
A small black ball emitting light was thrown in front of Jin Shi. Just when Jin Shi was confused, the ground instantly cracked, and countless broken stones poured towards him.

"Earth explodes and stars explode!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Kinshiki had no resistance at all, and his strong body was quickly submerged in the middle of these rocks.

Uchiha Xiao looked at Madara:"Let's go first, that guy Momoshiki will definitely come for him later.."

With that said, Uchiha Xiao took the Earth Explosion Sky Star into the Kamui Space, then grabbed Madara's shoulder and teleported back to the Ming Ninja Village. Looking at

Madara who was injured, Uchiha Xiao said:"Stay there for now. Don't move around here, I'll ask Tsunade to heal you."

Perhaps due to Otsutsuki's special ability, Madara's injury was very slow, so Uchiha Xiao decided to find a professional to treat Madara. Madara was lying on the hospital bed. Although he didn't show it on the surface, his inner feelings for Uchiha Xiao His strength is very enviable, and he actually had to survive under the protection of Uchiha Xiao.

Although he knew very early that his strength was no match for Uchiha Xiao, this situation still made him He felt humiliated and unwilling.

Uchiha Xiao didn't know what he was thinking. After commanding Tsunade, a flying thunder god returned to the battlefield. On the battlefield, Momoshiki's figure had disappeared. It seemed that Momoshiki had disappeared. Shiki is pursuing Jinshiki's aura to the Land of Snow, but this pursuit, Momoshiki is destined to have no results.

Above the moon, a line of smoke suddenly rises.

Under the weak gravity, the rising The smoke and dust did not fall, but dispersed in the universe.

A young man with short light blue hair was covered in surging green light, and the green light ball in his hand condensed into an extra-long lightsaber.

"Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explodes!"

The golden lightsaber emitted a stunning light and swung down hard at the two white figures in front. The two figures flashed instantly, and in the blink of an eye, a deep crack appeared on the surface of the moon.

Countless gravels floated In mid-air.

Toneri frowned. He could feel that the two people in front of him were far stronger than him, but the lessons given to him by his ancestors prevented him from giving up the moon.

So when he saw a foreign enemy invading , Toneri still stepped forward to attack.

Toneri stretched out his hand, and a green ball of light appeared in the palm of his hand.

The light of the ball of light became intense, and then turned into a beam of light and shot towards the two enemies.

Urashiki faced Toneri The man's attack looked relaxed, as if he was not fighting, but playing some game.

Oni Shi's face was as solemn as ever. He condensed a purple thunder and lightning in his hand and fired it rapidly towards Toneri.

Oni Shi's thunder and lightning It was not like the usual thunder and lightning with branches like branches, but straight like a laser.

The speed of the thunder and lightning laser was very fast, and Toneri condensed a light ball into a shield.

However, the next second, the light shield was directly The laser penetrated, and with it, Toneri's body. Toneri covered the wound in surprise. Taking this opportunity, Urashiki also launched an attack.

He picked up the red light fishing rod and quickly attacked Toneri. throw away

"Tensuha Meteor Fate!"

The fishing rod instantly emitted countless fishhooks glowing red, and Toneri summoned several Dao-seeking jade to resist.

However, the number of Dao-seeking jade was too small, and there were still many fishhooks pierced into Toneri's body.

Seeing this, Urashiki sneered from the corner of his mouth:"Tensuha Meteor Fate - Extraction!"

The next second, red threads suddenly grew out of the dozen fishhooks in Toneri's body, and the red threads were directed to Toneri's fishing rod.


Ushiki shouted, and quickly pulled the fishing rod. In an instant, Ushiki pulled the fishhook out of Toneri's body, and the dozens of fishhooks were covered with green light, all of which were Toneri. Chakra!

Toneri suddenly felt that most of the power in his body had disappeared. He knelt on the ground, eyes wide open, and breathed heavily:"This, what kind of method is this?"...."

The green light on the fishhook converged on Urashiki's hand. Urashiki looked at it and sneered:"It is quite a pure power of great (aebg) Tsutsuki, but it is a pity that it is tainted with a bit of the inferior aura of earthlings.

" Then, Ushiki put the green light into the fish basket behind him.

This is the power of Urashiki's weapon. Just flick the hook. Although it cannot deal physical damage, it can draw away the enemy's chakra.

In the plot, even though Sasuke had too much chakra, he was still knocked out by Urashiki's fishhook. One can imagine the power involved.

Toneri has been hit by more than a dozen fishhooks, and even though he has the powerful chakra of the Tsangigan, he is still sluggish.

Urashiki stepped forward and kicked Toneri to the ground. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then Urashiki stepped on Toneri's chest and showed an evil smile:"Bastard, tell me where Otsutsuki Kaguya is."

Toneri heard this and did the same. I was startled, but I didn’t expect that the two people in front of me were looking for Kaguya.

"I am also from the Otsutsuki clan, so there is no need to be so rude."Seren said with some dissatisfaction.

"How dare an impure person like you call yourself Otsutsuki?!"Ushiki stepped on Toneri's feet again and again.

Onishi looked at Toneri and said coldly:"Tell me, I can give you another pleasure."

Toneri fell to the ground. He looked at the blue planet in the distance through the figures of the two Otsutsukis.

"No matter how I tell you, after all, the world created by the Immortal of Six Paths is a world of failure. If you go there, you can just clean up that failed world......."Toneri murmured.

However, at this moment, a portal appeared in the eyes of Urashiki and Onishi, and a thin figure walked out of it.

"Yo, I'm finally back. How's it going? Have you met Kaguya, the traitor?"Ushiki put the fishing rod on his shoulder, looking lazy and leisurely.

Onishi noticed something was wrong. He glanced behind Momoshi:"Where's Jinshiki?"

Momoshi was already in a bad mood. After hearing Onishi's words, her face became even more ugly.

Although Onishi is not a noble, his identity is the bodyguard of the current Otsutsuki clan leader Kamishi, and his strength is also overwhelming. Momoshi and the others were on the same side, so Momoshi didn't dare to lose his temper against Kamishiki. The extremely arrogant Momoshi had rarely been so angry. After calming down the anger in his heart, Momoshi said leisurely:"Kinshiki, he's gone.."

The expressions of the two people changed upon hearing this. Urashiki looked sarcastic:"You were so useless under Kaguya's hands."

Momoshi's face changed when he heard this. He was about to get angry, but he thought of something, and then he suppressed the anger in his heart.

Urashi raised his eyebrows. You know, he and Momoshi have always been No, usually if he utters sarcasm, Momoshiki will definitely retaliate.

Now this extremely arrogant guy actually swallowed his anger, which is very strange.

Momoshiki ignored Urashiki's sarcasm, but faced Onishi, Bowed slightly:

"Please Mr. Ghost Shiki, be sure to rescue Jin Shiki! I can feel that Jin Shi is still alive!"

Although this action does not say how heavy it is, it is already very embarrassing for Taoshi, who is a noble.

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