Uchiha Xiao's evaluation of Jinshiki:"Otsutsuki Jinshiki has the ultimate strength and speed, and is a talent in individual arts."


Kinshiki broke free from the skeleton's hand. In an instant, the bone fragments scattered in all directions, making a chilling sound.

At the same time, Jinshiki's fist contained chakra and swung towards Madara.


A gap suddenly exploded on the surface of the volcano. Sand, stones and dust flew up. Two figures sprang out from the smoke. The two figures fought all the way to the ground in mid-air.

Now outside, in a more open area, let their battle It became smoother, and there was no need to be timid.

Momoshiki's figure appeared at a high place, and he watched the battle with interest. He was not angry about Jinshiki's defeat, but was full of interest.

Madara and Jinshiki His fists and feet collided wildly together. If there were any outsiders at this time, they would see the two afterimages colliding, which was very scary.

After fighting for dozens of rounds, Madara found that the big guy in front of him became more and more courageous as he fought. His physical attacks also began to fail.


Madara's figure was knocked away. Seeing Jinshi chasing after the victory and about to hit him with the ax in his hand, Madara's eyes instantly changed color.

"Shinra Tianzheng!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The powerful impact poured into Jinshi's chest, and Jinshi had to take a dozen steps back.

Jinshi took a few breaths and looked into Madara's eyes:"You guy, how can you have such a pair of eyes? Eyes?!"

The expression on Momoshi's face not far away also changed.

Madara said calmly:"My friend gave it to me. Why, do you have any objections? An angry look appeared on Jin

Shi's face:"You inferior creatures, how dare you tarnish the precious Otsutsuki bloodline, you must die!""

A ring of red light appeared behind Jin Shi, and the styles of countless weapons were displayed on the ring.

Jin Shi waved his hand, and all the weapons flew into the air, with their sharp points pointing at Madara.

"Tianyu Yuya!"

"Swish, swish, swish, swish!!!"

The dense weapons pierced the air, making a sharp sound, and hit Madara hard.

Madara saw that a small crater would explode wherever the weapon fell, so naturally he did not dare to lift it up, and rolled on the ground to avoid it. Attacked by intensive weapons.

Just when Madara finally managed to dodge all the weapons, a huge shadow blocked the sunlight.

Madara looked up and saw a ball of red energy glowing on Jinshi's hand. The whole person fell rapidly towards Madara!

"Jia Chui!"

Madara knew he couldn't dodge, so he immediately activated the full Susanoo.

Blue light bloomed, and a giant in armor faced Jinshiki's attack.

A trace of excitement flashed on Jinshiki's face:"Take a bite of me!"


In an instant, a series of ferocious cracks were distributed on the Susanoo. Then, the huge Susanoo shattered directly, and the chakra escaped in the air. In an instant, smoke and dust were carried by the strong wind.

Madara was horrified in his heart. What a terrifying power, but fortunately Susanoo still bought some time for Madara. Madara soared in the air for a while and landed firmly on the ground.

However, the gold-style attack was very tight, and before Madara could make any move, With this movement, Jinshi rushed in front of Madara with the ax in his hand.

The ax struck directly at Madara's whereabouts, and Madara jumped into the air while quickly forming seals with his hands.

"Fire Release-Longyan sings!"

Several hot fire dragons spurted out and headed straight for Jin Shi.

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