Are these eyes from the Hyuga clan?

Noticing the white color in Urashiki's eyes, Uchiha Tajima and Senjubutsujian determined that Urashiki was from the Hyuga clan.

Although I don’t know why the Hyuga clan can fly, it’s true that Urashiki interrupted the battle.

"From the Hyuga clan! I remember, this place is not bordered by your tribe!"Uchiha Tajima looked at Urashiki and said coldly.

Senjubutsujian didn't have a good face either. A member of the Hyuga clan came to the handover between Uchiha and Senju clan inexplicably. He didn't believe it if there was no conspiracy..

The two clan leaders stopped the fighting in their hands.

Madara and Hashirama breathed a sigh of relief. Urashiki's appearance prevented the battle that was about to break out.

At this moment, Madara looked at Uchiha on the side in surprise. Xiao:"Xiao, why are you sweating so much?!"

Hashirama also noticed that there was something wrong with Uchiha Xiao. He wanted to express his concern, but the surrounding environment did not allow him to do so.

Uchiha Xiao did not answer Madara's question, and his expression was very unstable.

This person flying in the sky Guy, isn't it Otsutsuki Ura-shiki? How did he end up in this place?!

He 07 clearly remembers that Ura-shiki traveled through time and space to capture tailed beasts. How could he come to a place at the end of the Warring States Period where there were no tailed beasts?!

Dense sweat dripped from his head. Uchiha Xiao's current strength is at the elite Jonin level at most, and Urashiki above him can easily crush a Kage-level existence!

Uchiha Xiao can only pray secretly, hoping that Ushiki will Just passing by here will not kill them all

"Hinata? Don't compare my Otsutsuki bloodline with this inferior family!"Ushiki's face was filled with disdain, and the red fishing rod in his hand shone with a fascinating light.

As he spoke, Ushiki's eyes turned blood red, and the strange red light accompanied by a powerful momentum shocked everyone present.

"Okay, what a powerful momentum!"

"Sharingan?! No, it's not!"

Everyone saw Ura Shiki's eyes, but Ura Shiki's eyes were not Sharingan eyes, but evenly distributed circles.

A legend emerged in the hearts of Uchiha Tajima and Senju Buddha.

Six Paths Sage!

The aura on Ushiki's body was very terrifying. Just by simply feeling it, the two clan leaders instantly concluded that he was no match for this man!

"who are you!"

Everyone looked at Urashiki in the sky. The sarcasm on Urashiki's face remained unabated. He looked at the scared look on the young Uchiha Xiao's face and became even more excited. This arrogant

Uchiha Uchiha Xiao actually has such an expression! It's so exciting!

Feeling Uchiha's hot gaze, Uchiha Xiao instantly understood that his future self must have done something to Uchiha, which allowed Uchiha to travel through time and space. Come here and chase them.

Urashiki’s words confirmed Uchiha Xiao’s thoughts.

"I am Otsutsukiura Shiki! But don't be nervous, I don't want to hurt you bugs."


Ushiki's words were arrogant and deserved a beating. The two clan leaders frowned, and both Izuna and Tobirama were so cruel that their teeth itched. Then, Ushiki picked up the fishing rod and pointed it directly at Uchiha Xiao:"I’m here to capture Uchiha Xiao, and I won’t care about the rest of you."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and looked at Uchiha Xiao.

"Xiao? Why?! I don't allow it!"Madara refused to agree at first, and he immediately shouted at the top of his voice.

Hashirama also looked at Urashiki and said seriously:"I won't let you take him away!"

"Hashirama! Don't be willful!"Thousand-Armed Buddha Jian grabbed Hashirama who was about to run over.

"Father!"Hashirama looked anxious.

However, Senjubujian showed a ferocious smile:"I heard that this child is a rare genius in Uchiha....If this strong man captures that child, the morale of the Uchiha clan will be greatly reduced."

Thousand-Armed Buddha Jian looked at Hashirama with eyes as bright as fire:"By then, it will be possible to destroy the Uchiha clan! Your brother's revenge will also be avenged!"

Listening to his father's words, Hashirama wanted to say something, but thinking of his two younger brothers who died tragically, he swallowed his retort instantly.

Uchiha Tajima naturally disagreed with Urarashi's rude request. How could a genius finally appear in the clan and be handed over like this?

Ura Shiki shook his head helplessly:"It doesn't matter if you don't hand him over, you can kill him here!"

As he said that, the fishing rod in Urashiki's hand was instantly thrown out, and it was thrown towards Uchiha Xiao at an extremely fast speed.

Uchiha Tajima blocked the front, and with a wave of the long knife in his hand, he knocked off the fishhook.

Madara used both hands. After forming a seal, a fireball was spit out from his mouth. Uchiha Xiao on the side also calmed down, and a wind escape was spit out and mixed with the fireball.

"Combined Ninja Technique-Fire Storm!"

There was a look of confidence on Madara's face. This is a powerful joint ninja technique. Even the strongest of the major families would not dare to resist! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, Ura Shiki But he didn't dodge. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Ushiki just stretched out his hand, and all the powerful joint ninja techniques were absorbed by Ushiki.


Such a powerful ninjutsu disappeared in an instant!

Even Senjubutsuma, who was gloating at the misfortune, looked shocked. This kind of method was simply unheard of!

Uchiha Tajima looked solemn, Ura Shiki's method was too much It was weird, so Uchiha Tajima decided to attack first!

Uchiha Tajima's three magatama sharingan began to rotate, the long knife in his hand emitted a sharp light in the sun, and the whole person jumped into the air.

Urashiki raised his eyebrows , Wow, you are so bold

"call out!"

A black stick appeared in Urashiki's hand, and then Ushiha faced Uchiha Tajima with a relaxed expression.


The two weapons collided violently, and a huge force was transmitted to Uchiha Tajima's hand.

What a strong force! Uchiha Tajima was secretly shocked. In desperation, the Sharingan in his eyes began to glow red.

"Sharingan Genjutsu!"

However, after an illusion was thrown away, Ura Shiki's expression did not change at all. The only change was that the feeling of ridicule became more intense!

"My eye power is superior to yours!"Urashiki yelled, and struck Uchiha Tajima's chest with a sharp kick.


Uchiha Tajima's body fell quickly and fell straight into the creek.

"Father! Madara and Izuna were very anxious. Seeing that their father had fallen behind, their hearts suddenly lifted.

Uchiha Tajima stretched out his hand and shouted:"Don't come over!" This guy is very strong!"

Urashiki's figure jumped down and stabbed Uchiha Tajima with the iron rod in his hand. Uchiha Tajima raised his knife to block.

"Ding! Dang!"

The two figures separated, and then quickly collided with each other. Sparks flew everywhere, and the shock wave caused ripples in the stream below.

After more than a dozen rounds, Uchiha Tajima's face was full of shock. Ushiha not only The strength is comparable to the strange power of the Senju clan, and even the speed is very good!

Although he has the excellent dynamic vision brought by the Sharingan, Uchiha Tajima's speed still cannot allow Uchiha Tajima to react.

Uchiha Tajima is retreating steadily. Senju Buddhama retreated to the rear with his two sons with a look of gloating on his face, and watched the battle leisurely.

He wished that this guy with the legendary Samsara Eye would kill all Uchiha Xiao and others, and then Uchiha Not only will the Bo clan's morale plummet, but their strength will also drop by a notch.

Then it will be time for the Thousand Hands clan to rise!

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