Soon, the history of decades later slowly unfolded before their eyes.

The decline of family power, the rise of the Ninja Village, and the peace of the Ninja World....These words filled the minds of these"ancient people".

They did not expect that the development in the next few decades would actually surpass the Warring States Period that lasted for thousands of years.

"Why are you showing us this?"Thousand-armed Buddha opened his eyelids and was wary.

Uchiha Xiao looked at the body in the battle and said lightly:"I just want you to understand that the fight between you is meaningless."After saying that, his clone body disappeared directly.

Uchiha Xiao was right. The so-called family struggle will only be a small fight in the future. The two clan leaders who have seen what will happen in the future also know this.

Qian Tebutuma and Uchiha Tajima looked at each other, and in just a few seconds, they guessed what the other person was thinking.

"Alas, this world is reserved for young people after all."The murderous intention in Senjubujian's heart also dissipated in an instant.

They looked at the battlefield again. At this time, Uchiha Xiao had already gained the upper hand.

Urashiki's face was covered with sweat. He was panting like an ox, and he squeezed the words out of his throat through gritted teeth:"Such a despicable method, no, it's impossible........"

As soon as he finished speaking, countless toxins in his body began to flow around, and Ura Shiki's expression changed. He felt that his internal organs were being attacked. He hadn't felt such pain in thousands of years!

If the people at Otsutsuki knew that Urashiki died of poisoning, it would be embarrassing and embarrassing for Dafa.

For thousands of years, I have never heard of an Otsutsuki being poisoned to death by the natives!

Ushiki waved his hand with difficulty, and the fishing rod trembled with red light.

"Tensuha Meteor Fate!"

Countless red threads bloomed suddenly. They dragged their red tails and hit Uchiha Xiao like a meteor shower.

Looking at the meteors that filled the sky, Uchiha Xiao had a cold look on his face. He said calmly:"Humph, a trapped beast still fights?...."

After saying that, the power in his body began to activate, and with a Shinra Tensei, all the meteors were scattered by Uchiha Xiao.

"hateful......"Urashiki was panting, blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were splitting. He didn't expect that he would be forced to this point.

Uchiha Xiao chuckled:"Aliens' blood is also red, I thought it was green." As he said this, he walked towards Urashiki.

Urashiki no longer had the energy to reply, and could only watch Uchiha Xiao walking over step by step.

Every step he took seemed to have a heavy hammer hitting Ushiki's heart, and Ushiki's fear of death increased by one point.

Uchiha Xiao walked directly in front of Ushiki. He looked at Ushiki's pair of blue reincarnation eyes, and the greed in his heart became more intense. With the time rewinding and the time stop of Yu Zu's life, there will be more explosions. A tremendous strength!


Uchiha Xiao grabbed Urashiki's collar, and he easily lifted Urashiki up. He looked at Urashiki's eyes, and his blood-red Rinne Sharingan began to appear in the shape of a whirlpool.

Hashira Everyone looked at Uchiha Xiao, wondering what Uchiha Xiao was going to do.

Uchiha Tajima looked at Uchiha Xiao's blood-red reincarnation eyes. He swallowed because he felt a very strong feeling from those eyes. The majestic power, and he felt it very absurdly.

His eyes seemed to be afraid!

The same feeling as Uchiha Tajima, Madara and the young Xiao had opened their eyes.

The young Xiao was also a little excited, Unexpectedly, he would have grown to this point in the future.

Uchiha Xiao's eyes glowed red, and the vortex began to spin


However, before Uchiha Xiao finished the spell, Ushiki's whole body suddenly trembled, and then his body turned into countless paper cranes glowing red.

This is also the ability of Urashiki's blue samsara eye. It is a high-level substitute technique. As long as it is activated, you can escape from a certain death situation!

With this technique, Urashiki has escaped from death situations countless times, and it is also one of the secrets of his ability to live for thousands of years. He believes that he can use this technique again to reverse the situation!

However, facing this move, Uchiha Xiao did not find it difficult.

Looking at the scattered red paper cranes, Uchiha Xiao stretched out his hands and slowly said a sentence

"All things Tianyin"

"call out!!!"

The scattered paper cranes suddenly stopped moving forward, and the fluttering wings suddenly stopped.

All the red paper cranes gathered together under the attraction of the sky, and turned into a mass of radiating light. The red light substance lay in the palm of Uchiha Xiao's hand.

The paper cranes flapped their wings crazily. Ushiki did not expect that Uchiha Xiao could catch him with this move!

However, no matter how hard the paper crane struggled, But he still couldn't escape from Uchiha Xiao's grasp.

Uchiha Xiao continued to activate his abilities.

"Earth explodes and stars explode!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The ground cracked, and countless stones gathered, directly sealing Ura Shiki's Thousand Paper Cranes score.

Uchiha Xiao squeezed his open hand tightly, The stones gathered together at an extremely fast speed and finally formed a huge sphere.

The stone ball slowly levitated and finally stayed in mid-air.

"What is this......"Everyone raised their heads in surprise. The big stone ball was suspended in the air. Although it was just a stone, it looked like a god in the sky.

Looking at it makes people lose consciousness and frighten them

"This kind of sealing technique is simply unheard of!"Senju Buddhajian frowned. Their clan has been friends with the Uzumaki clan, which is famous for its sealing techniques.

Senjubutsujian is sure that even the strongest sealing technique user of the Uzumaki clan will never be able to create such a sealing technique!

In everyone's mind, they already thought that Otsutsukiura's defeat was certain.

However, the next second, there was a sudden movement in the originally quiet stone ball.


Everyone looked at the stone ball in surprise. Can such a seal not be able to seal the Otsutsuki 070 Mokura Shiki?!

Uchiha Xiao looked calm, because he just wanted to force out the last bit of Ura Shiki's strength.

If Urashiki just wanted to escape, he might seize the opportunity to use the Noble Phantasm Plow again and travel to an unknown time and space.

In that case, Uchiha Xiao would be in trouble


The huge stone ball made bursts of rumbling sounds, like thunder in the clouds, dull and powerful.

The next second, the originally unbreakable stone ball suddenly began to drop large pieces of gravel.

"Click, click......"

A streak of white stretches out from the stone ball

"This is wings?!"Uchiha Tajima took a closer look and saw the white thing.

It was a huge wing. The wings were extremely white and very holy. It was like a god from the sky descending to the world.

"This momentum is even stronger than before......"Thousand-Armed Buddha murmured, and he felt the aura brought by the wings.

Uchiha Xiao crossed his arms, his expression remained unchanged.


There was a loud noise, and a gap was opened in the stone ball again, and another huge white wing came out of the stone ball.

The next second, the stone ball of the Earth Explosion Star collapsed directly, and countless rubbles were scattered between it. , a huge flash of white came into view.

Two huge white wings were stretched out, and the owner of the wings was naturally Otsutsukiura style.

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